Error from server (NotFound): namespaces "devfile-proxy" not found
Using Devfile proxy:
go install -mod=vendor -ldflags="-X" ./cmd/odo/
go run -mod=vendor  --randomize-all --slow-spec-threshold=120s -timeout 14400s --no-color -nodes=16 --junit-report="test-integration.xml" --label-filter="!unauth && !nocluster && !podman" tests/integration
Running Suite: Integration Suite - /go/odo_1/tests/integration
Random Seed: 1684753526 - will randomize all specs

Will run 497 of 890 specs
Running in parallel across 16 processes
• [21.919 seconds]
odo add binding interactive command tests when running a deployment should successfully add binding without devfile (custom naming strategy: "any string")

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/437728604
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [70.996 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component with multiple endpoints is run should create state files containing information, including forwarded ports

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  PID: 12276
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [15.946 seconds]
odo add binding interactive command tests when the component is bootstrapped should successfully add binding to the devfile ("lowercase" as naming strategy)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/892822590
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [22.709 seconds]
odo add binding interactive command tests when the component is bootstrapped when binding to a service in a different namespace should successfully add binding to the devfile

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/4046849983
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [11.346 seconds]
odo add binding interactive command tests when the component is bootstrapped should successfully add binding to the devfile (custom naming strategy: "{ .name | upper }")

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/1598558171
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [13.709 seconds]
odo add binding interactive command tests when the component is bootstrapped should successfully add binding to the devfile (Bind as Environment Variables)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/2246316698
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [16.677 seconds]
odo add binding interactive command tests when running a deployment should successfully add binding without devfile (custom naming strategy: "")

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/1788986395
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [15.828 seconds]
odo add binding interactive command tests when running a deployment should successfully add binding without devfile (custom naming strategy: "{ .name | upper }")

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/2818158369
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [14.010 seconds]
odo add binding interactive command tests when running a deployment should successfully add binding without devfile (naming strategy: "lowercase")

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/1607252937
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [11.898 seconds]
odo add binding interactive command tests when running a deployment should successfully add binding without devfile (default naming strategy)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/2000746267
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [3.217 seconds]
odo deploy interactive command tests directory is not empty when Alizer cannot determine a Devfile based on the current source code should not fail but fallback to the interactive mode

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo deploy' from /tmp/2064355019
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [79.329 seconds]
odo dev interactive command tests directory is not empty when there is a match from Alizer should run alizer to download devfile

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo dev --random-ports' from /tmp/3079216340
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [11.539 seconds]
odo add binding interactive command tests when the component is bootstrapped should successfully add binding to the devfile (custom naming strategy: "any string")

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/3353773777
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [3.021 seconds]
odo deploy interactive command tests directory is not empty when there is a match from Alizer should run alizer to download devfile

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo deploy' from /tmp/3193876843
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [13.268 seconds]
odo add binding interactive command tests when the component is bootstrapped should successfully add binding to the devfile (Bind as Files)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/3622627751
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [9.527 seconds]
odo dev interactive command tests directory is not empty when Alizer cannot determine a Devfile based on the current source code should not fail but fallback to the interactive mode

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo dev --random-ports' from /tmp/2956559156
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [12.688 seconds]
odo add binding interactive command tests when running a deployment should successfully add binding without devfile (naming strategy: "none")

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/639538007
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [20.412 seconds]
odo dev interactive command tests when a component is bootstrapped should sync files when p is pressed

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo dev --random-ports --no-watch' from /tmp/2811691816
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [14.698 seconds]
odo add binding interactive command tests when the component is bootstrapped should successfully add binding to the devfile ("uppercase" as naming strategy)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/3921568480
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [3.496 seconds]
odo deploy interactive command tests directory is not empty when there is a match from Alizer should display welcoming messages first

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo deploy' from /tmp/4116827895
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [27.515 seconds]
odo add binding interactive command tests when running a deployment when binding to a service in a different namespace should successfully add binding without devfile

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/1447607275
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [80.020 seconds]
odo dev interactive command tests directory is not empty when there is a match from Alizer should run alizer to download devfile successfully even with -v flag

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo dev --random-ports -v 4' from /tmp/3862322317
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [20.653 seconds]
odo add binding interactive command tests when running a deployment when binding to a service in a different namespace should error out if service is not found in the namespace selected

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/3893058553
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [78.823 seconds]
odo dev interactive command tests directory is not empty when there is a match from Alizer should display welcoming messages first

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo dev --random-ports' from /tmp/534085147
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [2.887 seconds]
odo deploy interactive command tests directory is not empty when there is a match from Alizer should run alizer to download devfile successfully even with -v flag

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo deploy -v 4' from /tmp/3883481432
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [12.812 seconds]
odo add binding interactive command tests when the component is bootstrapped should successfully add binding to the devfile (custom naming strategy: "")

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/3923267806
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [13.715 seconds]
odo add binding interactive command tests when the component is bootstrapped should successfully add binding to the devfile ("none" as naming strategy)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/2738585754
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [17.215 seconds]
odo add binding interactive command tests when running a deployment should successfully add binding without devfile (naming strategy: "uppercase")

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/1501435521
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [19.514 seconds]
odo add binding interactive command tests when the component is bootstrapped when binding to a service in a different namespace should error out if service is not found in the namespace selected

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/1577551599
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

Ran 487 of 890 Specs in 1742.036 seconds
SUCCESS! -- 487 Passed | 0 Failed | 0 Pending | 403 Skipped

Ginkgo ran 1 suite in 30m8.951808379s
Test Suite Passed
You're using deprecated Ginkgo functionality:
  --slow-spec-threshold is deprecated --slow-spec-threshold has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Ginkgo.  This feature has proved to be more noisy than useful.  You can use --poll-progress-after, instead, to get more actionable feedback about potentially slow specs and understand where they might be getting stuck.

To silence deprecations that can be silenced set the following environment variable:

go run -mod=vendor  --randomize-all --slow-spec-threshold=120s -timeout 14400s --no-color -nodes=16 --junit-report="test-e2e.xml"  tests/e2escenarios
Running Suite: odo e2e scenarios - /go/odo_1/tests/e2escenarios
Random Seed: 1684755342 - will randomize all specs

Will run 4 of 4 specs
Running in parallel across 16 processes
• [FAILED] [82.467 seconds]
E2E Test starting with non-empty Directory add Binding [It] should verify developer workflow of using binding as env in innerloop

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo init' from /tmp/2367109291
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

