Using Devfile proxy: go install -mod=vendor -ldflags="-X" ./cmd/odo/ go run -mod=vendor --randomize-all --slow-spec-threshold=120s -timeout 14400s --no-color -nodes=32 tests/integration Running Suite: Integration Suite - /go/odo_1/tests/integration ============================================================== Random Seed: 1660062011 - will randomize all specs Will run 282 of 282 specs Running in parallel across 32 processes •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [136.320 seconds] odo dev debug command tests when running build and debug commands as composite in different containers and a shared volume should run successfully /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_debug_test.go:147 ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [132.959 seconds] odo dev command tests when running odo dev with alternative commands should execute the custom non-default build and run commands successfully /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1648 ------------------------------ ••• ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [144.842 seconds] odo dev command tests when adding local files to gitignore and running odo dev when modifying /testdir/baz.txt file should synchronize it only /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:884 ------------------------------ •••• ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [139.423 seconds] odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped and pushed ensure that index information is updated /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:85 ------------------------------ ••••••••••••••••• ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [194.053 seconds] odo describe/list binding command tests when creating a component with a binding as environment variables (service in namespace "binding-kbf") when Starting a Pg service when running dev session should describe the binding /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_describe_list_binding_test.go:535 ------------------------------ ••••• ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [196.999 seconds] odo describe/list binding command tests when creating a component with a spec binding (service in namespace "binding-nya") when Starting a Pg service when running dev session should describe the binding /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_describe_list_binding_test.go:535 ------------------------------ •••••• ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [146.427 seconds] odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should have deleted the component /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_delete_test.go:143 ------------------------------ ••••• ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [173.419 seconds] odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped when the component is deleted using its name and namespace from another directory when odo delete command is run again with nothing deployed on the cluster should output that there are no resources to be deleted /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_delete_test.go:130 ------------------------------ •• ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [126.036 seconds] odo logs command tests when component is created and odo logs is executed when running in both Dev and Deploy mode when --follow flag is specified should successfully follow logs of running component /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_logs_test.go:216 ------------------------------ •••••••• ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [231.354 seconds] odo describe/list binding command tests when creating a component with a binding as files (service in namespace "") when Starting a Pg service when running dev session should describe the binding /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_describe_list_binding_test.go:535 ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [176.989 seconds] odo logs command tests when component is created and odo logs is executed when running in Dev mode should successfully show logs of the running component /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_logs_test.go:90 ------------------------------ ••• ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [255.656 seconds] odo describe/list binding command tests when creating a component with a binding as files (service in namespace "binding-cjd") when Starting a Pg service when running dev session should describe the binding /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_describe_list_binding_test.go:535 ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [143.163 seconds] odo list with devfile when a component created in 'app' application show an odo deploy or dev in the list /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_list_test.go:52 ------------------------------ ••••••••••• ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [202.792 seconds] odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml when odo delete command is run again with nothing deployed on the cluster should output that there are no resources to be deleted /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_delete_test.go:164 ------------------------------ ••••• ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [126.041 seconds] odo describe/list binding command tests when creating a component with a spec binding (service in namespace "") when Starting a Pg service when running dev session should describe the binding /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_describe_list_binding_test.go:535 ------------------------------ •• ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [199.477 seconds] odo add binding command tests when the component is bootstrapped when adding a binding (current namespace) when odo dev is run should successfully bind component and service /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_add_binding_test.go:253 ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [209.627 seconds] odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped when the component is deleted using its name and namespace from another directory should have deleted the component /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_delete_test.go:114 ------------------------------ S [SKIPPED] [6.711 seconds] odo dev command tests /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:27 using Kubernetes cluster [BeforeEach] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1851 should run odo dev successfully on default namespace /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1857 Begin Captured GinkgoWriter Output >> Created dir: /tmp/2367722824 Created dir: /tmp/1404996690 Setting KUBECONFIG=/tmp/1404996690/config Creating a new project: cmd-dev-test1857pzt Running odo with args [odo create project cmd-dev-test1857pzt -w -v4] [odo] I0809 16:26:49.582780 22056 implem.go:106] The path for preference file is /home/tester/.odo/preference.yaml [odo] I0809 16:26:49.583471 22056 util.go:733] HTTPGetRequest: [odo] I0809 16:26:49.584503 22056 runnable.go:74] Skipping