cp ododevapispec.yaml pkg/apiserver-impl/swagger-ui/swagger.yaml
go install -mod=vendor -ldflags="-X github.com/redhat-developer/odo/pkg/version.GITCOMMIT=451e30740" ./cmd/odo/
go run -mod=vendor github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/ginkgo  --randomize-all --poll-progress-after=120s --poll-progress-interval=120s -timeout 14400s --no-color -nodes=16 --junit-report="test-integration.xml" --label-filter="!unauth && !nocluster && !podman" tests/integration
Running Suite: Integration Suite - /go/odo_1/tests/integration
Random Seed: 1698657725 - will randomize all specs

Will run 504 of 956 specs
Running in parallel across 16 processes
• [19.440 seconds]
odo describe component command tests should fail, with default cluster mode

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [18.479 seconds]
odo run command tests when a component is bootstrapped should fail if odo dev is not running

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [18.324 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing an Image component with a build context should build image via Podman if build context references PROJECT_SOURCE env var

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [22.274 seconds]
odo create/delete/list/set namespace/project tests set namespace should successfully set the namespace

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [20.842 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [31.986 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is running in both DEV and DEPLOY mode and dev mode is killed when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should delete the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
S [4.785 seconds]
odo preference and config command tests when DevfileRegistriesList CRD is installed on cluster [BeforeEach] when CR for devfileregistrieslists is installed in namespace should fail to delete the in-cluster registry
  [BeforeEach] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_pref_config_test.go:377
  [It] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_pref_config_test.go:444

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

  [SKIPPED] skipped on non Kubernetes clusters
  In [BeforeEach] at: /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_pref_config_test.go:379 @ 10/30/23 09:23:45.99
• [64.704 seconds]
odo dev command with api server tests when the component is bootstrapped when odo dev is run with --api-server flag when /instance endpoint is DELETEd should terminate the dev session

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  <<< Session terminated >>>
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [67.824 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev with alternative commands - with metadata.name should execute the custom non-default build and run commands successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [67.278 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev with alternative commands - without metadata.name when running odo dev with a run command should execute the custom non-default run command successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [69.090 seconds]
odo describe component command tests when creating a component when running odo dev (podman=false,debug=true) JSON output when switching to another directory when describing the component from another directory should describe the named component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.978 seconds]
odo create/delete/list/set namespace/project tests set namespace when running inside a component directory should set the namespace

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [72.189 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is running in both DEV and DEPLOY mode and dev mode is killed when the component is deleted using its name and namespace from another directory should delete the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [59.600 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Devfile contains metadata.language when running odo dev should set the correct value in labels of resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [59.470 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Devfile 2.1.0 is used - without metadata.name when doing odo dev with --var-file flag should check if the env variable has a correct value

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [59.766 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is running in both DEV and DEPLOY mode and dev mode is killed when the component is deleted using its name and namespace from another directory should delete the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [59.040 seconds]
odo dev command with api server tests when the component is bootstrapped when odo dev is run with --api-server flag (custom api server port=true) should describe the API Server port

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [59.946 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a container component defines a Command or Args - with metadata.name should run odo dev successfully (#5620)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [9.482 seconds]
odo create/delete/list/set namespace/project tests create project should successfully create the project

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [10.184 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when a resource is changed in the devfile and the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml with --files=true --running-in=dev should delete the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [10.828 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [94.626 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing an outer-loop Kubernetes component referenced via an URI when running odo deploy with image build extra args should run odo dev successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.471 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when a resource is changed in the devfile and the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml with --files=false --running-in=deploy should delete the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [8.341 seconds]
odo generic When deleting two project one after the other should be able to delete them in any order

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [102.790 seconds]
odo logs command tests when component is created and odo logs is executed when running in Dev mode with --logs 1. should successfully show logs of the running component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [68.318 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is running in both DEV and DEPLOY mode and dev mode is killed when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should delete the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [4.965 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing a deploy command when running odo deploy should succeed

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [120.030 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has single endpoint when running odo dev when modifying name for container in Devfile should react on the Devfile modification (podman=false, manual=false, customPortForwarding=false, customAddress=true)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [119.324 seconds]
odo dev command tests when hotReload capable Build and Run commands are used with odo dev when a source file is modified should not re-execute the run command

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [3.282 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when directory is empty should error

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [58.002 seconds]
odo dev command tests when creating local files and dir and running odo dev - with metadata.name should correctly propagate changes to the container

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [130.771 seconds]
odo describe component command tests checking for remote source code location when using devfile with no sourceMapping, defaults to /projects and starting an odo dev session should show remote source code location in odo describe component output

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [61.438 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when odo is executed with --no-watch flag and with --no-commands=false when a file in component directory is modified should not trigger a push

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [10.746 seconds]
odo logs command tests when component is created and odo logs is executed when running in Deploy mode should successfully show logs of the running component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [69.369 seconds]
odo list with devfile devfile has missing metadata when projectType is missing when the component is pushed in dev mode should show the language for 'Type' in odo list

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [4.268 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing an Image component with a build context should build image via Docker if build context references PROJECT_SOURCE env var

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [60.067 seconds]
odo dev command tests when odo dev is executed to run a devfile containing a k8s resource should have created the necessary k8s resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [69.368 seconds]
odo dev command tests when project and clonePath is present in devfile and running odo dev - without metadata.name should sync to the correct dir in container

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [89.481 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has multiple endpoints when running odo dev should expose all endpoints on localhost regardless of exposure(podman=false, manual=true, customPortForwarding=false, customAddress=false)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [3.508 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped should fail when using --no-commands and --build-command and/or --run-command together

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.784 seconds]
odo deploy interactive command tests directory is not empty when there is a match from Alizer should run alizer to download devfile successfully even with -v flag

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo deploy -v 4' from /tmp/2269450873
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [68.156 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component with multiple endpoints is run when odo dev is stopped should remove forwarded ports from state file

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [58.925 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev with alternative commands - without metadata.name when running odo dev with a build command should execute the custom non-default build command successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [78.702 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has multiple endpoints when running odo dev should expose all endpoints on localhost regardless of exposure(podman=false, manual=false, customPortForwarding=false, customAddress=false)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [58.049 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is running in both DEV and DEPLOY mode and dev mode is killed when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should delete the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
  Progress Report for Ginkgo Process #10
  Automatically polling progress:
    odo dev command tests Devfile contains pod-overrides and container-overrides attributes should override the content in the pod it creates for the component on the cluster (Spec Runtime: 2m2.797s)
      In [It] (Node Runtime: 2m0.001s)

      Begin Captured GinkgoWriter Output >>
        [odo] Cleaning resources, please wait
        [odo]  ✗  Finished executing the application (command: run) [1m]
        [odo] I1030 09:25:56.628798   14839 exec.go:54] ExecuteCommand returned an an err: error while streaming command: error sending request: Post "https://c100-e.eu-de.containers.cloud.ibm.com:31952/api/v1/namespaces/cmd-dev-test4146bgm/pods/tplfwu-app-769cb8b996-6hj6b/exec?command=%2Fbin%2Fsh&command=-c&command=cat+%2Fopt%2Fodo%2F.odo_cmd_run.pid+%7C%7C+true&container=runtime&stderr=true&stdout=true": dial tcp: lookup c100-e.eu-de.containers.cloud.ibm.com: operation was canceled. for command '[/bin/sh -c cat /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_run.pid || true]'
        [odo] stdout: []
        [odo] stderr: []
        [odo] I1030 09:25:56.628863   14839 execute_run.go:36] error while running background command: unable to exec command [/bin/sh -c echo $$ > /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_run.pid && cd ${PROJECT_SOURCE} &&  (npm start) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2; echo $? >> /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_run.pid]: error while streaming command: context canceled
        [odo] I1030 09:25:56.685034   14839 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 200 APIs
        [odo] I1030 09:25:56.685190   14839 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs
        [odo] I1030 09:25:57.664046   14839 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 978.98701ms
        [odo] I1030 09:25:57.664114   14839 all.go:76] query result: objects=615
      << End Captured GinkgoWriter Output

      Spec Goroutine
      goroutine 148 [select]
        github.com/onsi/gomega/internal.(*AsyncAssertion).match(0xc0002c1d50, {0x30feb48?, 0xc000604480}, 0x1, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0})
        github.com/onsi/gomega/internal.(*AsyncAssertion).Should(0xc0002c1d50, {0x30feb48, 0xc000604480}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0})
        github.com/onsi/gomega/gexec.(*Session).Wait(0xc000f03d50?, {0xc000894d50?, 0x2cf51f1?, 0x9?})
        github.com/redhat-developer/odo/tests/helper.RunDevMode({{0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...}, ...)
      > github.com/redhat-developer/odo/tests/integration.glob..func7.64.2()
            | })
            | It("should override the content in the pod it creates for the component on the cluster", func() {
            > 	err := helper.RunDevMode(helper.DevSessionOpts{
            | 		RunOnPodman: ctx.podman,
            | 	}, func(session *gexec.Session, outContents, _ string, _ map[string]string) {
        github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal.extractBodyFunction.func3({0x0, 0x0})
• [7.367 seconds]
odo list with devfile listing non-odo managed components when a non-odo managed component is deployed should list the component in JSON

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [127.936 seconds]
odo dev command tests Devfile contains pod-overrides and container-overrides attributes should override the content in the pod it creates for the component on the cluster

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [62.656 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped when the component is deleted using its name (and namespace) from another directory (running-in="deploy") when odo delete command is run again with nothing deployed on the cluster should output that there are no resources to be deleted

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [4.201 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped should fail when using --random-ports and --port-forward together

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [8.081 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [57.893 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is running in both DEV and DEPLOY mode and dev mode is killed when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should delete the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [119.555 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev with devfile contain volume - without metadata.name should create pvc and reuse if it shares the same devfile volume name

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [25.409 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev with alternative commands - without metadata.name when running odo dev with a run command should error out on an invalid command

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [120.116 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is running in both DEV and DEPLOY mode and dev mode is killed when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should delete the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [8.017 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when the component is deleted using its name and namespace from another directory should output that there are no resources to be deleted

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [120.516 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev and single env var is set - with metadata.name should be able to exec command

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [8.979 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Devfile contains metadata.language invalid as a label value when odo deploy is executed should set the correct value in labels of deployed resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [79.051 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has multiple endpoints when running odo dev should expose all endpoints on localhost regardless of exposure(podman=false, manual=false, customPortForwarding=true, customAddress=false)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [96.643 seconds]
odo dev command tests 1. devfile contains composite apply command when odo dev is running with image build extra args should execute the composite apply commands successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [7.241 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Devfile contains metadata.projectType when odo deploy is executed should set the correct value in labels of deployed resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.600 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests using a Devfile with an image component using a remote Dockerfile when remote server returns a valid file should run odo deploy

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [49.830 seconds]
odo dev command tests when using a Devfile with no commands should start the Dev Session with --no-commands=false

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [118.605 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a hotReload capable Run command is used with odo dev should execute the build and run commands

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [8.653 seconds]
odo describe component command tests when creating a component should not describe the component from another directory, with cluster

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [7.765 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when the component is deleted using its name and namespace from another directory should output that there are no resources to be deleted

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.493 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running applications listening on the container loopback interface should error out if using --forward-localhost on any platform other than Podman

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [93.036 seconds]
odo list with devfile devfile has missing metadata when projectType and language is missing when the component is pushed should show 'nodejs' for 'Type' in odo list

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [60.565 seconds]
odo dev command tests when devfile has sourcemappings and running odo dev - without metadata.name should sync files to the correct location

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [10.106 seconds]
odo create/delete/list/set namespace/project tests list project should successfully list all the projects

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [61.648 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests deploying devfile with long-running exec when Automount volumes are present in the namespace should mount the volumes

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [35.502 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped when the component is deleted using its name (and namespace) from another directory (running-in="") when odo delete command is run again with nothing deployed on the cluster should output that there are no resources to be deleted

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [12.296 seconds]
odo create/delete/list/set namespace/project tests when namespace is created with -w should list the new namespace when listing namespace

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [27.274 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped should start on cluster even if Podman client takes long to initialize

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [7.295 seconds]
odo describe component command tests should fail, with cluster

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.108 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests using a Devfile with an image component using a remote Dockerfile when remote server returns an error should not build images

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [66.265 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev with alternative commands - without metadata.name should execute the custom non-default build and run commands successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [62.927 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev with alternative commands - with metadata.name when running odo dev with a build command should execute the default build command successfully if specified explicitly

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [63.151 seconds]
odo dev debug command tests when a component is bootstrapped when running odo dev with debug flag should connect to relevant ports forwarded

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [FAILED] [50.397 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev with alternative commands - with metadata.name when running odo dev with a run command [It] should execute the custom non-default run command successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

