Using Devfile proxy:
go install -mod=vendor -ldflags="-X" ./cmd/odo/
go run -mod=vendor  --randomize-all --slow-spec-threshold=120s -timeout 14400s --no-color -nodes=32 tests/integration
Running Suite: Integration Suite - /go/odo_1/tests/integration
Random Seed: 1663077595 - will randomize all specs

Will run 386 of 386 specs
Running in parallel across 32 processes
• [60.308 seconds]
odo dev interactive command tests when directory is not empty should display welcoming messages first

  Begin Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
    Spawning '/go/bin/odo dev --random-ports' from /tmp/3857070130
  << End Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [70.515 seconds]
odo add binding interactive command tests when the component is bootstrapped should successfully add binding to the devfile (custom naming strategy: "{ .name | upper }")

  Begin Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
    Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/1054332733
  << End Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [19.158 seconds]
odo deploy interactive command tests when directory is not empty should run alizer to download devfile successfully even with -v flag

  Begin Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
    Spawning '/go/bin/odo deploy -v 4' from /tmp/2195400229
  << End Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [46.741 seconds]
odo add binding interactive command tests when the component is bootstrapped should successfully add binding to the devfile (custom naming strategy: "")

  Begin Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
    Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/1496302538
  << End Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [39.491 seconds]
odo add binding interactive command tests when the component is bootstrapped should successfully add binding to the devfile (Bind as Files)

  Begin Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
    Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/2042499997
  << End Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [SLOW TEST] [121.794 seconds]
odo describe/list binding command tests when creating a component with a spec binding and envvars (service in namespace "binding-uqr") when Starting a Pg service when running dev session should list the binding
• [SLOW TEST] [123.753 seconds]
odo add binding interactive command tests when running a deployment when binding to a service in a different namespace should error out if service is not found in the namespace selected

  Begin Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
    Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/4112263396
  << End Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [SLOW TEST] [126.403 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev and composite command is used as a run command - without should run successfully
• [SLOW TEST] [127.482 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running build and run commands as composite in different containers and a shared volume - without should run successfully
• [SLOW TEST] [127.052 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running build and run commands as composite in different containers and a shared volume - with should run successfully
• [SLOW TEST] [132.928 seconds]
odo describe/list binding command tests when creating a component with a binding as environment variables (service in namespace "") when Starting a Pg service when running dev session should list the binding
• [SLOW TEST] [135.138 seconds]
odo describe/list binding command tests when creating a component with a spec binding and envvars (service in namespace "") when Starting a Pg service when running dev session when changing the current namespace should list the binding with --namespace flag
• [SLOW TEST] [141.835 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Starting a PostgreSQL service when creating local files and dir and running odo dev - with when deleting local files and dir and waiting for sync should not list deleted dir and file in container
• [14.303 seconds]
odo init interactive command tests displaying welcoming messages when directory is empty should display appropriate welcoming messages

  Begin Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
    Spawning '/go/bin/odo init' from /tmp/4149185279
  << End Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [49.039 seconds]
odo add binding interactive command tests when the component is bootstrapped should successfully add binding to the devfile (Bind as Environment Variables)

  Begin Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
    Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/761963495
  << End Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [SLOW TEST] [204.893 seconds]
odo dev command tests when java-springboot application is created and running odo dev when Update the devfile.yaml Should build the application successfully
• [SLOW TEST] [168.608 seconds]
odo add binding command tests when the component is bootstrapped when adding a binding (other namespace) when odo dev is run should successfully bind component and service
• [42.076 seconds]
odo add binding interactive command tests when the component is bootstrapped should successfully add binding to the devfile ("none" as naming strategy)

  Begin Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
    Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/3651551079
  << End Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [43.854 seconds]
odo add binding interactive command tests when running a deployment should successfully add binding without devfile (custom naming strategy: "{ .name | upper }")

  Begin Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
    Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/1240317376
  << End Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [25.122 seconds]
odo deploy interactive command tests when directory is not empty should display welcoming messages first

