go install -mod=vendor -ldflags="-X github.com/redhat-developer/odo/pkg/version.GITCOMMIT=3ee965f1b" ./cmd/odo/ go run -mod=vendor github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/ginkgo --randomize-all --poll-progress-after=120s --poll-progress-interval=120s -timeout 14400s --no-color -nodes=1 --junit-report="test-doc-automation.xml" tests/documentation/... [1689922545] Doc Command Reference Automation Suite - 17/17 specs Spawning '/go/bin/odo delete namespace odo-dev' from /tmp/574871446 •••••••Spawning '/go/bin/odo init' from /tmp/2717789298 •••••••Spawning '/go/bin/odo delete project odo-dev' from /tmp/3211246090 ••Spawning '/go/bin/odo init' from /tmp/1139104678 • SUCCESS! 51.626694844s PASS [1689922545] User Guides Doc Automation Suite - 5/5 specs Spawning '/go/bin/odo init' from /tmp/2141026261 ------------------------------ • [FAILED] [22.390 seconds] User guides: Quickstart test Go quickstart guide [It] should test the complete go quickstart output in order /go/odo_1/tests/documentation/user-guides/doc_user_guides_quickstart_test.go:113 Timeline >> Created dir: /tmp/2141026261 Created dir: /tmp/452553284 Setting KUBECONFIG=/tmp/452553284/config Creating a new project: doc-user-guides-quickstart-test113drc Running kubectl with args [kubectl create namespace doc-user-guides-quickstart-test113drc] and odo env: [] [kubectl] namespace/doc-user-guides-quickstart-test113drc created Running kubectl with args [kubectl config set-context --current --namespace doc-user-guides-quickstart-test113drc] and odo env: [] [kubectl] Context "odo-test-kubernetes-cluster-2/cia4jeff0jvb2lioor0g/admin" modified. Running kubectl with args [kubectl get namespaces] and odo env: [] [kubectl] NAME STATUS AGE [kubectl] ci-devfile-registry Active 28d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36acc Active 20d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36ami Active 17d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36aol Active 15d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36bfl Active 16d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36bgv Active 23d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36bnz Active 23d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36bqm Active 21d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36brt Active 10d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36bts Active 15d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36caf Active 4d4h [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36cmd Active 3d15h [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36dbq Active 15d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36dgy Active 14d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36dim Active 13d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36dmc Active 8d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36dpb Active 13d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36dul Active 2d19h [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36dwc Active 15d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36dxy Active 15d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36dyn Active 15d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36ewl Active 14d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36ezz Active 8d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36fah Active 23d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36fsa Active 18h [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36gxr Active 13d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36gzb Active 15d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36hiw Active 16h [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36hnn Active 15d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36ijn Active 13d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36jad Active 15d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36jic Active 14d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36kdh Active 17d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36kfk Active 14d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36kjz Active 37h [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36kki Active 8d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36kpl Active 15d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36lcu Active 14d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36lem Active 18h [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36lez Active 8h [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36lgx Active 14d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36lmh Active 14d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36mcu Active 17d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36mov Active 16d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36nct Active 17d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36ney Active 14d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36njh Active 16d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36njj