  Timeline >>
  Created dir: /tmp/2367109291
  Created dir: /tmp/3023212996
  Setting KUBECONFIG=/tmp/3023212996/config
  Creating a new project: e2e-test462ebr
  Running oc with args [oc new-project e2e-test462ebr] and odo env: []
  [oc] Now using project "e2e-test462ebr" on server "".
  [oc] You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try:
  [oc]     oc new-app rails-postgresql-example
  [oc] to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application:
  [oc]     kubectl create deployment hello-node -- /agnhost serve-hostname
  Running oc with args [oc create configmap config-map-for-cleanup --from-literal type=testing --from-literal team=odo -n e2e-test462ebr] and odo env: []
  [oc] configmap/config-map-for-cleanup created
  Current working dir: /go/odo_1/tests/e2escenarios
  Running odo with args [odo preference remove registry DefaultDevfileRegistry -f] and odo env: []
  [odo] I0522 11:36:02.820961   22021 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/3023212996/preference.yaml
  [odo] Successfully removed registry
  Running odo with args [odo preference add registry DefaultDevfileRegistry] and odo env: []
  [odo] I0522 11:36:03.068155   22042 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/3023212996/preference.yaml
  [odo] New registry successfully added
  Running oc with args [oc get csv -o jsonpath={.items[?(@.status.phase=="Succeeded")]}] and odo env: []
  [oc] cloud-native-postgresql.v1.18.3 service-binding-operator.v1.3.3Running oc with args [oc get csv -o jsonpath={.items[?(@.status.phase=="Succeeded")]}] and odo env: []
  [oc] cloud-native-postgresql.v1.18.3 service-binding-operator.v1.3.3Running oc with args [oc get bindablekinds bindable-kinds -ojsonpath={.status[*].kind}] and odo env: []
  [oc] Cluster ServiceBinding ServiceBindingSetting current dir to: /tmp/2367109291
  Running oc with args [oc apply -f /go/odo_1/tests/examples/source/devfiles/go/cluster.yaml] and odo env: []
  [oc] created
  [oc] secret/appuser-secret created
  [oc] secret/cluster-example-initdb-appuser created
  running command [odo init] with env []
  Running odo with args [odo dev --random-ports] and odo env: [ODO_LOG_LEVEL=4 ODO_TRACKING_CONSENT=no]
  [odo] I0522 11:36:08.576959   22194 version.go:41] executing [podman version --format json]
  [odo] I0522 11:36:08.577379   22194 clientset.go:198] no Podman client initialized: exec: "podman": executable file not found in $PATH
  [odo] I0522 11:36:08.577397   22194 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/3023212996/preference.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:36:08.578508   22194 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I0522 11:36:08.578541   22194 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I0522 11:36:08.579108   22194 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON
  [odo] I0522 11:36:08.579176   22194 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.1.0'
  [odo] I0522 11:36:08.579361   22194 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.1.0' is supported
  [odo] I0522 11:36:08.582369   22194 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema
  [odo] I0522 11:36:08.584229   22194 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections
  [odo] I0522 11:36:08.584267   22194 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections
  [odo] I0522 11:36:08.584322   22194 component.go:87] name of component is "aplngt", and sanitized name is "aplngt"
  [odo] I0522 11:36:08.584346   22194 kclient.go:224] Checking if "projects" resource is supported
  [odo]   __
  [odo]  /  \__     Developing using the "aplngt" Devfile
  [odo]  \__/  \    Namespace: e2e-test462ebr
  [odo]  /  \__/    odo version: v3.10.0
  [odo]  \__/
  [odo] ↪ Running on the cluster in Dev mode
  [odo] I0522 11:36:08.717192   22194 kubedev.go:86] Creating new adapter
  [odo] I0522 11:36:08.717218   22194 kubedev.go:94] Creating inner-loop resources for the component
  [odo] I0522 11:36:08.717252   22194 watch.go:101] starting WatchAndPush, path: /tmp/2367109291, component: aplngt, ignores [.git .odo .odo/odo-file-index.json]
  [odo] I0522 11:36:08.719901   22194 file_watcher.go:126] adding watch on path /tmp/2367109291
  [odo] I0522 11:36:08.719955   22194 file_watcher.go:126] adding watch on path /tmp/2367109291/.odo
  [odo] I0522 11:36:08.719982   22194 file_watcher.go:126] adding watch on path /tmp/2367109291/middleware
  [odo] I0522 11:36:08.720007   22194 file_watcher.go:126] adding watch on path /tmp/2367109291/models
  [odo] I0522 11:36:08.720025   22194 file_watcher.go:126] adding watch on path /tmp/2367109291/router
  [odo] I0522 11:36:08.730059   22194 watch.go:414] Copying files [] to pod
  [odo] I0522 11:36:08.730617   22194 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I0522 11:36:08.730669   22194 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I0522 11:36:08.731605   22194 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON
  [odo] I0522 11:36:08.731760   22194 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.1.0'
  [odo] I0522 11:36:08.731802   22194 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.1.0' is supported
  [odo] I0522 11:36:08.739213   22194 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema
  [odo] I0522 11:36:08.739722   22194 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections
  [odo] I0522 11:36:08.739867   22194 components.go:69] component state: ""
  [odo]  •  Waiting for Kubernetes resources  ...
  [odo] I0522 11:36:08.754195   22194 components.go:259] We are deploying these annotations: map[*]
  [odo] I0522 11:36:08.795100   22194 utils.go:77] Updating container runtime with mandatory volume mounts
  [odo] I0522 11:36:08.834577   22194 components.go:345] Creating deployment aplngt-app
  [odo] I0522 11:36:08.834639   22194 components.go:346] The component name is aplngt
  [odo] I0522 11:36:08.837402   22194 kclient.go:273] Kubernetes version is "v1.25.8+27e744f"
  [odo] I0522 11:36:08.837480   22194 kclient.go:285] Cluster has support for SSA: true
  [odo] Warning: would violate PodSecurity "restricted:v1.24": allowPrivilegeEscalation != false (container "runtime" must set securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation=false), unrestricted capabilities (container "runtime" must set securityContext.capabilities.drop=["ALL"]), runAsNonRoot != true (pod or container "runtime" must set securityContext.runAsNonRoot=true), seccompProfile (pod or container "runtime" must set securityContext.seccompProfile.type to "RuntimeDefault" or "Localhost")
  [odo] I0522 11:36:08.979541   22194 components.go:377] Successfully created component aplngt
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.022489   22194 components.go:389] Successfully created Service for component aplngt
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.045221   22194 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 200 APIs
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.052923   22194 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.111118   22194 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 65.900114ms
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.111226   22194 all.go:76] query result: objects=6
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.111328   22194 kclient.go:224] Checking if "servicebindings" resource is supported
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.114467   22194 kclient.go:224] Checking if "clusterserviceversions" resource is supported
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.117198   22194 service.go:75] Getting list of services
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.117232   22194 operators.go:30] Fetching list of operators installed in cluster
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.158584   22194 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: cloud-native-postgresql.v1.18.3
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.158673   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.166983   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.177193   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.183981   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.190831   22194 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: service-binding-operator.v1.3.3
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.190862   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.193590   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.196368   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.198902   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.207038   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.213625   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.234392   22194 components.go:134] Deployment has been updated to generation 1. Waiting new event...
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.234501   22194 status.go:34] setting inner loop State "WaitDeployment"
  [odo]  ⚠  Pod is Pending
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.238319   22194 watch.go:263] deployment watcher Event: Type: ADDED, name: aplngt-app, rv: 26064608, generation: 1, pods: 0
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.249423   22194 watch.go:263] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: aplngt-app, rv: 26064611, generation: 1, pods: 0
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.250787   22194 watch.go:263] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: aplngt-app, rv: 26064618, generation: 1, pods: 0
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.250805   22194 watch.go:263] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: aplngt-app, rv: 26064631, generation: 1, pods: 0
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.539448   22194 watch.go:414] Copying files [] to pod
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.539890   22194 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.539924   22194 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.541091   22194 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.541249   22194 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.1.0'
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.541275   22194 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.1.0' is supported
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.558259   22194 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.558648   22194 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.558707   22194 components.go:69] component state: "WaitDeployment"
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.567209   22194 components.go:259] We are deploying these annotations: map[*]
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.604620   22194 utils.go:77] Updating container runtime with mandatory volume mounts
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.640725   22194 components.go:345] Creating deployment aplngt-app
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.641501   22194 components.go:346] The component name is aplngt
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.641853   22194 components.go:349] The component already exists, attempting to update it
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.641928   22194 components.go:351] Applying deployment
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.674374   22194 components.go:360] Successfully updated component aplngt
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.693785   22194 components.go:747] Successfully update Service for component aplngt
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.722553   22194 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 200 APIs
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.722748   22194 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.758036   22194 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 35.478107ms
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.758079   22194 all.go:76] query result: objects=6
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.758136   22194 kclient.go:224] Checking if "servicebindings" resource is supported
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.758162   22194 kclient.go:224] Checking if "clusterserviceversions" resource is supported
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.758174   22194 service.go:75] Getting list of services
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.758182   22194 operators.go:30] Fetching list of operators installed in cluster
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.789070   22194 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: cloud-native-postgresql.v1.18.3
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.789166   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.797216   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.808411   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.819558   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.832050   22194 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: service-binding-operator.v1.3.3
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.832187   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.835360   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.838440   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.841233   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.849352   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.857667   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.891619   22194 components.go:141] Deployment has 0 ready replicas. Waiting new event...
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.891738   22194 status.go:34] setting inner loop State "WaitDeployment"
  [odo] I0522 11:36:09.891840   22194 watch.go:263] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: aplngt-app, rv: 26064641, generation: 1, pods: 0
  [odo]  ✓  Pod is Running
  [odo] I0522 11:36:11.558690   22194 watch.go:263] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: aplngt-app, rv: 26064674, generation: 1, pods: 1
  [odo] I0522 11:36:11.859451   22194 watch.go:414] Copying files [] to pod
  [odo] I0522 11:36:11.860303   22194 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I0522 11:36:11.860333   22194 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I0522 11:36:11.861696   22194 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON
  [odo] I0522 11:36:11.861835   22194 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.1.0'
  [odo] I0522 11:36:11.861859   22194 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.1.0' is supported
  [odo] I0522 11:36:11.867615   22194 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema
  [odo] I0522 11:36:11.867949   22194 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections
  [odo] I0522 11:36:11.867989   22194 components.go:69] component state: "WaitDeployment"
  [odo] I0522 11:36:11.877346   22194 components.go:259] We are deploying these annotations: map[*]
  [odo] I0522 11:36:11.911669   22194 utils.go:77] Updating container runtime with mandatory volume mounts
  [odo] I0522 11:36:11.956636   22194 components.go:345] Creating deployment aplngt-app
  [odo] I0522 11:36:11.956671   22194 components.go:346] The component name is aplngt
  [odo] I0522 11:36:11.956686   22194 components.go:349] The component already exists, attempting to update it
  [odo] I0522 11:36:11.956705   22194 components.go:351] Applying deployment
  [odo] I0522 11:36:11.985923   22194 components.go:360] Successfully updated component aplngt
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.007497   22194 components.go:747] Successfully update Service for component aplngt
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.038417   22194 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 200 APIs
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.040527   22194 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.130244   22194 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 91.819295ms
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.130385   22194 all.go:76] query result: objects=6
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.130550   22194 kclient.go:224] Checking if "servicebindings" resource is supported
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.130592   22194 kclient.go:224] Checking if "clusterserviceversions" resource is supported
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.130651   22194 service.go:75] Getting list of services
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.130660   22194 operators.go:30] Fetching list of operators installed in cluster
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.163719   22194 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: cloud-native-postgresql.v1.18.3
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.163770   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.174494   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.187443   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.205029   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.214070   22194 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: service-binding-operator.v1.3.3
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.214111   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.217367   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.220162   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.223165   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.230922   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.238682   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo]  •  Syncing files into the container  ...