  Begin Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
    Spawning '/go/bin/odo deploy' from /tmp/856903735
  << End Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [SLOW TEST] [124.384 seconds]
odo describe/list binding command tests when creating a component with a spec binding (service in namespace "") when Starting a Pg service when running dev session should list the binding
• [SLOW TEST] [120.497 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev and composite command is used as a run command - with should run successfully
• [SLOW TEST] [128.092 seconds]
odo describe/list binding command tests when creating a component with a spec binding and envvars (service in namespace "") when Starting a Pg service when running dev session should describe the binding
• [SLOW TEST] [148.574 seconds]
odo add binding command tests when the component is bootstrapped when adding a binding (current namespace) when odo dev is run should successfully bind component and service
• [58.055 seconds]
odo add binding interactive command tests when running a deployment should successfully add binding without devfile (naming strategy: "lowercase")

  Begin Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
    Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/1080074131
  << End Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [13.764 seconds]
odo init interactive command tests displaying welcoming messages when alizer detection of javascript name should display node-echo name

  Begin Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
    Spawning '/go/bin/odo init' from /tmp/273401359
  << End Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [SLOW TEST] [128.626 seconds]
odo describe/list binding command tests when creating a component with a binding as files (service in namespace "") when Starting a Pg service when running dev session should list the binding
• [SLOW TEST] [151.878 seconds]
odo describe/list binding command tests when creating a component with a binding as environment variables (service in namespace "binding-uqr") when Starting a Pg service when running dev session should list the binding
• [14.059 seconds]
odo init interactive command tests displaying welcoming messages when alizer detection of javascript name should ask to re-enter the component name if invalid value is passed by the user

  Begin Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
    Spawning '/go/bin/odo init' from /tmp/200727258
  << End Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [66.709 seconds]
odo add binding interactive command tests when running a deployment should successfully add binding without devfile (default naming strategy)

  Begin Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
    Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/2952198086
  << End Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [10.702 seconds]
odo init interactive command tests displaying welcoming messages when directory is not empty should display appropriate welcoming messages

  Begin Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
    Spawning '/go/bin/odo init' from /tmp/123533739
  << End Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [SLOW TEST] [144.356 seconds]
odo describe/list binding command tests when creating a component with a binding as environment variables (service in namespace "binding-fsj") when Starting a Pg service when running dev session when changing the current namespace should list the binding with --namespace flag
• [SLOW TEST] [128.497 seconds]
odo describe/list binding command tests when creating a component with a binding as environment variables (service in namespace "") when Starting a Pg service when running dev session when changing the current namespace should list the binding with --namespace flag
• [SLOW TEST] [122.818 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped and pushed ensure that index information is updated
• [SLOW TEST] [148.368 seconds]
odo describe/list binding command tests when creating a component with a binding as files (service in namespace "binding-nwu") when Starting a Pg service when running dev session should list the binding
• [SLOW TEST] [132.359 seconds]
odo describe/list binding command tests when creating a component with a binding as files (service in namespace "") when Starting a Pg service when running dev session should describe the binding
• [SLOW TEST] [124.400 seconds]
odo describe/list binding command tests when creating a component with a spec binding (service in namespace "") when Starting a Pg service when running dev session when changing the current namespace should list the binding with --namespace flag
• [SLOW TEST] [148.186 seconds]
odo list with devfile devfile has missing metadata when projectType and language is missing when the component is pushed should show 'nodejs' for 'Type' in odo list
• [SLOW TEST] [121.542 seconds]
odo describe/list binding command tests when creating a component with a spec binding (service in namespace "binding-eje") when Starting a Pg service when running dev session should list the binding
• [11.831 seconds]
odo init interactive command tests should ask to re-enter the component name when an invalid value is passed

  Begin Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
    Spawning '/go/bin/odo init' from /tmp/961158722
  << End Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [SLOW TEST] [156.333 seconds]
odo describe/list binding command tests when creating a component with a binding as files (service in namespace "binding-kyv") when Starting a Pg service when running dev session should describe the binding
• [42.666 seconds]
odo dev interactive command tests when a component is bootstrapped should sync files when p is pressed

