Error from server (NotFound): namespaces "devfile-proxy" not found Using Devfile proxy: go install -mod=vendor -ldflags="-X" ./cmd/odo/ go run -mod=vendor --randomize-all --poll-progress-after=120s --poll-progress-interval=120s -timeout 14400s --no-color -nodes=16 --junit-report="test-integration.xml" --label-filter="!unauth && !nocluster && !podman" tests/integration Running Suite: Integration Suite - /go/odo_1/tests/integration ============================================================== Random Seed: 1689003063 - will randomize all specs Will run 496 of 940 specs Running in parallel across 16 processes SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS•SSSSS• ------------------------------ • [14.198 seconds] odo deploy interactive command tests directory is not empty when Alizer cannot determine a Devfile based on the current source code should not fail but fallback to the interactive mode /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_deploy_test.go:159 Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >> Spawning '/go/bin/odo deploy' from /tmp/195652209 << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output ------------------------------ SSSS•S•S••SS•••SSS••S•S••SSS ------------------------------ • [64.814 seconds] odo dev command tests when a component with multiple endpoints is run should create state files containing information, including forwarded ports /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:3592 Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >> PID: 12902 << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output ------------------------------ SSSS•SSSSS•SS•S ------------------------------ • [86.961 seconds] odo dev interactive command tests directory is not empty when there is a match from Alizer should run alizer to download devfile /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_dev_test.go:76 Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >> Spawning '/go/bin/odo dev --random-ports' from /tmp/4024232519 << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output ------------------------------ SS•S•SSSSS•SS•••SS••SS•S•SS•S•S•SSS••S•••SS•SSSSSS••S••SSS•S•SS•S••SSSS•••••SSSS•SS•••S••S••SS•S•SS•S•SS••S•SS••S••SSS•••SS•S•SS•••S••SSSS•S•SS••••••••SS•SS•SSS••SSSS•SSSSS••••S•SSSS• ------------------------------ • [3.270 seconds] odo deploy interactive command tests directory is not empty when there is a match from Alizer should display welcoming messages first /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_deploy_test.go:109 Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >> Spawning '/go/bin/odo deploy' from /tmp/1859895684 << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output ------------------------------ ••••S••SSSSS•SS•SSS•SS•SSS••••SSSSS•SS•••S•SS••S•SS•••SSS•S•S••SS•SSS•S•••SSSS•SS•S•SS••S•S ------------------------------ • [3.657 seconds] odo deploy interactive command tests directory is not empty when there is a match from Alizer should run alizer to download devfile /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_deploy_test.go:75 Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >> Spawning '/go/bin/odo deploy' from /tmp/1918084499 << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output ------------------------------ •S•S•••SS•SSS•SSS••S•••SS•S•••SSS•SS••SSSS••SSSSS•S••S•SSSSS•SSSS•S•SS• ------------------------------ Progress Report for Ginkgo Process #11 Automatically polling progress: odo dev debug command tests when a composite apply command is used as debug command should execute the composite apply commands successfully (Spec Runtime: 3m31.814s) /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_debug_test.go:288 In [It] (Node Runtime: 2m0.001s) /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_debug_test.go:288 At [By Step] cleaning up the resources on ending the session (Step Runtime: 27.07s) /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_debug_test.go:326 Begin Captured GinkgoWriter Output >> ... [odo] Cleaning resources, please wait [odo] I0710 15:40:26.938565 22392 exec.go:54] ExecuteCommand returned an an err: error while streaming command: error sending request: Post "": dial tcp: lookup operation was canceled. for command '[/bin/sh -c cat /opt/odo/ || true]' [odo] stdout: [] [odo] stderr: [] [odo] ✗ Finished executing the application (command: start-debug) [1m] [odo] I0710 15:40:26.938704 22392 execute_run.go:36] error while running background command: unable to exec command [/bin/sh -c echo $$ > /opt/odo/ && cd /projects && (npm run debug) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2; echo $? >> /opt/odo/]: error while streaming command: context canceled [odo] I0710 15:40:27.000863 22392 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 90 APIs [odo] I0710 15:40:27.001059 22392 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs [odo] I0710 15:40:27.335282 22392 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 334.427111ms [odo] I0710 15:40:27.335351 22392 all.go:76] query result: objects=380 << End Captured GinkgoWriter Output Spec Goroutine goroutine 508 [select]*AsyncAssertion).match(0xc00001a8c0, {0x30eee08?, 0xc000ba2810}, 0x1, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}) /go/odo_1/vendor/*AsyncAssertion).Should(0xc00001a8c0, {0x30eee08, 0xc000ba2810}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}) /go/odo_1/vendor/*Session).Wait(0xc00003fce0?, {0xc0008742a0?, 0x0?, 0x0?