Active 3d14h [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36nul Active 41h [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36nzi Active 14d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36ofl Active 14d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36pbc Active 14d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36prg Active 13d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36pxv Active 14d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36qju Active 39h [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36qlp Active 16d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36qqi Active 21d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36rdm Active 17d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36rhh Active 39h [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36rkm Active 20d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36rpr Active 23d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36ryz Active 3d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36sbo Active 2d21h [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36sdm Active 15d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36shu Active 7d17h [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36shz Active 22d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36sux Active 23m [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36sxp Active 13d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36syt Active 3d22h [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36tuw Active 10d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36txo Active 20d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36tys Active 16h [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36ula Active 14d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36umu Active 14d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36upz Active 46h [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36uto Active 43h [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36uva Active 2d20h [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36uvn Active 6d20h [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36uye Active 15d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36vca Active 3d23h [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36vcj Active 24d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36vnc Active 13d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36vom Active 15d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36vwz Active 17d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36wom Active 21d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36wos Active 22h [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36wtb Active 13d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36wwy Active 17d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36xpe Active 47h [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36ymb Active 14d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36yrb Active 23d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36ywu Active 11d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36zck Active 15h [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36zlf Active 14d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36zml Active 22d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36zto Active 14d [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test36ztx Active 3d17h [kubectl] default Active 28d [kubectl] doc-command-reference-deletenamespace-test57pml Terminating 12s [kubectl] doc-command-reference-setnamespace-test41mjx Terminating 4s [kubectl] doc-user-guides-quickstart-test113drc Active 0s [kubectl] ibm-cert-store Active 28d [kubectl] ibm-operators Active 28d [kubectl] ibm-system Active 28d [kubectl] kube-node-lease Active 28d [kubectl] kube-public Active 28d [kubectl] kube-system Active 28d [kubectl] mcsu-namespace Active 16h [kubectl] odo-dev-pr-6989 Active 16h [kubectl] olm Active 28d [kubectl] operators Active 28d [kubectl] phmartin Active 13d Running kubectl with args [kubectl create configmap config-map-for-cleanup --from-literal type=testing --from-literal team=odo -n doc-user-guides-quickstart-test113drc] and odo env: [] [kubectl] configmap/config-map-for-cleanup created Current working dir: /go/odo_1/tests/documentation/user-guides Running odo with args [odo preference remove registry DefaultDevfileRegistry -f] and odo env: [] [odo] I0721 06:57:36.097824 12626 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/452553284/preference.yaml [odo] Successfully removed registry [odo] I0721 06:57:36.099532 12626 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/452553284/preference.yaml [odo] I0721 06:57:36.099918 12626 segment.go:268] Checking telemetry enable status [odo] I0721 06:57:36.099935 12626 segment.go:286] Sending telemetry disabled by env variable Running odo with args [odo preference add registry DefaultDevfileRegistry