  Begin Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
    Spawning '/go/bin/odo dev --random-ports --no-watch' from /tmp/648263800
  << End Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [SLOW TEST] [126.571 seconds]
odo describe/list binding command tests when creating a component with a binding as files (service in namespace "") when Starting a Pg service when running dev session when changing the current namespace should list the binding with --namespace flag
• [SLOW TEST] [133.475 seconds]
odo describe/list binding command tests when creating a component with a spec binding (service in namespace "binding-aqv") when Starting a Pg service when running dev session when changing the current namespace should list the binding with --namespace flag
• [SLOW TEST] [138.612 seconds]
odo list with devfile devfile has missing metadata when projectType is missing when the component is pushed in dev mode should show the language for 'Type' in odo list
• [SLOW TEST] [161.505 seconds]
odo describe/list binding command tests when creating a component with a binding as environment variables (service in namespace "binding-eea") when Starting a Pg service when running dev session when changing the current namespace should list the binding with --namespace flag
• [67.899 seconds]
odo add binding interactive command tests when running a deployment should successfully add binding without devfile (custom naming strategy: "any string")

  Begin Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
    Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/1196592698
  << End Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [SLOW TEST] [134.718 seconds]
odo describe/list binding command tests when creating a component with a binding as environment variables (service in namespace "binding-otm") when Starting a Pg service when running dev session should list the binding
• [38.120 seconds]
odo deploy interactive command tests when directory is not empty should run alizer to download devfile

  Begin Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
    Spawning '/go/bin/odo deploy' from /tmp/4111374063
  << End Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [SLOW TEST] [144.283 seconds]
odo describe/list binding command tests when creating a component with a binding as files (service in namespace "binding-ijj") when Starting a Pg service when running dev session when changing the current namespace should list the binding with --namespace flag
• [58.310 seconds]
odo add binding interactive command tests when the component is bootstrapped should successfully add binding to the devfile ("lowercase" as naming strategy)

  Begin Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
    Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/2094072080
  << End Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [16.583 seconds]
odo init interactive command tests should start downloading starter project only after all interactive questions have been asked

  Begin Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
    Spawning '/go/bin/odo init' from /tmp/601654647
  << End Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [7.234 seconds]
odo init interactive command tests should download correct devfile

  Begin Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
    Spawning '/go/bin/odo init' from /tmp/948609109
  << End Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [42.070 seconds]
odo dev interactive command tests when directory is not empty should run alizer to download devfile successfully even with -v flag

  Begin Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
    Spawning '/go/bin/odo dev --random-ports -v 4' from /tmp/2476173952
  << End Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [SLOW TEST] [125.553 seconds]
odo dev command tests devfile contains composite apply command when odo dev is running should execute the composite apply commands successfully
• [SLOW TEST] [182.182 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Starting a PostgreSQL service when creating local files and dir and running odo dev - with should correctly propagate changes to the container
• [SLOW TEST] [152.873 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has single endpoint when running odo dev when modifying memoryLimit for container in Devfile should expose the endpoint on localhost
• [58.316 seconds]
odo add binding interactive command tests when running a deployment should successfully add binding without devfile (naming strategy: "none")

  Begin Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
    Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/1017518751
  << End Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [99.061 seconds]
odo add binding interactive command tests when the component is bootstrapped when binding to a service in a different namespace should successfully add binding to the devfile

  Begin Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
    Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/1839712601
  << End Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [102.281 seconds]
odo add binding interactive command tests when the component is bootstrapped when binding to a service in a different namespace should error out if service is not found in the namespace selected

  Begin Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
    Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/1308271099
  << End Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [SLOW TEST] [159.125 seconds]
odo dev command tests when node-js application is created and deployed with devfile schema 2.2.0 when Update the devfile.yaml, and waiting synchronization should check cpuLimit, cpuRequests, memoryRequests after restart
• [55.102 seconds]
odo add binding interactive command tests when the component is bootstrapped should successfully add binding to the devfile ("uppercase" as naming strategy)

  Begin Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
    Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/3131204861
  << End Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [SLOW TEST] [125.007 seconds]
odo dev debug command tests when a composite apply command is used as debug command should execute the composite apply commands successfully
• [SLOW TEST] [136.942 seconds]
odo add binding command tests when the component is bootstrapped when adding a binding (current namespace) when odo dev is run when odo dev command is stopped should have successfully delete the binding
• [SLOW TEST] [190.788 seconds]
odo add binding command tests when the component is bootstrapped when adding a binding (other namespace) when odo dev is run when odo dev command is stopped should have successfully delete the binding
• [SLOW TEST] [130.289 seconds]
odo describe/list binding command tests when creating a component with a spec binding and envvars (service in namespace "binding-eje") when Starting a Pg service when running dev session when changing the current namespace should list the binding with --namespace flag
• [60.105 seconds]
odo add binding interactive command tests when the component is bootstrapped should successfully add binding to the devfile (custom naming strategy: "any string")

