Error from server (NotFound): namespaces "devfile-proxy" not found Using Devfile proxy: go install -mod=vendor -ldflags="-X" ./cmd/odo/ go run -mod=vendor --randomize-all --poll-progress-after=120s --poll-progress-interval=120s -timeout 14400s --no-color -nodes=16 --junit-report="test-integration.xml" --label-filter="!unauth && !nocluster && !podman" tests/integration Running Suite: Integration Suite - /go/odo_1/tests/integration ============================================================== Random Seed: 1686913437 - will randomize all specs Will run 511 of 950 specs Running in parallel across 16 processes SSSSSSS••S•SSSSS•SSS•SSSS•SS•SS• ------------------------------ • [12.879 seconds] odo add binding interactive command tests when running a deployment should successfully add binding without devfile (custom naming strategy: "") /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_add_binding_test.go:463 Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >> Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/1470965078 << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output ------------------------------ SSSSS•••••SS ------------------------------ • [59.320 seconds] odo dev command tests when a component with multiple endpoints is run should create state files containing information, including forwarded ports /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:3583 Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >> PID: 12871 << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output ------------------------------ •SSSS••S•••S•S••S••S••S•SS•SSSSSS•SS•S••••• ------------------------------ Progress Report for Ginkgo Process #15 Automatically polling progress: odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when Automount volumes are present in the namespace when odo dev is executed should mount the volumes (Spec Runtime: 2m14.475s) /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:777 In [BeforeEach] (Node Runtime: 2m0s) /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:766 Begin Captured GinkgoWriter Output >> ... [odo] I0616 11:05:23.661759 12736 service.go:124] Getting instances of: [odo] I0616 11:05:23.663788 12736 service.go:124] Getting instances of: [odo] I0616 11:05:23.665452 12736 service.go:124] Getting instances of: [odo] I0616 11:05:23.667380 12736 service.go:124] Getting instances of: [odo] I0616 11:05:23.691985 12736 service.go:124] Getting instances of: [odo] I0616 11:05:23.703485 12736 service.go:124] Getting instances of: [odo] I0616 11:05:23.733004 12736 components.go:141] Deployment has 0 ready replicas. Waiting new event... [odo] I0616 11:05:23.733039 12736 status.go:34] setting inner loop State "WaitDeployment" [odo] I0616 11:05:23.733063 12736 watch.go:263] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: qvvycy-app, rv: 54774219, generation: 1, pods: 0 [odo] ⚠ 0/3 nodes are available: 3 pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims. preemption: 0/3 nodes are available: 3 Preemption is not helpful for scheduling. << End Captured GinkgoWriter Output Spec Goroutine goroutine 70 [select]*AsyncAssertion).match(0xc00037d730, {0x30b59c8?, 0xc0009c4ff0}, 0x1, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}) /go/odo_1/vendor/*AsyncAssertion).Should(0xc00037d730, {0x30b59c8, 0xc0009c4ff0}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}) /go/odo_1/vendor/{0x2cc0c2a, 0xf}, 0x0?, 0x2?, 0xc0009c4fc0) /go/odo_1/tests/helper/helper_run.go:54{{0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...}) /go/odo_1/tests/helper/helper_dev.go:167 > /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:768 | BeforeEach(func() { | var err error > devSession, _, _, _, err = helper.StartDevMode(helper.DevSessionOpts{}) | Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) | }){0x266b253, 0xc000386e40}) /go/odo_1/vendor/*Suite).runNode.func3() /go/odo_1/vendor/*Suite).runNode /go/odo_1/vendor/ ------------------------------ •SSS ------------------------------ • [9.792 seconds] odo add binding interactive command tests when running a deployment should successfully add binding without devfile (naming strategy: "lowercase") /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_add_binding_test.go:378 Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >> Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/2947504535 << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output ------------------------------ S•••• ------------------------------ • [9.830 seconds] odo add binding interactive command tests when the component is bootstrapped should successfully add binding to the devfile (Bind as Files) /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_add_binding_test.go:101 Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >> Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/3293007597 << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output ------------------------------ •S•SS•S•S••S•SS••SSS••SSSSS•SS•••••SSS• ------------------------------ • [78.360 seconds] odo dev interactive command tests directory is not empty when there is a match from Alizer should run alizer to download devfile successfully even with -v flag /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_dev_test.go:40 Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >> Spawning '/go/bin/odo dev --random-ports -v 4' from /tmp/1064786690 << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output ------------------------------ SSSS•••••SSS••••S••SS•SSSS ------------------------------ Progress Report for Ginkgo Process #15 Automatically polling progress: odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when Automount volumes are present in the namespace when odo dev is executed should mount the volumes (Spec Runtime: 4m14.478s) /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:777 In [BeforeEach] (Node Runtime: 4m0.004s) /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:766 Begin Captured GinkgoWriter Output >> ... [odo] I0616 11:05:23.691985 12736 service.go:124] Getting instances of: [odo] I0616 11:05:23.703485 12736 service.go:124] Getting instances of: [odo] I0616 11:05:23.733004 12736 components.go:141] Deployment has 0 ready replicas. Waiting new event... [odo] I0616 11:05:23.733039 12736 status.go:34] setting inner loop State "WaitDeployment" [odo] I0616 11:05:23.733063 12736 watch.go:263] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: qvvycy-app, rv: 54774219, generation: 1, pods: 0 [odo] ⚠ 0/3 nodes are available: 3 pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims. preemption: 0/3 nodes are available: 3 Preemption is not helpful for scheduling. [odo] ⚠ AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-ba2d0179-0cbf-4a72-a272-1ea200caa2a8" : timed out waiting for external-attacher of CSI driver to attach volume r010-d174280e-1020-4a63-8083-2fb074427ef4 [odo] ⚠ AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-32eb959e-b377-4c44-b7ab-e5417c1daf0d" : timed out waiting for external-attacher of CSI driver to attach volume r010-34fb16d8-398b-4f52-a04c-8ca44fddb953 [odo] ⚠ AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-a408c790-d3fd-4f56-9345-f82f42967d08" : timed out waiting for external-attacher of CSI driver to attach volume r010-685aca47-79da-4772-a8c4-03dc2e79d691 [odo] ⚠ Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[auto-pvc-automount-readonly-pvc auto-pvc-automount-mount-path-pvc auto-pvc-automount-default-pvc], unattached volumes=[auto-cm-automount-access-mode-subpath-configmap odo-shared-data auto-secret-automount-access-mode-secret auto-pvc-automount-readonly-pvc auto-secret-automount-default-secret auto-cm-automount-access-mode-configmap auto-secret-automount-mount-path-secret auto-secret-automount-subpath-secret auto-pvc-automount-mount-path-pvc auto-cm-automount-mount-path-configmap auto-cm-automount-subpath-configmap auto-cm-automount-access-mode-configmap-decimal kube-api-access-txgxm odo-projects auto-pvc-automount-default-pvc auto-secret-automount-access-mode-subpath-secret auto-cm-automount-default-configmap]: timed out waiting for the condition << End Captured GinkgoWriter Output Spec Goroutine goroutine 70 [select]*AsyncAssertion).match(0xc00037d730, {0x30b59c8?, 0xc0009c4ff0}, 0x1, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}) /go/odo_1/vendor/*AsyncAssertion).Should(0xc00037d730, {0x30b59c8, 0xc0009c4ff0}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}) /go/odo_1/vendor/{0x2cc0c2a, 0xf}, 0x0?, 0x2?, 0xc0009c4fc0) /go/odo_1/tests/helper/helper_run.go:54{{0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...