}) /go/odo_1/vendor/ /go/odo_1/tests/helper/helper_dev.go:256 > /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_debug_test.go:328 | By("cleaning up the resources on ending the session", func() { | devSession.Stop() > devSession.WaitEnd() | out := commonVar.CliRunner.Run("get", "deployments").Out.Contents() | helper.DontMatchAllInOutput(string(out), deploymentNames)*Suite).By(0xc0001a0000, {0x2d44fed, 0x2f}, {0xc000bb3e70, 0x1, 0x0?}) /go/odo_1/vendor/{0x2d44fed?, 0xf6f89d?}, {0xc000bb3e70?, 0x12ecea0?, 0x0?}) /go/odo_1/vendor/ > /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_debug_test.go:326 | }) | > By("cleaning up the resources on ending the session", func() { | devSession.Stop() | devSession.WaitEnd(){0x1085f3e, 0xc000739b60}) /go/odo_1/vendor/*Suite).runNode.func3() /go/odo_1/vendor/*Suite).runNode /go/odo_1/vendor/ ------------------------------ •SSSS•S••S•••S••S•S•S•SS•SS••S••••••S•SS••SS•S•S•SS••S•S••SS ------------------------------ Progress Report for Ginkgo Process #10 Automatically polling progress: odo dev command tests Devfile contains pod-overrides and container-overrides attributes should override the content in the pod it creates for the component on the cluster (Spec Runtime: 2m1.587s) /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:4116 In [It] (Node Runtime: 2m0.001s) /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:4116 Begin Captured GinkgoWriter Output >> ... [odo] I0710 15:42:07.550086 27813 segment.go:264] Checking telemetry enable status [odo] I0710 15:42:07.550112 27813 segment.go:282] Sending telemetry disabled by env variable [odo] I0710 15:42:07.550287 27813 exec.go:54] ExecuteCommand returned an an err: error while streaming command: error sending request: Post "": dial tcp: lookup operation was canceled. for command '[/bin/sh -c cat /opt/odo/ || true]' [odo] stdout: [] [odo] stderr: [] [odo] I0710 15:42:07.550367 27813 execute_run.go:36] error while running background command: unable to exec command [/bin/sh -c echo $$ > /opt/odo/ && cd ${PROJECT_SOURCE} && (npm start) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2; echo $? >> /opt/odo/]: error while streaming command: context canceled [odo] I0710 15:42:07.621805 27813 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 90 APIs [odo] I0710 15:42:07.625776 27813 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs [odo] I0710 15:42:08.010462 27813 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 388.662255ms [odo] I0710 15:42:08.010524 27813 all.go:76] query result: objects=345 << End Captured GinkgoWriter Output Spec Goroutine goroutine 849 [select]*AsyncAssertion).match(0xc0001a8930, {0x30eee08?, 0xc000b98288}, 0x1, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}) /go/odo_1/vendor/*AsyncAssertion).Should(0xc0001a8930, {0x30eee08, 0xc000b98288}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}) /go/odo_1/vendor/*Session).Wait(0xc00100fd70?, {0xc00049a810?, 0x2ce7436?, 0x9?}) /go/odo_1/vendor/ /go/odo_1/tests/helper/helper_dev.go:256 /go/odo_1/tests/helper/helper_dev.go:327{{0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...}, ...) /go/odo_1/tests/helper/helper_dev.go:330 > /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:4117 | }) | It("should override the content in the pod it creates for the component on the cluster", func() { > err := helper.RunDevMode(helper.DevSessionOpts{ | RunOnPodman: ctx.podman, | }, func(session *gexec.Session, outContents, _ string, _ map[string]string) {{0x1085f3e, 0xc0010b0120}) /go/odo_1/vendor/*Suite).runNode.func3() /go/odo_1/vendor/*Suite).runNode /go/odo_1/vendor/ ------------------------------ •••S•SS••SS•SS•SSS••S•••SSSS•SS•S•S••SS•••SS•SS••SS•SS•SS•SSSS••S•SSS•SSS•SSSS•S•S••SSSSSSSS•••••SSSS••••SSSSSSS•••SSS•SSSS•S•SSSS•SS•S•SSS•S•S•SS•S••SSS ------------------------------ • [8.776 seconds] odo dev interactive command tests directory is not empty when Alizer cannot determine a Devfile based on the current source code should not fail but fallback to the interactive mode /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_dev_test.go:164 Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >> Spawning '/go/bin/odo dev --random-ports' from /tmp/224704227 << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output ------------------------------ SSS•S••SS•••SSSSS••••SS•SS•SSSSSS••SS ------------------------------ • [54.191 seconds] odo dev command with api server tests when the component is bootstrapped when odo dev is run with --api-server flag when /instance endpoint is DELETEd should terminate the dev session /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_api_server_test.go:169 Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >> <<< Session terminated >>> << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output ------------------------------ S•S•SSS•SS ------------------------------ • [3.482 seconds] odo deploy interactive command tests directory is not empty when there is a match from Alizer should run alizer to download devfile successfully even with -v flag /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_deploy_test.go:40 Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >> Spawning '/go/bin/odo deploy -v 4' from /tmp/2331833477 << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output ------------------------------ •SSS•S•S••S•SSS•SSS•S•SS•S•SS ------------------------------ • [75.629 seconds] odo dev interactive command tests directory is not empty when there is a match from Alizer should run alizer to download devfile successfully even with -v flag /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_dev_test.go:40 Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >> Spawning '/go/bin/odo dev --random-ports -v 4' from /tmp/1630290613 << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output ------------------------------ S•SSS••SS•SSSSSSSSS•S•S•SS••S•S•S•••SS•S•S••S•SSSS••S•S•••SSS••SS•SSSS••S•SSS•SSSSSS•SSSSSS•S••SS•S••SSS•S•S•SSS••SSS•••S••SS•S• ------------------------------ Progress Report for Ginkgo Process #9 Automatically polling progress: odo dev command tests checking if odo dev matches local Devfile K8s resources and remote resources when odo dev is executed to run a devfile containing a k8s resource with apply command should have deleted the old resource and created the new resource (Spec Runtime: 2m1.772s) /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1047 In [BeforeEach] (Node Runtime: 2m0.001s) /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1020 Begin Captured GinkgoWriter Output >> ... [odo] I0710 15:49:31.124096 6144 exec.go:96] sl local_address remote_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout inode ref pointer drops [odo] I0710 15:49:31.126154 6144 port.go:319] port 8080 not listening in container "runtime" [odo] I0710 15:49:38.960634 6144 exec.go:37] Executing command [/bin/sh -c cat /proc/net/tcp /proc/net/udp /proc/net/tcp6 /proc/net/udp6 || true] for pod: nbupsj-app-5f5678dddd-9rnj5 in container: runtime [odo] I0710 15:49:39.154094 6144 exec.go:96] sl local_address rem_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout inode [odo] I0710 15:49:39.154131 6144 exec.go:96] 0: 765011AC:D9A2 23151068:01BB 06 00000000:00000000 03:00000C0E 00000000 0 0 0 3 0000000000000000 [odo] I0710 15:49:39.154148 6144 exec.go:96] sl local_address rem_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout inode ref pointer drops [odo] I0710 15:49:39.154453 6144 exec.go:96] sl local_address remote_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout inode [odo] I0710 15:49:39.154510 6144 exec.go:96] 0: 00000000000000000000000000000000:0BB8 00000000000000000000000000000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000 1001 0 113876867 1 0000000000000000 100 0 0 10 0 [odo] I0710 15:49:39.154699 6144 exec.go:96] sl local_address remote_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout inode ref pointer drops [odo] I0710 15:49:39.159344 6144 port.go:319] port 8080 not listening in container "runtime" << End Captured GinkgoWriter Output Spec Goroutine goroutine 2929 [select]*AsyncAssertion).match(0xc0003cc150, {0x30ef048?, 0xc0010e02d0}, 0x1, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}) /go/odo_1/vendor/*AsyncAssertion).Should(0xc0003cc150, {0x30ef048, 0xc0010e02d0}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}) /go/odo_1/vendor/{0x2ce568b, 0x8}, 0xc00015e060?, 0xc00015e040?, 0xc0010e0180) /go/odo_1/tests/helper/helper_run.go:54*DevSession).WaitSync(0xc0003d5500) /go/odo_1/tests/helper/helper_dev.go:272 > /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1039 | helper.ReplaceStrings(filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "devfile.yaml"), devfile.deploymentName, devfile.newDeploymentName) | > err := devSession.WaitSync() | Expect(err).To(BeNil()) | }){0x2693593, 0xc00094faa0}) /go/odo_1/vendor/*Suite).runNode.func3() /go/odo_1/vendor/*Suite).runNode /go/odo_1/vendor/ ------------------------------ •SS•SSS••••••S•SS•SSSS•S•SS•S•SSS ------------------------------ • [76.845 seconds] odo dev interactive command tests directory is not empty when there is a match from Alizer should display welcoming messages first /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_dev_test.go:112 Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >> Spawning '/go/bin/odo dev --random-ports' from /tmp/2587260775 << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output ------------------------------ SS••SS••S•S•S•SS••SS••••••SSSS•••SSSSSS•S••SS•SS•S ------------------------------ • [5.942 seconds] odo init interactive command tests when DevfileRegistriesList CRD is installed on cluster when CR for devfileregistrieslists is installed in namespace should download correct devfile from the first in-cluster registry /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_init_test.go:685 Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >> Spawning '/go/bin/odo init' from /tmp/1828267815 << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output ------------------------------ SS••• ------------------------------ • [17.813 seconds] odo dev interactive command tests when a component is bootstrapped should sync files when p is pressed /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_dev_test.go:206 Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >> Spawning '/go/bin/odo dev --random-ports --no-watch' from /tmp/1521648448 << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output ------------------------------ ••••••••••• Ran 403 of 940 Specs in 1257.579 seconds SUCCESS! -- 403 Passed | 0 Failed | 0 Pending | 537 Skipped Ginkgo ran 1 suite in 22m3.693548128s Test Suite Passed