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.318243   22194 libdevfile.go:187] Build command: build
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.318300   22194 libdevfile.go:199] Run command: run
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.318909   22194 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291, destBase: ., destFile: .
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.318986   22194 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: .
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.320289   22194 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/.gitignore, destBase: ., destFile: .gitignore
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.320377   22194 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: .gitignore
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.320861   22194 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2367109291/.gitignore
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.320973   22194 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/.odo, destBase: ., destFile: .odo
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.321017   22194 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: .odo
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.321525   22194 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/cluster.yaml, destBase: ., destFile: cluster.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.321594   22194 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: cluster.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.322150   22194 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2367109291/cluster.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.322231   22194 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/devfile.yaml, destBase: ., destFile: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.322259   22194 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.322615   22194 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.322696   22194 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/go.mod, destBase: ., destFile: go.mod
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.322724   22194 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: go.mod
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.323087   22194 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2367109291/go.mod
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.323147   22194 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/go.sum, destBase: ., destFile: go.sum
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.323228   22194 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: go.sum
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.323637   22194 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2367109291/go.sum
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.323728   22194 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/main.go, destBase: ., destFile: main.go
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.323788   22194 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: main.go
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.324125   22194 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2367109291/main.go
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.324214   22194 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/middleware, destBase: ., destFile: middleware
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.324261   22194 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: middleware
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.324615   22194 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2367109291/middleware
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.325200   22194 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/middleware/handlers.go, destBase: ., destFile: middleware/handlers.go
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.325253   22194 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: middleware/handlers.go
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.325587   22194 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2367109291/middleware/handlers.go
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.325672   22194 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/models, destBase: ., destFile: models
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.325702   22194 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: models
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.326035   22194 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2367109291/models
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.326503   22194 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/models/models.go, destBase: ., destFile: models/models.go
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.326553   22194 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: models/models.go
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.326880   22194 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2367109291/models/models.go
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.326965   22194 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/router, destBase: ., destFile: router
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.327004   22194 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: router
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.327620   22194 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2367109291/router
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.328083   22194 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/router/router.go, destBase: ., destFile: router/router.go
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.328150   22194 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: router/router.go
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.328649   22194 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2367109291/router/router.go
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.329231   22194 sync.go:138] List of files to be deleted: +[]
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.329324   22194 sync.go:140] List of files changed: +[/tmp/2367109291/models/models.go /tmp/2367109291/router /tmp/2367109291/models /tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml /tmp/2367109291/middleware/handlers.go /tmp/2367109291/router/router.go /tmp/2367109291/.gitignore /tmp/2367109291/go.sum /tmp/2367109291/main.go /tmp/2367109291/middleware /tmp/2367109291/cluster.yaml /tmp/2367109291/go.mod]
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.329393   22194 sync.go:193] Push: componentName: aplngt, path: /tmp/2367109291, files: [/tmp/2367109291/models/models.go /tmp/2367109291/router /tmp/2367109291/models /tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml /tmp/2367109291/middleware/handlers.go /tmp/2367109291/router/router.go /tmp/2367109291/.gitignore /tmp/2367109291/go.sum /tmp/2367109291/main.go /tmp/2367109291/middleware /tmp/2367109291/cluster.yaml /tmp/2367109291/go.mod], delFiles: [*], isForcePush: true
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.330053   22194 sync.go:310] remote files marked for deletion are [/projects/*]
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.330112   22194 exec.go:33] Executing command [rm -rf /projects/*] for pod: aplngt-app-59d4b6cd84-t7zvm in container: runtime
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.571980   22194 sync.go:233] Copying files /tmp/2367109291/models/models.go /tmp/2367109291/router /tmp/2367109291/models /tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml /tmp/2367109291/middleware/handlers.go /tmp/2367109291/router/router.go /tmp/2367109291/.gitignore /tmp/2367109291/go.sum /tmp/2367109291/main.go /tmp/2367109291/middleware /tmp/2367109291/cluster.yaml /tmp/2367109291/go.mod to pod
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.572031   22194 copy.go:36] CopyFile arguments: localPath /tmp/2367109291, dest /projects/2367109291, targetPath /projects, copyFiles [/tmp/2367109291/models/models.go /tmp/2367109291/router /tmp/2367109291/models /tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml /tmp/2367109291/middleware/handlers.go /tmp/2367109291/router/router.go /tmp/2367109291/.gitignore /tmp/2367109291/go.sum /tmp/2367109291/main.go /tmp/2367109291/middleware /tmp/2367109291/cluster.yaml /tmp/2367109291/go.mod], globalExps [.git .odo .odo/odo-file-index.json]
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.572062   22194 copy.go:64] Executing command tar xf - -C /projects --no-same-owner
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.572411   22194 copy.go:97] makeTar arguments: srcPath: /tmp/2367109291, destPath: /projects/2367109291, files: [/tmp/2367109291/models/models.go /tmp/2367109291/router /tmp/2367109291/models /tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml /tmp/2367109291/middleware/handlers.go /tmp/2367109291/router/router.go /tmp/2367109291/.gitignore /tmp/2367109291/go.sum /tmp/2367109291/main.go /tmp/2367109291/middleware /tmp/2367109291/cluster.yaml /tmp/2367109291/go.mod]
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.573811   22194 copy.go:128] Got abs path: /tmp/2367109291/models/models.go
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.574013   22194 copy.go:129] Making /tmp/2367109291 relative to /tmp/2367109291/models/models.go
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.574084   22194 copy.go:145] makeTar srcFile: 2367109291/models/models.go
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.574113   22194 copy.go:146] makeTar destFile: models/models.go
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.574185   22194 copy.go:166] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/models/models.go, destBase: /projects, destFile: models/models.go
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.574213   22194 copy.go:172] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: models/models.go
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.720223   22194 copy.go:128] Got abs path: /tmp/2367109291/router
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.720255   22194 copy.go:129] Making /tmp/2367109291 relative to /tmp/2367109291/router
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.720271   22194 copy.go:145] makeTar srcFile: 2367109291/router
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.720280   22194 copy.go:146] makeTar destFile: router
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.720289   22194 copy.go:166] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/router, destBase: /projects, destFile: router
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.720297   22194 copy.go:172] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: router
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.720723   22194 copy.go:128] Got abs path: /tmp/2367109291/models
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.720773   22194 copy.go:129] Making /tmp/2367109291 relative to /tmp/2367109291/models
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.720802   22194 copy.go:145] makeTar srcFile: 2367109291/models
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.720827   22194 copy.go:146] makeTar destFile: models
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.720851   22194 copy.go:166] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/models, destBase: /projects, destFile: models
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.720876   22194 copy.go:172] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: models
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.721275   22194 copy.go:128] Got abs path: /tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.721317   22194 copy.go:129] Making /tmp/2367109291 relative to /tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.721346   22194 copy.go:145] makeTar srcFile: 2367109291/devfile.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.721371   22194 copy.go:146] makeTar destFile: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.721394   22194 copy.go:166] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/devfile.yaml, destBase: /projects, destFile: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.721419   22194 copy.go:172] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.722010   22194 copy.go:128] Got abs path: /tmp/2367109291/middleware/handlers.go
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.722062   22194 copy.go:129] Making /tmp/2367109291 relative to /tmp/2367109291/middleware/handlers.go
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.722091   22194 copy.go:145] makeTar srcFile: 2367109291/middleware/handlers.go
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.722116   22194 copy.go:146] makeTar destFile: middleware/handlers.go
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.722148   22194 copy.go:166] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/middleware/handlers.go, destBase: /projects, destFile: middleware/handlers.go
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.722174   22194 copy.go:172] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: middleware/handlers.go
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.722681   22194 copy.go:128] Got abs path: /tmp/2367109291/router/router.go
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.722720   22194 copy.go:129] Making /tmp/2367109291 relative to /tmp/2367109291/router/router.go
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.722749   22194 copy.go:145] makeTar srcFile: 2367109291/router/router.go
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.722774   22194 copy.go:146] makeTar destFile: router/router.go
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.722798   22194 copy.go:166] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/router/router.go, destBase: /projects, destFile: router/router.go
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.722821   22194 copy.go:172] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: router/router.go
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.723303   22194 copy.go:128] Got abs path: /tmp/2367109291/.gitignore
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.723346   22194 copy.go:129] Making /tmp/2367109291 relative to /tmp/2367109291/.gitignore
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.723374   22194 copy.go:145] makeTar srcFile: 2367109291/.gitignore
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.723408   22194 copy.go:146] makeTar destFile: .gitignore
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.723431   22194 copy.go:166] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/.gitignore, destBase: /projects, destFile: .gitignore
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.723455   22194 copy.go:172] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: .gitignore
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.724113   22194 copy.go:128] Got abs path: /tmp/2367109291/go.sum
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.724163   22194 copy.go:129] Making /tmp/2367109291 relative to /tmp/2367109291/go.sum
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.724191   22194 copy.go:145] makeTar srcFile: 2367109291/go.sum
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.724216   22194 copy.go:146] makeTar destFile: go.sum
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.724248   22194 copy.go:166] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/go.sum, destBase: /projects, destFile: go.sum
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.724272   22194 copy.go:172] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: go.sum
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.724824   22194 copy.go:128] Got abs path: /tmp/2367109291/main.go
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.724880   22194 copy.go:129] Making /tmp/2367109291 relative to /tmp/2367109291/main.go
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.724909   22194 copy.go:145] makeTar srcFile: 2367109291/main.go
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.724934   22194 copy.go:146] makeTar destFile: main.go
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.724966   22194 copy.go:166] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/main.go, destBase: /projects, destFile: main.go
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.725001   22194 copy.go:172] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: main.go
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.725449   22194 copy.go:128] Got abs path: /tmp/2367109291/middleware
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.725468   22194 copy.go:129] Making /tmp/2367109291 relative to /tmp/2367109291/middleware
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.725477   22194 copy.go:145] makeTar srcFile: 2367109291/middleware
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.725496   22194 copy.go:146] makeTar destFile: middleware
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.725505   22194 copy.go:166] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/middleware, destBase: /projects, destFile: middleware
