go install -mod=vendor -ldflags="-X github.com/redhat-developer/odo/pkg/version.GITCOMMIT=fc0a40f39" ./cmd/odo/
go install -mod=vendor -ldflags="-X github.com/redhat-developer/odo/pkg/version.GITCOMMIT=fc0a40f39" ./cmd/odo/
GOFLAGS='-mod=vendor' go run -mod=vendor github.com/onsi/ginkgo/ginkgo  -randomizeAllSpecs -slowSpecThreshold=120 -timeout 14400s -nodes=32 tests/integration/devfile/
Running Suite: Devfile Suite
Random Seed: 1654086731 - Will randomize all specs
Will run 147 specs

Running in parallel across 32 nodes

S [SKIPPING] in Spec Setup (BeforeEach) [0.001 seconds]
odo add binding command tests
  when the component is bootstrapped [BeforeEach]
    when adding a binding
      when odo dev is run
        when odo dev command is stopped
          should have successfully delete the binding

          Operators have not been setup on Kubernetes cluster yet. Remove this once the issue has been fixed.


S [SKIPPING] in Spec Setup (BeforeEach) [0.001 seconds]
odo add binding command tests
  when the component is bootstrapped [BeforeEach]
    when adding a binding
      should successfully add binding between component and service in the devfile

      Operators have not been setup on Kubernetes cluster yet. Remove this once the issue has been fixed.


S [SKIPPING] in Spec Setup (BeforeEach) [0.001 seconds]
odo add binding command tests
  when the component is bootstrapped [BeforeEach]
    when adding a binding
      when odo dev is run
        should successfully bind component and service

        Operators have not been setup on Kubernetes cluster yet. Remove this once the issue has been fixed.


• [SLOW TEST:129.523 seconds]
odo dev command tests
  when Create and dev java-springboot component
    should execute default build and run commands correctly

S [SKIPPING] in Spec Setup (BeforeEach) [0.001 seconds]
odo add binding command tests
  when the component is bootstrapped [BeforeEach]
    when no bindable instance is present on the cluster
      should fail to add binding with no bindable instance found error message

      Operators have not been setup on Kubernetes cluster yet. Remove this once the issue has been fixed.


• [SLOW TEST:200.290 seconds]
odo dev command tests
  when running odo dev and single env var is set
    should be able to exec command
• [SLOW TEST:173.464 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests
  when directory is empty
    should error
• [SLOW TEST:169.039 seconds]
odo devfile registry command tests
  when adding a registry
    deleting registry and creating component with registry flag 
• [SLOW TEST:145.988 seconds]
odo devfile init command tests
  when running odo init from a directory with sources
    should not accept --starter flag
• [SLOW TEST:165.185 seconds]
odo list with devfile
  devfile has missing metadata
    when projectType is missing
      should show the language for 'Type' in odo list
• [SLOW TEST:199.756 seconds]
odo delete command tests
  when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components
    when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped
      when the component is deleted using its name and namespace from another directory
        when odo delete command is run again with nothing deployed on the cluster
          should output that there are no resources to be deleted
• [SLOW TEST:188.074 seconds]
odo delete command tests
  when a component is bootstrapped
    when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped
      when the component is deleted using its name and namespace from another directory
        when odo delete command is run again with nothing deployed on the cluster
          should output that there are no resources to be deleted
• [SLOW TEST:184.359 seconds]
odo delete command tests
  when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components
    when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped
      when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml
        should have deleted the component
• [SLOW TEST:260.094 seconds]
odo list with devfile
  devfile has missing metadata
    when projectType and language is missing
      when the component is pushed
        should show 'nodejs' for 'Type' in odo list
• [SLOW TEST:211.667 seconds]
odo delete command tests
  when deleting a component containing preStop event that is deployed with DEV
    should contain preStop events list
• [SLOW TEST:172.074 seconds]
odo devfile registry command tests
  Should fail to delete the registry, when registry is not present
• [SLOW TEST:176.369 seconds]
odo dev command tests
  when running odo dev and multiple env variables are set
    should be able to exec command
• [SLOW TEST:175.688 seconds]
odo devfile init command tests
  when running odo init with a devfile that has a subDir starter project
    should successfully extract the project in the specified subDir path
• [SLOW TEST:174.597 seconds]
odo devfile build-images command tests
  when using a devfile.yaml containing an Image component
    should run odo build-images --push
• [SLOW TEST:176.438 seconds]
odo delete command tests
  when a component is bootstrapped
    when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped
      when the component is deleted using its name and namespace from another directory
        should have deleted the component
• [SLOW TEST:168.514 seconds]
odo devfile init command tests
  when a devfile is provided which has a starter that has its own devfile
    should pass and keep the devfile in starter
• [SLOW TEST:151.279 seconds]
odo devfile registry command tests
  Should list at least one nodejs component from the default registry
• [SLOW TEST:240.293 seconds]
odo dev command tests
  when java-springboot application is created and running odo dev
    when Update the devfile.yaml
      when compare the local and remote files
        localFiles and remoteFiles should match
• [SLOW TEST:236.937 seconds]
odo delete command tests
  when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components
    when component is deployed to the cluster in the namespace set in env.yaml which is not the same as the current active namespace
      when the component is deleted
        should have deleted the component
• [SLOW TEST:157.744 seconds]
odo devfile init command tests
  running odo init with valid flags
    when using --devfile-path flag with a URL
      should copy the devfile.yaml file
• [SLOW TEST:174.734 seconds]
odo devfile registry command tests
  when adding a registry
    should fail, when adding same registry
• [SLOW TEST:182.814 seconds]
odo dev command tests
  when a component is bootstrapped and pushed
    should use the index information from previous push operation
• [SLOW TEST:186.388 seconds]
odo dev command tests
  when a component is bootstrapped and pushed
    when odo dev is executed and Ephemeral is set to false
      should have created resources
• [SLOW TEST:173.390 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests
  when using a devfile.yaml containing a deploy command
    when running odo deploy
      when deleting previous deployment and switching kubeconfig to another namespace
        should run odo deploy on initial namespace

