cp ododevapispec.yaml pkg/apiserver-impl/swagger-ui/swagger.yaml
go install -mod=vendor -ldflags="-X github.com/redhat-developer/odo/pkg/version.GITCOMMIT=e0d442d88-dirty" ./cmd/odo/
go run -mod=vendor github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/ginkgo  --randomize-all --poll-progress-after=120s --poll-progress-interval=120s -timeout 14400s --no-color -nodes=16 --junit-report="test-doc-automation.xml"  tests/documentation/...
[1699713567] Doc Command Reference Automation Suite - 17/17 specs - 16 procs 
• [5.399 seconds]
doc command reference odo init Non Interactive Mode Fetch Devfile of the latest version [nocluster]

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.875 seconds]
doc command reference odo init Non Interactive Mode Fetch Devfile of a specific version [nocluster]

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.688 seconds]
doc command reference odo init Non Interactive Mode set application ports after fetching Devfile [nocluster]

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.567 seconds]
doc command reference odo init Non Interactive Mode Fetch Devfile from a URL [nocluster]

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.104 seconds]
doc command reference odo init Non Interactive Mode Fetch Devfile from a URL [nocluster]

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [7.563 seconds]
doc command reference odo init Interactive Mode when the directory is not empty Directory with sources [nocluster]

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo init' from /tmp/3965990459
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [10.251 seconds]
doc command reference odo init Interactive Mode Empty directory [nocluster]

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo init' from /tmp/2931667376
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [14.187 seconds]
doc command reference odo init Non Interactive Mode fetching devfile from a registry when setting up the registry Fetch Devfile from a specific registry of the list [nocluster]

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [14.710 seconds]
doc command reference odo init Non Interactive Mode fetching devfile from a registry when setting up the registry Fetch Devfile from any registry of the list [nocluster]

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [16.544 seconds]
doc command reference odo set namespace To set an active namespace resource Sets a project resource to be current active on a openshift cluster

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [16.979 seconds]
doc command reference odo list namespace To list all available namespaces Lists all namespace resources available in a kubernetes cluster

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [17.913 seconds]
doc command reference odo create namespace To create a namespace resource Creates a namespace resource for a kubernetes cluster

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [17.175 seconds]
doc command reference odo list namespace To list all available namespaces Lists all project resources available in a openshift cluster

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [18.134 seconds]
doc command reference odo delete namespace To delete a namespace resource Deletes a project resource for a openshift cluster

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo delete project doc-command-reference-deletenamespace-test61box' from /tmp/1758749444
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [12.925 seconds]
doc command reference odo set namespace To set an active namespace resource Sets a namespace resource to be current active on a kubernetes cluster

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [18.374 seconds]
doc command reference odo delete namespace To delete a namespace resource Deletes a namespace resource for a kubernetes cluster

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo delete namespace doc-command-reference-deletenamespace-test43nwy' from /tmp/3503566968
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [18.808 seconds]
doc command reference odo create namespace To create a namespace resource Creates a project resource for a kubernetes cluster

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
 SUCCESS! 18.825000349s 
[1699713567] User Guides Doc Automation Suite - 5/5 specs - 16 procs 
• [5.540 seconds]
User guides: Quickstart test Create namespace/project should show correct output for namespace/project creation

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [FAILED] [6.893 seconds]
User guides: Quickstart test Go quickstart guide [It] should test the complete go quickstart output in order

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo init' from /tmp/2699054481
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