}) /go/odo_1/tests/helper/helper_dev.go:167 > /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:768 | BeforeEach(func() { | var err error > devSession, _, _, _, err = helper.StartDevMode(helper.DevSessionOpts{}) | Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) | }){0x266b253, 0xc000386e40}) /go/odo_1/vendor/*Suite).runNode.func3() /go/odo_1/vendor/*Suite).runNode /go/odo_1/vendor/ ------------------------------ •S•SSSS••S•••SS••S•SS••S••S••S•S•••S•S ------------------------------ • [11.515 seconds] odo add binding interactive command tests when running a deployment should successfully add binding without devfile (naming strategy: "uppercase") /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_add_binding_test.go:378 Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >> Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/1212864302 << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output ------------------------------ S••S••S ------------------------------ • [2.756 seconds] odo deploy interactive command tests directory is not empty when there is a match from Alizer should display welcoming messages first /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_deploy_test.go:109 Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >> Spawning '/go/bin/odo deploy' from /tmp/4259097794 << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output ------------------------------ •S•S••SS•S••S•S•S•S••••SS••••S• ------------------------------ • [9.506 seconds] odo add binding interactive command tests when the component is bootstrapped should successfully add binding to the devfile (custom naming strategy: "any string") /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_add_binding_test.go:180 Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >> Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/4185533584 << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output ------------------------------ ••••SS•• ------------------------------ Progress Report for Ginkgo Process #15 Automatically polling progress: odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when Automount volumes are present in the namespace when odo dev is executed should mount the volumes (Spec Runtime: 6m14.481s) /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:777 In [BeforeEach] (Node Runtime: 6m0.007s) /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:766 Begin Captured GinkgoWriter Output >> ... [odo] I0616 11:05:23.733063 12736 watch.go:263] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: qvvycy-app, rv: 54774219, generation: 1, pods: 0 [odo] ⚠ 0/3 nodes are available: 3 pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims. preemption: 0/3 nodes are available: 3 Preemption is not helpful for scheduling. [odo] ⚠ AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-ba2d0179-0cbf-4a72-a272-1ea200caa2a8" : timed out waiting for external-attacher of CSI driver to attach volume r010-d174280e-1020-4a63-8083-2fb074427ef4 [odo] ⚠ AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-32eb959e-b377-4c44-b7ab-e5417c1daf0d" : timed out waiting for external-attacher of CSI driver to attach volume r010-34fb16d8-398b-4f52-a04c-8ca44fddb953 [odo] ⚠ AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-a408c790-d3fd-4f56-9345-f82f42967d08" : timed out waiting for external-attacher of CSI driver to attach volume r010-685aca47-79da-4772-a8c4-03dc2e79d691 [odo] ⚠ Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[auto-pvc-automount-readonly-pvc auto-pvc-automount-mount-path-pvc auto-pvc-automount-default-pvc], unattached volumes=[auto-cm-automount-access-mode-subpath-configmap odo-shared-data auto-secret-automount-access-mode-secret auto-pvc-automount-readonly-pvc auto-secret-automount-default-secret auto-cm-automount-access-mode-configmap auto-secret-automount-mount-path-secret auto-secret-automount-subpath-secret auto-pvc-automount-mount-path-pvc auto-cm-automount-mount-path-configmap auto-cm-automount-subpath-configmap auto-cm-automount-access-mode-configmap-decimal kube-api-access-txgxm odo-projects auto-pvc-automount-default-pvc auto-secret-automount-access-mode-subpath-secret auto-cm-automount-default-configmap]: timed out waiting for the condition [odo] ⚠ AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-32eb959e-b377-4c44-b7ab-e5417c1daf0d" : timed out waiting for external-attacher of CSI driver to attach volume r010-34fb16d8-398b-4f52-a04c-8ca44fddb953 [odo] ⚠ AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-ba2d0179-0cbf-4a72-a272-1ea200caa2a8" : timed out waiting for external-attacher of CSI driver to attach volume r010-d174280e-1020-4a63-8083-2fb074427ef4 [odo] ⚠ AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-a408c790-d3fd-4f56-9345-f82f42967d08" : timed out waiting for external-attacher of CSI driver to attach volume r010-685aca47-79da-4772-a8c4-03dc2e79d691 [odo] ⚠ Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[auto-pvc-automount-mount-path-pvc auto-pvc-automount-readonly-pvc auto-pvc-automount-default-pvc], unattached volumes=[auto-secret-automount-access-mode-secret auto-cm-automount-default-configmap auto-cm-automount-mount-path-configmap auto-pvc-automount-mount-path-pvc odo-shared-data auto-cm-automount-subpath-configmap auto-secret-automount-access-mode-subpath-secret auto-secret-automount-subpath-secret auto-cm-automount-access-mode-configmap-decimal auto-cm-automount-access-mode-configmap auto-pvc-automount-readonly-pvc auto-secret-automount-default-secret auto-secret-automount-mount-path-secret kube-api-access-txgxm auto-pvc-automount-default-pvc auto-cm-automount-access-mode-subpath-configmap odo-projects]: timed out waiting for the condition << End Captured GinkgoWriter Output Spec Goroutine goroutine 70 [select]*AsyncAssertion).match(0xc00037d730, {0x30b59c8?, 0xc0009c4ff0}, 0x1, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}) /go/odo_1/vendor/*AsyncAssertion).Should(0xc00037d730, {0x30b59c8, 0xc0009c4ff0}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}) /go/odo_1/vendor/{0x2cc0c2a, 0xf}, 0x0?, 0x2?, 0xc0009c4fc0) /go/odo_1/tests/helper/helper_run.go:54{{0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...}) /go/odo_1/tests/helper/helper_dev.go:167 > /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:768 | BeforeEach(func() { | var err error > devSession, _, _, _, err = helper.StartDevMode(helper.DevSessionOpts{}) | Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) | }){0x266b253, 0xc000386e40}) /go/odo_1/vendor/*Suite).runNode.func3() /go/odo_1/vendor/*Suite).runNode /go/odo_1/vendor/ ------------------------------ • [2.578 seconds] odo deploy interactive command tests directory is not empty when Alizer cannot determine a Devfile based on the current source code should not fail but fallback to the interactive mode /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_deploy_test.go:159 Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >> Spawning '/go/bin/odo deploy' from /tmp/1431186457 << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output ------------------------------ SS•••••SS•SSS•S•S••SS•SSS•SSS•SSSS•S ------------------------------ • [9.207 seconds] odo add binding interactive command tests when the component is bootstrapped should successfully add binding to the devfile ("lowercase" as naming strategy) /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_add_binding_test.go:131 Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >> Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/513062669 << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output ------------------------------ S ------------------------------ • [FAILED] [435.121 seconds] odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when Automount volumes are present in the namespace when odo dev is executed [BeforeEach] should mount the volumes [BeforeEach] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:766 [It] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:777 Timeline >> Created dir: /tmp/1603974954 Created dir: /tmp/358708669 Setting KUBECONFIG=/tmp/358708669/config Creating a new project: cmd-dev-test777xzn Running oc with args [oc new-project cmd-dev-test777xzn] and odo env: [] [oc] Now using project "cmd-dev-test777xzn" on server "". [oc] [oc] You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: [oc] [oc] oc new-app rails-postgresql-example [oc] [oc] to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: [oc] [oc] kubectl create deployment hello-node -- /agnhost serve-hostname [oc] Running oc with args [oc create configmap config-map-for-cleanup --from-literal type=testing --from-literal team=odo -n cmd-dev-test777xzn] and odo env: [] [oc] configmap/config-map-for-cleanup created Current working dir: /go/odo_1/tests/integration Running odo with args [odo preference remove registry DefaultDevfileRegistry -f] and odo env: [] [odo] I0616 11:05:11.953657 12152 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/358708669/preference.yaml [odo] Successfully removed registry [odo] I0616 11:05:11.959396 12152 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/358708669/preference.yaml [odo] I0616 11:05:12.006311 12152 segment.go:264] Checking telemetry enable status [odo] I0616 11:05:12.006403 12152 segment.go:282] Sending telemetry disabled by env variable Running odo with args [odo preference add registry DefaultDevfileRegistry] and odo env: [] [odo] I0616 11:05:13.279508 12289 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/358708669/preference.yaml [odo] New registry successfully added [odo] I0616 11:05:13.285948 12289 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/358708669/preference.yaml [odo] I0616 11:05:13.286773 12289 segment.go:264] Checking telemetry enable status [odo] I0616 11:05:13.286785 12289 segment.go:282] Sending telemetry disabled by env variable Setting current dir to: /tmp/1603974954 Running odo with args [odo init --name qvvycy --devfile-path /go/odo_1/tests/examples/source/devfiles/nodejs/devfile.yaml] and odo env: [] [odo] I0616 11:05:14.917116 12393 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/358708669/preference.yaml [odo] I0616 11:05:14.935057 12393 util.go:198] path /tmp/1603974954/devfile.yaml doesn't exist, skipping it [odo] I0616 11:05:14.935685 12393 util.go:198] path /tmp/1603974954/.devfile.yaml doesn't exist, skipping it [odo] I0616 11:05:14.935954 12393 util.go:198] path /tmp/1603974954/devfile.yaml doesn't exist, skipping it [odo] __ [odo] / \__ Initializing a new component [odo] \__/ \ [odo] / \__/ odo version: v3.11.0 [odo] \__/ [odo] [odo] • Copying devfile from "/go/odo_1/tests/examples/source/devfiles/nodejs/devfile.yaml" ... [odo] ✓ Copying devfile from "/go/odo_1/tests/examples/source/devfiles/nodejs/devfile.yaml" [5ms] [odo] I0616 11:05:14.947230 12393 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/1603974954/devfile.yaml' [odo] I0616 11:05:14.947618 12393 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/1603974954/devfile.yaml' [odo] I0616 11:05:14.957688 12393 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON [odo] I0616 11:05:14.957783 12393 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.0.0' [odo] I0616 11:05:14.961794 12393 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.0.0' is supported [odo] I0616 11:05:15.085154 12393 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema [odo] I0616 11:05:15.224413 12393 writer.go:55] devfile yaml created at: 'devfile.yaml' [odo] [odo] Your new component 'qvvycy' is ready in the current directory. [odo] To start editing your component, use 'odo dev' and open this folder in your favorite IDE. [odo] Changes will be directly reflected on the cluster. [odo] I0616 11:05:15.229403 12393 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/358708669/preference.yaml [odo] I0616 11:05:15.233888 12393 segment.go:264] Checking telemetry enable status [odo] I0616 11:05:15.233949 12393 segment.go:282] Sending telemetry disabled by env variable Running oc with args [oc apply -f /go/odo_1/tests/examples/manifests/config-automount] and odo env: [] [oc] configmap/automount-access-mode-configmap-decimal created [oc] configmap/automount-access-mode-configmap created [oc] secret/automount-access-mode-secret created [oc] configmap/automount-access-mode-subpath-configmap created [oc] secret/automount-access-mode-subpath-secret created [oc] configmap/automount-env-configmap created [oc] secret/automount-env-secret created [oc] configmap/automount-default-configmap created [oc] persistentvolumeclaim/automount-default-pvc created [oc] secret/automount-default-secret created [oc] configmap/automount-mount-path-configmap created [oc] persistentvolumeclaim/automount-mount-path-pvc created [oc] secret/automount-mount-path-secret created [oc] persistentvolumeclaim/automount-readonly-pvc created [oc] configmap/automount-subpath-configmap created [oc] secret/automount-subpath-secret created Running odo with args [odo dev --random-ports] and odo env: [ODO_LOG_LEVEL=4 ODO_TRACKING_CONSENT=no] [odo] I0616 11:05:21.556525 12736 version.go:41] executing [podman version --format json] [odo] I0616 11:05:21.557232 12736 clientset.go:214] no Podman client initialized: exec: "podman": executable file not found in $PATH [odo] I0616 11:05:21.557382 12736 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/358708669/preference.yaml [odo] I0616 11:05:21.562355 12736 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/1603974954/devfile.yaml' [odo] I0616 11:05:21.562480 12736 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/1603974954/devfile.yaml' [odo] I0616 11:05:21.564785 12736 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON [odo] I0616 11:05:21.565630 12736 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.0.0' [odo] I0616 11:05:21.568663 12736 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.0.0' is supported [odo] I0616 11:05:21.692614 12736 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema [odo] I0616 11:05:21.733446 12736 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections [odo] I0616 11:05:21.736967 12736 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections [odo] I0616 11:05:21.737219 12736 component.go:87] name of component is "qvvycy", and sanitized name is "qvvycy" [odo] I0616 11:05:21.739220 12736 kclient.go:224] Checking if "projects" resource is supported [odo] __ [odo] / \__ Developing using the "qvvycy" Devfile [odo] \__/ \ Namespace: cmd-dev-test777xzn [odo] / \__/ odo version: v3.11.0 [odo] \__/ [odo] [odo] ↪ Running on the cluster in Dev mode [odo] I0616 11:05:22.084482 12736 kubedev.go:86] Creating new adapter [odo] I0616 11:05:22.084532 12736 kubedev.go:94] Creating inner-loop resources for the component [odo] I0616 11:05:22.084932 12736 watch.go:101] starting WatchAndPush, path: /tmp/1603974954, component: qvvycy, ignores [.git .odo .odo/odo-file-index.json] [odo] I0616 11:05:22.089806 12736 file_watcher.go:126] adding watch on path /tmp/1603974954 [odo] I0616 11:05:22.089881 12736 file_watcher.go:126] adding watch on path /tmp/1603974954/.odo [odo] I0616 11:05:22.089898 12736 file_watcher.go:126] adding watch on path /tmp/1603974954/test [odo] I0616 11:05:22.099606 12736 watch.go:414] Copying files [] to pod [odo] I0616 11:05:22.100523 12736 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/1603974954/devfile.yaml' [odo] I0616 11:05:22.100540 12736 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/1603974954/devfile.yaml' [odo] I0616 11:05:22.101103 12736 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON [odo] I0616 11:05:22.101205 12736 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.0.0' [odo] I0616 11:05:22.101226 12736 