  Timeline >>
  Created dir: /tmp/1934375935
  Created dir: /tmp/3745256334
  Setting KUBECONFIG=/tmp/3745256334/config
  Running oc with args [oc get project cmd-dev-test3181qrn -o jsonpath={.metadata.name}] and odo env: []
  [oc] Error from server (NotFound): namespaces "cmd-dev-test3181qrn" not found
  Creating a new project: cmd-dev-test3181qrn
  Running oc with args [oc new-project cmd-dev-test3181qrn] and odo env: []
  [oc] Now using project "cmd-dev-test3181qrn" on server "https://c100-e.eu-de.containers.cloud.ibm.com:31952".
  [oc] You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try:
  [oc]     oc new-app rails-postgresql-example
  [oc] to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application:
  [oc]     kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=k8s.gcr.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.33 -- /agnhost serve-hostname
  Running oc with args [oc get project] and odo env: []
  [oc] NAME                                               DISPLAY NAME   STATUS
  [oc] apgr-namespace                                                    Active
  [oc] calico-system                                                     Active
  [oc] cmd-delete-test151eee                                             Active
  [oc] cmd-delete-test237hvj                                             Active
  [oc] cmd-delete-test237rom                                             Terminating
  [oc] cmd-delete-test428blc                                             Terminating
  [oc] cmd-delete-test428ggz                                             Terminating
  [oc] cmd-delete-test428txt                                             Terminating
  [oc] cmd-describe-component-test289gxb                                 Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-debug-test112amy                                          Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test1338wua                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test1463ajz                                               Terminating
  [oc] cmd-dev-test1965coz                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test2016cep                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test2388cug                                               Terminating
  [oc] cmd-dev-test2709rcl                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test3126gjy                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test3181qrn                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test3207rxl                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test3771soh                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test4105njh                                               Terminating
  [oc] cmd-dev-test4921awu                                               Terminating
  [oc] cmd-dev-test91kqc                                                 Active
  [oc] cmd-devfile-deploy-test538vas                                     Terminating
  [oc] cmd-devfile-deploy-test695wir                                     Active
  [oc] cmd-devfile-list-test363lcr                                       Active
  [oc] cmd-namespace-test115tkr                                          Active
  [oc] default                                                           Active
  [oc] generic-test100lvl                                                Active
  [oc] ibm-cert-store                                                    Active
  [oc] ibm-odf-validation-webhook                                        Active
  [oc] ibm-system                                                        Active
  [oc] kube-node-lease                                                   Active
  [oc] kube-public                                                       Active
  [oc] kube-system                                                       Active
  [oc] laxu-namespace                                                    Active
  [oc] openshift                                                         Active
  [oc] openshift-apiserver                                               Active
  [oc] openshift-apiserver-operator                                      Active
  [oc] openshift-authentication                                          Active
  [oc] openshift-authentication-operator                                 Active
  [oc] openshift-cloud-credential-operator                               Active
  [oc] openshift-cloud-network-config-controller                         Active
  [oc] openshift-cluster-csi-drivers                                     Active
  [oc] openshift-cluster-machine-approver                                Active
  [oc] openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator                            Active
  [oc] openshift-cluster-samples-operator                                Active
  [oc] openshift-cluster-storage-operator                                Active
  [oc] openshift-cluster-version                                         Active
  [oc] openshift-config                                                  Active
  [oc] openshift-config-managed                                          Active
  [oc] openshift-config-operator                                         Active
  [oc] openshift-console                                                 Active
  [oc] openshift-console-operator                                        Active
  [oc] openshift-console-user-settings                                   Active
  [oc] openshift-controller-manager                                      Active
  [oc] openshift-controller-manager-operator                             Active
  [oc] openshift-dns                                                     Active
  [oc] openshift-dns-operator                                            Active
  [oc] openshift-etcd                                                    Active
  [oc] openshift-etcd-operator                                           Active
  [oc] openshift-image-registry                                          Active
  [oc] openshift-infra                                                   Active
  [oc] openshift-ingress                                                 Active
  [oc] openshift-ingress-canary                                          Active
  [oc] openshift-ingress-operator                                        Active
  [oc] openshift-insights                                                Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-apiserver                                          Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-apiserver-operator                                 Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-controller-manager                                 Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-controller-manager-operator                        Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-proxy                                              Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-scheduler                                          Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-scheduler-operator                                 Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-storage-version-migrator                           Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-storage-version-migrator-operator                  Active
  [oc] openshift-machine-api                                             Active
  [oc] openshift-machine-config-operator                                 Active
  [oc] openshift-marketplace                                             Active
  [oc] openshift-monitoring                                              Active
  [oc] openshift-multus                                                  Active
  [oc] openshift-network-diagnostics                                     Active
  [oc] openshift-network-operator                                        Active
  [oc] openshift-node                                                    Active
  [oc] openshift-operator-lifecycle-manager                              Active
  [oc] openshift-operators                                               Active
  [oc] openshift-roks-metrics                                            Active
  [oc] openshift-route-controller-manager                                Active
  [oc] openshift-service-ca                                              Active
  [oc] openshift-service-ca-operator                                     Active
  [oc] openshift-user-workload-monitoring                                Active
  [oc] phmartin                                                          Active
  [oc] tigera-operator                                                   Active
  [oc] ubkm-project                                                      Active
  Running oc with args [oc create configmap config-map-for-cleanup --from-literal type=testing --from-literal team=odo -n cmd-dev-test3181qrn] and odo env: []
  [oc] configmap/config-map-for-cleanup created
  Current working dir: /go/odo_1/tests/integration
  Setting current dir to: /tmp/1934375935
  Running odo with args [odo preference remove registry DefaultDevfileRegistry -f] and odo env: []
  [odo] I1030 09:26:54.711486   19484 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/3745256334/preference.yaml
  [odo] Successfully removed registry
  [odo] I1030 09:26:54.715045   19484 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/3745256334/preference.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:26:54.715641   19484 segment.go:268] Checking telemetry enable status
  [odo] I1030 09:26:54.715653   19484 segment.go:286] Sending telemetry disabled by env variable
  Running odo with args [odo preference add registry DefaultDevfileRegistry https://registry.stage.devfile.io] and odo env: []
  [odo] I1030 09:26:54.931809   19501 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/3745256334/preference.yaml
  [odo] New registry successfully added
  [odo] I1030 09:26:54.935773   19501 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/3745256334/preference.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:26:54.936749   19501 segment.go:268] Checking telemetry enable status
  [odo] I1030 09:26:54.936785   19501 segment.go:286] Sending telemetry disabled by env variable
  Setting current dir to: /tmp/1934375935
  Running odo with args [odo dev --random-ports --api-server=false --run-command my-custom-run] and odo env: [ODO_LOG_LEVEL=4 ODO_TRACKING_CONSENT=no]
  [odo] I1030 09:26:55.255993   19527 version.go:37] executing [podman version --format json]
  [odo] I1030 09:26:55.256637   19527 clientset.go:243] no Podman client initialized: exec: "podman": executable file not found in $PATH
  [odo] I1030 09:26:55.256748   19527 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/3745256334/preference.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:26:55.257822   19527 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/1934375935/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:26:55.257977   19527 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/1934375935/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:26:55.258448   19527 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON
  [odo] I1030 09:26:55.258508   19527 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.0.0'
  [odo] I1030 09:26:55.258637   19527 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.0.0' is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:26:55.289816   19527 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema
  [odo] I1030 09:26:55.298730   19527 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections
  [odo] I1030 09:26:55.299118   19527 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections
  [odo] I1030 09:26:55.299293   19527 component.go:87] name of component is "xbnryh", and sanitized name is "xbnryh"
  [odo] I1030 09:26:55.299605   19527 kclient.go:237] Checking if "projects" resource is supported
  [odo]   __
  [odo]  /  \__     Developing using the "xbnryh" Devfile
  [odo]  \__/  \    Namespace: cmd-dev-test3181qrn
  [odo]  /  \__/    odo version: v3.15.0 (451e30740)
  [odo]  \__/
  [odo] ↪ Running on the cluster in Dev mode
  [odo] I1030 09:26:55.502795   19527 kubedev.go:79] Creating new adapter
  [odo] I1030 09:26:55.502806   19527 kubedev.go:87] Creating inner-loop resources for the component
  [odo] I1030 09:26:55.502819   19527 watch.go:105] starting WatchAndPush, path: /tmp/1934375935, component: xbnryh, ignores [.git .odo .odo/odo-file-index.json]
  [odo] I1030 09:26:55.504635   19527 file_watcher.go:130] adding watch on path /tmp/1934375935
  [odo] I1030 09:26:55.504695   19527 file_watcher.go:130] adding watch on path /tmp/1934375935/.odo
  [odo] I1030 09:26:55.504706   19527 file_watcher.go:130] adding watch on path /tmp/1934375935/test
  [odo] I1030 09:26:55.510304   19527 watch.go:423] Copying files [] to pod
  [odo] I1030 09:26:55.510347   19527 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/1934375935/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:26:55.510356   19527 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/1934375935/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:26:55.511357   19527 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON
  [odo] I1030 09:26:55.511426   19527 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.0.0'
  [odo] I1030 09:26:55.511447   19527 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.0.0' is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:26:55.537913   19527 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema
  [odo] I1030 09:26:55.538121   19527 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections
  [odo] I1030 09:26:55.538141   19527 components.go:69] component state: ""
  [odo] I1030 09:26:55.563821   19527 components.go:260] We are deploying these annotations: map[alpha.image.policy.openshift.io/resolve-names:* odo.dev/project-type:Not available]
  [odo]  •  Waiting for Kubernetes resources  ...
  [odo] I1030 09:26:55.619803   19527 utils.go:149] No entrypoint defined for the component, setting container runtime entrypoint to 'tail -f /dev/null'. You can set a 'command' and/or 'args' for the component to override this default entrypoint.
  [odo] I1030 09:26:55.671455   19527 utils.go:77] Updating container runtime with mandatory volume mounts
  [odo] I1030 09:26:55.754850   19527 components.go:346] Creating deployment xbnryh-app
  [odo] I1030 09:26:55.754882   19527 components.go:347] The component name is xbnryh
  [odo] I1030 09:26:55.757294   19527 kclient.go:286] Kubernetes version is "v1.25.12+ba5cc25"
  [odo] I1030 09:26:55.757460   19527 kclient.go:298] Cluster has support for SSA: true
  [odo] Warning: would violate PodSecurity "restricted:v1.24": allowPrivilegeEscalation != false (container "runtime" must set securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation=false), unrestricted capabilities (container "runtime" must set securityContext.capabilities.drop=["ALL"]), runAsNonRoot != true (pod or container "runtime" must set securityContext.runAsNonRoot=true), seccompProfile (pod or container "runtime" must set securityContext.seccompProfile.type to "RuntimeDefault" or "Localhost")
  [odo] I1030 09:26:55.848433   19527 components.go:378] Successfully created component xbnryh
  [odo] I1030 09:26:55.898242   19527 components.go:390] Successfully created Service for component xbnryh
  [odo] I1030 09:26:55.939144   19527 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 200 APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:26:55.941910   19527 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.007533   19527 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 67.229898ms
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.007578   19527 all.go:76] query result: objects=6
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.008178   19527 kclient.go:237] Checking if "servicebindings" resource is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.010571   19527 kclient.go:237] Checking if "clusterserviceversions" resource is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.012649   19527 service.go:75] Getting list of services
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.012783   19527 operators.go:30] Fetching list of operators installed in cluster
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.064068   19527 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: cloud-native-postgresql.v1.18.7
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.064112   19527 service.go:124] Getting instances of: backups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.083733   19527 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusters.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.096208   19527 service.go:124] Getting instances of: poolers.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.108937   19527 service.go:124] Getting instances of: scheduledbackups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.127064   19527 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: service-binding-operator.v1.3.3
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.127151   19527 service.go:124] Getting instances of: bindablekinds.binding.operators.coreos.com
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.128799   19527 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.130093   19527 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.154351   19527 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.binding.operators.coreos.com
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.159753   19527 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.171828   19527 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.190869   19527 components.go:134] Deployment has been updated to generation 1. Waiting new event...
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.190914   19527 status.go:34] setting inner loop State "WaitDeployment"
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.194363   19527 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: ADDED, name: xbnryh-app, rv: 98845773, generation: 1, pods: 0
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.195512   19527 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: xbnryh-app, rv: 98845779, generation: 1, pods: 0
  [odo] ===================
  [odo] ⚠  Pod is Pending
  [odo] ===================
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.196317   19527 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: xbnryh-app, rv: 98845785, generation: 1, pods: 0
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.196331   19527 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: xbnryh-app, rv: 98845802, generation: 1, pods: 0
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.494595   19527 watch.go:423] Copying files [] to pod
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.495981   19527 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/1934375935/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.496005   19527 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/1934375935/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.497496   19527 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.497709   19527 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.0.0'
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.497973   19527 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.0.0' is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.514745   19527 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.515790   19527 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.515882   19527 components.go:69] component state: "WaitDeployment"
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.555230   19527 components.go:260] We are deploying these annotations: map[alpha.image.policy.openshift.io/resolve-names:* odo.dev/project-type:Not available]
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.567007   19527 utils.go:149] No entrypoint defined for the component, setting container runtime entrypoint to 'tail -f /dev/null'. You can set a 'command' and/or 'args' for the component to override this default entrypoint.
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.653493   19527 utils.go:77] Updating container runtime with mandatory volume mounts
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.705216   19527 components.go:346] Creating deployment xbnryh-app
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.705239   19527 components.go:347] The component name is xbnryh
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.705246   19527 components.go:350] The component already exists, attempting to update it
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.705257   19527 components.go:352] Applying deployment
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.738875   19527 components.go:361] Successfully updated component xbnryh
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.767248   19527 components.go:748] Successfully update Service for component xbnryh
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.818001   19527 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 200 APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.818323   19527 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.892308   19527 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 74.317309ms
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.892336   19527 all.go:76] query result: objects=6
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.892401   19527 kclient.go:237] Checking if "servicebindings" resource is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.892431   19527 kclient.go:237] Checking if "clusterserviceversions" resource is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.892451   19527 service.go:75] Getting list of services
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.892459   19527 operators.go:30] Fetching list of operators installed in cluster
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.919835   19527 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: cloud-native-postgresql.v1.18.7
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.919857   19527 service.go:124] Getting instances of: backups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.932408   19527 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusters.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.944550   19527 service.go:124] Getting instances of: poolers.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.950305   19527 service.go:124] Getting instances of: scheduledbackups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.966914   19527 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: service-binding-operator.v1.3.3
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.966927   19527 service.go:124] Getting instances of: bindablekinds.binding.operators.coreos.com
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.968367   19527 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.969588   19527 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.970807   19527 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.binding.operators.coreos.com
  [odo] I1030 09:26:56.986172   19527 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:26:57.019867   19527 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:26:57.036700   19527 components.go:141] Deployment has 0 ready replicas. Waiting new event...
  [odo] I1030 09:26:57.036730   19527 status.go:34] setting inner loop State "WaitDeployment"
  [odo] I1030 09:26:57.036816   19527 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: xbnryh-app, rv: 98845856, generation: 1, pods: 0
  [odo]  ✓  Pod is Running
  [odo] I1030 09:26:58.659029   19527 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: xbnryh-app, rv: 98845988, generation: 1, pods: 1
  [odo] I1030 09:26:58.959501   19527 watch.go:423] Copying files [] to pod
  [odo] I1030 09:26:58.960176   19527 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/1934375935/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:26:58.960189   19527 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/1934375935/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:26:58.962019   19527 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON
  [odo] I1030 09:26:58.962095   19527 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.0.0'
  [odo] I1030 09:26:58.962119   19527 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.0.0' is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:26:58.971246   19527 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema
  [odo] I1030 09:26:58.978104   19527 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections
  [odo] I1030 09:26:58.978315   19527 components.go:69] component state: "WaitDeployment"
  [odo] I1030 09:26:58.997396   19527 components.go:260] We are deploying these annotations: map[alpha.image.policy.openshift.io/resolve-names:* odo.dev/project-type:Not available]
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.022995   19527 utils.go:149] No entrypoint defined for the component, setting container runtime entrypoint to 'tail -f /dev/null'. You can set a 'command' and/or 'args' for the component to override this default entrypoint.
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.061143   19527 utils.go:77] Updating container runtime with mandatory volume mounts
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.087512   19527 components.go:346] Creating deployment xbnryh-app
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.087529   19527 components.go:347] The component name is xbnryh
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.087537   19527 components.go:350] The component already exists, attempting to update it
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.087546   19527 components.go:352] Applying deployment
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.116126   19527 components.go:361] Successfully updated component xbnryh
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.141584   19527 components.go:748] Successfully update Service for component xbnryh
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.162656   19527 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 200 APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.176600   19527 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.307053   19527 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 144.395215ms
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.307078   19527 all.go:76] query result: objects=6
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.307125   19527 kclient.go:237] Checking if "servicebindings" resource is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.307145   19527 kclient.go:237] Checking if "clusterserviceversions" resource is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.307153   19527 service.go:75] Getting list of services
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.307158   19527 operators.go:30] Fetching list of operators installed in cluster
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.332321   19527 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: cloud-native-postgresql.v1.18.7
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.332344   19527 service.go:124] Getting instances of: backups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.347998   19527 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusters.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.359328   19527 service.go:124] Getting instances of: poolers.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.364095   19527 service.go:124] Getting instances of: scheduledbackups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.373177   19527 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: service-binding-operator.v1.3.3
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.373190   19527 service.go:124] Getting instances of: bindablekinds.binding.operators.coreos.com
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.374788   19527 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.376424   19527 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.377862   19527 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.binding.operators.coreos.com
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.382433   19527 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.408388   19527 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io
  [odo]  •  Syncing files into the container  ...
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.497347   19527 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 1934375935, destBase: ., destFile: .
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.497365   19527 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: .
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.497989   19527 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 1934375935/.gitignore, destBase: ., destFile: .gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.498001   19527 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: .gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.498179   19527 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/1934375935/.gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.498193   19527 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 1934375935/.odo, destBase: ., destFile: .odo
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.498199   19527 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: .odo
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.498342   19527 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 1934375935/devfile.yaml, destBase: ., destFile: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.498349   19527 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.498494   19527 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/1934375935/devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.498505   19527 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 1934375935/package.json, destBase: ., destFile: package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.498509   19527 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.498642   19527 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/1934375935/package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.498655   19527 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 1934375935/server.js, destBase: ., destFile: server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.498658   19527 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.498796   19527 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/1934375935/server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.498808   19527 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 1934375935/test, destBase: ., destFile: test
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.498811   19527 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: test
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.498940   19527 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/1934375935/test
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.499344   19527 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 1934375935/test/test.js, destBase: ., destFile: test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.499355   19527 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.499588   19527 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/1934375935/test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.499754   19527 sync.go:138] List of files to be deleted: +[]
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.499764   19527 sync.go:140] List of files changed: +[/tmp/1934375935/devfile.yaml /tmp/1934375935/package.json /tmp/1934375935/server.js /tmp/1934375935/test /tmp/1934375935/test/test.js /tmp/1934375935/.gitignore]
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.499771   19527 sync.go:193] Push: componentName: xbnryh, path: /tmp/1934375935, files: [/tmp/1934375935/devfile.yaml /tmp/1934375935/package.json /tmp/1934375935/server.js /tmp/1934375935/test /tmp/1934375935/test/test.js /tmp/1934375935/.gitignore], delFiles: [*], isForcePush: true
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.500027   19527 sync.go:310] remote files marked for deletion are [/projects/*]
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.500051   19527 exec.go:37] Executing command [rm -rf /projects/*] for pod: xbnryh-app-54f944cfb5-qxl42 in container: runtime
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.760886   19527 sync.go:233] Copying files /tmp/1934375935/devfile.yaml /tmp/1934375935/package.json /tmp/1934375935/server.js /tmp/1934375935/test /tmp/1934375935/test/test.js /tmp/1934375935/.gitignore to pod
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.760907   19527 copy.go:36] CopyFile arguments: localPath /tmp/1934375935, dest /projects/1934375935, targetPath /projects, copyFiles [/tmp/1934375935/devfile.yaml /tmp/1934375935/package.json /tmp/1934375935/server.js /tmp/1934375935/test /tmp/1934375935/test/test.js /tmp/1934375935/.gitignore], globalExps [.git .odo .odo/odo-file-index.json]
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.760936   19527 copy.go:63] Executing command tar xf - -C /projects --no-same-owner
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.761375   19527 copy.go:96] makeTar arguments: srcPath: /tmp/1934375935, destPath: /projects/1934375935, files: [/tmp/1934375935/devfile.yaml /tmp/1934375935/package.json /tmp/1934375935/server.js /tmp/1934375935/test /tmp/1934375935/test/test.js /tmp/1934375935/.gitignore]
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.761594   19527 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/1934375935/devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.761603   19527 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/1934375935 relative to /tmp/1934375935/devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.761609   19527 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 1934375935/devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.761612   19527 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.761616   19527 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 1934375935/devfile.yaml, destBase: /projects, destFile: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.761621   19527 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.988574   19527 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/1934375935/package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.988591   19527 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/1934375935 relative to /tmp/1934375935/package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.988601   19527 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 1934375935/package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.988606   19527 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.988611   19527 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 1934375935/package.json, destBase: /projects, destFile: package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.988614   19527 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.989007   19527 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/1934375935/server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.989015   19527 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/1934375935 relative to /tmp/1934375935/server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.989021   19527 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 1934375935/server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.989025   19527 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.989029   19527 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 1934375935/server.js, destBase: /projects, destFile: server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.989032   19527 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.989373   19527 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/1934375935/test
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.989386   19527 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/1934375935 relative to /tmp/1934375935/test
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.989394   19527 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 1934375935/test
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.989398   19527 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: test
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.989401   19527 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 1934375935/test, destBase: /projects, destFile: test
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.989405   19527 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: test
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.989689   19527 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/1934375935/test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.989698   19527 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/1934375935 relative to /tmp/1934375935/test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.989704   19527 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 1934375935/test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.989708   19527 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.989711   19527 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 1934375935/test/test.js, destBase: /projects, destFile: test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.989714   19527 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.990064   19527 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/1934375935/.gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.990074   19527 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/1934375935 relative to /tmp/1934375935/.gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.990081   19527 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 1934375935/.gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.990084   19527 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: .gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.990088   19527 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 1934375935/.gitignore, destBase: /projects, destFile: .gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:26:59.990090   19527 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: .gitignore
  [odo] ↵
 ✓  Syncing files into the container [606ms]
  [odo] I1030 09:27:00.105882   19527 kubeexec.go:40] GetProcessInfoForCommand for "my-custom-run"
  [odo] I1030 09:27:00.105958   19527 exec.go:37] Executing command [/bin/sh -c cat /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_my-custom-run.pid || true] for pod: xbnryh-app-54f944cfb5-qxl42 in container: runtime
  [odo] I1030 09:27:00.337381   19527 exec.go:96] cat: /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_my-custom-run.pid: No such file or directory
  [odo] I1030 09:27:00.347258   19527 innerloop.go:131] running=false, execRequired=true
  [odo] I1030 09:27:00.347341   19527 exec.go:37] Executing command [/bin/sh -c cd ${PROJECTS_ROOT} && (npm install) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2] for pod: xbnryh-app-54f944cfb5-qxl42 in container: runtime
  [odo]  •  Building your application in container (command: devbuild)  ...
  [odo]  ✗  Building your application in container (command: devbuild) [2s]
  [odo] I1030 09:27:02.484065   19527 exec.go:54] ExecuteCommand returned an an err: error while streaming command: command terminated with exit code 1. for command '[/bin/sh -c cd ${PROJECTS_ROOT} && (npm install) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2]'
  [odo] stdout: []
  [odo] stderr: []
  [odo] Error occurred on Push - watch command was unable to push component: unable to exec command [/bin/sh -c cd ${PROJECTS_ROOT} && (npm install) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2]: error while streaming command: command terminated with exit code 1
  [odo] ↪ Dev mode
  [odo]  Status:
  [odo]  Watching for changes in the current directory /tmp/1934375935
  [odo] Keyboard Commands:
  [odo] [Ctrl+c] - Exit and delete resources from the cluster
  [odo]      [p] - Manually apply local changes to the application on the cluster
  [odo] npm ERR! Unexpected end of JSON input while parsing near '...: OpenPGP.js v4.10.10'
  [odo] npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
  [odo] npm ERR!     /opt/app-root/src/.npm/_logs/2023-10-30T09_27_02_452Z-debug.log
  [odo] I1030 09:27:02.536185   19527 status.go:34] setting inner loop State "Ready"
  [odo] I1030 09:27:02.536236   19527 watch.go:437] Error from Push: watch command was unable to push component: unable to exec command [/bin/sh -c cd ${PROJECTS_ROOT} && (npm install) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2]: error while streaming command: command terminated with exit code 1
  [odo] I1030 09:27:02.536306   19527 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: xbnryh-app, rv: 98846008, generation: 1, pods: 1
  [odo] I1030 09:27:02.637069   19527 watch.go:348] filesystem watch event: CREATE        "/tmp/1934375935/.odo/odo-file-index.json"
  [odo] I1030 09:27:02.637827   19527 watch.go:348] filesystem watch event: WRITE         "/tmp/1934375935/.odo/odo-file-index.json"
  STEP: checking the output of the command @ 10/30/23 09:27:05.01
  [odo] read: read /dev/stdin: input/output error
  [odo] I1030 09:27:05.012859   19527 watch.go:333] Dev mode interrupted by user
  [odo] I1030 09:27:05.028538   19527 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/3745256334/preference.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:27:05.032160   19527 segment.go:268] Checking telemetry enable status
  [odo] I1030 09:27:05.032204   19527 segment.go:286] Sending telemetry disabled by env variable
  [odo] Cleaning resources, please wait
  [odo] I1030 09:27:05.215128   19527 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 200 APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:27:05.217969   19527 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:27:08.929499   19527 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 3.722111308s
  [odo] I1030 09:27:08.930056   19527 all.go:76] query result: objects=609
  [FAILED] in [It] - /go/odo_1/tests/helper/helper_generic.go:81 @ 10/30/23 09:27:41.197
  Running oc with args [oc get project cmd-dev-test3181qrn -o jsonpath={.metadata.name}] and odo env: []
  [oc] cmd-dev-test3181qrnDeleting project: cmd-dev-test3181qrn
  Running oc with args [oc delete project cmd-dev-test3181qrn --wait=false] and odo env: []
  [oc] project.project.openshift.io "cmd-dev-test3181qrn" deleted
  Setting current dir to: /go/odo_1/tests/integration
  Deleting dir: /tmp/1934375935
  Deleting dir: /tmp/3745256334
  << Timeline