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.725510   22194 copy.go:172] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: middleware
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.725787   22194 copy.go:128] Got abs path: /tmp/2367109291/cluster.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.725799   22194 copy.go:129] Making /tmp/2367109291 relative to /tmp/2367109291/cluster.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.725806   22194 copy.go:145] makeTar srcFile: 2367109291/cluster.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.725822   22194 copy.go:146] makeTar destFile: cluster.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.725828   22194 copy.go:166] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/cluster.yaml, destBase: /projects, destFile: cluster.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.725832   22194 copy.go:172] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: cluster.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.726182   22194 copy.go:128] Got abs path: /tmp/2367109291/go.mod
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.726193   22194 copy.go:129] Making /tmp/2367109291 relative to /tmp/2367109291/go.mod
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.726199   22194 copy.go:145] makeTar srcFile: 2367109291/go.mod
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.726214   22194 copy.go:146] makeTar destFile: go.mod
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.726218   22194 copy.go:166] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/go.mod, destBase: /projects, destFile: go.mod
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.726223   22194 copy.go:172] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: go.mod
  [odo] ↵
 ✓  Syncing files into the container [485ms]
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.803328   22194 kubeexec.go:40] GetProcessInfoForCommand for "run"
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.803353   22194 exec.go:33] Executing command [/bin/sh -c cat /opt/odo/ || true] for pod: aplngt-app-59d4b6cd84-t7zvm in container: runtime
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.988397   22194 exec.go:82] cat: /opt/odo/ No such file or directory
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.989825   22194 innerloop.go:138] running=false, execRequired=true
  [odo]  •  Building your application in container (command: build)  ...
  [odo] I0522 11:36:12.989992   22194 exec.go:33] Executing command [/bin/sh -c cd ${PROJECT_SOURCE} && (export GOPATH="${PROJECT_SOURCE}/.go" GOCACHE="${PROJECT_SOURCE}/.cache" && go build main.go) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2] for pod: aplngt-app-59d4b6cd84-t7zvm in container: runtime
  [odo] ↵
 ✓  Building your application in container (command: build) [2s]
  [odo] I0522 11:36:15.161304   22194 kubeexec.go:54] StartProcessForCommand for "run"
  [odo]  •  Executing the application (command: run)  ...
  [odo] I0522 11:36:15.161498   22194 retry.go:48] waiting for 5 second(s) before trying task "process for command \"run\""
  [odo] I0522 11:36:15.161568   22194 exec.go:33] Executing command [/bin/sh -c echo $$ > /opt/odo/ && cd ${PROJECT_SOURCE} &&  (./main) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2; echo $? >> /opt/odo/] for pod: aplngt-app-59d4b6cd84-t7zvm in container: runtime
  [odo] I0522 11:36:20.161861   22194 execute_run.go:90] checking if process for command "run" is running
  [odo] I0522 11:36:20.161924   22194 kubeexec.go:40] GetProcessInfoForCommand for "run"
  [odo] I0522 11:36:20.161957   22194 exec.go:33] Executing command [/bin/sh -c cat /opt/odo/ || true] for pod: aplngt-app-59d4b6cd84-t7zvm in container: runtime
  [odo] I0522 11:36:20.386071   22194 exec.go:82] 153
  [odo] I0522 11:36:20.386409   22194 exec.go:33] Executing command [/bin/sh -c kill -0 153; echo $?] for pod: aplngt-app-59d4b6cd84-t7zvm in container: runtime
  [odo] I0522 11:36:20.626256   22194 exec.go:82] 0
  [odo] I0522 11:36:20.633614   22194 kubeexec.go:40] GetProcessInfoForCommand for "run"
  [odo] I0522 11:36:20.633848   22194 exec.go:33] Executing command [/bin/sh -c cat /opt/odo/ || true] for pod: aplngt-app-59d4b6cd84-t7zvm in container: runtime
  [odo] I0522 11:36:20.843646   22194 exec.go:82] 153
  [odo] I0522 11:36:20.845534   22194 exec.go:33] Executing command [/bin/sh -c kill -0 153; echo $?] for pod: aplngt-app-59d4b6cd84-t7zvm in container: runtime
  [odo] I0522 11:36:21.116549   22194 exec.go:82] 0
  [odo]  •  Waiting for the application to be ready  ...
  [odo] I0522 11:36:22.117988   22194 exec.go:33] Executing command [/bin/sh -c cat /proc/net/tcp /proc/net/udp /proc/net/tcp6 /proc/net/udp6] for pod: aplngt-app-59d4b6cd84-t7zvm in container: runtime
  [odo] I0522 11:36:22.354956   22194 exec.go:82]   sl  local_address rem_address   st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt   uid  timeout inode                                                     
  [odo] I0522 11:36:22.355099   22194 exec.go:82]    0: 216811AC:9A5E 91B9FA8E:01BB 06 00000000:00000000 03:000014A0 00000000     0        0 0 3 0000000000000000                                      
  [odo] I0522 11:36:22.355486   22194 exec.go:82]   sl  local_address rem_address   st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt   uid  timeout inode ref pointer drops             
  [odo] I0522 11:36:22.355536   22194 exec.go:82]   sl  local_address                         remote_address                        st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt   uid  timeout inode
  [odo] I0522 11:36:22.355548   22194 exec.go:82]    0: 00000000000000000000000000000000:1F90 00000000000000000000000000000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000 1054040000        0 310495798 1 0000000000000000 100 0 0 10 0
  [odo] I0522 11:36:22.355606   22194 exec.go:82]   sl  local_address                         remote_address                        st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt   uid  timeout inode ref pointer drops
  [odo] I0522 11:36:22.357980   22194 port.go:344] ports not listening: map[]
  [odo] ↵
 ✓  Waiting for the application to be ready [1s]
  [odo]  -  Forwarding from -> 8080
  [odo] I0522 11:36:22.463873   22194 status.go:34] setting inner loop State "Ready"
  [odo] ↪ Dev mode
  [odo]  Status:
  [odo]  Watching for changes in the current directory /tmp/2367109291
  [odo]  Keyboard Commands:
  [odo] [Ctrl+c] - Exit and delete resources from the cluster
  [odo]      [p] - Manually apply local changes to the application on the cluster
  [odo] I0522 11:36:22.464112   22194 watch.go:263] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: aplngt-app, rv: 26064681, generation: 1, pods: 1
  [odo] I0522 11:36:22.577087   22194 watch.go:339] filesystem watch event: CREATE        "/tmp/2367109291/.odo/odo-file-index.json"
  [odo] I0522 11:36:22.577889   22194 watch.go:339] filesystem watch event: WRITE         "/tmp/2367109291/.odo/odo-file-index.json"
  [odo] I0522 11:36:22.578457   22194 watch.go:339] filesystem watch event: WRITE         "/tmp/2367109291/.odo/devstate.json"
  [odo] I0522 11:36:22.578928   22194 watch.go:339] filesystem watch event: WRITE         "/tmp/2367109291/.odo/devstate.22194.json"
  Running odo with args [odo add binding --name uivafy --service cluster-example-initdb --bind-as-files=false] and odo env: []
  [odo] I0522 11:36:29.600492   22244 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I0522 11:36:29.601075   22244 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I0522 11:36:29.601546   22244 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON
  [odo] I0522 11:36:29.601618   22244 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.1.0'
  [odo] I0522 11:36:29.601779   22244 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.1.0' is supported
  [odo] I0522 11:36:29.604379   22244 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema
  [odo] I0522 11:36:29.606441   22244 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections
  [odo] I0522 11:36:29.606477   22244 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections
  [odo] I0522 11:36:29.606611   22244 component.go:87] name of component is "aplngt", and sanitized name is "aplngt"
  [odo] I0522 11:36:29.606668   22244 kclient.go:224] Checking if "servicebindings" resource is supported
  [odo] I0522 11:36:29.713498   22244 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I0522 11:36:29.713523   22244 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I0522 11:36:29.714081   22244 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON
  [odo] I0522 11:36:29.714144   22244 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.1.0'
  [odo] I0522 11:36:29.714158   22244 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.1.0' is supported
  [odo] I0522 11:36:29.716546   22244 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema
  [odo] I0522 11:36:29.716712   22244 kclient.go:224] Checking if "servicebindings" resource is supported
  [odo] I0522 11:36:29.782916   22244 kclient.go:224] Checking if "deployments" resource is supported
  [odo] I0522 11:36:29.788220   22244 writer.go:55] devfile yaml created at: 'devfile.yaml'
  [odo]  ✓  Successfully added the binding to the devfile.
  [odo] Run `odo dev` to create it on the cluster.
  [odo] I0522 11:36:29.888648   22194 watch.go:414] Copying files [] to pod
  [odo] Updating Component...
  [odo] I0522 11:36:29.889350   22194 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I0522 11:36:29.889396   22194 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I0522 11:36:29.891029   22194 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON
  [odo] I0522 11:36:29.891241   22194 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.1.0'
  [odo] I0522 11:36:29.891305   22194 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.1.0' is supported
  [odo] I0522 11:36:29.903809   22194 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema
  [odo] I0522 11:36:29.904509   22194 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections
  [odo] I0522 11:36:29.904568   22194 components.go:69] component state: "Ready"
  [odo] I0522 11:36:29.915530   22194 components.go:259] We are deploying these annotations: map[*]
  [odo] I0522 11:36:29.959283   22194 utils.go:77] Updating container runtime with mandatory volume mounts
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.004383   22194 components.go:345] Creating deployment aplngt-app
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.004535   22194 components.go:346] The component name is aplngt
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.004571   22194 components.go:349] The component already exists, attempting to update it
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.004628   22194 components.go:351] Applying deployment
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.029623   22194 components.go:360] Successfully updated component aplngt
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.050658   22194 components.go:747] Successfully update Service for component aplngt
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.082652   22194 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 200 APIs
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.083157   22194 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.129939   22194 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 47.298096ms
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.130059   22194 all.go:76] query result: objects=6
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.131031   22194 kclient.go:224] Checking if "servicebindings" resource is supported
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.177704   22194 kclient.go:224] Checking if "clusterserviceversions" resource is supported
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.178077   22194 service.go:75] Getting list of services
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.178114   22194 operators.go:30] Fetching list of operators installed in cluster
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.211278   22194 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: cloud-native-postgresql.v1.18.3
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.211446   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.220254   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.232538   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.242564   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.251237   22194 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: service-binding-operator.v1.3.3
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.251347   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.254142   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.257309   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.260507   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.267817   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.278440   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.290584   22194 kclient.go:224] Checking if "servicebindings" resource is supported
  [odo]  •  Creating resource ServiceBinding/uivafy  ...
  [odo] ↵
 ✓  Creating resource ServiceBinding/uivafy 
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.405539   22194 components.go:152] Waiting for all service bindings to be injected...
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.405742   22194 watch.go:428] Error from Push: watch command was unable to push component: some servicebindings are not injected
  [odo] Error occurred on Push - watch command was unable to push component: some servicebindings are not injected
  [odo] ↪ Dev mode
  [odo]  Status:
  [odo]  Watching for changes in the current directory /tmp/2367109291
  [odo]  Keyboard Commands:
  [odo] [Ctrl+c] - Exit and delete resources from the cluster
  [odo]      [p] - Manually apply local changes to the application on the cluster
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.406498   22194 watch.go:339] filesystem watch event: CREATE        "/tmp/2367109291/.odo/odo-file-index.json"
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.407342   22194 watch.go:339] filesystem watch event: WRITE         "/tmp/2367109291/.odo/odo-file-index.json"
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.407747   22194 watch.go:339] filesystem watch event: WRITE         "/tmp/2367109291/.odo/devstate.json"
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.408311   22194 watch.go:339] filesystem watch event: WRITE         "/tmp/2367109291/.odo/devstate.22194.json"
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.408840   22194 watch.go:339] filesystem watch event: WRITE         "/tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml"
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.409376   22194 file_watcher.go:60] adding watch on path /tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.409430   22194 watch.go:339] filesystem watch event: WRITE         "/tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml"
  [odo] Pushing files...
  [odo] File /tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml changed
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.409786   22194 file_watcher.go:60] adding watch on path /tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.409814   22194 status.go:34] setting inner loop State "SyncOutdated"
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.409838   22194 watch.go:414] Copying files [/tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml] to pod
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.409915   22194 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.409959   22194 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.411200   22194 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.411423   22194 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.1.0'
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.411450   22194 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.1.0' is supported
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.416782   22194 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.417265   22194 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.417333   22194 components.go:69] component state: "SyncOutdated"
  [odo]  •  Waiting for Kubernetes resources  ...
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.437950   22194 components.go:259] We are deploying these annotations: map[*]
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.483676   22194 utils.go:77] Updating container runtime with mandatory volume mounts
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.517503   22194 components.go:345] Creating deployment aplngt-app
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.517690   22194 components.go:346] The component name is aplngt
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.517765   22194 components.go:349] The component already exists, attempting to update it
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.517827   22194 components.go:351] Applying deployment
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.546193   22194 components.go:360] Successfully updated component aplngt
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.567155   22194 components.go:747] Successfully update Service for component aplngt
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.591379   22194 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 200 APIs