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.0.0' is supported [odo] I0616 11:05:22.107942 12736 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema [odo] I0616 11:05:22.112409 12736 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections [odo] I0616 11:05:22.114260 12736 components.go:69] component state: "" [odo] • Waiting for Kubernetes resources ... [odo] I0616 11:05:22.172336 12736 components.go:260] We are deploying these annotations: map[*] [odo] I0616 11:05:22.188402 12736 utils.go:149] No entrypoint defined for the component, setting container runtime entrypoint to 'tail -f /dev/null'. You can set a 'command' and/or 'args' for the component to override this default entrypoint. [odo] I0616 11:05:22.213254 12736 utils.go:77] Updating container runtime with mandatory volume mounts [odo] I0616 11:05:22.249791 12736 components.go:346] Creating deployment qvvycy-app [odo] I0616 11:05:22.249806 12736 components.go:347] The component name is qvvycy [odo] I0616 11:05:22.251925 12736 kclient.go:273] Kubernetes version is "v1.25.8+37a9a08" [odo] I0616 11:05:22.251978 12736 kclient.go:285] Cluster has support for SSA: true [odo] Warning: would violate PodSecurity "restricted:v1.24": allowPrivilegeEscalation != false (container "runtime" must set securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation=false), unrestricted capabilities (container "runtime" must set securityContext.capabilities.drop=["ALL"]), runAsNonRoot != true (pod or container "runtime" must set securityContext.runAsNonRoot=true), seccompProfile (pod or container "runtime" must set securityContext.seccompProfile.type to "RuntimeDefault" or "Localhost") [odo] I0616 11:05:22.361921 12736 components.go:378] Successfully created component qvvycy [odo] I0616 11:05:22.402802 12736 components.go:390] Successfully created Service for component qvvycy [odo] I0616 11:05:22.437202 12736 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 200 APIs [odo] I0616 11:05:22.439610 12736 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs [odo] I0616 11:05:22.539667 12736 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 99.24129ms [odo] I0616 11:05:22.540149 12736 all.go:76] query result: objects=6 [odo] I0616 11:05:22.541419 12736 kclient.go:224] Checking if "servicebindings" resource is supported [odo] I0616 11:05:22.550372 12736 kclient.go:224] Checking if "clusterserviceversions" resource is supported [odo] I0616 11:05:22.553656 12736 service.go:75] Getting list of services [odo] I0616 11:05:22.553778 12736 operators.go:30] Fetching list of operators installed in cluster [odo] I0616 11:05:22.579741 12736 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: cloud-native-postgresql.v1.18.5 [odo] I0616 11:05:22.579807 12736 service.go:124] Getting instances of: [odo] I0616 11:05:22.588404 12736 service.go:124] Getting instances of: [odo] I0616 11:05:22.599024 12736 service.go:124] Getting instances of: [odo] I0616 11:05:22.609299 12736 service.go:124] Getting instances of: [odo] I0616 11:05:22.620133 12736 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: service-binding-operator.v1.3.3 [odo] I0616 11:05:22.620202 12736 service.go:124] Getting instances of: [odo] I0616 11:05:22.622758 12736 service.go:124] Getting instances of: [odo] I0616 11:05:22.624941 12736 service.go:124] Getting instances of: [odo] I0616 11:05:22.626882 12736 service.go:124] Getting instances of: [odo] I0616 11:05:22.635478 12736 service.go:124] Getting instances of: [odo] I0616 11:05:22.643420 12736 service.go:124] Getting instances of: [odo] I0616 11:05:22.659079 12736 components.go:134] Deployment has been updated to generation 1. Waiting new event... [odo] I0616 11:05:22.659113 12736 status.go:34] setting inner loop State "WaitDeployment" [odo] ⚠ 0/3 nodes are available: 3 pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims. preemption: 0/3 nodes are available: 3 Preemption is not helpful for scheduling. [odo] ⚠ Pod is Pending [odo] I0616 11:05:22.674232 12736 watch.go:263] deployment watcher Event: Type: ADDED, name: qvvycy-app, rv: 54774136, generation: 1, pods: 0 [odo] I0616 11:05:22.675614 12736 watch.go:263] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: qvvycy-app, rv: 54774145, generation: 1, pods: 0 [odo] I0616 11:05:22.676587 12736 watch.go:263] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: qvvycy-app, rv: 54774153, generation: 1, pods: 0 [odo] I0616 11:05:22.677536 12736 watch.go:263] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: qvvycy-app, rv: 54774166, generation: 1, pods: 0 [odo] I0616 11:05:22.975668 12736 watch.go:414] Copying files [] to pod [odo] I0616 11:05:22.977839 12736 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/1603974954/devfile.yaml' [odo] I0616 11:05:22.978093 12736 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/1603974954/devfile.yaml' [odo] I0616 11:05:22.979503 12736 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON [odo] I0616 11:05:22.979708 12736 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.0.0' [odo] I0616 11:05:22.980045 12736 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.0.0' is supported [odo] I0616 11:05:22.994021 12736 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema [odo] I0616 11:05:22.998363 12736 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections [odo] I0616 11:05:22.999050 12736 components.go:69] component state: "WaitDeployment" [odo] I0616 11:05:23.012789 12736 components.go:260] We are deploying these annotations: map[*] [odo] I0616 11:05:23.025301 12736 utils.go:149] No entrypoint defined for the component, setting container runtime entrypoint to 'tail -f /dev/null'. You can set a 'command' and/or 'args' for the component to override this default entrypoint. [odo] I0616 11:05:23.079996 12736 utils.go:77] Updating container runtime with mandatory volume mounts [odo] I0616 11:05:23.155532 12736 components.go:346] Creating deployment qvvycy-app [odo] I0616 11:05:23.155558 12736 components.go:347] The component name is qvvycy [odo] I0616 11:05:23.155568 12736 components.go:350] The component already exists, attempting to update it [odo] I0616 11:05:23.155589 12736 components.go:352] Applying deployment [odo] I0616 11:05:23.216730 12736 components.go:361] Successfully updated component qvvycy [odo] I0616 11:05:23.417645 12736 components.go:748] Successfully update Service for component qvvycy [odo] I0616 11:05:23.478049 12736 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 200 APIs [odo] I0616 11:05:23.480004 12736 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs [odo] I0616 11:05:23.585667 12736 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 109.188461ms [odo] I0616 11:05:23.585695 12736 all.go:76] query result: objects=6 [odo] I0616 11:05:23.585880 12736 kclient.go:224] Checking if "servicebindings" resource is supported [odo] I0616 11:05:23.586066 12736 kclient.go:224] Checking if "clusterserviceversions" resource is supported [odo] I0616 11:05:23.586734 12736 service.go:75] Getting list of services [odo] I0616 11:05:23.586748 12736 operators.go:30] Fetching list of operators installed in cluster [odo] I0616 11:05:23.618613 12736 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: cloud-native-postgresql.v1.18.5 [odo] I0616 11:05:23.618636 12736 service.go:124] Getting instances of: [odo] I0616 11:05:23.635365 12736 service.go:124] Getting instances of: [odo] I0616 11:05:23.643605 12736 service.go:124] Getting instances of: [odo] I0616 11:05:23.651092 12736 service.go:124] Getting instances of: [odo] I0616 11:05:23.661742 12736 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: service-binding-operator.v1.3.3 [odo] I0616 11:05:23.661759 12736 service.go:124] Getting instances of: [odo] I0616 11:05:23.663788 12736 service.go:124] Getting instances of: [odo] I0616 11:05:23.665452 12736 service.go:124] Getting instances of: [odo] I0616 11:05:23.667380 12736 service.go:124] Getting instances of: [odo] I0616 11:05:23.691985 12736 service.go:124] Getting instances of: [odo] I0616 11:05:23.703485 12736 service.go:124] Getting instances of: [odo] I0616 11:05:23.733004 