https://devfile-registry-ci-devfile-registry.odo-test-kubernete-449701-49529fc6e6a4a9fe7ebba9a3db5b55c4-0000.eu-de.containers.appdomain.cloud] and odo env: [] [odo] I0721 06:57:36.247132 12634 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/452553284/preference.yaml [odo] New registry successfully added [odo] I0721 06:57:36.249159 12634 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/452553284/preference.yaml [odo] I0721 06:57:36.249764 12634 segment.go:268] Checking telemetry enable status [odo] I0721 06:57:36.249809 12634 segment.go:286] Sending telemetry disabled by env variable Setting current dir to: /tmp/2141026261 STEP: running odo init @ 07/21/23 06:57:36.264 running command [odo init] with env [ODO_LOG_LEVEL=0] STEP: running odo dev @ 07/21/23 06:57:36.962 Running odo with args [odo dev --random-ports] and odo env: [ODO_LOG_LEVEL=4 ODO_TRACKING_CONSENT=no] [odo] I0721 06:57:37.126686 12651 version.go:41] executing [podman version --format json] [odo] I0721 06:57:37.127429 12651 clientset.go:225] no Podman client initialized: exec: "podman": executable file not found in $PATH [odo] I0721 06:57:37.127456 12651 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/452553284/preference.yaml [odo] I0721 06:57:37.128661 12651 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2141026261/devfile.yaml' [odo] I0721 06:57:37.128800 12651 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2141026261/devfile.yaml' [odo] I0721 06:57:37.129302 12651 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON [odo] I0721 06:57:37.129480 12651 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.1.0' [odo] I0721 06:57:37.129658 12651 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.1.0' is supported [odo] I0721 06:57:37.133051 12651 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema [odo] I0721 06:57:37.139283 12651 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections [odo] I0721 06:57:37.139314 12651 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections [odo] I0721 06:57:37.139502 12651 component.go:87] name of component is "my-go-app", and sanitized name is "my-go-app" [odo] I0721 06:57:37.139635 12651 kclient.go:237] Checking if "projects" resource is supported [odo] I0721 06:57:37.176231 12651 oc_server.go:26] Trying to connect to server c110.eu-de.containers.cloud.ibm.com:32062 [odo] I0721 06:57:37.180692 12651 oc_server.go:33] Server https://c110.eu-de.containers.cloud.ibm.com:32062 is up [odo] I0721 06:57:37.189938 12651 oc_server.go:66] Unable to get OpenShift Version: the server could not find the requested resource [odo] __ [odo] / \__ Developing using the "my-go-app" Devfile [odo] \__/ \ Namespace: doc-user-guides-quickstart-test113drc [odo] / \__/ odo version: v3.12.0 [odo] \__/ [odo] [odo] ↪ Running on the cluster in Dev mode [odo] I0721 06:57:37.204422 12651 kubedev.go:86] Creating new adapter [odo] I0721 06:57:37.204453 12651 kubedev.go:94] Creating inner-loop resources for the component [odo] I0721 06:57:37.204513 12651 watch.go:101] starting WatchAndPush, path: /tmp/2141026261, component: my-go-app, ignores [.git .odo .odo/odo-file-index.json] [odo] I0721 06:57:37.206031 12651 file_watcher.go:130] adding watch on path /tmp/2141026261 [odo] I0721 06:57:37.206089 12651 file_watcher.go:130] adding watch on path /tmp/2141026261/.odo [odo] I0721 06:57:37.231615 12651 watch.go:419] Copying files [] to pod [odo] I0721 06:57:37.231813 12651 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2141026261/devfile.yaml' [odo] I0721 06:57:37.231858 12651 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2141026261/devfile.yaml' [odo] I0721 06:57:37.233387 12651 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON [odo] I0721 06:57:37.233739 12651 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.1.0' [odo] I0721 06:57:37.233808 12651 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.1.0' is supported [odo] I0721 06:57:37.240445 12651 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema [odo] I0721 06:57:37.240885 12651 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections [odo] I0721 06:57:37.241541 12651 components.go:69] component state: "" [odo] • Waiting for Kubernetes resources ... [odo] I0721 06:57:37.256055 12651 components.go:260] We are deploying these annotations: map[alpha.image.policy.openshift.io/resolve-names:* odo.dev/project-type:Go] [odo] I0721 06:57:37.306119 12651 utils.go:77] Updating container runtime with mandatory volume mounts [odo] I0721 06:57:37.346969 12651 components.go:346] Creating deployment my-go-app-app [odo] I0721 06:57:37.347112 12651 components.go:347] The component name is my-go-app [odo] I0721 06:57:37.355008 12651 kclient.go:286] Kubernetes version is "v1.25.11+IKS" [odo] I0721 06:57:37.355130 12651 kclient.go:298] Cluster has support for SSA: true [odo] I0721 06:57:37.417438 12651 components.go:378] Successfully created component my-go-app [odo] I0721 06:57:37.466307 12651 components.go:390] Successfully created Service for component my-go-app [odo] I0721 06:57:37.482951 