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.591599   22194 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.640119   22194 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 48.737864ms
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.640238   22194 all.go:76] query result: objects=7
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.641524   22194 kclient.go:224] Checking if "servicebindings" resource is supported
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.642723   22194 kclient.go:224] Checking if "clusterserviceversions" resource is supported
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.642768   22194 service.go:75] Getting list of services
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.642778   22194 operators.go:30] Fetching list of operators installed in cluster
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.680110   22194 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: cloud-native-postgresql.v1.18.3
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.680154   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.691097   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.705300   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.717266   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.728407   22194 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: service-binding-operator.v1.3.3
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.728511   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.731525   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.734549   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.738044   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.756990   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.767847   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.787632   22194 kclient.go:224] Checking if "servicebindings" resource is supported
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.912445   22194 watch.go:428] Error from Push: watch command was unable to push component: unable to get pod for component aplngt: pod not found for the selector: component=aplngt
  [odo] Error occurred on Push - watch command was unable to push component: unable to get pod for component aplngt: pod not found for the selector: component=aplngt
  [odo] ↪ Dev mode
  [odo]  Status:
  [odo]  Watching for changes in the current directory /tmp/2367109291
  [odo]  Keyboard Commands:
  [odo] [Ctrl+c] - Exit and delete resources from the cluster
  [odo]      [p] - Manually apply local changes to the application on the cluster
  [odo]  ⚠  Pod is Terminating
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.912949   22194 watch.go:263] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: aplngt-app, rv: 26064885, generation: 1, pods: 1
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.914924   22194 watch.go:263] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: aplngt-app, rv: 26064893, generation: 2, pods: 1
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.916421   22194 watch.go:263] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: aplngt-app, rv: 26064897, generation: 2, pods: 1
  [odo] I0522 11:36:30.917705   22194 watch.go:263] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: aplngt-app, rv: 26064905, generation: 2, pods: 0
  [odo] I0522 11:36:31.218455   22194 watch.go:414] Copying files [] to pod
  [odo] I0522 11:36:31.219400   22194 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I0522 11:36:31.219429   22194 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I0522 11:36:31.220738   22194 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON
  [odo] I0522 11:36:31.220958   22194 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.1.0'
  [odo] I0522 11:36:31.220984   22194 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.1.0' is supported
  [odo] I0522 11:36:31.226559   22194 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema
  [odo] I0522 11:36:31.227063   22194 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections
  [odo] I0522 11:36:31.227105   22194 components.go:69] component state: "SyncOutdated"
  [odo]  •  Waiting for Kubernetes resources  ...
  [odo] I0522 11:36:31.238856   22194 components.go:259] We are deploying these annotations: map[*]
  [odo] I0522 11:36:31.294068   22194 utils.go:77] Updating container runtime with mandatory volume mounts
  [odo] I0522 11:36:31.322772   22194 components.go:345] Creating deployment aplngt-app
  [odo] I0522 11:36:31.322894   22194 components.go:346] The component name is aplngt
  [odo] I0522 11:36:31.322929   22194 components.go:349] The component already exists, attempting to update it
  [odo] I0522 11:36:31.322986   22194 components.go:351] Applying deployment
  [odo] I0522 11:36:31.364156   22194 components.go:360] Successfully updated component aplngt
  [odo] I0522 11:36:31.385810   22194 components.go:747] Successfully update Service for component aplngt
  [odo] I0522 11:36:31.418151   22194 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 200 APIs
  [odo] I0522 11:36:31.418311   22194 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs
  [odo] I0522 11:36:31.464209   22194 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 46.060623ms
  [odo] I0522 11:36:31.464275   22194 all.go:76] query result: objects=7
  [odo] I0522 11:36:31.465156   22194 kclient.go:224] Checking if "servicebindings" resource is supported
  [odo] I0522 11:36:31.467031   22194 kclient.go:224] Checking if "clusterserviceversions" resource is supported
  [odo] I0522 11:36:31.467100   22194 service.go:75] Getting list of services
  [odo] I0522 11:36:31.467118   22194 operators.go:30] Fetching list of operators installed in cluster
  [odo] I0522 11:36:31.499509   22194 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: cloud-native-postgresql.v1.18.3
  [odo] I0522 11:36:31.499625   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:31.507028   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:31.517375   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:31.528764   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:31.537501   22194 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: service-binding-operator.v1.3.3
  [odo] I0522 11:36:31.537580   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:31.540738   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:31.543546   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:31.547012   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:31.557445   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:31.566166   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:36:31.600526   22194 kclient.go:224] Checking if "servicebindings" resource is supported
  [odo] I0522 11:36:31.660711   22194 components.go:141] Deployment has 0 ready replicas. Waiting new event...
  [odo] I0522 11:36:31.660827   22194 status.go:34] setting inner loop State "WaitDeployment"
  [odo] I0522 11:36:31.660892   22194 watch.go:263] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: aplngt-app, rv: 26064909, generation: 2, pods: 0
  [odo] I0522 11:37:00.817807   22194 exec.go:49] ExecuteCommand returned an an err: error while streaming command: command terminated with exit code 137. for command '[/bin/sh -c echo $$ > /opt/odo/ && cd ${PROJECT_SOURCE} &&  (./main) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2; echo $? >> /opt/odo/]'
  [odo] stdout: []
  [odo] stderr: []
  [odo] I0522 11:37:00.817890   22194 kubeexec.go:118] error while running background command: unable to exec command [/bin/sh -c echo $$ > /opt/odo/ && cd ${PROJECT_SOURCE} &&  (./main) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2; echo $? >> /opt/odo/]: error while streaming command: command terminated with exit code 137
  [odo] I0522 11:37:00.817910   22194 kubeexec.go:40] GetProcessInfoForCommand for "run"
  [odo] I0522 11:37:00.817945   22194 exec.go:33] Executing command [/bin/sh -c cat /opt/odo/ || true] for pod: aplngt-app-59d4b6cd84-t7zvm in container: runtime
  [odo]  ✗  Finished executing the application (command: run) [46s]
  [odo] I0522 11:37:00.996901   22194 exec.go:49] ExecuteCommand returned an an err: error while streaming command: Internal error occurred: error executing command in container: container is not created or running. for command '[/bin/sh -c cat /opt/odo/ || true]'
  [odo] stdout: []
  [odo] stderr: []
  [odo] I0522 11:37:00.997019   22194 execute_run.go:36] error while running background command: unable to exec command [/bin/sh -c echo $$ > /opt/odo/ && cd ${PROJECT_SOURCE} &&  (./main) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2; echo $? >> /opt/odo/]: error while streaming command: command terminated with exit code 137
  [odo]  ⚠  No pod exists
  [odo] I0522 11:37:02.871861   22194 watch.go:263] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: aplngt-app, rv: 26065239, generation: 2, pods: 0
  [odo]  ⚠  Pod is Pending
  [odo] I0522 11:37:02.914219   22194 watch.go:263] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: aplngt-app, rv: 26065243, generation: 2, pods: 0
  [odo] I0522 11:37:02.989003   22194 watch.go:263] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: aplngt-app, rv: 26065249, generation: 2, pods: 0
  [odo]  ✓  Pod is Running
  [odo] I0522 11:37:05.849451   22194 watch.go:263] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: aplngt-app, rv: 26065297, generation: 2, pods: 1
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.150394   22194 watch.go:414] Copying files [] to pod
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.151266   22194 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.151294   22194 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.152631   22194 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.152837   22194 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.1.0'
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.152863   22194 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.1.0' is supported
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.157842   22194 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.158292   22194 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.158356   22194 components.go:69] component state: "WaitDeployment"
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.167516   22194 components.go:259] We are deploying these annotations: map[*]
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.202765   22194 utils.go:77] Updating container runtime with mandatory volume mounts
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.232989   22194 components.go:345] Creating deployment aplngt-app
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.233017   22194 components.go:346] The component name is aplngt
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.233032   22194 components.go:349] The component already exists, attempting to update it
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.233046   22194 components.go:351] Applying deployment
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.258130   22194 components.go:360] Successfully updated component aplngt
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.308359   22194 components.go:747] Successfully update Service for component aplngt
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.348049   22194 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 200 APIs
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.348482   22194 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.396885   22194 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 48.837375ms
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.396922   22194 all.go:76] query result: objects=8
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.397699   22194 kclient.go:224] Checking if "servicebindings" resource is supported
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.398526   22194 kclient.go:224] Checking if "clusterserviceversions" resource is supported
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.398555   22194 service.go:75] Getting list of services
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.398564   22194 operators.go:30] Fetching list of operators installed in cluster
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.443419   22194 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: cloud-native-postgresql.v1.18.3
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.443607   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.476752   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.513754   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.522422   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.530030   22194 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: service-binding-operator.v1.3.3
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.530050   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.532697   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.535358   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.537940   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.546520   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.563870   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.574581   22194 kclient.go:224] Checking if "servicebindings" resource is supported
  [odo]  •  Syncing files into the container  ...
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.696310   22194 libdevfile.go:187] Build command: build
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.696385   22194 libdevfile.go:199] Run command: run
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.697480   22194 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291, destBase: ., destFile: .
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.697564   22194 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: .
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.698962   22194 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/.gitignore, destBase: ., destFile: .gitignore
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.699029   22194 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: .gitignore
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.699442   22194 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2367109291/.gitignore
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.699502   22194 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/.odo, destBase: ., destFile: .odo
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.699571   22194 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: .odo
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.700023   22194 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/cluster.yaml, destBase: ., destFile: cluster.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.700078   22194 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: cluster.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.700411   22194 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2367109291/cluster.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.700483   22194 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/devfile.yaml, destBase: ., destFile: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.700544   22194 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.700931   22194 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.700993   22194 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/go.mod, destBase: ., destFile: go.mod
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.701021   22194 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: go.mod
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.701360   22194 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2367109291/go.mod
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.701413   22194 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/go.sum, destBase: ., destFile: go.sum
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.701439   22194 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: go.sum
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.701787   22194 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2367109291/go.sum
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.701841   22194 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/main.go, destBase: ., destFile: main.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.701868   22194 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: main.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.702192   22194 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2367109291/main.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.702251   22194 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/middleware, destBase: ., destFile: middleware
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.702356   22194 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: middleware
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.702693   22194 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2367109291/middleware
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.703247   22194 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/middleware/handlers.go, destBase: ., destFile: middleware/handlers.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.703296   22194 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: middleware/handlers.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.703653   22194 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2367109291/middleware/handlers.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.703714   22194 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/models, destBase: ., destFile: models
