go install -mod=vendor -ldflags="-X github.com/redhat-developer/odo/pkg/version.GITCOMMIT=3187b1c3b" ./cmd/odo/ GOFLAGS='-mod=vendor' go run -mod=vendor github.com/onsi/ginkgo/ginkgo -randomizeAllSpecs -slowSpecThreshold=120 -timeout 14400s -nodes=16 tests/integration/devfile/ [16] Running Suite: Devfile Suite [16] ============================ [16] Random Seed: [1m1656662109[0m - Will randomize all specs [16] Parallel test node [1m16[0m/[1m16[0m. [16] [12] Running Suite: Devfile Suite [12] ============================ [12] Random Seed: [1m1656662109[0m - Will randomize all specs [12] Parallel test node [1m12[0m/[1m16[0m. [12] [8] Running Suite: Devfile Suite [8] ============================ [8] Random Seed: [1m1656662109[0m - Will randomize all specs [8] Parallel test node [1m8[0m/[1m16[0m. [8] [2] Running Suite: Devfile Suite [2] ============================ [2] Random Seed: [1m1656662109[0m - Will randomize all specs [2] Parallel test node [1m2[0m/[1m16[0m. [2] [9] Running Suite: Devfile Suite [9] ============================ [9] Random Seed: [1m1656662109[0m - Will randomize all specs [9] Parallel test node [1m9[0m/[1m16[0m. [9] [7] Running Suite: Devfile Suite [7] ============================ [7] Random Seed: [1m1656662109[0m - Will randomize all specs [7] Parallel test node [1m7[0m/[1m16[0m. [7] [11] Running Suite: Devfile Suite [11] ============================ [11] Random Seed: [1m1656662109[0m - Will randomize all specs [11] Parallel test node [1m11[0m/[1m16[0m. [11] [15] Running Suite: Devfile Suite [15] ============================ [15] Random Seed: [1m1656662109[0m - Will randomize all specs [15] Parallel test node [1m15[0m/[1m16[0m. [15] [13] Running Suite: Devfile Suite [13] ============================ [13] Random Seed: [1m1656662109[0m - Will randomize all specs [13] Parallel test node [1m13[0m/[1m16[0m. [13] [6] Running Suite: Devfile Suite [6] ============================ [6] Random Seed: [1m1656662109[0m - Will randomize all specs [6] Parallel test node [1m6[0m/[1m16[0m. [6] [4] Running Suite: Devfile Suite [4] ============================ [4] Random Seed: [1m1656662109[0m - Will randomize all specs [4] Parallel test node [1m4[0m/[1m16[0m. [4] [14] Running Suite: Devfile Suite [14] ============================ [14] Random Seed: [1m1656662109[0m - Will randomize all specs [14] Parallel test node [1m14[0m/[1m16[0m. [14] [3] Running Suite: Devfile Suite [3] ============================ [3] Random Seed: [1m1656662109[0m - Will randomize all specs [3] Parallel test node [1m3[0m/[1m16[0m. [3] [10] Running Suite: Devfile Suite [10] ============================ [10] Random Seed: [1m1656662109[0m - Will randomize all specs [10] Parallel test node [1m10[0m/[1m16[0m. [10] [5] Running Suite: Devfile Suite [5] ============================ [5] Random Seed: [1m1656662109[0m - Will randomize all specs [5] Parallel test node [1m5[0m/[1m16[0m. [5] [1] Running Suite: Devfile Suite [1] ============================ [1] Random Seed: [1m1656662109[0m - Will randomize all specs [1] Parallel test node [1m1[0m/[1m16[0m. [1] [14] [32m+[0m[32m+[0m [14] [90m------------------------------[0m [14] [36m[1mS [SKIPPING] in Spec Setup (BeforeEach) [1.205 seconds][0m [14] odo dev command tests [14] [90mC:/Users/Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS/1331/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_dev_test.go:28[0m [14] using Kubernetes cluster [14] [90mC:/Users/Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS/1331/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_dev_test.go:1753[0m [14] [36m[1mshould run odo dev successfully on default namespace [BeforeEach][0m [14] [90mC:/Users/Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS/1331/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_dev_test.go:1760[0m [14] [14] [36mThis is a Kubernetes specific scenario, skipping[0m [14] [14] C:/Users/Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS/1331/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_dev_test.go:1756 [14] [90m------------------------------[0m [16] [32m+[0m [16] [90m------------------------------[0m [16] [32m+ [SLOW TEST:135.351 seconds][0m [16] odo dev command tests [16] [90mC:/Users/Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS/1331/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_dev_test.go:28[0m [16] when Starting a PostgreSQL service [16] [90mC:/Users/Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS/1331/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_dev_test.go:664[0m [16] when creating local files and dir and running odo dev [16] [90mC:/Users/Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS/1331/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_dev_test.go:680[0m [16] when deleting local files and dir and waiting for sync [16] [90mC:/Users/Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS/1331/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_dev_test.go:714[0m [16] should not list deleted dir and file in container [16] [90mC:/Users/Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS/1331/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_dev_test.go:722[0m [16] [90m------------------------------[0m [13] [32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m [13] [90m------------------------------[0m [13] [91m[1m+ Failure in Spec Setup (BeforeEach) [5.580 seconds][0m [13] odo devfile init command tests [13] [90mC:/Users/Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS/1331/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_devfile_init_test.go:19[0m [13] when recording telemetry data [13] [90mC:/Users/Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS/1331/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_devfile_init_test.go:323[0m [13] [91m[1mshould record the telemetry data correctly [BeforeEach][0m [13] [90mC:/Users/Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS/1331/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_devfile_init_test.go:331[0m [13] [13] [91mNo future change is possible. Bailing out early after 2.537s. [13] Running odo.exe with args [odo init --name aname --devfile go] [13] Expected [13] : 1 [13] to match exit code: [13] : 0[0m [13] [13] C:/Users/Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS/1331/tests/helper/helper_cmd_wrapper.go:100 [13] [90m------------------------------[0m [13] Created dir: C:\Users\Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS\AppData\Local\Temp\1533682766 [13] Created dir: C:\Users\Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS\AppData\Local\Temp\1034087836 [13] Setting KUBECONFIG=C:\Users\Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS\AppData\Local\Temp\1034087836\config [13] Creating a new project: cmd-devfile-init-test331glf [13] Running odo.exe with args [odo project create cmd-devfile-init-test331glf -w -v4] [13] [odo] I0701 02:59:26.619477 4768 implem.go:106] The path for preference file is C:\Users\Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS\.odo\preference.yaml [13] [odo] I0701 02:59:26.619690 4768 runnable.go:74] Skipping telemetry question because there is no terminal (tty) [13] [odo] I0701 02:59:26.619690 4768 segment.go:257] Checking telemetry enable status [13] [odo] I0701 02:59:26.619690 4768 segment.go:262] Sending telemetry disabled by ODO_DISABLE_TELEMETRY=true [13] [odo] I0701 02:59:26.622728 4768 util.go:188] path C:\Users\Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS\1331\tests\integration\devfile\devfile.yaml doesn't exist, skipping it [13] [odo] I0701 02:59:26.622834 4768 util.go:188] path C:\Users\Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS\1331\tests\integration\devfile\.devfile.yaml doesn't exist, skipping it [13] [odo] - Waiting for project to come up ... [13] [odo] I0701 02:59:26.676318 4768 kclient.go:198] Checking if "projects" resource is supported [13] [odo] I0701 02:59:28.603755 4768 projects.go:195] Status of creation of project cmd-devfile-init-test331glf is Active [13] [odo] I0701 02:59:28.603755 4768 projects.go:200] Project cmd-devfile-init-test331glf now exists [13] [odo] I0701 