12736 components.go:141] Deployment has 0 ready replicas. Waiting new event... [odo] I0616 11:05:23.733039 12736 status.go:34] setting inner loop State "WaitDeployment" [odo] I0616 11:05:23.733063 12736 watch.go:263] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: qvvycy-app, rv: 54774219, generation: 1, pods: 0 [odo] ⚠ 0/3 nodes are available: 3 pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims. preemption: 0/3 nodes are available: 3 Preemption is not helpful for scheduling. Automatically polling progress: odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when Automount volumes are present in the namespace when odo dev is executed should mount the volumes (Spec Runtime: 2m14.475s) /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:777 In [BeforeEach] (Node Runtime: 2m0s) /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:766 Spec Goroutine goroutine 70 [select]*AsyncAssertion).match(0xc00037d730, {0x30b59c8?, 0xc0009c4ff0}, 0x1, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}) /go/odo_1/vendor/*AsyncAssertion).Should(0xc00037d730, {0x30b59c8, 0xc0009c4ff0}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}) /go/odo_1/vendor/{0x2cc0c2a, 0xf}, 0x0?, 0x2?, 0xc0009c4fc0) /go/odo_1/tests/helper/helper_run.go:54{{0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...}) /go/odo_1/tests/helper/helper_dev.go:167 > /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:768 | BeforeEach(func() { | var err error > devSession, _, _, _, err = helper.StartDevMode(helper.DevSessionOpts{}) | Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) | }){0x266b253, 0xc000386e40}) /go/odo_1/vendor/*Suite).runNode.func3() /go/odo_1/vendor/*Suite).runNode /go/odo_1/vendor/ [odo] ⚠ AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-ba2d0179-0cbf-4a72-a272-1ea200caa2a8" : timed out waiting for external-attacher of CSI driver to attach volume r010-d174280e-1020-4a63-8083-2fb074427ef4 [odo] ⚠ AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-32eb959e-b377-4c44-b7ab-e5417c1daf0d" : timed out waiting for external-attacher of CSI driver to attach volume r010-34fb16d8-398b-4f52-a04c-8ca44fddb953 [odo] ⚠ AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-a408c790-d3fd-4f56-9345-f82f42967d08" : timed out waiting for external-attacher of CSI driver to attach volume r010-685aca47-79da-4772-a8c4-03dc2e79d691 [odo] ⚠ Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[auto-pvc-automount-readonly-pvc auto-pvc-automount-mount-path-pvc auto-pvc-automount-default-pvc], unattached volumes=[auto-cm-automount-access-mode-subpath-configmap odo-shared-data auto-secret-automount-access-mode-secret auto-pvc-automount-readonly-pvc auto-secret-automount-default-secret auto-cm-automount-access-mode-configmap auto-secret-automount-mount-path-secret auto-secret-automount-subpath-secret auto-pvc-automount-mount-path-pvc auto-cm-automount-mount-path-configmap auto-cm-automount-subpath-configmap auto-cm-automount-access-mode-configmap-decimal kube-api-access-txgxm odo-projects auto-pvc-automount-default-pvc auto-secret-automount-access-mode-subpath-secret auto-cm-automount-default-configmap]: timed out waiting for the condition Automatically polling progress: odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when Automount volumes are present in the namespace when odo dev is executed should mount the volumes (Spec Runtime: 4m14.478s) /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:777 In [BeforeEach] (Node Runtime: 4m0.004s) /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:766 Spec Goroutine goroutine 70 [select]*AsyncAssertion).match(0xc00037d730, {0x30b59c8?, 0xc0009c4ff0}, 0x1, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}) /go/odo_1/vendor/*AsyncAssertion).Should(0xc00037d730, {0x30b59c8, 0xc0009c4ff0}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}) /go/odo_1/vendor/{0x2cc0c2a, 0xf}, 0x0?, 0x2?, 0xc0009c4fc0) /go/odo_1/tests/helper/helper_run.go:54{{0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...}) /go/odo_1/tests/helper/helper_dev.go:167 > /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:768 | BeforeEach(func() { | var err error > devSession, _, _, _, err = helper.StartDevMode(helper.DevSessionOpts{}) | Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) | }){0x266b253, 0xc000386e40}) /go/odo_1/vendor/*Suite).runNode.func3() /go/odo_1/vendor/*Suite).runNode /go/odo_1/vendor/ [odo] ⚠ AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-32eb959e-b377-4c44-b7ab-e5417c1daf0d" : timed out waiting for external-attacher of CSI driver to attach volume r010-34fb16d8-398b-4f52-a04c-8ca44fddb953 [odo] ⚠ AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-ba2d0179-0cbf-4a72-a272-1ea200caa2a8" : timed out waiting for external-attacher of CSI driver to attach volume r010-d174280e-1020-4a63-8083-2fb074427ef4 [odo] ⚠ AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-a408c790-d3fd-4f56-9345-f82f42967d08" : timed out waiting for external-attacher of CSI driver to attach volume r010-685aca47-79da-4772-a8c4-03dc2e79d691 [odo] ⚠ Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[auto-pvc-automount-mount-path-pvc auto-pvc-automount-readonly-pvc auto-pvc-automount-default-pvc], unattached volumes=[auto-secret-automount-access-mode-secret auto-cm-automount-default-configmap auto-cm-automount-mount-path-configmap auto-pvc-automount-mount-path-pvc odo-shared-data auto-cm-automount-subpath-configmap auto-secret-automount-access-mode-subpath-secret auto-secret-automount-subpath-secret auto-cm-automount-access-mode-configmap-decimal auto-cm-automount-access-mode-configmap auto-pvc-automount-readonly-pvc auto-secret-automount-default-secret auto-secret-automount-mount-path-secret kube-api-access-txgxm auto-pvc-automount-default-pvc auto-cm-automount-access-mode-subpath-configmap odo-projects]: timed out waiting for the condition Automatically polling progress: odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when Automount volumes are present in the namespace when odo dev is executed should mount the volumes (Spec Runtime: 6m14.481s) /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:777 In [BeforeEach] (Node Runtime: 6m0.007s) /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:766 Spec Goroutine goroutine 70 [select]*AsyncAssertion).match(0xc00037d730, {0x30b59c8?, 0xc0009c4ff0}, 0x1, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}) /go/odo_1/vendor/*AsyncAssertion).Should(0xc00037d730, {0x30b59c8, 0xc0009c4ff0}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}) /go/odo_1/vendor/{0x2cc0c2a, 0xf}, 0x0?, 0x2?, 0xc0009c4fc0) /go/odo_1/tests/helper/helper_run.go:54{{0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...}) /go/odo_1/tests/helper/helper_dev.go:167 > /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:768 | BeforeEach(func() { | var err error > devSession, _, _, _, err = helper.StartDevMode(helper.DevSessionOpts{}) | Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) | }){0x266b253, 0xc000386e40}) /go/odo_1/vendor/*Suite).runNode.func3() /go/odo_1/vendor/*Suite).runNode /go/odo_1/vendor/ [odo] ⚠ 0/3 nodes are available: 3 pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims. preemption: 0/3 nodes are available: 3 Preemption is not helpful for scheduling. [odo] ⚠ AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-32eb959e-b377-4c44-b7ab-e5417c1daf0d" : timed out waiting for external-attacher of CSI driver to attach volume r010-34fb16d8-398b-4f52-a04c-8ca44fddb953 [odo] ⚠ AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-ba2d0179-0cbf-4a72-a272-1ea200caa2a8" : timed out waiting for external-attacher of CSI driver to attach volume r010-d174280e-1020-4a63-8083-2fb074427ef4 [odo] ⚠ AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-a408c790-d3fd-4f56-9345-f82f42967d08" : timed out waiting for external-attacher of CSI driver to attach volume r010-685aca47-79da-4772-a8c4-03dc2e79d691 [odo] ⚠ Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[auto-pvc-automount-mount-path-pvc auto-pvc-automount-readonly-pvc auto-pvc-automount-default-pvc], unattached