  Timeline >>
  Created dir: /tmp/2699054481
  Created dir: /tmp/2972912539
  Setting KUBECONFIG=/tmp/2972912539/config
  Running kubectl with args [kubectl get namespace doc-user-guides-quickstart-test116zni -o jsonpath={.metadata.name}] and odo env: []
  [kubectl] Error from server (NotFound): namespaces "doc-user-guides-quickstart-test116zni" not found
  Creating a new project: doc-user-guides-quickstart-test116zni
  Running kubectl with args [kubectl create namespace doc-user-guides-quickstart-test116zni] and odo env: []
  [kubectl] namespace/doc-user-guides-quickstart-test116zni created
  Running kubectl with args [kubectl config set-context --current --namespace doc-user-guides-quickstart-test116zni] and odo env: []
  [kubectl] Context "odo-test-kubernetes-cluster-2/cia4jeff0jvb2lioor0g/admin" modified.
  Running kubectl with args [kubectl get ns] and odo env: []
  [kubectl] NAME                                    STATUS        AGE
  [kubectl] asoro                                   Active        46d
  [kubectl] cert-manager                            Active        33d
  [kubectl] ci-devfile-registry                     Active        142d
  [kubectl] cmd-delete-test241rmx                   Terminating   22s
  [kubectl] cmd-delete-test241syz                   Terminating   17s
  [kubectl] cmd-delete-test274sgn                   Active        3s
  [kubectl] cmd-delete-test316ezz                   Active        3s
  [kubectl] cmd-dev-test1338wiy                     Active        23s
  [kubectl] cmd-dev-test2164mvg                     Active        4s
  [kubectl] cmd-dev-test2388fom                     Active        4s
  [kubectl] cmd-dev-test2388hds                     Active        20s
  [kubectl] cmd-dev-test3126nlm                     Active        19s
  [kubectl] cmd-dev-test4244ksh                     Active        19s
  [kubectl] cmd-dev-test4921wpx                     Active        21s
  [kubectl] cmd-dev-test789hwg                      Active        20s
  [kubectl] cmd-devfile-deploy-test576aoq           Active        4s
  [kubectl] cmd-devfile-deploy-test636wpc           Active        20s
  [kubectl] cmd-logs-test320lph                     Active        24s
  [kubectl] cmd-logs-test348kqs                     Active        19s
  [kubectl] cmd-namespace-test63iij                 Terminating   21s
  [kubectl] default                                 Active        142d
  [kubectl] doc-user-guides-quickstart-test116zni   Active        1s
  [kubectl] doc-user-guides-quickstart-test166jil   Active        1s
  [kubectl] doc-user-guides-quickstart-test231hap   Active        1s
  [kubectl] doc-user-guides-quickstart-test39sxv    Active        1s
  [kubectl] doc-user-guides-quickstart-test66lvh    Active        1s
  [kubectl] flsz-project                            Active        106d
  [kubectl] generic-test132izp                      Terminating   22s
  [kubectl] generic-test201ntv                      Terminating   20s
  [kubectl] ibm-cert-store                          Active        142d
  [kubectl] ibm-operators                           Active        142d
  [kubectl] ibm-system                              Active        142d
  [kubectl] kube-node-lease                         Active        142d
  [kubectl] kube-public                             Active        142d
  [kubectl] kube-system                             Active        142d
  [kubectl] mcsu-namespace                          Active        114d
  [kubectl] odo-dev-pr-7097                         Active        47d
  [kubectl] olm                                     Active        142d
  [kubectl] operators                               Active        142d
  [kubectl] registry-operator-system                Active        33d
  Running kubectl with args [kubectl create configmap config-map-for-cleanup --from-literal type=testing --from-literal team=odo -n doc-user-guides-quickstart-test116zni] and odo env: []
  [kubectl] configmap/config-map-for-cleanup created
  Current working dir: /go/odo_1/tests/documentation/user-guides
  Setting current dir to: /tmp/2699054481
  Running odo with args [odo preference remove registry DefaultDevfileRegistry -f] and odo env: []
  [odo] I1111 14:41:06.017703   13544 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/2972912539/preference.yaml
  [odo] Successfully removed registry
  [odo] I1111 14:41:06.021023   13544 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/2972912539/preference.yaml
  [odo] I1111 14:41:06.022106   13544 segment.go:268] Checking telemetry enable status
  [odo] I1111 14:41:06.022119   13544 segment.go:286] Sending telemetry disabled by env variable
  Running odo with args [odo preference add registry DefaultDevfileRegistry https://registry.stage.devfile.io] and odo env: []
  [odo] I1111 14:41:06.333303   13574 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/2972912539/preference.yaml
  [odo] New registry successfully added
  [odo] I1111 14:41:06.337443   13574 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/2972912539/preference.yaml
  [odo] I1111 14:41:06.338614   13574 segment.go:268] Checking telemetry enable status
  [odo] I1111 14:41:06.338651   13574 segment.go:286] Sending telemetry disabled by env variable
  Setting current dir to: /tmp/2699054481
  STEP: running odo init @ 11/11/23 14:41:06.368
  running command [odo init] with env [ODO_LOG_LEVEL=0]
  [FAILED] in [It] - /go/odo_1/tests/documentation/user-guides/doc_user_guides_quickstart_test.go:141 @ 11/11/23 14:41:08.882
  Running kubectl with args [kubectl get namespace doc-user-guides-quickstart-test116zni -o jsonpath={.metadata.name}] and odo env: []
  [kubectl] doc-user-guides-quickstart-test116zniDeleting project: doc-user-guides-quickstart-test116zni
  Running kubectl with args [kubectl delete namespaces doc-user-guides-quickstart-test116zni --wait=false] and odo env: []
  [kubectl] namespace "doc-user-guides-quickstart-test116zni" deleted
  Setting current dir to: /go/odo_1/tests/documentation/user-guides
  Deleting dir: /tmp/2699054481
  Deleting dir: /tmp/2972912539
  << Timeline