02:59:28.612149 4768 namespace.go:192] Status of creation of service account &ServiceAccount{ObjectMeta:{default cmd-devfile-init-test331glf 9adce43c-b5a3-4f48-91c0-2d6c55aa843f 116063175 0 2022-07-01 02:59:26 -0500 CDT map[] map[] [] [] []},Secrets:[]ObjectReference{ObjectReference{Kind:,Namespace:,Name:default-token-5gqlp,UID:,APIVersion:,ResourceVersion:,FieldPath:,},ObjectReference{Kind:,Namespace:,Name:default-dockercfg-bh7d8,UID:,APIVersion:,ResourceVersion:,FieldPath:,},},ImagePullSecrets:[]LocalObjectReference{LocalObjectReference{Name:default-dockercfg-bh7d8,},},AutomountServiceAccountToken:nil,} is ready [13] [odo] I0701 02:59:28.613444 4768 odo.go:75] Could not get the latest release information in time. Never mind, exiting gracefully :) [13] [odo] V Waiting for project to come up [2s] [13] [odo] V Project "cmd-devfile-init-test331glf" is ready for use [13] [odo] V New project created and now using project: cmd-devfile-init-test331glf [13] Running oc.exe with args [oc create configmap config-map-for-cleanup --from-literal type=testing --from-literal team=odo -n cmd-devfile-init-test331glf] [13] [oc] configmap/config-map-for-cleanup created [13] Current working dir: C:\Users\Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS\1331\tests\integration\devfile [13] Running odo.exe with args [odo preference remove registry DefaultDevfileRegistry -f] [13] [odo] I0701 02:59:28.987966 1176 implem.go:106] The path for preference file is C:\Users\Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS\AppData\Local\Temp\1034087836\preference.yaml [13] [odo] Successfully removed registry [13] [odo] I0701 02:59:28.988545 1176 odo.go:75] Could not get the latest release information in time. Never mind, exiting gracefully :) [13] Running odo.exe with args [odo preference add registry DefaultDevfileRegistry https://registry.stage.devfile.io] [13] [odo] I0701 02:59:29.129952 1880 implem.go:106] The path for preference file is C:\Users\Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS\AppData\Local\Temp\1034087836\preference.yaml [13] [odo] New registry successfully added [13] [odo] I0701 02:59:29.129952 1880 odo.go:75] Could not get the latest release information in time. Never mind, exiting gracefully :) [13] Setting current dir to: C:\Users\Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS\AppData\Local\Temp\1533682766 [13] Running odo.exe with args [odo init --name aname --devfile go] [13] [odo] I0701 02:59:29.289300 3504 implem.go:106] The path for preference file is C:\Users\Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS\AppData\Local\Temp\1034087836\preference.yaml [13] [odo] I0701 02:59:29.289300 3504 implem.go:106] The path for preference file is C:\Users\Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS\AppData\Local\Temp\1034087836\preference.yaml [13] [odo] I0701 02:59:29.289300 3504 segment.go:257] Checking telemetry enable status [13] [odo] __ [13] [odo] / \__ Initializing new component [13] [odo] \__/ \ [13] [odo] / \__/ odo version: v3.0.0-beta1 [13] [odo] \__/ [13] [odo] [13] [odo] Interactive mode enabled, please answer the following questions: [13] [odo] - Downloading devfile "go" ... [13] [odo] X Downloading devfile "go" [1s] [13] [odo] X unable to download devfile: unable to find the registry with name "go" [13] [odo] the command failed, the devfile has been removed from current directory [13] Deleting project: cmd-devfile-init-test331glf [13] Running odo.exe with args [odo project delete cmd-devfile-init-test331glf -f --wait=false] [13] [odo] I0701 02:59:31.825030 2572 util.go:188] path C:\Users\Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS\AppData\Local\Temp\1533682766\devfile.yaml doesn't exist, skipping it [13] [odo] I0701 02:59:31.825240 2572 util.go:188] path C:\Users\Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS\AppData\Local\Temp\1533682766\.devfile.yaml doesn't exist, skipping it [13] [odo] I0701 02:59:31.901080 2572 kclient.go:198] Checking if "projects" resource is supported [13] [odo] I0701 02:59:31.992732 2572 