volumes=[auto-cm-automount-access-mode-configmap-decimal auto-cm-automount-access-mode-subpath-configmap auto-cm-automount-default-configmap auto-cm-automount-mount-path-configmap auto-pvc-automount-mount-path-pvc auto-cm-automount-subpath-configmap auto-cm-automount-access-mode-configmap auto-secret-automount-subpath-secret auto-secret-automount-access-mode-subpath-secret auto-secret-automount-access-mode-secret auto-secret-automount-mount-path-secret auto-secret-automount-default-secret auto-pvc-automount-readonly-pvc odo-shared-data auto-pvc-automount-default-pvc kube-api-access-txgxm odo-projects]: timed out waiting for the condition [FAILED] in [BeforeEach] - /go/odo_1/tests/helper/helper_run.go:54 @ 06/16/23 11:12:20.814 Deleting project: cmd-dev-test777xzn Running oc with args [oc delete project cmd-dev-test777xzn --wait=false] and odo env: [] [oc] "cmd-dev-test777xzn" deleted Setting current dir to: /go/odo_1/tests/integration Deleting dir: /tmp/1603974954 Deleting dir: /tmp/358708669 << Timeline [FAILED] Timed out after 420.001s. Expected : __ / \__ Developing using the "qvvycy" Devfile \__/ \ Namespace: cmd-dev-test777xzn / \__/ odo version: v3.11.0 \__/ ↪ Running on the cluster in Dev mode • Waiting for Kubernetes resources ... ⚠ 0/3 nodes are available: 3 pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims. preemption: 0/3 nodes are available: 3 Preemption is not helpful for scheduling. ⚠ Pod is Pending ⚠ 0/3 nodes are available: 3 pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims. preemption: 0/3 nodes are available: 3 Preemption is not helpful for scheduling. ⚠ AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-ba2d0179-0cbf-4a72-a272-1ea200caa2a8" : timed out waiting for external-attacher of CSI driver to attach volume r010-d174280e-1020-4a63-8083-2fb074427ef4 ⚠ AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-32eb959e-b377-4c44-b7ab-e5417c1daf0d" : timed out waiting for external-attacher of CSI driver to attach volume r010-34fb16d8-398b-4f52-a04c-8ca44fddb953 ⚠ AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-a408c790-d3fd-4f56-9345-f82f42967d08" : timed out waiting for external-attacher of CSI driver to attach volume r010-685aca47-79da-4772-a8c4-03dc2e79d691 ⚠ Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[auto-pvc-automount-readonly-pvc auto-pvc-automount-mount-path-pvc auto-pvc-automount-default-pvc], unattached volumes=[auto-cm-automount-access-mode-subpath-configmap odo-shared-data auto-secret-automount-access-mode-secret auto-pvc-automount-readonly-pvc auto-secret-automount-default-secret auto-cm-automount-access-mode-configmap auto-secret-automount-mount-path-secret auto-secret-automount-subpath-secret auto-pvc-automount-mount-path-pvc auto-cm-automount-mount-path-configmap auto-cm-automount-subpath-configmap auto-cm-automount-access-mode-configmap-decimal kube-api-access-txgxm odo-projects auto-pvc-automount-default-pvc auto-secret-automount-access-mode-subpath-secret auto-cm-automount-default-configmap]: timed out waiting for the condition ⚠ AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-32eb959e-b377-4c44-b7ab-e5417c1daf0d" : timed out waiting for external-attacher of CSI driver to attach volume r010-34fb16d8-398b-4f52-a04c-8ca44fddb953 ⚠ AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-ba2d0179-0cbf-4a72-a272-1ea200caa2a8" : timed out waiting for external-attacher of CSI driver to attach volume r010-d174280e-1020-4a63-8083-2fb074427ef4 ⚠ AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-a408c790-d3fd-4f56-9345-f82f42967d08" : timed out waiting for external-attacher of CSI driver to attach volume r010-685aca47-79da-4772-a8c4-03dc2e79d691 ⚠ Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[auto-pvc-automount-mount-path-pvc auto-pvc-automount-readonly-pvc auto-pvc-automount-default-pvc], unattached volumes=[auto-secret-automount-access-mode-secret auto-cm-automount-default-configmap auto-cm-automount-mount-path-configmap auto-pvc-automount-mount-path-pvc odo-shared-data auto-cm-automount-subpath-configmap auto-secret-automount-access-mode-subpath-secret auto-secret-automount-subpath-secret auto-cm-automount-access-mode-configmap-decimal auto-cm-automount-access-mode-configmap auto-pvc-automount-readonly-pvc auto-secret-automount-default-secret auto-secret-automount-mount-path-secret kube-api-access-txgxm auto-pvc-automount-default-pvc auto-cm-automount-access-mode-subpath-configmap odo-projects]: timed out waiting for the condition ⚠ 0/3 nodes are available: 3 pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims. preemption: 0/3 nodes are available: 3 Preemption is not helpful for scheduling. ⚠ AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-32eb959e-b377-4c44-b7ab-e5417c1daf0d" : timed out waiting for external-attacher of CSI driver to attach volume r010-34fb16d8-398b-4f52-a04c-8ca44fd... Gomega truncated this representation as it exceeds 'format.MaxLength'. Consider having the object provide a custom 'GomegaStringer' representation or adjust the parameters in Gomega's 'format' package. Learn more here: to contain substring : [Ctrl+c] - Exit In [BeforeEach] at: /go/odo_1/tests/helper/helper_run.go:54 @ 06/16/23 11:12:20.814 ------------------------------ SS••••SSSSS•••SS•SSS••SSS•S•SS•S••SS••SSS ------------------------------ • [10.440 seconds] odo add binding interactive command tests when running a deployment should successfully add binding without devfile (custom naming strategy: "{ .name | upper }") /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_add_binding_test.go:463 Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >> Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/2085815404 << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output ------------------------------ • [10.175 seconds] odo add binding interactive command tests when running a deployment should successfully add binding without devfile (default naming strategy) /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_add_binding_test.go:311 Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >> Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/4082516341 << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output ------------------------------ SSSSSS•• ------------------------------ Progress Report for Ginkgo Process #12 Automatically polling progress: odo dev command tests Devfile contains pod-overrides and container-overrides attributes should override the content in the pod it creates for the component on the cluster (Spec Runtime: 2m1.384s) /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:4112 In [It] (Node Runtime: 2m0s) /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:4112 Begin Captured GinkgoWriter Output >> ... [odo] ✗ Finished executing the application (command: run) [1m] [odo] I0616 11:13:15.539623 23631 execute_run.go:36] error while running background command: unable to exec command [/bin/sh -c echo $$ > /opt/odo/ && cd ${PROJECT_SOURCE} && (npm start) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2; echo $? >> /opt/odo/]: error while streaming command: context canceled [odo] I0616 11:13:15.551404 23631 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/3088727073/preference.yaml [odo] I0616 11:13:15.552648 23631 segment.go:264] Checking telemetry enable status [odo] I0616 11:13:15.552680 23631 segment.go:282] Sending telemetry disabled by env variable [odo] Cleaning resources, please wait [odo] I0616 11:13:15.619886 23631 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 200 APIs [odo] I0616 11:13:15.624895 23631 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs [odo] I0616 11:13:16.322680 23631 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 702.807764ms [odo] I0616 11:13:16.322734 23631 all.go:76] query result: objects=550 << End Captured GinkgoWriter Output Spec Goroutine goroutine 441 [select]*AsyncAssertion).match(0xc0005a0b60, {0x30b5788?, 0xc0013f0798}, 0x1, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}) /go/odo_1/vendor/*AsyncAssertion).Should(0xc0005a0b60, {0x30b5788, 0xc0013f0798}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}) /go/odo_1/vendor/*Session).Wait(0xc000bcbe10?, {0xc000e77ac0?, 0x6?, 0x2cabbb7?