  Begin Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
    Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/2009201147
  << End Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [SLOW TEST] [213.384 seconds]
odo dev command tests when java-springboot application is created and running odo dev when Update the devfile.yaml when compare the local and remote files localFiles and remoteFiles should match
• [11.288 seconds]
odo init interactive command tests should not fail when using -v flag

  Begin Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
    Spawning '/go/bin/odo init -v 4' from /tmp/3147413416
  << End Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [SLOW TEST] [272.946 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Starting a PostgreSQL service when creating local files and dir and running odo dev - without when deleting local files and dir and waiting for sync should not list deleted dir and file in container
• [SLOW TEST] [127.916 seconds]
odo describe/list binding command tests when creating a component with a spec binding (service in namespace "binding-fdj") when Starting a Pg service when running dev session when changing the current namespace should list the binding with --namespace flag
• [SLOW TEST] [183.360 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Starting a PostgreSQL service when creating local files and dir and running odo dev - without should correctly propagate changes to the container
• [SLOW TEST] [131.685 seconds]
odo describe/list binding command tests when creating a component with a spec binding and envvars (service in namespace "") when Starting a Pg service when running dev session when changing the current namespace should list the binding with --namespace flag
• [SLOW TEST] [126.659 seconds]
odo dev debug command tests when running build and debug commands as composite in different containers and a shared volume - with should run successfully
• [61.574 seconds]
odo add binding interactive command tests when running a deployment should successfully add binding without devfile (naming strategy: "uppercase")

  Begin Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
    Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/625033836
  << End Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [67.738 seconds]
odo add binding interactive command tests when running a deployment should successfully add binding without devfile (custom naming strategy: "")

  Begin Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
    Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/4142267758
  << End Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [SLOW TEST] [137.576 seconds]
odo add binding interactive command tests when running a deployment when binding to a service in a different namespace should successfully add binding without devfile

  Begin Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
    Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/2415546071
  << End Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [41.672 seconds]
odo dev interactive command tests when directory is not empty should run alizer to download devfile

  Begin Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
    Spawning '/go/bin/odo dev --random-ports' from /tmp/4164899948
  << End Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [SLOW TEST] [129.220 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has single endpoint when running odo dev when modifying memoryLimit for container in Devfile should expose the endpoint on localhost

Ran 386 of 386 Specs in 847.426 seconds
SUCCESS! -- 386 Passed | 0 Failed | 0 Pending | 0 Skipped

Ginkgo ran 1 suite in 15m13.973197034s
Test Suite Passed
go run -mod=vendor  --randomize-all --slow-spec-threshold=120s -timeout 14400s --no-color -nodes=32 tests/e2escenarios
Running Suite: odo e2e scenarios - /go/odo_1/tests/e2escenarios
Random Seed: 1663078515 - will randomize all specs

Will run 6 of 6 specs
Running in parallel across 32 processes
• [SLOW TEST] [133.156 seconds]
odo devfile supported tests odo debug support for devfile components Verify output debug information for java-quarkus debug works
• [SLOW TEST] [138.840 seconds]
E2E Test starting with non-empty Directory should verify developer workflow from non-empty Directory

  Begin Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
    Spawning '/go/bin/odo init' from /tmp/231602531
    Spawning '/go/bin/odo delete component' from /tmp/231602531
  << End Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [SLOW TEST] [145.369 seconds]
E2E Test starting with empty Directory should verify developer workflow from empty Directory

  Begin Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
    Spawning '/go/bin/odo init' from /tmp/1565764789
    Spawning '/go/bin/odo delete component' from /tmp/1565764789
  << End Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

Ran 6 of 6 Specs in 145.386 seconds
SUCCESS! -- 6 Passed | 0 Failed | 0 Pending | 0 Skipped

Ginkgo ran 1 suite in 2m48.287726579s
Test Suite Passed