  [FAILED] Expected
      <string>:   __
       /  \__     Developing using the "xbnryh" Devfile
       \__/  \    Namespace: cmd-dev-test3181qrn
       /  \__/    odo version: v3.15.0 (451e30740)
      ↪ Running on the cluster in Dev mode
       •  Waiting for Kubernetes resources  ...
      ⚠  Pod is Pending
       ✓  Pod is Running
       •  Syncing files into the container  ...
 ✓  Syncing files into the container [606ms]
       •  Building your application in container (command: devbuild)  ...
       ✗  Building your application in container (command: devbuild) [2s]
      Error occurred on Push - watch command was unable to push component: unable to exec command [/bin/sh -c cd ${PROJECTS_ROOT} && (npm install) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2]: error while streaming command: command terminated with exit code 1
      ↪ Dev mode
       Watching for changes in the current directory /tmp/1934375935
      Keyboard Commands:
      [Ctrl+c] - Exit and delete resources from the cluster
           [p] - Manually apply local changes to the application on the cluster
  to contain substring
      <string>: Executing the application (command: my-custom-run)
  In [It] at: /go/odo_1/tests/helper/helper_generic.go:81 @ 10/30/23 09:27:41.197
• [141.521 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev and composite command is used as a run command - without metadata.name should run successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.046 seconds]
odo dev command tests when directory is empty should error

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [58.814 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has single endpoint when running odo dev should expose the endpoint on localhost (podman=false, manual=false, customPortForwarding=true, customAddress=true)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.558 seconds]
odo create/delete/list/set namespace/project tests list namespace should successfully list all the namespaces

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [4.883 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing an Image component with no build context should build image via Docker by defaulting build context to devfile path

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [4.052 seconds]
odo devfile init command tests setting application ports when running odo init --run-port with a Devfile with no commands should ignore the run ports

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [60.316 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Devfile 2.1.0 is used - with metadata.name when doing odo dev with --var flag should check if the env variable has a correct value

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [8.062 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [62.842 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has single endpoint when running odo dev should expose the endpoint on localhost (podman=false, manual=false, customPortForwarding=false, customAddress=false)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [79.650 seconds]
odo dev command tests when adding local files to gitignore and running odo dev when modifying /testdir/baz.txt file should synchronize it only

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [50.155 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when running with --no-commands (debug=true) should start the dev session

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [28.151 seconds]
odo delete command tests when deleting a component containing preStop event that is deployed with DEV and --files=false should delete the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [60.174 seconds]
odo dev command tests when adding local files to gitignore and running odo dev should not sync ignored files to the container

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [59.817 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev and devfile with composite command - with metadata.name should execute all commands in composite command

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [9.783 seconds]
odo delete command tests when running odo deploy for an exec command bound to fail should print the job in the list of resources to be deleted with named delete command

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [81.451 seconds]
odo dev interactive command tests directory is not empty when there is a match from Alizer should display welcoming messages first

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo dev --random-ports' from /tmp/3954516132
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [95.464 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing a deploy command when running odo deploy with image build extra args should run odo dev successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [FAILED] [48.691 seconds]
odo dev command tests when doing odo dev and there is a env variable with spaces - with metadata.name [It] should be able to exec command