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.703741   22194 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: models
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.704133   22194 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2367109291/models
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.704540   22194 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/models/models.go, destBase: ., destFile: models/models.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.704585   22194 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: models/models.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.704922   22194 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2367109291/models/models.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.704986   22194 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/router, destBase: ., destFile: router
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.705012   22194 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: router
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.705322   22194 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2367109291/router
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.705701   22194 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/router/router.go, destBase: ., destFile: router/router.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.705756   22194 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: router/router.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.706087   22194 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2367109291/router/router.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.706572   22194 sync.go:138] List of files to be deleted: +[]
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.706624   22194 sync.go:140] List of files changed: +[/tmp/2367109291/router /tmp/2367109291/router/router.go /tmp/2367109291/go.mod /tmp/2367109291/go.sum /tmp/2367109291/middleware /tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml /tmp/2367109291/main.go /tmp/2367109291/middleware/handlers.go /tmp/2367109291/models /tmp/2367109291/models/models.go /tmp/2367109291/.gitignore /tmp/2367109291/cluster.yaml]
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.706664   22194 sync.go:193] Push: componentName: aplngt, path: /tmp/2367109291, files: [/tmp/2367109291/router /tmp/2367109291/router/router.go /tmp/2367109291/go.mod /tmp/2367109291/go.sum /tmp/2367109291/middleware /tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml /tmp/2367109291/main.go /tmp/2367109291/middleware/handlers.go /tmp/2367109291/models /tmp/2367109291/models/models.go /tmp/2367109291/.gitignore /tmp/2367109291/cluster.yaml], delFiles: [*], isForcePush: true
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.707262   22194 sync.go:310] remote files marked for deletion are [/projects/*]
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.707330   22194 exec.go:33] Executing command [rm -rf /projects/*] for pod: aplngt-app-58d7fd44c4-2z8zd in container: runtime
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.897332   22194 sync.go:233] Copying files /tmp/2367109291/router /tmp/2367109291/router/router.go /tmp/2367109291/go.mod /tmp/2367109291/go.sum /tmp/2367109291/middleware /tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml /tmp/2367109291/main.go /tmp/2367109291/middleware/handlers.go /tmp/2367109291/models /tmp/2367109291/models/models.go /tmp/2367109291/.gitignore /tmp/2367109291/cluster.yaml to pod
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.897389   22194 copy.go:36] CopyFile arguments: localPath /tmp/2367109291, dest /projects/2367109291, targetPath /projects, copyFiles [/tmp/2367109291/router /tmp/2367109291/router/router.go /tmp/2367109291/go.mod /tmp/2367109291/go.sum /tmp/2367109291/middleware /tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml /tmp/2367109291/main.go /tmp/2367109291/middleware/handlers.go /tmp/2367109291/models /tmp/2367109291/models/models.go /tmp/2367109291/.gitignore /tmp/2367109291/cluster.yaml], globalExps [.git .odo .odo/odo-file-index.json]
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.897474   22194 copy.go:64] Executing command tar xf - -C /projects --no-same-owner
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.897906   22194 copy.go:97] makeTar arguments: srcPath: /tmp/2367109291, destPath: /projects/2367109291, files: [/tmp/2367109291/router /tmp/2367109291/router/router.go /tmp/2367109291/go.mod /tmp/2367109291/go.sum /tmp/2367109291/middleware /tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml /tmp/2367109291/main.go /tmp/2367109291/middleware/handlers.go /tmp/2367109291/models /tmp/2367109291/models/models.go /tmp/2367109291/.gitignore /tmp/2367109291/cluster.yaml]
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.898936   22194 copy.go:128] Got abs path: /tmp/2367109291/router
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.899032   22194 copy.go:129] Making /tmp/2367109291 relative to /tmp/2367109291/router
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.899104   22194 copy.go:145] makeTar srcFile: 2367109291/router
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.899141   22194 copy.go:146] makeTar destFile: router
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.899221   22194 copy.go:166] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/router, destBase: /projects, destFile: router
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.899260   22194 copy.go:172] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: router
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.899920   22194 copy.go:128] Got abs path: /tmp/2367109291/router/router.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.900006   22194 copy.go:129] Making /tmp/2367109291 relative to /tmp/2367109291/router/router.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.900047   22194 copy.go:145] makeTar srcFile: 2367109291/router/router.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.900119   22194 copy.go:146] makeTar destFile: router/router.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.900153   22194 copy.go:166] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/router/router.go, destBase: /projects, destFile: router/router.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:06.900228   22194 copy.go:172] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: router/router.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.009627   22194 copy.go:128] Got abs path: /tmp/2367109291/go.mod
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.009691   22194 copy.go:129] Making /tmp/2367109291 relative to /tmp/2367109291/go.mod
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.009716   22194 copy.go:145] makeTar srcFile: 2367109291/go.mod
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.009723   22194 copy.go:146] makeTar destFile: go.mod
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.009729   22194 copy.go:166] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/go.mod, destBase: /projects, destFile: go.mod
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.009776   22194 copy.go:172] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: go.mod
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.010759   22194 copy.go:128] Got abs path: /tmp/2367109291/go.sum
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.010843   22194 copy.go:129] Making /tmp/2367109291 relative to /tmp/2367109291/go.sum
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.010855   22194 copy.go:145] makeTar srcFile: 2367109291/go.sum
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.010862   22194 copy.go:146] makeTar destFile: go.sum
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.010873   22194 copy.go:166] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/go.sum, destBase: /projects, destFile: go.sum
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.010882   22194 copy.go:172] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: go.sum
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.013990   22194 copy.go:128] Got abs path: /tmp/2367109291/middleware
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.014560   22194 copy.go:129] Making /tmp/2367109291 relative to /tmp/2367109291/middleware
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.014980   22194 copy.go:145] makeTar srcFile: 2367109291/middleware
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.015200   22194 copy.go:146] makeTar destFile: middleware
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.015303   22194 copy.go:166] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/middleware, destBase: /projects, destFile: middleware
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.015346   22194 copy.go:172] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: middleware
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.015877   22194 copy.go:128] Got abs path: /tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.015977   22194 copy.go:129] Making /tmp/2367109291 relative to /tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.016055   22194 copy.go:145] makeTar srcFile: 2367109291/devfile.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.016087   22194 copy.go:146] makeTar destFile: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.016146   22194 copy.go:166] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/devfile.yaml, destBase: /projects, destFile: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.016175   22194 copy.go:172] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.016838   22194 copy.go:128] Got abs path: /tmp/2367109291/main.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.016853   22194 copy.go:129] Making /tmp/2367109291 relative to /tmp/2367109291/main.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.016861   22194 copy.go:145] makeTar srcFile: 2367109291/main.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.016867   22194 copy.go:146] makeTar destFile: main.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.016885   22194 copy.go:166] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/main.go, destBase: /projects, destFile: main.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.016890   22194 copy.go:172] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: main.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.017395   22194 copy.go:128] Got abs path: /tmp/2367109291/middleware/handlers.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.017466   22194 copy.go:129] Making /tmp/2367109291 relative to /tmp/2367109291/middleware/handlers.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.017498   22194 copy.go:145] makeTar srcFile: 2367109291/middleware/handlers.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.017556   22194 copy.go:146] makeTar destFile: middleware/handlers.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.017584   22194 copy.go:166] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/middleware/handlers.go, destBase: /projects, destFile: middleware/handlers.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.017630   22194 copy.go:172] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: middleware/handlers.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.018499   22194 copy.go:128] Got abs path: /tmp/2367109291/models
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.018513   22194 copy.go:129] Making /tmp/2367109291 relative to /tmp/2367109291/models
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.018521   22194 copy.go:145] makeTar srcFile: 2367109291/models
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.018527   22194 copy.go:146] makeTar destFile: models
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.018531   22194 copy.go:166] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/models, destBase: /projects, destFile: models
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.018536   22194 copy.go:172] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: models
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.018835   22194 copy.go:128] Got abs path: /tmp/2367109291/models/models.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.018847   22194 copy.go:129] Making /tmp/2367109291 relative to /tmp/2367109291/models/models.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.018858   22194 copy.go:145] makeTar srcFile: 2367109291/models/models.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.018864   22194 copy.go:146] makeTar destFile: models/models.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.018870   22194 copy.go:166] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/models/models.go, destBase: /projects, destFile: models/models.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.018874   22194 copy.go:172] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: models/models.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.019387   22194 copy.go:128] Got abs path: /tmp/2367109291/.gitignore
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.019490   22194 copy.go:129] Making /tmp/2367109291 relative to /tmp/2367109291/.gitignore
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.019554   22194 copy.go:145] makeTar srcFile: 2367109291/.gitignore
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.019600   22194 copy.go:146] makeTar destFile: .gitignore
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.019662   22194 copy.go:166] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/.gitignore, destBase: /projects, destFile: .gitignore
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.019750   22194 copy.go:172] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: .gitignore
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.020491   22194 copy.go:128] Got abs path: /tmp/2367109291/cluster.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.020504   22194 copy.go:129] Making /tmp/2367109291 relative to /tmp/2367109291/cluster.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.020514   22194 copy.go:145] makeTar srcFile: 2367109291/cluster.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.020521   22194 copy.go:146] makeTar destFile: cluster.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.020539   22194 copy.go:166] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/cluster.yaml, destBase: /projects, destFile: cluster.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.020545   22194 copy.go:172] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: cluster.yaml
  [odo] ↵
 ✓  Syncing files into the container [389ms]
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.085984   22194 kubeexec.go:40] GetProcessInfoForCommand for "run"
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.086138   22194 exec.go:33] Executing command [/bin/sh -c cat /opt/odo/ || true] for pod: aplngt-app-58d7fd44c4-2z8zd in container: runtime
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.340767   22194 exec.go:82] cat: /opt/odo/ No such file or directory
  [odo]  •  Building your application in container (command: build)  ...
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.346467   22194 innerloop.go:138] running=false, execRequired=true
  [odo] I0522 11:37:07.346558   22194 exec.go:33] Executing command [/bin/sh -c cd ${PROJECT_SOURCE} && (export GOPATH="${PROJECT_SOURCE}/.go" GOCACHE="${PROJECT_SOURCE}/.cache" && go build main.go) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2] for pod: aplngt-app-58d7fd44c4-2z8zd in container: runtime
  [odo] ↵
 ✓  Building your application in container (command: build) [2s]
  [odo] I0522 11:37:09.669268   22194 kubeexec.go:54] StartProcessForCommand for "run"
  [odo]  •  Executing the application (command: run)  ...
  [odo] I0522 11:37:09.669429   22194 retry.go:48] waiting for 5 second(s) before trying task "process for command \"run\""
  [odo] I0522 11:37:09.669485   22194 exec.go:33] Executing command [/bin/sh -c echo $$ > /opt/odo/ && cd ${PROJECT_SOURCE} &&  (./main) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2; echo $? >> /opt/odo/] for pod: aplngt-app-58d7fd44c4-2z8zd in container: runtime
  [odo] I0522 11:37:14.670735   22194 execute_run.go:90] checking if process for command "run" is running
  [odo] I0522 11:37:14.670945   22194 kubeexec.go:40] GetProcessInfoForCommand for "run"
  [odo] I0522 11:37:14.671218   22194 exec.go:33] Executing command [/bin/sh -c cat /opt/odo/ || true] for pod: aplngt-app-58d7fd44c4-2z8zd in container: runtime
  [odo] I0522 11:37:14.885567   22194 exec.go:82] 156
  [odo] I0522 11:37:14.901892   22194 exec.go:33] Executing command [/bin/sh -c kill -0 156; echo $?] for pod: aplngt-app-58d7fd44c4-2z8zd in container: runtime
  [odo] I0522 11:37:15.137189   22194 exec.go:82] 0
  [odo] I0522 11:37:15.145580   22194 kubeexec.go:40] GetProcessInfoForCommand for "run"
  [odo] I0522 11:37:15.145752   22194 exec.go:33] Executing command [/bin/sh -c cat /opt/odo/ || true] for pod: aplngt-app-58d7fd44c4-2z8zd in container: runtime
  [odo] I0522 11:37:15.351249   22194 exec.go:82] 156
  [odo] I0522 11:37:15.353512   22194 exec.go:33] Executing command [/bin/sh -c kill -0 156; echo $?] for pod: aplngt-app-58d7fd44c4-2z8zd in container: runtime