  [FAILED] user-guides/quickstart/docs-mdx/go/go_odo_init_output.mdx
      <string>:   strings.Join({
        	... // 361 identical bytes
        	"ent directory odo detected\nSupported architectures: all\nLanguage",
        	": Go\nProject type: Go\nApplication ports: 8080\nThe devfile \"go:1.",
      - 	"0.2",
      + 	"2.0",
        	`" from the registry "DefaultDevfileRegistry" will be downloaded.`,
        	"\n? Is this correct? Yes\n✓  Downloading devfile \"go:1.",
      - 	"0.2",
      + 	"2.0",
        	"\" from registry \"DefaultDevfileRegistry\" [1s]\n↪ Container Conf",
        	"iguration \"runtime\":\nOPEN PORTS:\n- 8080\n",
      + 	"- 5858\n",
      + 	"\n- DEBUG_PORT = 5858",
        	"\n? Select container for which you want to change configuration? ",
        	"NONE - configuration is correct\n? Enter component name: my-go-ap",
        	"p\nYou can automate this command by executing:\nodo init --name my",
        	"-go-app --devfile go --devfile-registry DefaultDevfileRegistry -",
        	"-devfile-version 1.",
      - 	"0.2",
      + 	"2.0",
        	"\nYour new component 'my-go-app' is ready in the current director",
        	"y.\nTo start editing your component, use 'odo dev' and open this ",
        	... // 84 identical bytes
        }, "")
  to be empty
  In [It] at: /go/odo_1/tests/documentation/user-guides/doc_user_guides_quickstart_test.go:141 @ 11/11/23 14:41:08.882
• [59.430 seconds]
User guides: Quickstart test .NET quickstart guide should test the complete dotnet quickstart output in order

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo init' from /tmp/1388445927
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [59.637 seconds]
User guides: Quickstart test nodejs should test the complete nodejs quickstart output in order

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo init' from /tmp/3823767551
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [88.658 seconds]
User guides: Quickstart test Java quickstart guide should test the complete java springboot quickstart output in order

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo init' from /tmp/3750000567
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

Summarizing 1 Failure:
  [FAIL] User guides: Quickstart test Go quickstart guide [It] should test the complete go quickstart output in order

Ran 5 of 5 Specs in 88.748 seconds
FAIL! -- 4 Passed | 1 Failed | 0 Pending | 0 Skipped

Ginkgo ran 2 suites in 3m3.687830613s

There were failures detected in the following suites:
  user-guides ./tests/documentation/user-guides

Test Suite Failed
exit status 1
make: *** [Makefile:241: test-doc-automation] Error 1