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

  Timeline >>
  Created dir: /tmp/1118873540
  Created dir: /tmp/2683511316
  Setting KUBECONFIG=/tmp/2683511316/config
  Running oc with args [oc get project cmd-dev-test1743hky -o jsonpath={.metadata.name}] and odo env: []
  [oc] Error from server (NotFound): namespaces "cmd-dev-test1743hky" not found
  Creating a new project: cmd-dev-test1743hky
  Running oc with args [oc new-project cmd-dev-test1743hky] and odo env: []
  [oc] Now using project "cmd-dev-test1743hky" on server "https://c100-e.eu-de.containers.cloud.ibm.com:31952".
  [oc] You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try:
  [oc]     oc new-app rails-postgresql-example
  [oc] to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application:
  [oc]     kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=k8s.gcr.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.33 -- /agnhost serve-hostname
  Running oc with args [oc get project] and odo env: []
  [oc] NAME                                               DISPLAY NAME   STATUS
  [oc] apgr-namespace                                                    Active
  [oc] calico-system                                                     Active
  [oc] cmd-delete-test316bjl                                             Active
  [oc] cmd-delete-test517inr                                             Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-debug-test288hqf                                          Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test1338uiu                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test1338zzu                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test1379zmx                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test1612qwl                                               Terminating
  [oc] cmd-dev-test1717lmm                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test1743hky                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test1955ghq                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test1965coz                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test2130ias                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test2610szn                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test268qfj                                                Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test305zzz                                                Active
  [oc] cmd-devfile-deploy-test161bwe                                     Active
  [oc] cmd-devfile-deploy-test450qhk                                     Terminating
  [oc] cmd-namespace-test115tkr                                          Active
  [oc] default                                                           Active
  [oc] generic-test100lvl                                                Active
  [oc] ibm-cert-store                                                    Active
  [oc] ibm-odf-validation-webhook                                        Active
  [oc] ibm-system                                                        Active
  [oc] interactive-dev-test112ysq                                        Active
  [oc] kube-node-lease                                                   Active
  [oc] kube-public                                                       Active
  [oc] kube-system                                                       Active
  [oc] laxu-namespace                                                    Active
  [oc] openshift                                                         Active
  [oc] openshift-apiserver                                               Active
  [oc] openshift-apiserver-operator                                      Active
  [oc] openshift-authentication                                          Active
  [oc] openshift-authentication-operator                                 Active
  [oc] openshift-cloud-credential-operator                               Active
  [oc] openshift-cloud-network-config-controller                         Active
  [oc] openshift-cluster-csi-drivers                                     Active
  [oc] openshift-cluster-machine-approver                                Active
  [oc] openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator                            Active
  [oc] openshift-cluster-samples-operator                                Active
  [oc] openshift-cluster-storage-operator                                Active
  [oc] openshift-cluster-version                                         Active
  [oc] openshift-config                                                  Active
  [oc] openshift-config-managed                                          Active
  [oc] openshift-config-operator                                         Active
  [oc] openshift-console                                                 Active
  [oc] openshift-console-operator                                        Active
  [oc] openshift-console-user-settings                                   Active
  [oc] openshift-controller-manager                                      Active
  [oc] openshift-controller-manager-operator                             Active
  [oc] openshift-dns                                                     Active
  [oc] openshift-dns-operator                                            Active
  [oc] openshift-etcd                                                    Active
  [oc] openshift-etcd-operator                                           Active
  [oc] openshift-image-registry                                          Active
  [oc] openshift-infra                                                   Active
  [oc] openshift-ingress                                                 Active
  [oc] openshift-ingress-canary                                          Active
  [oc] openshift-ingress-operator                                        Active
  [oc] openshift-insights                                                Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-apiserver                                          Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-apiserver-operator                                 Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-controller-manager                                 Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-controller-manager-operator                        Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-proxy                                              Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-scheduler                                          Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-scheduler-operator                                 Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-storage-version-migrator                           Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-storage-version-migrator-operator                  Active
  [oc] openshift-machine-api                                             Active
  [oc] openshift-machine-config-operator                                 Active
  [oc] openshift-marketplace                                             Active
  [oc] openshift-monitoring                                              Active
  [oc] openshift-multus                                                  Active
  [oc] openshift-network-diagnostics                                     Active
  [oc] openshift-network-operator                                        Active
  [oc] openshift-node                                                    Active
  [oc] openshift-operator-lifecycle-manager                              Active
  [oc] openshift-operators                                               Active
  [oc] openshift-roks-metrics                                            Active
  [oc] openshift-route-controller-manager                                Active
  [oc] openshift-service-ca                                              Active
  [oc] openshift-service-ca-operator                                     Active
  [oc] openshift-user-workload-monitoring                                Active
  [oc] phmartin                                                          Active
  [oc] tigera-operator                                                   Active
  [oc] ubkm-project                                                      Active
  Running oc with args [oc create configmap config-map-for-cleanup --from-literal type=testing --from-literal team=odo -n cmd-dev-test1743hky] and odo env: []
  [oc] configmap/config-map-for-cleanup created
  Current working dir: /go/odo_1/tests/integration
  Setting current dir to: /tmp/1118873540
  Running odo with args [odo preference remove registry DefaultDevfileRegistry -f] and odo env: []
  [odo] I1030 09:28:01.281442   21671 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/2683511316/preference.yaml
  [odo] Successfully removed registry
  [odo] I1030 09:28:01.284242   21671 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/2683511316/preference.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:28:01.284673   21671 segment.go:268] Checking telemetry enable status
  [odo] I1030 09:28:01.284701   21671 segment.go:286] Sending telemetry disabled by env variable
  Running odo with args [odo preference add registry DefaultDevfileRegistry https://registry.stage.devfile.io] and odo env: []
  [odo] I1030 09:28:01.512471   21685 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/2683511316/preference.yaml
  [odo] New registry successfully added
  [odo] I1030 09:28:01.521682   21685 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/2683511316/preference.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:28:01.522304   21685 segment.go:268] Checking telemetry enable status
  [odo] I1030 09:28:01.522316   21685 segment.go:286] Sending telemetry disabled by env variable
  Setting current dir to: /tmp/1118873540
  Running odo with args [odo dev --random-ports --api-server=false] and odo env: [ODO_LOG_LEVEL=4 ODO_TRACKING_CONSENT=no]
  [odo] I1030 09:28:01.811503   21706 version.go:37] executing [podman version --format json]
  [odo] I1030 09:28:01.812996   21706 clientset.go:243] no Podman client initialized: exec: "podman": executable file not found in $PATH
  [odo] I1030 09:28:01.813012   21706 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/2683511316/preference.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:28:01.815086   21706 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/1118873540/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:28:01.815103   21706 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/1118873540/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:28:01.815830   21706 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON
  [odo] I1030 09:28:01.816062   21706 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.0.0'
  [odo] I1030 09:28:01.816279   21706 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.0.0' is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:28:01.824213   21706 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema
  [odo] I1030 09:28:01.833721   21706 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections
  [odo] I1030 09:28:01.833740   21706 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections
  [odo] I1030 09:28:01.833837   21706 component.go:87] name of component is "kymdwy", and sanitized name is "kymdwy"
  [odo] I1030 09:28:01.833999   21706 kclient.go:237] Checking if "projects" resource is supported
  [odo]   __
  [odo]  /  \__     Developing using the "kymdwy" Devfile
  [odo]  \__/  \    Namespace: cmd-dev-test1743hky
  [odo]  /  \__/    odo version: v3.15.0 (451e30740)
  [odo]  \__/
  [odo] ↪ Running on the cluster in Dev mode
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.018460   21706 kubedev.go:79] Creating new adapter
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.018525   21706 kubedev.go:87] Creating inner-loop resources for the component
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.018562   21706 watch.go:105] starting WatchAndPush, path: /tmp/1118873540, component: kymdwy, ignores [.git .odo .odo/odo-file-index.json]
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.019846   21706 file_watcher.go:130] adding watch on path /tmp/1118873540
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.019906   21706 file_watcher.go:130] adding watch on path /tmp/1118873540/.odo
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.019924   21706 file_watcher.go:130] adding watch on path /tmp/1118873540/test
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.031621   21706 watch.go:423] Copying files [] to pod
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.031672   21706 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/1118873540/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.031682   21706 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/1118873540/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.032258   21706 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.032317   21706 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.0.0'
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.032328   21706 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.0.0' is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.040045   21706 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.040816   21706 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.041013   21706 components.go:69] component state: ""
  [odo]  •  Waiting for Kubernetes resources  ...
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.078518   21706 components.go:260] We are deploying these annotations: map[alpha.image.policy.openshift.io/resolve-names:* odo.dev/project-type:Not available]
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.096439   21706 utils.go:149] No entrypoint defined for the component, setting container runtime entrypoint to 'tail -f /dev/null'. You can set a 'command' and/or 'args' for the component to override this default entrypoint.
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.133081   21706 utils.go:77] Updating container runtime with mandatory volume mounts
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.178893   21706 components.go:346] Creating deployment kymdwy-app
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.178989   21706 components.go:347] The component name is kymdwy
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.181494   21706 kclient.go:286] Kubernetes version is "v1.25.12+ba5cc25"
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.181509   21706 kclient.go:298] Cluster has support for SSA: true
  [odo] Warning: would violate PodSecurity "restricted:v1.24": allowPrivilegeEscalation != false (container "runtime" must set securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation=false), unrestricted capabilities (container "runtime" must set securityContext.capabilities.drop=["ALL"]), runAsNonRoot != true (pod or container "runtime" must set securityContext.runAsNonRoot=true), seccompProfile (pod or container "runtime" must set securityContext.seccompProfile.type to "RuntimeDefault" or "Localhost")
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.328459   21706 components.go:378] Successfully created component kymdwy
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.363150   21706 components.go:390] Successfully created Service for component kymdwy
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.393679   21706 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 200 APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.394255   21706 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.493837   21706 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 100.138224ms
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.493864   21706 all.go:76] query result: objects=6
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.493917   21706 kclient.go:237] Checking if "servicebindings" resource is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.497516   21706 kclient.go:237] Checking if "clusterserviceversions" resource is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.501881   21706 service.go:75] Getting list of services
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.501898   21706 operators.go:30] Fetching list of operators installed in cluster
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.537020   21706 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: cloud-native-postgresql.v1.18.7
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.537037   21706 service.go:124] Getting instances of: backups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.544122   21706 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusters.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.553277   21706 service.go:124] Getting instances of: poolers.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.565294   21706 service.go:124] Getting instances of: scheduledbackups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.579167   21706 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: service-binding-operator.v1.3.3
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.579185   21706 service.go:124] Getting instances of: bindablekinds.binding.operators.coreos.com
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.588263   21706 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.592798   21706 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.597030   21706 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.binding.operators.coreos.com
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.604435   21706 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.625208   21706 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.647928   21706 components.go:134] Deployment has been updated to generation 1. Waiting new event...
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.647945   21706 status.go:34] setting inner loop State "WaitDeployment"
  [odo] ===================
  [odo] ⚠  Pod is Pending
  [odo] ===================
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.651177   21706 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: ADDED, name: kymdwy-app, rv: 98849377, generation: 1, pods: 0
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.651793   21706 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: kymdwy-app, rv: 98849383, generation: 1, pods: 0
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.652334   21706 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: kymdwy-app, rv: 98849388, generation: 1, pods: 0
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.652478   21706 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: kymdwy-app, rv: 98849400, generation: 1, pods: 0
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.951784   21706 watch.go:423] Copying files [] to pod
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.952193   21706 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/1118873540/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.952205   21706 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/1118873540/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.952965   21706 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.953115   21706 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.0.0'
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.953180   21706 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.0.0' is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.972117   21706 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.972341   21706 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.972505   21706 components.go:69] component state: "WaitDeployment"
  [odo] I1030 09:28:02.990683   21706 components.go:260] We are deploying these annotations: map[alpha.image.policy.openshift.io/resolve-names:* odo.dev/project-type:Not available]
  [odo] I1030 09:28:03.002810   21706 utils.go:149] No entrypoint defined for the component, setting container runtime entrypoint to 'tail -f /dev/null'. You can set a 'command' and/or 'args' for the component to override this default entrypoint.
  [odo] I1030 09:28:03.092112   21706 utils.go:77] Updating container runtime with mandatory volume mounts
  [odo] I1030 09:28:03.141402   21706 components.go:346] Creating deployment kymdwy-app
  [odo] I1030 09:28:03.141424   21706 components.go:347] The component name is kymdwy
  [odo] I1030 09:28:03.141434   21706 components.go:350] The component already exists, attempting to update it
  [odo] I1030 09:28:03.141444   21706 components.go:352] Applying deployment
  [odo] I1030 09:28:03.206795   21706 components.go:361] Successfully updated component kymdwy
  [odo] I1030 09:28:03.235364   21706 components.go:748] Successfully update Service for component kymdwy
  [odo] I1030 09:28:03.261817   21706 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 200 APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:28:03.261926   21706 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:28:03.348322   21706 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 86.504527ms
  [odo] I1030 09:28:03.348342   21706 all.go:76] query result: objects=6
  [odo] I1030 09:28:03.348383   21706 kclient.go:237] Checking if "servicebindings" resource is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:28:03.348401   21706 kclient.go:237] Checking if "clusterserviceversions" resource is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:28:03.348410   21706 service.go:75] Getting list of services
  [odo] I1030 09:28:03.348414   21706 operators.go:30] Fetching list of operators installed in cluster
  [odo] I1030 09:28:03.389407   21706 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: cloud-native-postgresql.v1.18.7
  [odo] I1030 09:28:03.389485   21706 service.go:124] Getting instances of: backups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:28:03.401743   21706 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusters.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:28:03.409740   21706 service.go:124] Getting instances of: poolers.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:28:03.420236   21706 service.go:124] Getting instances of: scheduledbackups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:28:03.430746   21706 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: service-binding-operator.v1.3.3
  [odo] I1030 09:28:03.430760   21706 service.go:124] Getting instances of: bindablekinds.binding.operators.coreos.com
  [odo] I1030 09:28:03.434924   21706 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:28:03.440451   21706 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:28:03.443359   21706 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.binding.operators.coreos.com
  [odo] I1030 09:28:03.450752   21706 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:28:03.461006   21706 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:28:03.482347   21706 components.go:141] Deployment has 0 ready replicas. Waiting new event...
  [odo] I1030 09:28:03.482362   21706 status.go:34] setting inner loop State "WaitDeployment"
  [odo] I1030 09:28:03.482381   21706 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: kymdwy-app, rv: 98849406, generation: 1, pods: 0
  [odo]  ✓  Pod is Running
  [odo] I1030 09:28:05.329891   21706 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: kymdwy-app, rv: 98849544, generation: 1, pods: 1
  [odo] I1030 09:28:05.630147   21706 watch.go:423] Copying files [] to pod
  [odo] I1030 09:28:05.630584   21706 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/1118873540/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:28:05.630601   21706 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/1118873540/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:28:05.631532   21706 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON
  [odo] I1030 09:28:05.631605   21706 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.0.0'
  [odo] I1030 09:28:05.631638   21706 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.0.0' is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:28:05.654595   21706 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema
  [odo] I1030 09:28:05.660533   21706 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections
  [odo] I1030 09:28:05.660839   21706 components.go:69] component state: "WaitDeployment"
  [odo] I1030 09:28:05.692976   21706 components.go:260] We are deploying these annotations: map[alpha.image.policy.openshift.io/resolve-names:* odo.dev/project-type:Not available]
  [odo] I1030 09:28:05.711047   21706 utils.go:149] No entrypoint defined for the component, setting container runtime entrypoint to 'tail -f /dev/null'. You can set a 'command' and/or 'args' for the component to override this default entrypoint.
  [odo] I1030 09:28:05.762172   21706 utils.go:77] Updating container runtime with mandatory volume mounts
  [odo] I1030 09:28:05.805428   21706 components.go:346] Creating deployment kymdwy-app
  [odo] I1030 09:28:05.805446   21706 components.go:347] The component name is kymdwy
  [odo] I1030 09:28:05.805452   21706 components.go:350] The component already exists, attempting to update it
  [odo] I1030 09:28:05.805459   21706 components.go:352] Applying deployment
  [odo] I1030 09:28:05.851204   21706 components.go:361] Successfully updated component kymdwy
  [odo] I1030 09:28:05.887565   21706 components.go:748] Successfully update Service for component kymdwy
  [odo] I1030 09:28:05.908504   21706 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 200 APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:28:05.908747   21706 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:28:05.979770   21706 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 71.207526ms
  [odo] I1030 09:28:05.979921   21706 all.go:76] query result: objects=6
  [odo] I1030 09:28:05.980056   21706 kclient.go:237] Checking if "servicebindings" resource is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:28:05.980129   21706 kclient.go:237] Checking if "clusterserviceversions" resource is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:28:05.980644   21706 service.go:75] Getting list of services
  [odo] I1030 09:28:05.980731   21706 operators.go:30] Fetching list of operators installed in cluster
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.026120   21706 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: cloud-native-postgresql.v1.18.7
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.026237   21706 service.go:124] Getting instances of: backups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.038216   21706 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusters.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.046874   21706 service.go:124] Getting instances of: poolers.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.088207   21706 service.go:124] Getting instances of: scheduledbackups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.108744   21706 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: service-binding-operator.v1.3.3
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.108815   21706 service.go:124] Getting instances of: bindablekinds.binding.operators.coreos.com
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.123810   21706 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.129964   21706 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.136647   21706 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.binding.operators.coreos.com
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.157872   21706 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.179079   21706 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io
  [odo]  •  Syncing files into the container  ...
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.279788   21706 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 1118873540, destBase: ., destFile: .
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.279801   21706 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: .
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.281869   21706 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 1118873540/.gitignore, destBase: ., destFile: .gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.281880   21706 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: .gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.282071   21706 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/1118873540/.gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.282082   21706 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 1118873540/.odo, destBase: ., destFile: .odo
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.282085   21706 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: .odo
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.282240   21706 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 1118873540/devfile.yaml, destBase: ., destFile: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.282244   21706 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.282378   21706 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/1118873540/devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.282385   21706 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 1118873540/package.json, destBase: ., destFile: package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.282389   21706 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.282536   21706 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/1118873540/package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.282544   21706 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 1118873540/server.js, destBase: ., destFile: server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.282547   21706 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.282677   21706 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/1118873540/server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.282687   21706 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 1118873540/test, destBase: ., destFile: test
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.282690   21706 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: test
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.282823   21706 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/1118873540/test
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.283235   21706 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 1118873540/test/test.js, destBase: ., destFile: test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.283243   21706 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.283398   21706 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/1118873540/test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.283624   21706 sync.go:138] List of files to be deleted: +[]
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.283644   21706 sync.go:140] List of files changed: +[/tmp/1118873540/server.js /tmp/1118873540/test /tmp/1118873540/test/test.js /tmp/1118873540/.gitignore /tmp/1118873540/devfile.yaml /tmp/1118873540/package.json]
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.283659   21706 sync.go:193] Push: componentName: kymdwy, path: /tmp/1118873540, files: [/tmp/1118873540/server.js /tmp/1118873540/test /tmp/1118873540/test/test.js /tmp/1118873540/.gitignore /tmp/1118873540/devfile.yaml /tmp/1118873540/package.json], delFiles: [*], isForcePush: true
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.284225   21706 sync.go:310] remote files marked for deletion are [/projects/*]
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.284286   21706 exec.go:37] Executing command [rm -rf /projects/*] for pod: kymdwy-app-79ccf4dfc4-sz4kg in container: runtime
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.482840   21706 sync.go:233] Copying files /tmp/1118873540/server.js /tmp/1118873540/test /tmp/1118873540/test/test.js /tmp/1118873540/.gitignore /tmp/1118873540/devfile.yaml /tmp/1118873540/package.json to pod
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.482867   21706 copy.go:36] CopyFile arguments: localPath /tmp/1118873540, dest /projects/1118873540, targetPath /projects, copyFiles [/tmp/1118873540/server.js /tmp/1118873540/test /tmp/1118873540/test/test.js /tmp/1118873540/.gitignore /tmp/1118873540/devfile.yaml /tmp/1118873540/package.json], globalExps [.git .odo .odo/odo-file-index.json]
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.482893   21706 copy.go:63] Executing command tar xf - -C /projects --no-same-owner
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.483114   21706 copy.go:96] makeTar arguments: srcPath: /tmp/1118873540, destPath: /projects/1118873540, files: [/tmp/1118873540/server.js /tmp/1118873540/test /tmp/1118873540/test/test.js /tmp/1118873540/.gitignore /tmp/1118873540/devfile.yaml /tmp/1118873540/package.json]
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.483439   21706 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/1118873540/server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.483446   21706 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/1118873540 relative to /tmp/1118873540/server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.483452   21706 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 1118873540/server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.483458   21706 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.483461   21706 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 1118873540/server.js, destBase: /projects, destFile: server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.483465   21706 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.626708   21706 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/1118873540/test
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.626723   21706 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/1118873540 relative to /tmp/1118873540/test
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.626730   21706 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 1118873540/test
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.626733   21706 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: test
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.626737   21706 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 1118873540/test, destBase: /projects, destFile: test
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.626741   21706 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: test
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.627091   21706 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/1118873540/test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.627100   21706 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/1118873540 relative to /tmp/1118873540/test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.627106   21706 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 1118873540/test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.627109   21706 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.627112   21706 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 1118873540/test/test.js, destBase: /projects, destFile: test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.627115   21706 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.627527   21706 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/1118873540/.gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.627533   21706 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/1118873540 relative to /tmp/1118873540/.gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.627538   21706 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 1118873540/.gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.627541   21706 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: .gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.627544   21706 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 1118873540/.gitignore, destBase: /projects, destFile: .gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.627547   21706 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: .gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.627925   21706 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/1118873540/devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.627931   21706 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/1118873540 relative to /tmp/1118873540/devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.627936   21706 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 1118873540/devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.627951   21706 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.627955   21706 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 1118873540/devfile.yaml, destBase: /projects, destFile: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.627957   21706 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.628350   21706 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/1118873540/package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.628357   21706 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/1118873540 relative to /tmp/1118873540/package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.628362   21706 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 1118873540/package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.628366   21706 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.628370   21706 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 1118873540/package.json, destBase: /projects, destFile: package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.628373   21706 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: package.json
  [odo] ↵
 ✓  Syncing files into the container [473ms]
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.754436   21706 kubeexec.go:40] GetProcessInfoForCommand for "envwithspace"
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.754466   21706 exec.go:37] Executing command [/bin/sh -c cat /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_envwithspace.pid || true] for pod: kymdwy-app-79ccf4dfc4-sz4kg in container: runtime
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.946512   21706 exec.go:96] cat: /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_envwithspace.pid: No such file or directory
  [odo]  •  Building your application in container (command: buildenvwithspace)  ...
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.959568   21706 innerloop.go:131] running=false, execRequired=true
  [odo] I1030 09:28:06.959657   21706 exec.go:37] Executing command [/bin/sh -c cd ${PROJECTS_ROOT} && (export BUILD_ENV1="build env variable with space" && npm install && mkdir "$BUILD_ENV1") 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2] for pod: kymdwy-app-79ccf4dfc4-sz4kg in container: runtime
  [odo] I1030 09:28:09.277346   21706 exec.go:54] ExecuteCommand returned an an err: error while streaming command: command terminated with exit code 1. for command '[/bin/sh -c cd ${PROJECTS_ROOT} && (export BUILD_ENV1="build env variable with space" && npm install && mkdir "$BUILD_ENV1") 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2]'
  [odo] stdout: []
  [odo] stderr: []
  [odo]  ✗  Building your application in container (command: buildenvwithspace) [2s]
  [odo] npm ERR! Unexpected end of JSON input while parsing near '...bwswu80PjjokCgh0o2w5c'
  [odo] npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
  [odo] npm ERR!     /opt/app-root/src/.npm/_logs/2023-10-30T09_28_09_254Z-debug.log
  [odo] I1030 09:28:09.400562   21706 status.go:34] setting inner loop State "Ready"
  [odo] Error occurred on Push - watch command was unable to push component: unable to exec command [/bin/sh -c cd ${PROJECTS_ROOT} && (export BUILD_ENV1="build env variable with space" && npm install && mkdir "$BUILD_ENV1") 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2]: error while streaming command: command terminated with exit code 1
  [odo] ↪ Dev mode
  [odo]  Status:
  [odo]  Watching for changes in the current directory /tmp/1118873540
  [odo] Keyboard Commands:
  [odo] [Ctrl+c] - Exit and delete resources from the cluster
  [odo]      [p] - Manually apply local changes to the application on the cluster
  [odo] I1030 09:28:09.400594   21706 watch.go:437] Error from Push: watch command was unable to push component: unable to exec command [/bin/sh -c cd ${PROJECTS_ROOT} && (export BUILD_ENV1="build env variable with space" && npm install && mkdir "$BUILD_ENV1") 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2]: error while streaming command: command terminated with exit code 1
  [odo] I1030 09:28:09.400662   21706 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: kymdwy-app, rv: 98849562, generation: 1, pods: 1
  [odo] I1030 09:28:09.501121   21706 watch.go:348] filesystem watch event: CREATE        "/tmp/1118873540/.odo/odo-file-index.json"
  [odo] I1030 09:28:09.501510   21706 watch.go:348] filesystem watch event: WRITE         "/tmp/1118873540/.odo/odo-file-index.json"
  Running oc with args [oc get pods --namespace cmd-dev-test1743hky --selector=component=kymdwy -o jsonpath={.items[*].metadata.name}] and odo env: []
  [oc] kymdwy-app-79ccf4dfc4-sz4kgRunning oc with args [oc exec kymdwy-app-79ccf4dfc4-sz4kg --namespace cmd-dev-test1743hky -c runtime -- ls -lai /projects] and odo env: []
  [oc] total 32
  [oc]  828538 drwxrwsrwx. 3 root       1007690000 4096 Oct 30 09:28 .
  [oc] 1073308 dr-xr-xr-x. 1 root       root       4096 Oct 30 09:28 ..
  [oc]  760365 -rw-------. 1 1007690000 1007690000    5 Oct 30 09:28 .gitignore
  [oc]  760366 -rw-r--r--. 1 1007690000 1007690000  864 Oct 30 09:28 devfile.yaml
  [oc]  760367 -rw-r--r--. 1 1007690000 1007690000  399 Oct 30 09:28 package.json
  [oc]  760364 -rw-r--r--. 1 1007690000 1007690000 1903 Oct 30 09:28 server.js
  [oc] 1365682 drwxr-sr-x. 2 1007690000 1007690000 4096 Oct 30 09:28 test
  [odo] read: read /dev/stdin: input/output error
  [odo] I1030 09:28:13.002506   21706 watch.go:333] Dev mode interrupted by user
  [odo] I1030 09:28:13.008000   21706 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/2683511316/preference.yaml
  [odo] Cleaning resources, please wait
  [odo] I1030 09:28:13.010084   21706 segment.go:268] Checking telemetry enable status
  [odo] I1030 09:28:13.010183   21706 segment.go:286] Sending telemetry disabled by env variable
  [odo] I1030 09:28:13.215117   21706 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 200 APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:28:13.215721   21706 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:28:14.429460   21706 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 1.214481096s
  [odo] I1030 09:28:14.429541   21706 all.go:76] query result: objects=609
  [FAILED] in [It] - /go/odo_1/tests/helper/helper_generic.go:81 @ 10/30/23 09:28:46.918
  Running oc with args [oc get project cmd-dev-test1743hky -o jsonpath={.metadata.name}] and odo env: []
  [oc] cmd-dev-test1743hkyDeleting project: cmd-dev-test1743hky
  Running oc with args [oc delete project cmd-dev-test1743hky --wait=false] and odo env: []
  [oc] project.project.openshift.io "cmd-dev-test1743hky" deleted
  Setting current dir to: /go/odo_1/tests/integration
  Deleting dir: /tmp/1118873540
  Deleting dir: /tmp/2683511316
  << Timeline