12651 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 90 APIs [odo] I0721 06:57:37.483046 12651 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs [odo] I0721 06:57:37.532581 12651 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 49.611504ms [odo] I0721 06:57:37.532621 12651 all.go:76] query result: objects=6 [odo] I0721 06:57:37.532680 12651 kclient.go:237] Checking if "servicebindings" resource is supported [odo] I0721 06:57:37.539029 12651 kclient.go:237] Checking if "clusterserviceversions" resource is supported [odo] I0721 06:57:37.545472 12651 service.go:75] Getting list of services [odo] I0721 06:57:37.545595 12651 operators.go:30] Fetching list of operators installed in cluster [odo] I0721 06:57:37.592079 12651 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: cloud-native-postgresql.v1.18.2 [odo] I0721 06:57:37.592177 12651 service.go:124] Getting instances of: backups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io [odo] I0721 06:57:37.604878 12651 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusters.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io [odo] I0721 06:57:37.618543 12651 service.go:124] Getting instances of: poolers.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io [odo] I0721 06:57:37.630761 12651 service.go:124] Getting instances of: scheduledbackups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io [odo] I0721 06:57:37.643942 12651 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: service-binding-operator.v1.3.4 [odo] I0721 06:57:37.644065 12651 service.go:124] Getting instances of: bindablekinds.binding.operators.coreos.com [odo] I0721 06:57:37.650216 12651 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io [odo] I0721 06:57:37.657142 12651 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io [odo] I0721 06:57:37.663409 12651 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.binding.operators.coreos.com [odo] I0721 06:57:37.675631 12651 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io [odo] I0721 06:57:37.686913 12651 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io [odo] I0721 06:57:37.707549 12651 components.go:134] Deployment has been updated to generation 1. Waiting new event... [odo] I0721 06:57:37.707608 12651 status.go:34] setting inner loop State "WaitDeployment" [odo] I0721 06:57:37.711047 12651 watch.go:267] deployment watcher Event: Type: ADDED, name: my-go-app-app, rv: 11660651, generation: 1, pods: 0 [odo] ⚠ Pod is Pending [odo] I0721 06:57:37.713638 12651 watch.go:267] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: my-go-app-app, rv: 11660654, generation: 1, pods: 0 [odo] I0721 06:57:37.713676 12651 watch.go:267] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: my-go-app-app, rv: 11660665, generation: 1, pods: 0 [odo] I0721 06:57:37.714732 12651 watch.go:267] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: my-go-app-app, rv: 11660668, generation: 1, pods: 0 [odo] I0721 06:57:38.013086 12651 watch.go:419] Copying files [] to pod [odo] I0721 06:57:38.013553 12651 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2141026261/devfile.yaml' [odo] I0721 06:57:38.013585 12651 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2141026261/devfile.yaml' [odo] I0721 06:57:38.014726 12651 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON [odo] I0721 06:57:38.014915 12651 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.1.0' [odo] I0721 06:57:38.014938 12651 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.1.0' is supported [odo] I0721 06:57:38.020207 12651 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema [odo] I0721 06:57:38.020577 12651 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections [odo] I0721 06:57:38.020620 12651 components.go:69] component state: "WaitDeployment" [odo] I0721 06:57:38.034638 12651 components.go:260] We are deploying these annotations: map[alpha.image.policy.openshift.io/resolve-names:* odo.dev/project-type:Go] [odo] I0721 06:57:38.084511 12651 utils.go:77] Updating container runtime with mandatory volume mounts [odo] I0721 06:57:38.132670 12651 components.go:346] Creating deployment my-go-app-app [odo] I0721 06:57:38.132804 12651 components.go:347] The component name is my-go-app [odo] I0721 06:57:38.132839 12651 components.go:350] The component already exists, attempting to update it [odo] I0721 06:57:38.132909 12651 components.go:352] Applying deployment [odo] I0721 06:57:38.181458 12651 components.go:361] Successfully updated component my-go-app [odo] I0721 06:57:38.223002 12651 components.go:748] Successfully update Service for component my-go-app [odo] I0721 06:57:38.238129 12651 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 90 APIs [odo] I0721 06:57:38.238262 12651 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs [odo] I0721 06:57:38.448214 12651 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 210.077563ms [odo] I0721 06:57:38.448403 12651 all.go:76] query result: objects=6 [odo] I0721 06:57:38.448578 12651 kclient.go:237] Checking if "servicebindings" resource is supported [odo] I0721 06:57:38.448660 12651 kclient.go:237] Checking if "clusterserviceversions" resource is supported [odo] I0721 06:57:38.448721 12651 service.go:75] Getting list of services [odo] I0721 06:57:38.448761 12651 operators.go:30] Fetching list of operators installed in cluster [odo] I0721 06:57:38.489206 12651 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: cloud-native-postgresql.v1.18.2 [odo] I0721 06:57:38.489340 12651 service.go:124] Getting instances of: backups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io [odo] I0721 06:57:38.500445 12651 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusters.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io [odo] I0721 06:57:38.509855 12651 service.go:124] Getting instances of: poolers.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io [odo] I0721 06:57:38.521862 12651 service.go:124] Getting instances of: scheduledbackups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io [odo] I0721 06:57:38.532882 12651 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: service-binding-operator.v1.3.4 [odo] I0721 06:57:38.532977 12651 service.go:124] Getting instances of: bindablekinds.binding.operators.coreos.com [odo] I0721 06:57:38.540545 12651 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io [odo] I0721 06:57:38.545531 12651 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io [odo] I0721 06:57:38.550591 12651 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.binding.operators.coreos.com [odo] I0721 06:57:38.563303 12651 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io [odo] I0721 06:57:38.576162 12651 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io [odo] I0721 06:57:38.606055 12651 components.go:141] Deployment has 0 ready replicas. Waiting new event... [odo] I0721 06:57:38.606120 12651 status.go:34] setting inner loop State "WaitDeployment" [odo] I0721 06:57:38.606228 12651 watch.go:267] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: my-go-app-app, rv: 11660676, generation: 1, pods: 0 [odo] ✓ Pod is Running [odo] I0721 06:57:39.762361 12651 watch.go:267] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: my-go-app-app, rv: 11660700, generation: 1, pods: 1 [odo] I0721 06:57:40.063356 12651 watch.go:419] Copying files [] to pod [odo] I0721 06:57:40.064452 12651 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2141026261/devfile.yaml' [odo] I0721 06:57:40.064516 12651 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2141026261/devfile.yaml' [odo] I0721 06:57:40.065791 12651 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON [odo] I0721 06:57:40.065984 12651 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.1.0' [odo] I0721 06:57:40.066043 12651 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.1.0' is supported [odo] I0721 06:57:40.071531 12651 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema [odo] I0721 06:57:40.071978 12651 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections [odo] I0721 06:57:40.072053 12651 components.go:69] component state: "WaitDeployment" [odo] I0721 06:57:40.083628 12651 components.go:260] We are deploying these annotations: map[alpha.image.policy.openshift.io/resolve-names:* odo.dev/project-type:Go] [odo] I0721 06:57:40.161580 12651 utils.go:77] Updating container runtime with mandatory volume mounts [odo] I0721 06:57:40.200743 12651 components.go:346] Creating deployment my-go-app-app [odo] I0721 06:57:40.200843 12651 components.go:347] The component name is my-go-app [odo] I0721 06:57:40.200885 12651 components.go:350] The component already exists, attempting to update it [odo] I0721 06:57:40.200925 12651 components.go:352] Applying deployment [odo] I0721 06:57:40.235235 12651 components.go:361] Successfully updated component my-go-app [odo] I0721 06:57:40.269712 12651 components.go:748] Successfully update Service for component my-go-app [odo] I0721 06:57:40.287267 12651 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 90 APIs [odo] I0721 06:57:40.291324 12651 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs [odo] I0721 06:57:40.333356 12651 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 46.072343ms [odo] I0721 06:57:40.333389 12651 all.go:76] query result: objects=6 [odo] I0721 06:57:40.333514 12651 kclient.go:237] Checking if "servicebindings" resource is supported [odo] I0721 06:57:40.333549 12651 kclient.go:237] Checking if "clusterserviceversions" resource is supported [odo] I0721 06:57:40.333564 12651 service.go:75] Getting list of services [odo] I0721 06:57:40.333573 12651 operators.go:30] Fetching list of operators installed in cluster [odo] I0721 06:57:40.388625 12651 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: cloud-native-postgresql.v1.18.2 [odo] I0721 06:57:40.388734 12651 service.go:124] Getting instances of: backups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io [odo] I0721 06:57:40.403051 12651 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusters.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io [odo] I0721 06:57:40.411416 12651 service.go:124] Getting instances of: poolers.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io [odo] I0721 06:57:40.421205 12651 service.go:124] Getting instances of: scheduledbackups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io [odo] I0721 06:57:40.433894 12651 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: service-binding-operator.v1.3.4 [odo] I0721 06:57:40.434027 12651 service.go:124] Getting instances of: bindablekinds.binding.operators.coreos.com [odo] I0721 06:57:40.440480 12651 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io [odo] I0721 06:57:40.446433 12651 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io [odo] I0721 06:57:40.453087 12651 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.binding.operators.coreos.com [odo] I0721 06:57:40.466103 12651 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io [odo] I0721 06:57:40.478219 12651 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io [odo] • Syncing files into the container ... [odo] I0721 06:57:40.582616 12651 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2141026261, destBase: ., destFile: . [odo] I0721 06:57:40.582654 12651 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: . [odo] I0721 06:57:40.583615 12651 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2141026261/.gitignore, destBase: ., destFile: .gitignore [odo] I0721 06:57:40.583640 12651 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: .gitignore [odo] I0721 06:57:40.584176 12651 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2141026261/.gitignore [odo] I0721 06:57:40.584224 12651 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2141026261/.odo, destBase: ., destFile: .odo [odo] I0721 06:57:40.584234 12651 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: .odo [odo] I0721 06:57:40.584628 12651 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2141026261/README.md, destBase: ., destFile: README.md [odo] I0721 06:57:40.584650 12651 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: README.md [odo] I0721 06:57:40.585087 12651 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2141026261/README.md [odo] I0721 06:57:40.585126 12651 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2141026261/devfile.yaml, destBase: ., destFile: devfile.yaml [odo] I0721 06:57:40.585135 12651 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: devfile.yaml [odo] I0721 06:57:40.585544 12651 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2141026261/devfile.yaml [odo] I0721 06:57:40.585580 12651 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2141026261/go.mod, destBase: ., destFile: go.mod [odo] I0721 06:57:40.585589 12651 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: go.mod [odo] I0721 06:57:40.585945 12651 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2141026261/go.mod [odo] I0721 06:57:40.585980 12651 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2141026261/main.go, destBase: ., destFile: main.go [odo] I0721 06:57:40.585989 12651 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: main.go [odo] I0721 06:57:40.586357 12651 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2141026261/main.go [odo] I0721 06:57:40.586757 12651 sync.go:138] List of files to be deleted: +[] [odo] I0721 06:57:40.586782 12651 sync.go:140] List of files changed: +[/tmp/2141026261/.gitignore /tmp/2141026261/README.md /tmp/2141026261/devfile.yaml /tmp/2141026261/go.mod /tmp/2141026261/main.go] [odo] I0721 06:57:40.586796 12651 sync.go:193] Push: componentName: my-go-app, path: /tmp/2141026261, files: [/tmp/2141026261/.gitignore /tmp/2141026261/README.md /tmp/2141026261/devfile.yaml /tmp/2141026261/go.mod /tmp/2141026261/main.go], delFiles: [*], isForcePush: true [odo] I0721 06:57:40.587199 12651 sync.go:310] remote files marked for deletion are [/projects/*] [odo] I0721 06:57:40.587293 12651 exec.go:37] Executing command [rm -rf /projects/*] for pod: my-go-app-app-77586c9fb4-p7h5w in container: runtime [odo] I0721 06:57:40.749827 12651 sync.go:233] Copying files /tmp/2141026261/.gitignore /tmp/2141026261/README.md /tmp/2141026261/devfile.yaml /tmp/2141026261/go.mod /tmp/2141026261/main.go to pod [odo] I0721 06:57:40.749873 12651 copy.go:36] CopyFile arguments: localPath /tmp/2141026261, dest /projects/2141026261, targetPath /projects, copyFiles [/tmp/2141026261/.gitignore /tmp/2141026261/README.md /tmp/2141026261/devfile.yaml /tmp/2141026261/go.mod /tmp/2141026261/main.go], globalExps [.git .odo .odo/odo-file-index.json] [odo] I0721 06:57:40.750016 12651 copy.go:96] makeTar arguments: srcPath: /tmp/2141026261, destPath: /projects/2141026261, files: [/tmp/2141026261/.gitignore /tmp/2141026261/README.md /tmp/2141026261/devfile.yaml /tmp/2141026261/go.mod /tmp/2141026261/main.go] [odo] I0721 06:57:40.750659 12651 copy.go:63] Executing command tar xf - -C /projects --no-same-owner [odo] I0721 06:57:40.750629 12651 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2141026261/.gitignore [odo] I0721 06:57:40.750760 12651 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2141026261 relative to /tmp/2141026261/.gitignore [odo] I0721 06:57:40.750775 12651 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2141026261/.gitignore [odo] I0721 06:57:40.750792 12651 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: .gitignore [odo] I0721 06:57:40.750915 12651 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2141026261/.gitignore, destBase: /projects, destFile: .gitignore [odo] I0721 06:57:40.750935 12651 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: .gitignore [odo] I0721 06:57:40.891310 12651 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2141026261/README.md [odo] I0721 06:57:40.891388 12651 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2141026261 relative to /tmp/2141026261/README.md [odo] I0721 06:57:40.891410 12651 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2141026261/README.md [odo] I0721 06:57:40.891420 12651 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: README.md [odo] I0721 06:57:40.891435 12651 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2141026261/README.md, destBase: /projects, destFile: README.md [odo] I0721 06:57:40.891571 12651 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: README.md [odo] I0721 06:57:40.892550 12651 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2141026261/devfile.yaml [odo] I0721 06:57:40.892598 12651 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2141026261 relative to /tmp/2141026261/devfile.yaml [odo] I0721 06:57:40.892627 12651 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2141026261/devfile.yaml [odo] I0721 06:57:40.892640 12651 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: devfile.yaml [odo] I0721 06:57:40.892648 12651 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2141026261/devfile.yaml, destBase: /projects, destFile: devfile.yaml [odo] I0721 06:57:40.892686 12651 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: devfile.yaml [odo] I0721 06:57:40.893271 12651 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2141026261/go.mod [odo] I0721 06:57:40.893330 12651 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2141026261 relative to /tmp/2141026261/go.mod [odo] I0721 06:57:40.893364 12651 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2141026261/go.mod [odo] I0721 06:57:40.893390 12651 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: go.mod [odo] I0721 06:57:40.893425 12651 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2141026261/go.mod, destBase: /projects, destFile: go.mod [odo] I0721 06:57:40.893450 12651 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: go.mod [odo] I0721 06:57:40.894160 12651 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2141026261/main.go [odo] I0721 06:57:40.894218 12651 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2141026261 relative to /tmp/2141026261/main.go [odo] I0721 06:57:40.894248 12651 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2141026261/main.go [odo] I0721 06:57:40.894275 12651 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: main.go [odo] I0721 06:57:40.894309 12651 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2141026261/main.go, destBase: /projects, destFile: main.go [odo] I0721 06:57:40.894337 12651 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: main.go [odo] ↵ ✓ Syncing files into the container [369ms] [odo] I0721 06:57:40.951446 12651 kubeexec.go:40] GetProcessInfoForCommand for "run" [odo] I0721 06:57:40.951554 12651 exec.go:37] Executing command [/bin/sh -c cat /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_run.pid || true] for pod: my-go-app-app-77586c9fb4-p7h5w in container: runtime [odo] I0721 06:57:41.128905 12651 exec.go:96] cat: /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_run.pid: No such file or directory [odo] I0721 06:57:41.130626 12651 innerloop.go:131] running=false, execRequired=true [odo] • Building your application in container (command: build) ... [odo] I0721 06:57:41.130900 12651 exec.go:37] Executing command [/bin/sh -c cd ${PROJECT_SOURCE} && (export GOPATH="${PROJECT_SOURCE}/.go" GOCACHE="${PROJECT_SOURCE}/.cache" && go build main.go) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2] for pod: my-go-app-app-77586c9fb4-p7h5w in container: runtime [odo] ↵ ✓ Building your application in container (command: build) [1s] [odo] I0721 06:57:42.203796 12651 kubeexec.go:54] StartProcessForCommand for "run" [odo] • Executing the application (command: run) ... [odo] I0721 06:57:42.203975 12651 retry.go:48] waiting for 5 second(s) before trying task "process for command \"run\"" [odo] I0721 06:57:42.204045 12651 exec.go:37] Executing command [/bin/sh -c echo $$ > /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_run.pid && cd ${PROJECT_SOURCE} && (./main) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2; echo $? >> /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_run.pid] for pod: my-go-app-app-77586c9fb4-p7h5w in container: runtime [odo] I0721 06:57:47.204850 12651 execute_run.go:90] checking if process for command "run" is running [odo] I0721 06:57:47.204915 12651 kubeexec.go:40] GetProcessInfoForCommand for "run" [odo] I0721 06:57:47.204953 12651 exec.go:37] Executing command [/bin/sh -c cat /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_run.pid || true] for pod: my-go-app-app-77586c9fb4-p7h5w in container: runtime [odo] I0721 06:57:47.369770 12651 exec.go:96] 118 [odo] I0721 06:57:47.374805 12651 exec.go:37] Executing command [/bin/sh -c kill -0 118; echo $?] for pod: my-go-app-app-77586c9fb4-p7h5w in container: runtime [odo] I0721 06:57:47.538903 12651 exec.go:96] 0 [odo] I0721 06:57:47.543532 12651 kubeexec.go:40] GetProcessInfoForCommand for "run" [odo] I0721 06:57:47.543585 12651 exec.go:37] Executing command [/bin/sh -c cat /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_run.pid || true] for pod: my-go-app-app-77586c9fb4-p7h5w in container: runtime [odo] I0721 06:57:47.697757 12651 exec.go:96] 118 [odo] I0721 06:57:47.698446 12651 exec.go:37] Executing command [/bin/sh -c kill -0 118; echo $?] for pod: my-go-app-app-77586c9fb4-p7h5w in container: runtime [odo] I0721 06:57:47.888039 12651 exec.go:96] 0 [odo] • Waiting for the application to be ready ... [odo] I0721 06:57:48.890384 12651 exec.go:37] Executing command [/bin/sh -c cat /proc/net/tcp /proc/net/udp /proc/net/tcp6 /proc/net/udp6 || true] for pod: my-go-app-app-77586c9fb4-p7h5w in container: runtime [odo] I0721 06:57:49.071436 12651 exec.go:96] sl local_address rem_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout inode [odo] I0721 06:57:49.071477 12651 exec.go:96] sl local_address rem_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout inode ref pointer drops [odo] I0721 06:57:49.071490 12651 exec.go:96] sl local_address remote_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout inode [odo] I0721 06:57:49.071498 12651 exec.go:96] 0: 00000000000000000000000000000000:1F90 00000000000000000000000000000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000 1001 0 180258700 1 0000000000000000 100 0 0 10 0 [odo] I0721 06:57:49.071506 12651 exec.go:96] sl local_address remote_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout inode ref pointer drops [odo] I0721 06:57:49.074341 12651 port.go:346] ports not listening: map[] [odo] ↵ ✓ Waiting for the application to be ready [1s] [odo] I0721 06:57:49.086531 12651 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/452553284/preference.yaml [odo] I0721 06:57:49.087710 12651 segment.go:268] Checking telemetry enable status [odo] I0721 06:57:49.087742 12651 segment.go:286] Sending telemetry disabled by env variable [odo] Cleaning resources, please wait [odo] ✗ watch command was unable to push component: fail starting the port forwarding: pod not found for the selector: component=my-go-app [FAILED] in [It] - /go/odo_1/tests/helper/helper_run.go:50 @ 07/21/23 06:57:56.983 Deleting project: doc-user-guides-quickstart-test113drc Running kubectl with args [kubectl delete namespaces doc-user-guides-quickstart-test113drc --wait=false] and odo env: [] [kubectl] namespace "doc-user-guides-quickstart-test113drc" deleted Setting current dir to: /go/odo_1/tests/documentation/user-guides Deleting dir: /tmp/2141026261 Deleting dir: /tmp/452553284 << Timeline [FAILED] session exited, but substring not found Expected <string>: __ / \__ Developing using the "my-go-app" Devfile \__/ \ Namespace: doc-user-guides-quickstart-test113drc / \__/ odo version: v3.12.0 \__/ ↪ Running on the cluster in Dev mode • Waiting for Kubernetes resources ... ⚠ Pod is Pending ✓ Pod is Running • Syncing files into the container ... ↵ ✓ Syncing files into the container [369ms] • Building your application in container (command: build) ... ↵ ✓ Building your application in container (command: build) [1s] • Executing the application (command: run) ... • Waiting for the application to be ready ... ↵ ✓ Waiting for the application to be ready [1s] Cleaning resources, please wait to contain substring <string>: [Ctrl+c] - Exit In [It] at: /go/odo_1/tests/helper/helper_run.go:50 @ 07/21/23 06:57:56.983 ------------------------------ Spawning '/go/bin/odo init' from /tmp/3618963471 •Spawning '/go/bin/odo init' from /tmp/2657118125 ••Spawning '/go/bin/odo init' from /tmp/1398836430 • Summarizing 1 Failure: [FAIL] User guides: Quickstart test Go quickstart guide [It] should test the complete go quickstart output in order /go/odo_1/tests/helper/helper_run.go:50 Ran 5 of 5 Specs in 218.906 seconds FAIL! -- 4 Passed | 1 Failed | 0 Pending | 0 Skipped --- FAIL: TestUserGuidesDocAutomation (218.93s) FAIL Ginkgo ran 2 suites in 5m27.889777039s There were failures detected in the following suites: user-guides ./tests/documentation/user-guides Test Suite Failed exit status 1 make: *** [Makefile:237: test-doc-automation] Error 1