telemetry question because there is no terminal (tty) [odo] I0809 16:26:49.584672 22056 segment.go:257] Checking telemetry enable status [odo] I0809 16:26:49.584697 22056 segment.go:262] Sending telemetry disabled by ODO_DISABLE_TELEMETRY=true [odo] I0809 16:26:49.585069 22056 util.go:754] Response will be cached in /tmp/odohttpcache for 1h0m0s [odo] I0809 16:26:49.586254 22056 util.go:767] Cached response used. [odo] I0809 16:26:49.591596 22056 util.go:188] path /go/odo_1/tests/integration/devfile.yaml doesn't exist, skipping it [odo] I0809 16:26:49.591671 22056 util.go:188] path /go/odo_1/tests/integration/.devfile.yaml doesn't exist, skipping it [odo] • Waiting for project to come up ... [odo] I0809 16:26:49.797647 22056 kclient.go:207] Checking if "projects" resource is supported [odo] I0809 16:26:50.157181 22056 projects.go:195] Status of creation of project cmd-dev-test1857pzt is Active [odo] I0809 16:26:50.157209 22056 projects.go:200] Project cmd-dev-test1857pzt now exists [odo] I0809 16:26:50.161801 22056 namespace.go:192] Status of creation of service account &ServiceAccount{ObjectMeta:{default cmd-dev-test1857pzt 9ef0a8d5-cf67-4292-b1e9-539ee1eed746 168664242 0 2022-08-09 16:26:49 +0000 UTC map[] map[] [] [] []},Secrets:[]ObjectReference{ObjectReference{Kind:,Namespace:,Name:default-token-qlnhm,UID:,APIVersion:,ResourceVersion:,FieldPath:,},},ImagePullSecrets:[]LocalObjectReference{},AutomountServiceAccountToken:nil,} is ready [odo] ✓ Waiting for project to come up [364ms] [odo] ✓ Project "cmd-dev-test1857pzt" is ready for use [odo] ✓ New project created and now using project: cmd-dev-test1857pzt [odo] I0809 16:26:50.171535 22056 odo.go:75] Could not get the latest release information in time. Never mind, exiting gracefully :) Running oc with args [oc create configmap config-map-for-cleanup --from-literal type=testing --from-literal team=odo -n cmd-dev-test1857pzt] [oc] configmap/config-map-for-cleanup created Current working dir: /go/odo_1/tests/integration Running odo with args [odo preference remove registry DefaultDevfileRegistry -f] [odo] I0809 16:26:52.423457 22144 implem.go:106] The path for preference file is /tmp/1404996690/preference.yaml [odo] Successfully removed registry [odo] I0809 16:26:52.425658 22144 odo.go:75] Could not get the latest release information in time. Never mind, exiting gracefully :) Running odo with args [odo preference add registry DefaultDevfileRegistry] [odo] I0809 16:26:54.174472 22181 implem.go:106] The path for preference file is /tmp/1404996690/preference.yaml [odo] New registry successfully added [odo] I0809 16:26:54.178947 22181 odo.go:75] Could not get the latest release information in time. Never mind, exiting gracefully :) Setting current dir to: /tmp/2367722824 Deleting project: cmd-dev-test1857pzt Running odo with args [odo delete project cmd-dev-test1857pzt -f --wait=false] [odo] I0809 16:26:55.470494 22246 util.go:767] Cached response used. [odo] I0809 16:26:55.475655 22246 util.go:188] path /tmp/2367722824/devfile.yaml doesn't exist, skipping it [odo] I0809 16:26:55.475721 22246 util.go:188] path /tmp/2367722824/.devfile.yaml doesn't exist, skipping it [odo] I0809 16:26:55.651714 22246 kclient.go:207] Checking if "projects" resource is supported [odo] I0809 16:26:55.727479 22246 odo.go:75] Could not get the latest release information in time. Never mind, exiting gracefully :) [odo] ✓ Project "cmd-dev-test1857pzt" deleted Setting current dir to: /go/odo_1/tests/integration Deleting dir: /tmp/2367722824 Deleting dir: /tmp/1404996690 << End Captured GinkgoWriter Output This is a Kubernetes specific scenario, skipping In [BeforeEach] at: /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1853 ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [179.253 seconds] odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has single endpoint when running odo dev when modifying memoryLimit for container in Devfile should expose the endpoint on localhost /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:434 ------------------------------ •••••••••••••• ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [251.709 seconds] odo logs command tests when component is created and odo logs is executed when running in both Dev and Deploy mode should successfully show logs of the running component /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_logs_test.go:188 ------------------------------ • ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [131.439 seconds] odo dev debug command tests when a composite command is used as debug command should run successfully /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_debug_test.go:78 ------------------------------ •••••••••• ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [239.408 seconds] odo dev command tests when java-springboot application is created and running odo dev when Update the devfile.yaml Should build the application successfully /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1702 ------------------------------ ••••••• ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [136.498 seconds] odo dev command tests when Starting a PostgreSQL service when creating local files and dir and running odo dev should correctly propagate changes to the container /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:802 ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [120.812 seconds] odo dev command tests when running odo dev and composite command is used as a run command should run successfully /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1268 ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [280.015 seconds] odo describe/list binding command tests when creating a component with a binding as environment variables (service in namespace "") when Starting a Pg service when running dev session should list the binding /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_describe_list_binding_test.go:564 ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [178.139 seconds] odo describe/list binding command tests when creating a component with a spec binding (service in namespace "binding-rsf") when Starting a Pg service when running dev session should list the binding /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_describe_list_binding_test.go:564 ------------------------------ •••••••••••• ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [165.807 seconds] odo dev debug command tests when a component is bootstrapped when running odo dev with debug flag should expect a ws connection when tried to connect on default debug port locally /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_debug_test.go:51 ------------------------------ • ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [287.023 seconds] odo describe/list binding command tests when creating a component with a spec binding and envvars (service in namespace "binding-hkh") when Starting a Pg service when running dev session should describe the binding /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_describe_list_binding_test.go:535 ------------------------------ ••• ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [287.929 seconds] odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped when the component is deleted using its name and namespace from another directory when odo delete command is run again with nothing deployed on the cluster should output that there are no resources to be deleted /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_delete_test.go:130 ------------------------------ • ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [129.326 seconds] odo describe/list binding command tests when creating a component with a spec binding (service in namespace "") when Starting a Pg service when running dev session should list the binding /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_describe_list_binding_test.go:564 ------------------------------ ••• ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [267.168 seconds] odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped and pushed should use the index information from previous push operation /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:70 ------------------------------ ••••• ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [125.133 seconds] odo describe/list binding command tests when creating a component with a binding as environment variables (service in namespace "binding-zbl") when Starting a Pg service when running dev session should list the binding /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_describe_list_binding_test.go:564 ------------------------------ ••••••• ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [243.985 seconds] odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped and pushed when odo dev is executed when odo dev is stopped should delete component from the cluster /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:256 ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [176.377 seconds] odo dev command tests when node-js application is created and deployed with devfile schema 2.2.0 when Update the devfile.yaml, and waiting synchronization should check cpuLimit, cpuRequests, memoryRequests after restart /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1813 ------------------------------ •••• ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [212.712 seconds] odo dev command tests when running odo dev with alternative commands when running odo dev with a run command should execute the custom non-default run command successfully /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1622 ------------------------------ •••• ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [226.889 seconds] odo dev command tests when Starting a PostgreSQL service when creating local files and dir and running odo dev when deleting local files and dir and waiting for sync should not list deleted dir and file in container /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:819 ------------------------------ • ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [128.691 seconds] odo describe/list binding command tests when creating a component with a binding as files (service in namespace "binding-kbf") when Starting a Pg service when running dev session should list the binding /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_describe_list_binding_test.go:564 ------------------------------ ••••••••••••••••• ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [170.940 seconds] odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped and pushed when odo dev is executed when deleting previous deployment and switching kubeconfig to another namespace should run odo dev on initial namespace /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:239 ------------------------------ •••••••• ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [265.940 seconds] odo dev command tests when java-springboot application is created and running odo dev when Update the devfile.yaml when compare the local and remote files localFiles and remoteFiles should match /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1753 ------------------------------ ••••••• ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [142.263 seconds] odo list with devfile devfile has missing metadata when projectType and language is missing when the component is pushed should show 'nodejs' for 'Type' in odo list /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_list_test.go:163 ------------------------------ ••• ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [136.723 seconds] odo list with devfile devfile has missing metadata when projectType is missing when the component is pushed in dev mode should show the language for 'Type' in odo list /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_list_test.go:137 ------------------------------ • ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [206.467 seconds] odo add binding command tests when the component is bootstrapped when adding a binding (other namespace) when odo dev is run when odo dev command is stopped should have successfully delete the binding /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_add_binding_test.go:264 ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [167.568 seconds] odo add binding command tests when the component is bootstrapped when adding a binding (other namespace) when odo dev is run should successfully bind component and service /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_add_binding_test.go:253 ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [202.472 seconds] odo dev command tests when running build and run commands as composite in different containers and a shared volume should run successfully /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1329 ------------------------------ Ran 281 of 282 Specs in 703.442 seconds SUCCESS! -- 281 Passed | 0 Failed | 0 Pending | 1 Skipped Ginkgo ran 1 suite in 12m45.064854415s Test Suite Passed go run -mod=vendor --randomize-all --slow-spec-threshold=120s -timeout 14400s --no-color -nodes=32 tests/e2escenarios Running Suite: odo e2e scenarios - /go/odo_1/tests/e2escenarios =============================================================== Random Seed: 1660062782 - will randomize all specs Will run 6 of 6 specs Running in parallel across 32 processes ••• ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [123.567 seconds] odo devfile supported tests odo debug support for devfile components Verify output debug information for java-quarkus debug works /go/odo_1/tests/e2escenarios/e2e_devfile_test.go:74 ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [151.818 seconds] E2E Test starting with non-empty Directory should verify developer workflow from non-empty Directory /go/odo_1/tests/e2escenarios/e2e_test.go:161 ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST] [156.634 seconds] E2E Test starting with empty Directory should verify developer workflow from empty Directory /go/odo_1/tests/e2escenarios/e2e_test.go:46 ------------------------------ Ran 6 of 6 Specs in 156.698 seconds SUCCESS! -- 6 Passed | 0 Failed | 0 Pending | 0 Skipped Ginkgo ran 1 suite in 2m57.996041167s Test Suite Passed