  [FAILED] Expected
      <string>: total 32
       828538 drwxrwsrwx. 3 root       1007690000 4096 Oct 30 09:28 .
      1073308 dr-xr-xr-x. 1 root       root       4096 Oct 30 09:28 ..
       760365 -rw-------. 1 1007690000 1007690000    5 Oct 30 09:28 .gitignore
       760366 -rw-r--r--. 1 1007690000 1007690000  864 Oct 30 09:28 devfile.yaml
       760367 -rw-r--r--. 1 1007690000 1007690000  399 Oct 30 09:28 package.json
       760364 -rw-r--r--. 1 1007690000 1007690000 1903 Oct 30 09:28 server.js
      1365682 drwxr-sr-x. 2 1007690000 1007690000 4096 Oct 30 09:28 test
  to contain substring
      <string>: build env variable with space
  In [It] at: /go/odo_1/tests/helper/helper_generic.go:81 @ 10/30/23 09:28:46.918
• [58.079 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has single endpoint when running odo dev should expose the endpoint on localhost (podman=false, manual=true, customPortForwarding=true, customAddress=false)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [59.010 seconds]
odo dev command tests when multiple projects are present - with metadata.name should sync to the correct dir in container

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [113.700 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has single endpoint when running odo dev when modifying name for container in Devfile should react on the Devfile modification (podman=false, manual=false, customPortForwarding=false, customAddress=false)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [54.622 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests deploying devfile with exec when the deploy command terminates abruptly; component name of at max(63) characters length when odo deploy command is run again should run successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.210 seconds]
odo dev command with api server tests when the component is bootstrapped should fail if --random-ports and --api-server-port are used together