}) /go/odo_1/vendor/ /go/odo_1/tests/helper/helper_dev.go:228 /go/odo_1/tests/helper/helper_dev.go:280{{0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...}, ...) /go/odo_1/tests/helper/helper_dev.go:283 > /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:4113 | }) | It("should override the content in the pod it creates for the component on the cluster", func() { > err := helper.RunDevMode(helper.DevSessionOpts{ | RunOnPodman: ctx.podman, | }, func(session *gexec.Session, outContents, _ []byte, _ map[string]string) {{0x1076f3e, 0xc00085c5d0}) /go/odo_1/vendor/*Suite).runNode.func3() /go/odo_1/vendor/*Suite).runNode /go/odo_1/vendor/ ------------------------------ ••SS••S••S••S••••SS•S•SSSSS•••SS••••SSSS•••SS•SS••S••••S•SS•••SSSSSS•SSSSSS•S•SSS•SS•••S• ------------------------------ • [20.378 seconds] odo add binding interactive command tests when running a deployment when binding to a service in a different namespace should error out if service is not found in the namespace selected /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_add_binding_test.go:577 Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >> Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/3926040473 << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output ------------------------------ •••••SS•••••S•S•S•S•••••S•SS•S••S•••S•SSS•S••S•S••••S••SS•••S•••• ------------------------------ Progress Report for Ginkgo Process #3 Automatically polling progress: odo dev command tests checking if odo dev matches local Devfile K8s resources and remote resources when odo dev is executed to run a devfile containing a k8s resource with apply command should have deleted the old resource and created the new resource (Spec Runtime: 2m3.589s) /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1021 In [BeforeEach] (Node Runtime: 2m0.001s) /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:994 Begin Captured GinkgoWriter Output >> ... [odo] I0616 11:18:01.017586 30452 exec.go:96] sl local_address remote_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout inode ref pointer drops [odo] I0616 11:18:01.045185 30452 port.go:319] port 8080 not listening in container "runtime" [odo] I0616 11:18:08.761958 30452 exec.go:37] Executing command [/bin/sh -c cat /proc/net/tcp /proc/net/udp /proc/net/tcp6 /proc/net/udp6 || true] for pod: vptosh-app-95fb879ff-wpvvb in container: runtime [odo] I0616 11:18:09.005798 30452 exec.go:96] sl local_address rem_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout inode [odo] I0616 11:18:09.005876 30452 exec.go:96] 0: 656E11AC:8094 23141068:01BB 06 00000000:00000000 03:00000BA5 00000000 0 0 0 3 0000000000000000 [odo] I0616 11:18:09.005912 30452 exec.go:96] sl local_address rem_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout inode ref pointer drops [odo] I0616 11:18:09.006058 30452 exec.go:96] sl local_address remote_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout inode [odo] I0616 11:18:09.006121 30452 exec.go:96] 0: 00000000000000000000000000000000:0BB8 00000000000000000000000000000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000 1001670000 0 678893931 1 0000000000000000 100 0 0 10 0 [odo] I0616 11:18:09.006808 30452 exec.go:96] sl local_address remote_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout inode ref pointer drops [odo] I0616 11:18:09.007043 30452 port.go:319] port 8080 not listening in container "runtime" << End Captured GinkgoWriter Output Spec Goroutine goroutine 35336 [select]*AsyncAssertion).match(0xc000418770, {0x30b59c8?, 0xc00052a240}, 0x1, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}) /go/odo_1/vendor/*AsyncAssertion).Should(0xc000418770, {0x30b59c8, 0xc00052a240}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}) /go/odo_1/vendor/{0x2cb21b5, 0x8}, 0xc000492660?, 0xc000492640?, 0xc00119d1a0) /go/odo_1/tests/helper/helper_run.go:54{0xc00119d1a0, 0x0, 0xc000e24cc0, {0x0, 0x0}}) /go/odo_1/tests/helper/helper_dev.go:237 > /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1013 | helper.ReplaceStrings(filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "devfile.yaml"), devfile.deploymentName, devfile.newDeploymentName) | > _, _, _, err := devSession.WaitSync() | Expect(err).To(BeNil()) | }){0x266b253, 0xc000101560}) /go/odo_1/vendor/*Suite).runNode.func3() /go/odo_1/vendor/*Suite).runNode /go/odo_1/vendor/ ------------------------------ ••S••••S•••S•••S ------------------------------ • [22.125 seconds] odo add binding interactive command tests when the component is bootstrapped when binding to a service in a different namespace should successfully add binding to the devfile /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_add_binding_test.go:257 Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >> Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/1873163039 << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output ------------------------------ •SS•S••S•••S••S•SSS•••SS••S•S•••• ------------------------------ • [2.608 seconds] odo deploy interactive command tests directory is not empty when there is a match from Alizer should run alizer to download devfile /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_deploy_test.go:75 Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >> Spawning '/go/bin/odo deploy' from /tmp/956563082 << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output ------------------------------ S•••SSSS•••S••S•SS•••SSS•S••SSSSSS••S•S•••SSSSS•SS•S•S•S•S• ------------------------------ • [9.696 seconds] odo add binding interactive command tests when the component is bootstrapped should successfully add binding to the devfile (Bind as Environment Variables) /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_add_binding_test.go:73 Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >> Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/2883229343 << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output ------------------------------ SS•••••••SSS••S•S•SS•••SS•SSS•S•S•S•SS•• ------------------------------ • [16.613 seconds] odo add binding interactive command tests when the component is bootstrapped when binding to a service in a different namespace should error out if service is not found in the namespace selected /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_add_binding_test.go:242 Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >> Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/2597834123 << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output ------------------------------ •••••SS•••••SS•S•S••S••SS•S•SS••SS•••S•••SS••SS••••SSS ------------------------------ • [12.666 seconds] odo add binding interactive command tests when running a deployment should successfully add binding without devfile (naming strategy: "none") /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_add_binding_test.go:378 Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >> Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/2162346138 << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output ------------------------------ S•S•SSS•SS••••SS•S••S ------------------------------ • [17.869 seconds] odo add binding interactive command tests when running a deployment when binding to a service in a different namespace should successfully add binding without devfile /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_add_binding_test.go:591 Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >> Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/2379183340 << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output ------------------------------ S•S••••S ------------------------------ • [2.867 seconds] odo deploy interactive command tests directory is not empty when there is a match from Alizer should run alizer to download devfile successfully even with -v flag /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_deploy_test.go:40 Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >> Spawning '/go/bin/odo deploy -v 4' from /tmp/1980271343 << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output ------------------------------ S•••S•••S•S•S••••S•SSSSS•SS•S• ------------------------------ • [22.535 seconds] odo dev interactive command tests when a component is bootstrapped should sync files when p is pressed /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_dev_test.go:206 Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >> Spawning '/go/bin/odo dev --random-ports --no-watch' from /tmp/4077664439 << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output ------------------------------ •SSS•SS ------------------------------ • [10.004 seconds] odo dev interactive command tests directory is not empty when Alizer cannot determine a Devfile based on the current source code should not fail but fallback to the interactive mode /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_dev_test.go:164 Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >> Spawning '/go/bin/odo dev --random-ports' from /tmp/2014128291 << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output ------------------------------ ••S••SS ------------------------------ • [11.098 seconds] odo add binding interactive command tests when the component is bootstrapped should successfully add binding to the devfile (custom naming strategy: "") /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_add_binding_test.go:180 Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >> Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/3747766404 << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output ------------------------------ •S•••S•S•SSS••••SS••SSS• ------------------------------ • [11.316 seconds] odo add binding interactive command tests when running a deployment should successfully add binding without devfile (custom naming strategy: "any string") /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_add_binding_test.go:463 Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >> Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/1867080933 << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output ------------------------------ •S• ------------------------------ Progress Report for Ginkgo Process #1 Automatically polling progress: odo dev debug command tests when a composite apply command is used as debug command should execute the composite apply commands successfully (Spec Runtime: 3m32.191s) /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_debug_test.go:294 In [It] (Node Runtime: 2m0.001s) /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_debug_test.go:294 At [By Step] cleaning up the resources on ending the session (Step Runtime: 26.633s) /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_debug_test.go:332 Begin Captured GinkgoWriter Output >> ... [odo] I0616 11:26:48.992448 9431 execute_run.go:36] error while running background command: unable to exec command [/bin/sh -c echo $$ > /opt/odo/ && cd /projects && (npm run debug) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2; echo $? >> /opt/odo/]: error while streaming command: context canceled [odo] ✗ Finished executing the application (command: start-debug) [1m] [odo] I0616 11:26:48.996360 9431 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/4097825170/preference.yaml [odo] I0616 11:26:48.997667 9431 segment.go:264] Checking telemetry enable status [odo] I0616 11:26:48.997710 9431 segment.go:282] Sending telemetry disabled by env variable [odo] Cleaning resources, please wait [odo] I0616 11:26:49.079683 9431 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 200 APIs [odo] I0616 11:26:49.080113 9431 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs [odo] I0616 11:26:50.040297 9431 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 960.627757ms [odo] I0616 11:26:50.042155 9431 all.go:76] query result: objects=587 << End Captured GinkgoWriter Output Spec Goroutine goroutine 1024 [select]*AsyncAssertion).match(0xc000418150, {0x30b5788?, 0xc0006e9368}, 0x1, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}) /go/odo_1/vendor/*AsyncAssertion).Should(0xc000418150, {0x30b5788, 0xc0006e9368}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}) /go/odo_1/vendor/*Session).Wait(0xc00084e390?, {0xc0002b0ab0?, 0x130067af126?, 0x42f1240?}) /go/odo_1/vendor/ /go/odo_1/tests/helper/helper_dev.go:228 > /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_debug_test.go:334 | By("cleaning up the resources on ending the session", func() { | session.Stop() > session.WaitEnd() | out := commonVar.CliRunner.Run("get", "deployments").Out.Contents() | helper.DontMatchAllInOutput(string(out), deploymentNames)*Suite).By(0xc0001a8000, {0x2d11032, 0x2f}, {0xc0010ebe60, 0x1, 0x0?}) /go/odo_1/vendor/{0x2d11032?, 0x0?}, {0xc0010ebe60?, 0x0?, 0x0?}) /go/odo_1/vendor/ > /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_debug_test.go:332 | }) | > By("cleaning up the resources on ending the session", func() { | session.Stop() | session.WaitEnd(){0x0, 0x0}) /go/odo_1/vendor/*Suite).runNode.func3() /go/odo_1/vendor/*Suite).runNode /go/odo_1/vendor/ ------------------------------ S••S•S•SS••••S•S•••S• ------------------------------ • [77.619 seconds] odo dev interactive command tests directory is not empty when there is a match from Alizer should run alizer to download devfile /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_dev_test.go:76 Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >> Spawning '/go/bin/odo dev --random-ports' from /tmp/3193709914 << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output ------------------------------ •SSSSSSS•SSSSSS••SS••S•S•S ------------------------------ • [10.535 seconds] odo add binding interactive command tests when the component is bootstrapped should successfully add binding to the devfile (custom naming strategy: "{ .name | upper }") /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_add_binding_test.go:180 Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >> Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/976987845 << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output ------------------------------ •S•• ------------------------------ • [13.158 seconds] odo add binding interactive command tests when the component is bootstrapped should successfully add binding to the devfile ("none" as naming strategy) /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_add_binding_test.go:131 Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >> Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/4086958117 << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output ------------------------------ SSSSSS•S••S•S•SSS••••S• ------------------------------ • [11.769 seconds] odo add binding interactive command tests when the component is bootstrapped should successfully add binding to the devfile ("uppercase" as naming strategy) /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_add_binding_test.go:131 Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >> Spawning '/go/bin/odo add binding' from /tmp/3243403720 << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output ------------------------------ •S•S••SSSSS•S••SS•SSSS••••SS•S•••SS•S•SSS••SS••••••••• ------------------------------ • [80.320 seconds] odo dev interactive command tests directory is not empty when there is a match from Alizer should display welcoming messages first /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_dev_test.go:112 Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >> Spawning '/go/bin/odo dev --random-ports' from /tmp/697302087 << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output ------------------------------ ••••• Summarizing 1 Failure: [FAIL] odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when Automount volumes are present in the namespace when odo dev is executed [BeforeEach] should mount the volumes /go/odo_1/tests/helper/helper_run.go:54 Ran 501 of 950 Specs in 1629.647 seconds FAIL! -- 500 Passed | 1 Failed | 0 Pending | 449 Skipped Ginkgo ran 1 suite in 28m19.579487603s Test Suite Failed exit status 1 make: *** [Makefile:207: test-integration-cluster] Error 1