  [odo] I0522 11:37:15.560517   22194 exec.go:82] 0
  [odo]  •  Waiting for the application to be ready  ...
  [odo] I0522 11:37:16.566301   22194 exec.go:33] Executing command [/bin/sh -c cat /proc/net/tcp /proc/net/udp /proc/net/tcp6 /proc/net/udp6] for pod: aplngt-app-58d7fd44c4-2z8zd in container: runtime
  [odo] I0522 11:37:16.782287   22194 exec.go:82]   sl  local_address rem_address   st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt   uid  timeout inode                                                     
  [odo] I0522 11:37:16.782439   22194 exec.go:82]    0: 2E6811AC:B18C 91B9FA8E:01BB 06 00000000:00000000 03:000014A8 00000000     0        0 0 3 0000000000000000                                      
  [odo] I0522 11:37:16.782519   22194 exec.go:82]   sl  local_address rem_address   st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt   uid  timeout inode ref pointer drops             
  [odo] I0522 11:37:16.783060   22194 exec.go:82]   sl  local_address                         remote_address                        st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt   uid  timeout inode
  [odo] I0522 11:37:16.783110   22194 exec.go:82]    0: 00000000000000000000000000000000:1F90 00000000000000000000000000000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000 1054040000        0 310510889 1 0000000000000000 100 0 0 10 0
  [odo] I0522 11:37:16.783534   22194 exec.go:82]   sl  local_address                         remote_address                        st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt   uid  timeout inode ref pointer drops
  [odo] I0522 11:37:16.786045   22194 port.go:344] ports not listening: map[]
  [odo] ↵
 ✓  Waiting for the application to be ready [1s]
  [odo]  -  Forwarding from -> 8080
  [odo] I0522 11:37:16.896160   22194 status.go:34] setting inner loop State "Ready"
  [odo] ↪ Dev mode
  [odo]  Status:
  [odo]  Watching for changes in the current directory /tmp/2367109291
  [odo]  Keyboard Commands:
  [odo] [Ctrl+c] - Exit and delete resources from the cluster
  [odo]      [p] - Manually apply local changes to the application on the cluster
  [odo] I0522 11:37:16.896364   22194 watch.go:263] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: aplngt-app, rv: 26065301, generation: 2, pods: 1
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.046148   22194 watch.go:339] filesystem watch event: CREATE        "/tmp/2367109291/.odo/odo-file-index.json"
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.046976   22194 watch.go:339] filesystem watch event: WRITE         "/tmp/2367109291/.odo/odo-file-index.json"
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.047419   22194 watch.go:339] filesystem watch event: WRITE         "/tmp/2367109291/.odo/devstate.json"
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.048056   22194 watch.go:339] filesystem watch event: WRITE         "/tmp/2367109291/.odo/devstate.22194.json"
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.048716   22194 watch.go:339] filesystem watch event: WRITE         "/tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml"
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.049222   22194 file_watcher.go:60] adding watch on path /tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.049305   22194 watch.go:339] filesystem watch event: WRITE         "/tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml"
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.049613   22194 file_watcher.go:60] adding watch on path /tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.049707   22194 watch.go:339] filesystem watch event: REMOVE        "/tmp/2367109291/.odo/odo-file-index.json"
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.049762   22194 watch.go:374] error removing watch for /tmp/2367109291/.odo/odo-file-index.json: can't remove non-existent watcher: /tmp/2367109291/.odo/odo-file-index.json
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.049793   22194 watch.go:339] filesystem watch event: CREATE        "/tmp/2367109291/.odo/odo-file-index.json"
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.050100   22194 watch.go:339] filesystem watch event: WRITE         "/tmp/2367109291/.odo/odo-file-index.json"
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.050473   22194 watch.go:339] filesystem watch event: WRITE         "/tmp/2367109291/.odo/devstate.json"
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.050810   22194 watch.go:339] filesystem watch event: WRITE         "/tmp/2367109291/.odo/devstate.22194.json"
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.051259   22194 status.go:34] setting inner loop State "SyncOutdated"
  [odo] Pushing files...
  [odo] File /tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml changed
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.051365   22194 watch.go:414] Copying files [/tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml] to pod
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.051993   22194 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.052050   22194 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2367109291/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.053221   22194 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.053451   22194 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.1.0'
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.053535   22194 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.1.0' is supported
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.059310   22194 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.059715   22194 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.059795   22194 components.go:69] component state: "SyncOutdated"
  [odo]  •  Waiting for Kubernetes resources  ...
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.070284   22194 components.go:259] We are deploying these annotations: map[*]
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.123548   22194 utils.go:77] Updating container runtime with mandatory volume mounts
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.163443   22194 components.go:345] Creating deployment aplngt-app
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.163575   22194 components.go:346] The component name is aplngt
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.163633   22194 components.go:349] The component already exists, attempting to update it
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.163694   22194 components.go:351] Applying deployment
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.195034   22194 components.go:360] Successfully updated component aplngt
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.226809   22194 components.go:747] Successfully update Service for component aplngt
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.262632   22194 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 200 APIs
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.262815   22194 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.312370   22194 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 49.740715ms
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.312506   22194 all.go:76] query result: objects=8
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.315080   22194 kclient.go:224] Checking if "servicebindings" resource is supported
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.316477   22194 kclient.go:224] Checking if "clusterserviceversions" resource is supported
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.316883   22194 service.go:75] Getting list of services
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.316966   22194 operators.go:30] Fetching list of operators installed in cluster
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.350921   22194 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: cloud-native-postgresql.v1.18.3
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.350974   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.359699   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.371096   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.380551   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.389363   22194 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: service-binding-operator.v1.3.3
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.389430   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.392691   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.395671   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.398787   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.408619   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.416268   22194 service.go:124] Getting instances of:
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.428709   22194 kclient.go:224] Checking if "servicebindings" resource is supported
  [odo]  •  Syncing files into the container  ...
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.535531   22194 libdevfile.go:187] Build command: build
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.535591   22194 libdevfile.go:199] Run command: run
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.536352   22194 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291, destBase: ., destFile: .
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.536400   22194 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: .
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.537208   22194 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/.gitignore, destBase: ., destFile: .gitignore
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.537262   22194 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: .gitignore
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.537606   22194 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/.odo, destBase: ., destFile: .odo
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.537687   22194 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: .odo
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.538135   22194 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/cluster.yaml, destBase: ., destFile: cluster.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.538189   22194 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: cluster.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.538549   22194 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/devfile.yaml, destBase: ., destFile: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.538598   22194 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.538906   22194 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/go.mod, destBase: ., destFile: go.mod
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.538947   22194 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: go.mod
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.539252   22194 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/go.sum, destBase: ., destFile: go.sum
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.539292   22194 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: go.sum
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.539596   22194 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/main.go, destBase: ., destFile: main.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.539640   22194 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: main.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.539936   22194 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/middleware, destBase: ., destFile: middleware
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.539974   22194 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: middleware
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.540630   22194 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/middleware/handlers.go, destBase: ., destFile: middleware/handlers.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.540690   22194 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: middleware/handlers.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.541109   22194 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/models, destBase: ., destFile: models
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.541254   22194 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: models
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.541835   22194 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/models/models.go, destBase: ., destFile: models/models.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.541894   22194 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: models/models.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.542220   22194 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/router, destBase: ., destFile: router
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.542261   22194 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: router
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.543089   22194 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2367109291/router/router.go, destBase: ., destFile: router/router.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.543141   22194 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: router/router.go
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.543632   22194 sync.go:138] List of files to be deleted: +[]
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.543677   22194 sync.go:140] List of files changed: +[]
  [odo] ↵
 ✓  Syncing files into the container [8ms]
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.543763   22194 kubeexec.go:40] GetProcessInfoForCommand for "run"
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.543812   22194 exec.go:33] Executing command [/bin/sh -c cat /opt/odo/ || true] for pod: aplngt-app-58d7fd44c4-2z8zd in container: runtime
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.713574   22194 exec.go:82] 156
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.716765   22194 exec.go:33] Executing command [/bin/sh -c kill -0 156; echo $?] for pod: aplngt-app-58d7fd44c4-2z8zd in container: runtime
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.924716   22194 exec.go:82] 0
  [odo] I0522 11:37:17.925741   22194 innerloop.go:138] running=true, execRequired=false
  [odo]  •  Waiting for the application to be ready  ...
  [odo] I0522 11:37:18.926936   22194 exec.go:33] Executing command [/bin/sh -c cat /proc/net/tcp /proc/net/udp /proc/net/tcp6 /proc/net/udp6] for pod: aplngt-app-58d7fd44c4-2z8zd in container: runtime
  [odo] I0522 11:37:19.179433   22194 exec.go:82]   sl  local_address rem_address   st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt   uid  timeout inode                                                     
  [odo] I0522 11:37:19.179638   22194 exec.go:82]    0: 2E6811AC:B18C 91B9FA8E:01BB 06 00000000:00000000 03:000013B8 00000000     0        0 0 3 0000000000000000                                      
  [odo] I0522 11:37:19.181906   22194 exec.go:82]   sl  local_address rem_address   st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt   uid  timeout inode ref pointer drops             
  [odo] I0522 11:37:19.182189   22194 exec.go:82]   sl  local_address                         remote_address                        st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt   uid  timeout inode
  [odo] I0522 11:37:19.182216   22194 exec.go:82]    0: 00000000000000000000000000000000:1F90 00000000000000000000000000000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000 1054040000        0 310510889 1 0000000000000000 100 0 0 10 0
  [odo] I0522 11:37:19.182258   22194 exec.go:82]   sl  local_address                         remote_address                        st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt   uid  timeout inode ref pointer drops
  [odo] I0522 11:37:19.184425   22194 port.go:344] ports not listening: map[]
  [odo] ↵
 ✓  Waiting for the application to be ready [1s]
  [odo] I0522 11:37:19.184858   22194 status.go:34] setting inner loop State "Ready"
  [odo] ↪ Dev mode
  [odo]  Status:
  [odo]  Watching for changes in the current directory /tmp/2367109291
  [odo]  Keyboard Commands:
  [odo] [Ctrl+c] - Exit and delete resources from the cluster
  [odo]      [p] - Manually apply local changes to the application on the cluster
  [odo] I0522 11:37:19.185007   22194 watch.go:263] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: aplngt-app, rv: 26065405, generation: 2, pods: 1
  Running oc with args [oc get pods --namespace e2e-test462ebr --selector=component=aplngt -o jsonpath={.items[*]}] and odo env: []
  [oc] aplngt-app-58d7fd44c4-2z8zdRunning oc with args [oc exec aplngt-app-58d7fd44c4-2z8zd --namespace e2e-test462ebr -c runtime -- curl] and odo env: []
  [oc]   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
  [oc]                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  [oc] ↵
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0↵
100     4  100     4    0     0   4000      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  4000
  [oc] pong
  [FAILED] in [It] - /go/odo_1/tests/e2escenarios/e2e_test.go:431 @ 05/22/23 11:37:22.865
  Deleting project: e2e-test462ebr
  Running oc with args [oc delete project e2e-test462ebr --wait=false] and odo env: []
  [oc] "e2e-test462ebr" deleted
  Setting current dir to: /go/odo_1/tests/e2escenarios
  Deleting dir: /tmp/2367109291
  Deleting dir: /tmp/3023212996
  << Timeline