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [26.776 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml when the component is deleted with --files should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [57.931 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Devfile 2.1.0 is used - with metadata.name when doing odo dev with --var-file flag should check if the env variable has a correct value

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [82.025 seconds]
odo dev command tests when adding local files to gitignore and running odo dev when modifying /testdir/baz.txt file should synchronize it only

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [4.689 seconds]
odo logs command tests when directory is empty should error

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [111.090 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped ensure that index information is updated

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [118.856 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev and multiple env variables are set - without metadata.name should be able to exec command

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [58.656 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev with alternative commands - without metadata.name when running odo dev with a build command should execute the default build command successfully if specified explicitly

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [58.605 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is running in both DEV and DEPLOY mode and dev mode is killed when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should delete the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.060 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped should fail when using --no-commands and --build-command and/or --run-command together

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [60.024 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is running in both DEV and DEPLOY mode and dev mode is killed when the component is deleted using its name and namespace from another directory should delete the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [118.241 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev and single env var is set - without metadata.name should be able to exec command

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [118.372 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev with devfile contain volume - with metadata.name check the volume name and mount paths for the containers

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [FAILED] [69.239 seconds]
odo dev command tests when hotReload capable Build and Run commands are used with odo dev [It] should execute the build and run commands

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

  Timeline >>
  Created dir: /tmp/2475559750
  Created dir: /tmp/721369179
  Setting KUBECONFIG=/tmp/721369179/config
  Running oc with args [oc get project cmd-dev-test3818ynt -o jsonpath={.metadata.name}] and odo env: []
  [oc] Error from server (NotFound): namespaces "cmd-dev-test3818ynt" not found
  Creating a new project: cmd-dev-test3818ynt
  Running oc with args [oc new-project cmd-dev-test3818ynt] and odo env: []
  [oc] Now using project "cmd-dev-test3818ynt" on server "https://c100-e.eu-de.containers.cloud.ibm.com:31952".
  [oc] You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try:
  [oc]     oc new-app rails-postgresql-example
  [oc] to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application:
  [oc]     kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=k8s.gcr.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.33 -- /agnhost serve-hostname
  Running oc with args [oc get project] and odo env: []
  [oc] NAME                                               DISPLAY NAME   STATUS
  [oc] apgr-namespace                                                    Active
  [oc] calico-system                                                     Active
  [oc] cmd-delete-test178ufw                                             Active
  [oc] cmd-delete-test428jmn                                             Active
  [oc] cmd-delete-test473kag                                             Active
  [oc] cmd-describe-component-test642gkh                                 Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-debug-test288hqf                                          Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test1338uiu                                               Terminating
  [oc] cmd-dev-test1379zmx                                               Terminating
  [oc] cmd-dev-test1639guy                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test1691fxu                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test1717lmm                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test1743hky                                               Terminating
  [oc] cmd-dev-test1965ivg                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test2130ias                                               Terminating
  [oc] cmd-dev-test2230rbi                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test2772gdv                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test305zzz                                                Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test3126sbw                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test3818ynt                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-devfile-deploy-test161bwe                                     Terminating
  [oc] cmd-devfile-deploy-test176smk                                     Active
  [oc] cmd-devfile-deploy-test595bns                                     Active
  [oc] cmd-namespace-test115tkr                                          Active
  [oc] default                                                           Active
  [oc] generic-test100lvl                                                Active
  [oc] ibm-cert-store                                                    Active
  [oc] ibm-odf-validation-webhook                                        Active
  [oc] ibm-system                                                        Active
  [oc] interactive-dev-test112ysq                                        Terminating
  [oc] kube-node-lease                                                   Active
  [oc] kube-public                                                       Active
  [oc] kube-system                                                       Active
  [oc] laxu-namespace                                                    Active
  [oc] openshift                                                         Active
  [oc] openshift-apiserver                                               Active
  [oc] openshift-apiserver-operator                                      Active
  [oc] openshift-authentication                                          Active
  [oc] openshift-authentication-operator                                 Active
  [oc] openshift-cloud-credential-operator                               Active
  [oc] openshift-cloud-network-config-controller                         Active
  [oc] openshift-cluster-csi-drivers                                     Active
  [oc] openshift-cluster-machine-approver                                Active
  [oc] openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator                            Active
  [oc] openshift-cluster-samples-operator                                Active
  [oc] openshift-cluster-storage-operator                                Active
  [oc] openshift-cluster-version                                         Active
  [oc] openshift-config                                                  Active
  [oc] openshift-config-managed                                          Active
  [oc] openshift-config-operator                                         Active
  [oc] openshift-console                                                 Active
  [oc] openshift-console-operator                                        Active
  [oc] openshift-console-user-settings                                   Active
  [oc] openshift-controller-manager                                      Active
  [oc] openshift-controller-manager-operator                             Active
  [oc] openshift-dns                                                     Active
  [oc] openshift-dns-operator                                            Active
  [oc] openshift-etcd                                                    Active
  [oc] openshift-etcd-operator                                           Active
  [oc] openshift-image-registry                                          Active
  [oc] openshift-infra                                                   Active
  [oc] openshift-ingress                                                 Active
  [oc] openshift-ingress-canary                                          Active
  [oc] openshift-ingress-operator                                        Active
  [oc] openshift-insights                                                Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-apiserver                                          Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-apiserver-operator                                 Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-controller-manager                                 Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-controller-manager-operator                        Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-proxy                                              Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-scheduler                                          Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-scheduler-operator                                 Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-storage-version-migrator                           Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-storage-version-migrator-operator                  Active
  [oc] openshift-machine-api                                             Active
  [oc] openshift-machine-config-operator                                 Active
  [oc] openshift-marketplace                                             Active
  [oc] openshift-monitoring                                              Active
  [oc] openshift-multus                                                  Active
  [oc] openshift-network-diagnostics                                     Active
  [oc] openshift-network-operator                                        Active
  [oc] openshift-node                                                    Active
  [oc] openshift-operator-lifecycle-manager                              Active
  [oc] openshift-operators                                               Active
  [oc] openshift-roks-metrics                                            Active
  [oc] openshift-route-controller-manager                                Active
  [oc] openshift-service-ca                                              Active
  [oc] openshift-service-ca-operator                                     Active
  [oc] openshift-user-workload-monitoring                                Active
  [oc] phmartin                                                          Active
  [oc] tigera-operator                                                   Active
  [oc] ubkm-project                                                      Active
  Running oc with args [oc create configmap config-map-for-cleanup --from-literal type=testing --from-literal team=odo -n cmd-dev-test3818ynt] and odo env: []
  [oc] configmap/config-map-for-cleanup created
  Current working dir: /go/odo_1/tests/integration
  Setting current dir to: /tmp/2475559750
  Running odo with args [odo preference remove registry DefaultDevfileRegistry -f] and odo env: []
  [odo] I1030 09:28:55.707407   22841 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/721369179/preference.yaml
  [odo] Successfully removed registry
  [odo] I1030 09:28:55.709062   22841 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/721369179/preference.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:28:55.709413   22841 segment.go:268] Checking telemetry enable status
  [odo] I1030 09:28:55.709425   22841 segment.go:286] Sending telemetry disabled by env variable
  Running odo with args [odo preference add registry DefaultDevfileRegistry https://registry.stage.devfile.io] and odo env: []
  [odo] I1030 09:28:55.968635   22851 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/721369179/preference.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:28:55.978658   22851 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/721369179/preference.yaml
  [odo] New registry successfully added
  [odo] I1030 09:28:55.979393   22851 segment.go:268] Checking telemetry enable status
  [odo] I1030 09:28:55.979406   22851 segment.go:286] Sending telemetry disabled by env variable
  Setting current dir to: /tmp/2475559750
  Running odo with args [odo dev --random-ports --api-server=false] and odo env: [ODO_LOG_LEVEL=4 ODO_TRACKING_CONSENT=no]
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.385704   22876 version.go:37] executing [podman version --format json]
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.386455   22876 clientset.go:243] no Podman client initialized: exec: "podman": executable file not found in $PATH
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.386512   22876 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/721369179/preference.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.388835   22876 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2475559750/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.388897   22876 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2475559750/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.389464   22876 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.389532   22876 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.1.0'
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.389692   22876 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.1.0' is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.394740   22876 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.398171   22876 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.398220   22876 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.398382   22876 component.go:87] name of component is "cyvuch", and sanitized name is "cyvuch"
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.398442   22876 kclient.go:237] Checking if "projects" resource is supported
  [odo]   __
  [odo]  /  \__     Developing using the "cyvuch" Devfile
  [odo]  \__/  \    Namespace: cmd-dev-test3818ynt
  [odo]  /  \__/    odo version: v3.15.0 (451e30740)
  [odo]  \__/
  [odo] ↪ Running on the cluster in Dev mode
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.546601   22876 kubedev.go:79] Creating new adapter
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.546620   22876 kubedev.go:87] Creating inner-loop resources for the component
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.546634   22876 watch.go:105] starting WatchAndPush, path: /tmp/2475559750, component: cyvuch, ignores [.git /dist /tmp /out-tsc /bazel-out /node_modules npm-debug.log yarn-error.log .idea/ .project .classpath .c9/ *.launch .settings/ *.sublime-workspace .vscode/* !.vscode/settings.json !.vscode/tasks.json !.vscode/launch.json !.vscode/extensions.json .history/* /.angular/cache .sass-cache/ /connect.lock /coverage /libpeerconnection.log testem.log /typings .DS_Store Thumbs.db .odo .odo/odo-file-index.json]
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.553195   22876 file_watcher.go:130] adding watch on path /tmp/2475559750
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.553236   22876 file_watcher.go:130] adding watch on path /tmp/2475559750/.odo
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.553246   22876 file_watcher.go:130] adding watch on path /tmp/2475559750/src
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.553254   22876 file_watcher.go:130] adding watch on path /tmp/2475559750/src/app
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.553262   22876 file_watcher.go:130] adding watch on path /tmp/2475559750/src/assets
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.553270   22876 file_watcher.go:130] adding watch on path /tmp/2475559750/src/environments
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.564656   22876 watch.go:423] Copying files [] to pod
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.564852   22876 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2475559750/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.564874   22876 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2475559750/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.575806   22876 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.576096   22876 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.1.0'
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.576122   22876 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.1.0' is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.581854   22876 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.582149   22876 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.582193   22876 components.go:69] component state: ""
  [odo]  •  Waiting for Kubernetes resources  ...
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.592546   22876 components.go:260] We are deploying these annotations: map[alpha.image.policy.openshift.io/resolve-names:* odo.dev/project-type:Angular]
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.640634   22876 utils.go:77] Updating container runtime with mandatory volume mounts
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.674697   22876 components.go:346] Creating deployment cyvuch-app
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.674713   22876 components.go:347] The component name is cyvuch
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.678989   22876 kclient.go:286] Kubernetes version is "v1.25.12+ba5cc25"
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.679035   22876 kclient.go:298] Cluster has support for SSA: true
  [odo] Warning: would violate PodSecurity "restricted:v1.24": allowPrivilegeEscalation != false (container "runtime" must set securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation=false), unrestricted capabilities (container "runtime" must set securityContext.capabilities.drop=["ALL"]), runAsNonRoot != true (pod or container "runtime" must set securityContext.runAsNonRoot=true), seccompProfile (pod or container "runtime" must set securityContext.seccompProfile.type to "RuntimeDefault" or "Localhost")
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.809689   22876 components.go:378] Successfully created component cyvuch
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.838615   22876 components.go:390] Successfully created Service for component cyvuch
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.861488   22876 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 200 APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.861754   22876 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.941673   22876 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 80.166208ms
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.941698   22876 all.go:76] query result: objects=5
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.941743   22876 kclient.go:237] Checking if "servicebindings" resource is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.944607   22876 kclient.go:237] Checking if "clusterserviceversions" resource is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.947301   22876 service.go:75] Getting list of services
  [odo] I1030 09:28:56.947317   22876 operators.go:30] Fetching list of operators installed in cluster
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.001176   22876 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: cloud-native-postgresql.v1.18.7
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.001252   22876 service.go:124] Getting instances of: backups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.023720   22876 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusters.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.042430   22876 service.go:124] Getting instances of: poolers.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.053173   22876 service.go:124] Getting instances of: scheduledbackups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.070822   22876 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: service-binding-operator.v1.3.3
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.071165   22876 service.go:124] Getting instances of: bindablekinds.binding.operators.coreos.com
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.075774   22876 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.080315   22876 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.083896   22876 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.binding.operators.coreos.com
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.098164   22876 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.110017   22876 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.143766   22876 components.go:134] Deployment has been updated to generation 1. Waiting new event...
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.143821   22876 status.go:34] setting inner loop State "WaitDeployment"
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.147113   22876 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: ADDED, name: cyvuch-app, rv: 98851647, generation: 1, pods: 0
  [odo] ===================
  [odo] ⚠  Pod is Pending
  [odo] ===================
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.148675   22876 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: cyvuch-app, rv: 98851653, generation: 1, pods: 0
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.149887   22876 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: cyvuch-app, rv: 98851659, generation: 1, pods: 0
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.150226   22876 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: cyvuch-app, rv: 98851674, generation: 1, pods: 0
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.448221   22876 watch.go:423] Copying files [] to pod
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.448610   22876 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2475559750/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.448639   22876 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2475559750/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.449608   22876 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.449738   22876 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.1.0'
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.449793   22876 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.1.0' is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.455169   22876 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.455489   22876 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.455517   22876 components.go:69] component state: "WaitDeployment"
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.465779   22876 components.go:260] We are deploying these annotations: map[alpha.image.policy.openshift.io/resolve-names:* odo.dev/project-type:Angular]
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.556415   22876 utils.go:77] Updating container runtime with mandatory volume mounts
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.601870   22876 components.go:346] Creating deployment cyvuch-app
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.601885   22876 components.go:347] The component name is cyvuch
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.601892   22876 components.go:350] The component already exists, attempting to update it
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.601900   22876 components.go:352] Applying deployment
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.643329   22876 components.go:361] Successfully updated component cyvuch
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.688546   22876 components.go:748] Successfully update Service for component cyvuch
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.725037   22876 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 200 APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.725228   22876 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.776315   22876 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 51.295383ms
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.776427   22876 all.go:76] query result: objects=6
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.776527   22876 kclient.go:237] Checking if "servicebindings" resource is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.776629   22876 kclient.go:237] Checking if "clusterserviceversions" resource is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.776698   22876 service.go:75] Getting list of services
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.776726   22876 operators.go:30] Fetching list of operators installed in cluster
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.831083   22876 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: cloud-native-postgresql.v1.18.7
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.831156   22876 service.go:124] Getting instances of: backups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.839528   22876 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusters.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.853792   22876 service.go:124] Getting instances of: poolers.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.863061   22876 service.go:124] Getting instances of: scheduledbackups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.877081   22876 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: service-binding-operator.v1.3.3
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.877100   22876 service.go:124] Getting instances of: bindablekinds.binding.operators.coreos.com
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.879349   22876 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.882127   22876 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.886174   22876 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.binding.operators.coreos.com
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.893206   22876 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.901724   22876 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.926326   22876 components.go:141] Deployment has 0 ready replicas. Waiting new event...
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.926374   22876 status.go:34] setting inner loop State "WaitDeployment"
  [odo] I1030 09:28:57.926449   22876 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: cyvuch-app, rv: 98851752, generation: 1, pods: 0
  [odo]  ✓  Pod is Running
  [odo] I1030 09:28:59.794167   22876 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: cyvuch-app, rv: 98851848, generation: 1, pods: 1
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.095157   22876 watch.go:423] Copying files [] to pod
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.095535   22876 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2475559750/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.095555   22876 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2475559750/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.096307   22876 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.096492   22876 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.1.0'
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.096531   22876 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.1.0' is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.102710   22876 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.103060   22876 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.103104   22876 components.go:69] component state: "WaitDeployment"
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.112962   22876 components.go:260] We are deploying these annotations: map[alpha.image.policy.openshift.io/resolve-names:* odo.dev/project-type:Angular]