kclient.go:198] Checking if "projects" resource is supported [13] [odo] V Deleted project : cmd-devfile-init-test331glf [13] [odo] ! Warning! Projects are asynchronously deleted from the cluster. odo does its best to delete the project. Due to multi-tenant clusters, the project may still exist on a different node. [13] [odo] I0701 02:59:32.062048 2572 odo.go:75] Could not get the latest release information in time. Never mind, exiting gracefully :) [13] Setting current dir to: C:\Users\Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS\1331\tests\integration\devfile [13] Deleting dir: C:\Users\Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS\AppData\Local\Temp\1533682766 [13] Deleting dir: C:\Users\Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS\AppData\Local\Temp\1034087836 [7] [32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m [7] [1m[32mRan 11 of 11 Specs in 378.415 seconds[0m [7] [1m[32mSUCCESS![0m -- [32m[1m11 Passed[0m | [91m[1m0 Failed[0m | [33m[1m0 Pending[0m | [36m[1m0 Skipped[0m [7] PASS [3] [32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m [3] [1m[32mRan 12 of 12 Specs in 385.115 seconds[0m [3] [1m[32mSUCCESS![0m -- [32m[1m12 Passed[0m | [91m[1m0 Failed[0m | [33m[1m0 Pending[0m | [36m[1m0 Skipped[0m [3] PASS [6] [32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m [6] [1m[32mRan 13 of 13 Specs in 388.766 seconds[0m [6] [1m[32mSUCCESS![0m -- [32m[1m13 Passed[0m | [91m[1m0 Failed[0m | [33m[1m0 Pending[0m | [36m[1m0 Skipped[0m [6] PASS [15] [32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m [15] [1m[32mRan 9 of 9 Specs in 390.699 seconds[0m [15] [1m[32mSUCCESS![0m -- [32m[1m9 Passed[0m | [91m[1m0 Failed[0m | [33m[1m0 Pending[0m | [36m[1m0 Skipped[0m [15] PASS [11] [32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m [11] [1m[32mRan 10 of 10 Specs in 396.842 seconds[0m [11] [1m[32mSUCCESS![0m -- [32m[1m10 Passed[0m | [91m[1m0 Failed[0m | [33m[1m0 Pending[0m | [36m[1m0 Skipped[0m [11] PASS [1] [32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m [1] [1m[32mRan 9 of 9 Specs in 395.991 seconds[0m [1] [1m[32mSUCCESS![0m -- [32m[1m9 Passed[0m | [91m[1m0 Failed[0m | [33m[1m0 Pending[0m | [36m[1m0 Skipped[0m [1] PASS [14] [32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m [14] [1m[32mRan 6 of 7 Specs in 399.799 seconds[0m [14] [1m[32mSUCCESS![0m -- [32m[1m6 Passed[0m | [91m[1m0 Failed[0m | [33m[1m0 Pending[0m | [36m[1m1 Skipped[0m [14] PASS [4] [32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m [4] [1m[32mRan 16 of 16 Specs in 405.308 seconds[0m [4] [1m[32mSUCCESS![0m -- [32m[1m16 Passed[0m | [91m[1m0 Failed[0m | [33m[1m0 Pending[0m | [36m[1m0 Skipped[0m [4] PASS [2] [32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m [2] [1m[32mRan 10 of 10 Specs in 415.470 seconds[0m [2] [1m[32mSUCCESS![0m -- [32m[1m10 Passed[0m | [91m[1m0 Failed[0m | [33m[1m0 Pending[0m | [36m[1m0 Skipped[0m [2] PASS [16] [32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m [16] [1m[32mRan 9 of 9 Specs in 427.454 seconds[0m [16] [1m[32mSUCCESS![0m -- [32m[1m9 Passed[0m | [91m[1m0 Failed[0m | [33m[1m0 Pending[0m | [36m[1m0 Skipped[0m [16] PASS [13] [32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m [13] [13] [91m[1mSummarizing 1 Failure:[0m [13] [13] [91m[1m[Fail] [0m[90modo devfile init command tests [0m[0mwhen recording telemetry data [0m[91m[1m[BeforeEach] should record the telemetry data correctly [0m [13] [37mC:/Users/Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS/1331/tests/helper/helper_cmd_wrapper.go:100[0m [13] [13] [1m[91mRan 13 of 13 Specs in 425.240 seconds[0m [13] [1m[91mFAIL![0m -- [32m[1m12 Passed[0m | [91m[1m1 Failed[0m | [33m[1m0 Pending[0m | [36m[1m0 Skipped[0m [13] --- FAIL: TestDevfiles (426.75s) [13] FAIL [5] [32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m [5] [1m[32mRan 18 of 18 Specs in 429.992 seconds[0m [5] [1m[32mSUCCESS![0m -- [32m[1m18 Passed[0m | [91m[1m0 Failed[0m | [33m[1m0 Pending[0m | [36m[1m0 Skipped[0m [5] PASS [8] [32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m [8] [90m------------------------------[0m [8] [32m+ [SLOW TEST:141.200 seconds][0m [8] odo dev command tests [8] [90mC:/Users/Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS/1331/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_dev_test.go:28[0m [8] when java-springboot application is created and running odo dev [8] [90mC:/Users/Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS/1331/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_dev_test.go:1582[0m [8] when Update the devfile.yaml [8] [90mC:/Users/Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS/1331/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_dev_test.go:1596[0m [8] when compare the local and remote files [8] [90mC:/Users/Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS/1331/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_dev_test.go:1611[0m [8] localFiles and remoteFiles should match [8] [90mC:/Users/Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS/1331/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_dev_test.go:1656[0m [8] [90m------------------------------[0m [8] [8] [1m[32mRan 11 of 11 Specs in 439.879 seconds[0m [8] [1m[32mSUCCESS![0m -- [32m[1m11 Passed[0m | [91m[1m0 Failed[0m | [33m[1m0 Pending[0m | [36m[1m0 Skipped[0m [8] PASS [9] [32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m [9] [1m[32mRan 8 of 8 Specs in 486.391 seconds[0m [9] [1m[32mSUCCESS![0m -- [32m[1m8 Passed[0m | [91m[1m0 Failed[0m | [33m[1m0 Pending[0m | [36m[1m0 Skipped[0m [9] PASS [10] [32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m [10] [90m------------------------------[0m [10] [32m+ [SLOW TEST:162.437 seconds][0m [10] odo dev command tests [10] [90mC:/Users/Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS/1331/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_dev_test.go:28[0m [10] when java-springboot application is created and running odo dev [10] [90mC:/Users/Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS/1331/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_dev_test.go:1582[0m [10] when Update the devfile.yaml [10] [90mC:/Users/Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS/1331/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_dev_test.go:1596[0m [10] Should build the application successfully [10] [90mC:/Users/Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS/1331/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_dev_test.go:1605[0m [10] [90m------------------------------[0m [10] [10] [1m[32mRan 11 of 11 Specs in 486.275 seconds[0m [10] [1m[32mSUCCESS![0m -- [32m[1m11 Passed[0m | [91m[1m0 Failed[0m | [33m[1m0 Pending[0m | [36m[1m0 Skipped[0m [10] PASS [12] [32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m[32m+[0m [12] [90m------------------------------[0m [12] [32m+ [SLOW TEST:137.443 seconds][0m [12] odo list with devfile [12] [90mC:/Users/Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS/1331/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_devfile_list_test.go:15[0m [12] devfile has missing metadata [12] [90mC:/Users/Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS/1331/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_devfile_list_test.go:91[0m [12] when projectType is missing [12] [90mC:/Users/Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS/1331/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_devfile_list_test.go:115[0m [12] when the component is pushed in dev mode [12] [90mC:/Users/Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS/1331/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_devfile_list_test.go:125[0m [12] should show the language for 'Type' in odo list [12] [90mC:/Users/Administrator.ANSIBLE-TEST-VS/1331/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_devfile_list_test.go:137[0m [12] [90m------------------------------[0m [12] [12] [1m[32mRan 18 of 18 Specs in 494.237 seconds[0m [12] [1m[32mSUCCESS![0m -- [32m[1m18 Passed[0m | [91m[1m0 Failed[0m | [33m[1m0 Pending[0m | [36m[1m0 Skipped[0m [12] PASS Ginkgo ran 1 suite in 8m52.0364828s Test Suite Failed