• [SLOW TEST:190.064 seconds]
odo dev command tests
  when a component is bootstrapped and pushed
    should show validation errors if the devfile is incorrect

• [SLOW TEST:179.498 seconds]
odo delete command tests
  when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components
    when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped
      when the component is deleted using its name and namespace from another directory
        should have deleted the component

• [SLOW TEST:175.539 seconds]
odo dev command tests
  when setting git config and running odo dev
    should create vcs-uri annotation for the deployment when running odo dev
• [SLOW TEST:184.766 seconds]
odo dev command tests
  port-forwarding for the component
    when devfile has multiple endpoints
      should expose two endpoints on localhost

• [SLOW TEST:191.051 seconds]
odo dev command tests
  when devfile has sourcemappings and running odo dev
    should sync files to the correct location

• [SLOW TEST:185.900 seconds]
odo dev command tests
  when node-js application is created and deployed with devfile schema 2.2.0
    should check cpuLimit, cpuRequests, memoryRequests
• [SLOW TEST:218.684 seconds]
odo list with devfile
  devfile has missing metadata
    when projectType is missing
      when the component is pushed in dev mode
        should show the language for 'Type' in odo list

• Failure in Spec Setup (BeforeEach) [380.776 seconds]
odo dev command tests
  when running odo dev and devfile with composite command
    should execute all commands in composite commmand [BeforeEach]

    Timed out after 360.001s.
        <string>:   __
         /  \__     Developing using the nodejs Devfile
         \__/  \    Namespace: cmd-dev-test933aqt
         /  \__/    odo version: v3.0.0-alpha2
        ↪ Deploying to the cluster in developer mode
         •  Waiting for Kubernetes resources  ...
         ✗  Waiting for Kubernetes resources [49s]
        Cleaning resources, please wait
        Failed to delete the "Deployment" resource: nodejs-app
    to contain substring
        <string>: Press Ctrl+c to exit `odo dev` and delete resources from the cluster


Summarizing 1 Failure:

[Fail] odo dev command tests when running odo dev and devfile with composite command [BeforeEach] should execute all commands in composite commmand 

Ran 143 of 147 Specs in 521.580 seconds
FAIL! -- 142 Passed | 1 Failed | 0 Pending | 4 Skipped

Ginkgo ran 1 suite in 9m28.742445231s
Test Suite Failed
exit status 1
make: *** [Makefile:271: test-integration-devfile] Error 1