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.166317   22876 utils.go:77] Updating container runtime with mandatory volume mounts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.197841   22876 components.go:346] Creating deployment cyvuch-app
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.197857   22876 components.go:347] The component name is cyvuch
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.197863   22876 components.go:350] The component already exists, attempting to update it
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.197870   22876 components.go:352] Applying deployment
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.236975   22876 components.go:361] Successfully updated component cyvuch
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.287166   22876 components.go:748] Successfully update Service for component cyvuch
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.306081   22876 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 200 APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.306406   22876 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.356736   22876 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 50.671313ms
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.356840   22876 all.go:76] query result: objects=6
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.356936   22876 kclient.go:237] Checking if "servicebindings" resource is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.357006   22876 kclient.go:237] Checking if "clusterserviceversions" resource is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.357190   22876 service.go:75] Getting list of services
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.357211   22876 operators.go:30] Fetching list of operators installed in cluster
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.399812   22876 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: cloud-native-postgresql.v1.18.7
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.399836   22876 service.go:124] Getting instances of: backups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.411937   22876 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusters.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.447923   22876 service.go:124] Getting instances of: poolers.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.455335   22876 service.go:124] Getting instances of: scheduledbackups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.489328   22876 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: service-binding-operator.v1.3.3
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.489357   22876 service.go:124] Getting instances of: bindablekinds.binding.operators.coreos.com
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.493369   22876 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.496195   22876 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.509405   22876 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.binding.operators.coreos.com
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.529212   22876 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.544548   22876 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io
  [odo]  •  Syncing files into the container  ...
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.615586   22876 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750, destBase: ., destFile: .
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.615601   22876 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: .
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.617917   22876 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/.browserslistrc, destBase: ., destFile: .browserslistrc
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.617928   22876 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: .browserslistrc
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.619703   22876 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2475559750/.browserslistrc
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.619750   22876 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/.editorconfig, destBase: ., destFile: .editorconfig
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.619763   22876 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: .editorconfig
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.621146   22876 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2475559750/.editorconfig
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.621185   22876 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/.gitignore, destBase: ., destFile: .gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.621206   22876 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: .gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.622708   22876 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2475559750/.gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.622880   22876 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/.odo, destBase: ., destFile: .odo
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.622977   22876 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: .odo
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.630115   22876 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/README.md, destBase: ., destFile: README.md
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.630130   22876 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: README.md
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.633341   22876 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2475559750/README.md
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.633365   22876 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/angular.json, destBase: ., destFile: angular.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.633369   22876 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: angular.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.641192   22876 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2475559750/angular.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.641257   22876 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/devfile.yaml, destBase: ., destFile: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.641291   22876 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.642732   22876 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2475559750/devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.642778   22876 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/karma.conf.js, destBase: ., destFile: karma.conf.js
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.642792   22876 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: karma.conf.js
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.645305   22876 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2475559750/karma.conf.js
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.645381   22876 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/package-lock.json, destBase: ., destFile: package-lock.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.645422   22876 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: package-lock.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.649541   22876 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2475559750/package-lock.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.649588   22876 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/package.json, destBase: ., destFile: package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.649600   22876 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.653100   22876 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2475559750/package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.653415   22876 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/src, destBase: ., destFile: src
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.653442   22876 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: src
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.658988   22876 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2475559750/src
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.659824   22876 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/src/app, destBase: ., destFile: src/app
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.659854   22876 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: src/app
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.662196   22876 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2475559750/src/app
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.663215   22876 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/src/app/app-routing.module.ts, destBase: ., destFile: src/app/app-routing.module.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.663248   22876 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: src/app/app-routing.module.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.668359   22876 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app-routing.module.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.668784   22876 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/src/app/app.component.css, destBase: ., destFile: src/app/app.component.css
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.668806   22876 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: src/app/app.component.css
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.671821   22876 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app.component.css
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.671873   22876 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/src/app/app.component.html, destBase: ., destFile: src/app/app.component.html
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.671899   22876 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: src/app/app.component.html
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.674430   22876 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app.component.html
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.674922   22876 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/src/app/app.component.spec.ts, destBase: ., destFile: src/app/app.component.spec.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.674952   22876 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: src/app/app.component.spec.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.679218   22876 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app.component.spec.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.679243   22876 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/src/app/app.component.ts, destBase: ., destFile: src/app/app.component.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.679248   22876 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: src/app/app.component.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.684179   22876 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app.component.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.684204   22876 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/src/app/app.module.ts, destBase: ., destFile: src/app/app.module.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.684208   22876 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: src/app/app.module.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.685529   22876 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app.module.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.685551   22876 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/src/assets, destBase: ., destFile: src/assets
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.685557   22876 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: src/assets
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.686811   22876 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2475559750/src/assets
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.688561   22876 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/src/assets/.gitkeep, destBase: ., destFile: src/assets/.gitkeep
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.688641   22876 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: src/assets/.gitkeep
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.698761   22876 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2475559750/src/assets/.gitkeep
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.698798   22876 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/src/environments, destBase: ., destFile: src/environments
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.698804   22876 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: src/environments
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.700502   22876 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2475559750/src/environments
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.703271   22876 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/src/environments/environment.prod.ts, destBase: ., destFile: src/environments/environment.prod.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.703284   22876 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: src/environments/environment.prod.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.704759   22876 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2475559750/src/environments/environment.prod.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.704780   22876 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/src/environments/environment.ts, destBase: ., destFile: src/environments/environment.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.704786   22876 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: src/environments/environment.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.706152   22876 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2475559750/src/environments/environment.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.706178   22876 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/src/favicon.ico, destBase: ., destFile: src/favicon.ico
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.706185   22876 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: src/favicon.ico
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.708014   22876 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2475559750/src/favicon.ico
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.708050   22876 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/src/index.html, destBase: ., destFile: src/index.html
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.708059   22876 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: src/index.html
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.712878   22876 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2475559750/src/index.html
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.712903   22876 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/src/main.ts, destBase: ., destFile: src/main.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.712909   22876 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: src/main.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.715406   22876 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2475559750/src/main.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.715465   22876 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/src/polyfills.ts, destBase: ., destFile: src/polyfills.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.715480   22876 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: src/polyfills.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.719093   22876 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2475559750/src/polyfills.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.719210   22876 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/src/styles.css, destBase: ., destFile: src/styles.css
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.719243   22876 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: src/styles.css
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.724741   22876 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2475559750/src/styles.css
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.724766   22876 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/src/test.ts, destBase: ., destFile: src/test.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.724772   22876 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: src/test.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.741095   22876 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2475559750/src/test.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.741157   22876 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/tsconfig.app.json, destBase: ., destFile: tsconfig.app.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.741165   22876 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: tsconfig.app.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.751292   22876 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2475559750/tsconfig.app.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.751328   22876 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/tsconfig.json, destBase: ., destFile: tsconfig.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.751332   22876 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: tsconfig.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.755040   22876 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2475559750/tsconfig.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.755067   22876 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/tsconfig.spec.json, destBase: ., destFile: tsconfig.spec.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.755071   22876 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: tsconfig.spec.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.756347   22876 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2475559750/tsconfig.spec.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.757931   22876 sync.go:138] List of files to be deleted: +[]
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.757950   22876 sync.go:140] List of files changed: +[/tmp/2475559750/src/app /tmp/2475559750/src/polyfills.ts /tmp/2475559750/src /tmp/2475559750/tsconfig.app.json /tmp/2475559750/angular.json /tmp/2475559750/src/assets/.gitkeep /tmp/2475559750/package.json /tmp/2475559750/src/favicon.ico /tmp/2475559750/src/index.html /tmp/2475559750/.browserslistrc /tmp/2475559750/src/environments /tmp/2475559750/.editorconfig /tmp/2475559750/karma.conf.js /tmp/2475559750/package-lock.json /tmp/2475559750/src/main.ts /tmp/2475559750/src/test.ts /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app-routing.module.ts /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app.module.ts /tmp/2475559750/src/environments/environment.prod.ts /tmp/2475559750/tsconfig.spec.json /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app.component.css /tmp/2475559750/README.md /tmp/2475559750/devfile.yaml /tmp/2475559750/.gitignore /tmp/2475559750/src/assets /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app.component.spec.ts /tmp/2475559750/tsconfig.json /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app.component.html /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app.component.ts /tmp/2475559750/src/environments/environment.ts /tmp/2475559750/src/styles.css]
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.757977   22876 sync.go:193] Push: componentName: cyvuch, path: /tmp/2475559750, files: [/tmp/2475559750/src/app /tmp/2475559750/src/polyfills.ts /tmp/2475559750/src /tmp/2475559750/tsconfig.app.json /tmp/2475559750/angular.json /tmp/2475559750/src/assets/.gitkeep /tmp/2475559750/package.json /tmp/2475559750/src/favicon.ico /tmp/2475559750/src/index.html /tmp/2475559750/.browserslistrc /tmp/2475559750/src/environments /tmp/2475559750/.editorconfig /tmp/2475559750/karma.conf.js /tmp/2475559750/package-lock.json /tmp/2475559750/src/main.ts /tmp/2475559750/src/test.ts /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app-routing.module.ts /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app.module.ts /tmp/2475559750/src/environments/environment.prod.ts /tmp/2475559750/tsconfig.spec.json /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app.component.css /tmp/2475559750/README.md /tmp/2475559750/devfile.yaml /tmp/2475559750/.gitignore /tmp/2475559750/src/assets /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app.component.spec.ts /tmp/2475559750/tsconfig.json /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app.component.html /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app.component.ts /tmp/2475559750/src/environments/environment.ts /tmp/2475559750/src/styles.css], delFiles: [*], isForcePush: true
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.764816   22876 sync.go:310] remote files marked for deletion are [/projects/*]
  [odo] I1030 09:29:00.764849   22876 exec.go:37] Executing command [rm -rf /projects/*] for pod: cyvuch-app-9dcb9f95-qh55g in container: runtime
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.060305   22876 sync.go:233] Copying files /tmp/2475559750/src/app /tmp/2475559750/src/polyfills.ts /tmp/2475559750/src /tmp/2475559750/tsconfig.app.json /tmp/2475559750/angular.json /tmp/2475559750/src/assets/.gitkeep /tmp/2475559750/package.json /tmp/2475559750/src/favicon.ico /tmp/2475559750/src/index.html /tmp/2475559750/.browserslistrc /tmp/2475559750/src/environments /tmp/2475559750/.editorconfig /tmp/2475559750/karma.conf.js /tmp/2475559750/package-lock.json /tmp/2475559750/src/main.ts /tmp/2475559750/src/test.ts /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app-routing.module.ts /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app.module.ts /tmp/2475559750/src/environments/environment.prod.ts /tmp/2475559750/tsconfig.spec.json /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app.component.css /tmp/2475559750/README.md /tmp/2475559750/devfile.yaml /tmp/2475559750/.gitignore /tmp/2475559750/src/assets /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app.component.spec.ts /tmp/2475559750/tsconfig.json /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app.component.html /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app.component.ts /tmp/2475559750/src/environments/environment.ts /tmp/2475559750/src/styles.css to pod
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.060347   22876 copy.go:36] CopyFile arguments: localPath /tmp/2475559750, dest /projects/2475559750, targetPath /projects, copyFiles [/tmp/2475559750/src/app /tmp/2475559750/src/polyfills.ts /tmp/2475559750/src /tmp/2475559750/tsconfig.app.json /tmp/2475559750/angular.json /tmp/2475559750/src/assets/.gitkeep /tmp/2475559750/package.json /tmp/2475559750/src/favicon.ico /tmp/2475559750/src/index.html /tmp/2475559750/.browserslistrc /tmp/2475559750/src/environments /tmp/2475559750/.editorconfig /tmp/2475559750/karma.conf.js /tmp/2475559750/package-lock.json /tmp/2475559750/src/main.ts /tmp/2475559750/src/test.ts /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app-routing.module.ts /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app.module.ts /tmp/2475559750/src/environments/environment.prod.ts /tmp/2475559750/tsconfig.spec.json /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app.component.css /tmp/2475559750/README.md /tmp/2475559750/devfile.yaml /tmp/2475559750/.gitignore /tmp/2475559750/src/assets /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app.component.spec.ts /tmp/2475559750/tsconfig.json /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app.component.html /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app.component.ts /tmp/2475559750/src/environments/environment.ts /tmp/2475559750/src/styles.css], globalExps [.git /dist /tmp /out-tsc /bazel-out /node_modules npm-debug.log yarn-error.log .idea/ .project .classpath .c9/ *.launch .settings/ *.sublime-workspace .vscode/* !.vscode/settings.json !.vscode/tasks.json !.vscode/launch.json !.vscode/extensions.json .history/* /.angular/cache .sass-cache/ /connect.lock /coverage /libpeerconnection.log testem.log /typings .DS_Store Thumbs.db .odo .odo/odo-file-index.json]
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.060390   22876 copy.go:63] Executing command tar xf - -C /projects --no-same-owner
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.060540   22876 copy.go:96] makeTar arguments: srcPath: /tmp/2475559750, destPath: /projects/2475559750, files: [/tmp/2475559750/src/app /tmp/2475559750/src/polyfills.ts /tmp/2475559750/src /tmp/2475559750/tsconfig.app.json /tmp/2475559750/angular.json /tmp/2475559750/src/assets/.gitkeep /tmp/2475559750/package.json /tmp/2475559750/src/favicon.ico /tmp/2475559750/src/index.html /tmp/2475559750/.browserslistrc /tmp/2475559750/src/environments /tmp/2475559750/.editorconfig /tmp/2475559750/karma.conf.js /tmp/2475559750/package-lock.json /tmp/2475559750/src/main.ts /tmp/2475559750/src/test.ts /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app-routing.module.ts /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app.module.ts /tmp/2475559750/src/environments/environment.prod.ts /tmp/2475559750/tsconfig.spec.json /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app.component.css /tmp/2475559750/README.md /tmp/2475559750/devfile.yaml /tmp/2475559750/.gitignore /tmp/2475559750/src/assets /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app.component.spec.ts /tmp/2475559750/tsconfig.json /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app.component.html /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app.component.ts /tmp/2475559750/src/environments/environment.ts /tmp/2475559750/src/styles.css]
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.063195   22876 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2475559750/src/app
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.063212   22876 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2475559750 relative to /tmp/2475559750/src/app
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.063225   22876 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2475559750/src/app
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.063232   22876 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: src/app
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.063237   22876 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/src/app, destBase: /projects, destFile: src/app
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.063244   22876 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: src/app
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.067104   22876 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2475559750/src/polyfills.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.067121   22876 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2475559750 relative to /tmp/2475559750/src/polyfills.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.067128   22876 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2475559750/src/polyfills.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.067132   22876 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: src/polyfills.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.067137   22876 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/src/polyfills.ts, destBase: /projects, destFile: src/polyfills.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.067141   22876 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: src/polyfills.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.209705   22876 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2475559750/src
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.209720   22876 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2475559750 relative to /tmp/2475559750/src
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.209727   22876 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2475559750/src
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.209732   22876 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: src
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.209737   22876 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/src, destBase: /projects, destFile: src
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.209742   22876 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: src