  [FAILED] Expected
      <*url.Error | 0xc00034cfc0>: {
          Op: "Post",
          URL: "",
          Err: <*errors.errorString | 0xc000072130>{s: "EOF"},
  to be nil
  In [It] at: /go/odo_1/tests/e2escenarios/e2e_test.go:431 @ 05/22/23 11:37:22.865
• [105.757 seconds]
E2E Test starting with non-empty Directory test debugging should verify developer workflow from non-empty Directory

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo init' from /tmp/186131928
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [148.621 seconds]
E2E Test starting with empty Directory should verify developer workflow from empty Directory

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo init' from /tmp/2987060654
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo delete component' from /tmp/2987060654
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [238.080 seconds]
E2E Test starting with non-empty Directory should verify developer workflow from non-empty Directory

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo init' from /tmp/101839532
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo delete component' from /tmp/101839532
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

Summarizing 1 Failure:
  [FAIL] E2E Test starting with non-empty Directory add Binding [It] should verify developer workflow of using binding as env in innerloop

Ran 4 of 4 Specs in 238.104 seconds
FAIL! -- 3 Passed | 1 Failed | 0 Pending | 0 Skipped

Ginkgo ran 1 suite in 4m22.014363676s

Test Suite Failed
You're using deprecated Ginkgo functionality:
  --slow-spec-threshold is deprecated --slow-spec-threshold has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Ginkgo.  This feature has proved to be more noisy than useful.  You can use --poll-progress-after, instead, to get more actionable feedback about potentially slow specs and understand where they might be getting stuck.

To silence deprecations that can be silenced set the following environment variable:

exit status 1
make: *** [Makefile:229: test-e2e] Error 1