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.210337   22876 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2475559750/tsconfig.app.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.210345   22876 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2475559750 relative to /tmp/2475559750/tsconfig.app.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.210351   22876 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2475559750/tsconfig.app.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.210393   22876 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: tsconfig.app.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.210400   22876 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/tsconfig.app.json, destBase: /projects, destFile: tsconfig.app.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.210403   22876 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: tsconfig.app.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.210916   22876 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2475559750/angular.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.210926   22876 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2475559750 relative to /tmp/2475559750/angular.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.210932   22876 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2475559750/angular.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.210936   22876 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: angular.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.210947   22876 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/angular.json, destBase: /projects, destFile: angular.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.210951   22876 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: angular.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.211377   22876 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2475559750/src/assets/.gitkeep
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.211390   22876 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2475559750 relative to /tmp/2475559750/src/assets/.gitkeep
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.211396   22876 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2475559750/src/assets/.gitkeep
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.211399   22876 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: src/assets/.gitkeep
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.211404   22876 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/src/assets/.gitkeep, destBase: /projects, destFile: src/assets/.gitkeep
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.211407   22876 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: src/assets/.gitkeep
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.211693   22876 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2475559750/package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.211701   22876 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2475559750 relative to /tmp/2475559750/package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.211707   22876 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2475559750/package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.211710   22876 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.211713   22876 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/package.json, destBase: /projects, destFile: package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.211716   22876 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.212069   22876 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2475559750/src/favicon.ico
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.212090   22876 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2475559750 relative to /tmp/2475559750/src/favicon.ico
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.212097   22876 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2475559750/src/favicon.ico
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.212102   22876 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: src/favicon.ico
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.212106   22876 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/src/favicon.ico, destBase: /projects, destFile: src/favicon.ico
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.212117   22876 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: src/favicon.ico
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.212508   22876 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2475559750/src/index.html
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.212519   22876 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2475559750 relative to /tmp/2475559750/src/index.html
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.212533   22876 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2475559750/src/index.html
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.212539   22876 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: src/index.html
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.212544   22876 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/src/index.html, destBase: /projects, destFile: src/index.html
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.212548   22876 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: src/index.html
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.212962   22876 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2475559750/.browserslistrc
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.212970   22876 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2475559750 relative to /tmp/2475559750/.browserslistrc
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.212976   22876 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2475559750/.browserslistrc
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.212980   22876 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: .browserslistrc
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.212984   22876 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/.browserslistrc, destBase: /projects, destFile: .browserslistrc
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.212988   22876 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: .browserslistrc
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.213370   22876 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2475559750/src/environments
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.213378   22876 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2475559750 relative to /tmp/2475559750/src/environments
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.213386   22876 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2475559750/src/environments
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.213391   22876 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: src/environments
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.213404   22876 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/src/environments, destBase: /projects, destFile: src/environments
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.213408   22876 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: src/environments
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.213714   22876 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2475559750/.editorconfig
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.213722   22876 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2475559750 relative to /tmp/2475559750/.editorconfig
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.213728   22876 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2475559750/.editorconfig
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.213732   22876 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: .editorconfig
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.213736   22876 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/.editorconfig, destBase: /projects, destFile: .editorconfig
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.213747   22876 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: .editorconfig
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.214230   22876 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2475559750/karma.conf.js
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.214239   22876 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2475559750 relative to /tmp/2475559750/karma.conf.js
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.214245   22876 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2475559750/karma.conf.js
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.214250   22876 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: karma.conf.js
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.214254   22876 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/karma.conf.js, destBase: /projects, destFile: karma.conf.js
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.214257   22876 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: karma.conf.js
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.214707   22876 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2475559750/package-lock.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.214760   22876 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2475559750 relative to /tmp/2475559750/package-lock.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.214795   22876 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2475559750/package-lock.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.214820   22876 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: package-lock.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.214834   22876 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/package-lock.json, destBase: /projects, destFile: package-lock.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.214847   22876 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: package-lock.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.217583   22876 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2475559750/src/main.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.217598   22876 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2475559750 relative to /tmp/2475559750/src/main.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.217603   22876 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2475559750/src/main.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.217607   22876 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: src/main.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.217610   22876 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/src/main.ts, destBase: /projects, destFile: src/main.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.217613   22876 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: src/main.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.217982   22876 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2475559750/src/test.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.217993   22876 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2475559750 relative to /tmp/2475559750/src/test.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.218001   22876 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2475559750/src/test.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.218005   22876 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: src/test.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.218009   22876 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/src/test.ts, destBase: /projects, destFile: src/test.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.218021   22876 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: src/test.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.218642   22876 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app-routing.module.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.218652   22876 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2475559750 relative to /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app-routing.module.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.218659   22876 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2475559750/src/app/app-routing.module.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.218664   22876 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: src/app/app-routing.module.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.218668   22876 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/src/app/app-routing.module.ts, destBase: /projects, destFile: src/app/app-routing.module.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.218672   22876 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: src/app/app-routing.module.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.219118   22876 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app.module.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.219127   22876 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2475559750 relative to /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app.module.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.219136   22876 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2475559750/src/app/app.module.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.219140   22876 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: src/app/app.module.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.219145   22876 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/src/app/app.module.ts, destBase: /projects, destFile: src/app/app.module.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.219148   22876 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: src/app/app.module.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.219649   22876 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2475559750/src/environments/environment.prod.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.219659   22876 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2475559750 relative to /tmp/2475559750/src/environments/environment.prod.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.219666   22876 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2475559750/src/environments/environment.prod.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.219671   22876 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: src/environments/environment.prod.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.219675   22876 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/src/environments/environment.prod.ts, destBase: /projects, destFile: src/environments/environment.prod.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.219679   22876 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: src/environments/environment.prod.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.220078   22876 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2475559750/tsconfig.spec.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.220089   22876 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2475559750 relative to /tmp/2475559750/tsconfig.spec.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.220095   22876 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2475559750/tsconfig.spec.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.220099   22876 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: tsconfig.spec.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.220102   22876 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/tsconfig.spec.json, destBase: /projects, destFile: tsconfig.spec.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.220105   22876 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: tsconfig.spec.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.220524   22876 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app.component.css
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.220535   22876 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2475559750 relative to /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app.component.css
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.220541   22876 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2475559750/src/app/app.component.css
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.220546   22876 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: src/app/app.component.css
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.220550   22876 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/src/app/app.component.css, destBase: /projects, destFile: src/app/app.component.css
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.220555   22876 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: src/app/app.component.css
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.220900   22876 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2475559750/README.md
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.220908   22876 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2475559750 relative to /tmp/2475559750/README.md
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.220915   22876 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2475559750/README.md
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.220919   22876 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: README.md
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.220923   22876 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/README.md, destBase: /projects, destFile: README.md
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.220927   22876 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: README.md
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.221290   22876 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2475559750/devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.221298   22876 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2475559750 relative to /tmp/2475559750/devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.221306   22876 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2475559750/devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.221311   22876 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.221315   22876 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/devfile.yaml, destBase: /projects, destFile: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.221326   22876 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.221707   22876 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2475559750/.gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.221715   22876 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2475559750 relative to /tmp/2475559750/.gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.221721   22876 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2475559750/.gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.221725   22876 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: .gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.221729   22876 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/.gitignore, destBase: /projects, destFile: .gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.221733   22876 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: .gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.222189   22876 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2475559750/src/assets
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.222195   22876 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2475559750 relative to /tmp/2475559750/src/assets
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.222199   22876 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2475559750/src/assets
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.222228   22876 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: src/assets
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.222233   22876 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/src/assets, destBase: /projects, destFile: src/assets
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.222236   22876 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: src/assets
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.222599   22876 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app.component.spec.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.222610   22876 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2475559750 relative to /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app.component.spec.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.222615   22876 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2475559750/src/app/app.component.spec.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.222618   22876 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: src/app/app.component.spec.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.222621   22876 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/src/app/app.component.spec.ts, destBase: /projects, destFile: src/app/app.component.spec.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.222651   22876 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: src/app/app.component.spec.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.223108   22876 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2475559750/tsconfig.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.223119   22876 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2475559750 relative to /tmp/2475559750/tsconfig.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.223125   22876 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2475559750/tsconfig.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.223128   22876 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: tsconfig.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.223132   22876 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/tsconfig.json, destBase: /projects, destFile: tsconfig.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.223138   22876 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: tsconfig.json
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.223534   22876 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app.component.html
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.223541   22876 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2475559750 relative to /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app.component.html
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.223546   22876 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2475559750/src/app/app.component.html
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.223549   22876 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: src/app/app.component.html
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.223552   22876 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/src/app/app.component.html, destBase: /projects, destFile: src/app/app.component.html
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.223556   22876 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: src/app/app.component.html
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.223978   22876 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app.component.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.224001   22876 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2475559750 relative to /tmp/2475559750/src/app/app.component.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.224023   22876 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2475559750/src/app/app.component.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.224034   22876 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: src/app/app.component.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.224043   22876 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/src/app/app.component.ts, destBase: /projects, destFile: src/app/app.component.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.224053   22876 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: src/app/app.component.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.224453   22876 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2475559750/src/environments/environment.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.224463   22876 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2475559750 relative to /tmp/2475559750/src/environments/environment.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.224469   22876 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2475559750/src/environments/environment.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.224475   22876 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: src/environments/environment.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.224478   22876 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/src/environments/environment.ts, destBase: /projects, destFile: src/environments/environment.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.224481   22876 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: src/environments/environment.ts
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.224793   22876 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2475559750/src/styles.css
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.224812   22876 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2475559750 relative to /tmp/2475559750/src/styles.css
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.224822   22876 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2475559750/src/styles.css
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.224832   22876 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: src/styles.css
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.224843   22876 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2475559750/src/styles.css, destBase: /projects, destFile: src/styles.css
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.224852   22876 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: src/styles.css
  [odo] ↵
 ✓  Syncing files into the container [816ms]
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.432932   22876 kubeexec.go:40] GetProcessInfoForCommand for "run"
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.432991   22876 exec.go:37] Executing command [/bin/sh -c cat /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_run.pid || true] for pod: cyvuch-app-9dcb9f95-qh55g in container: runtime
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.811738   22876 exec.go:96] cat: /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_run.pid: No such file or directory
  [odo]  •  Building your application in container (command: install)  ...
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.814800   22876 innerloop.go:131] running=false, execRequired=true
  [odo] I1030 09:29:01.814899   22876 exec.go:37] Executing command [/bin/sh -c cd ${PROJECT_SOURCE} && (npm install) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2] for pod: cyvuch-app-9dcb9f95-qh55g in container: runtime
  [odo] I1030 09:29:18.677373   22876 exec.go:54] ExecuteCommand returned an an err: error while streaming command: command terminated with exit code 1. for command '[/bin/sh -c cd ${PROJECT_SOURCE} && (npm install) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2]'
  [odo] stdout: []
  [odo] stderr: []
  [odo]  ✗  Building your application in container (command: install) [17s]
  [odo] npm WARN deprecated source-map-resolve@0.6.0: See https://github.com/lydell/source-map-resolve#deprecated
  [odo] npm ERR! code ECONNRESET
  [odo] npm ERR! network aborted
  [odo] npm ERR! network This is a problem related to network connectivity.
  [odo] npm ERR! network In most cases you are behind a proxy or have bad network settings.
  [odo] npm ERR! network 
  [odo] npm ERR! network If you are behind a proxy, please make sure that the
  [odo] npm ERR! network 'proxy' config is set properly.  See: 'npm help config'
  [odo] npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
  [odo] npm ERR!     /opt/app-root/src/.npm/_logs/2023-10-30T09_29_02_424Z-debug-0.log
  [odo] I1030 09:29:18.800654   22876 status.go:34] setting inner loop State "Ready"
  [odo] I1030 09:29:18.800743   22876 watch.go:437] Error from Push: watch command was unable to push component: unable to exec command [/bin/sh -c cd ${PROJECT_SOURCE} && (npm install) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2]: error while streaming command: command terminated with exit code 1
  [odo] Error occurred on Push - watch command was unable to push component: unable to exec command [/bin/sh -c cd ${PROJECT_SOURCE} && (npm install) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2]: error while streaming command: command terminated with exit code 1
  [odo] ↪ Dev mode
  [odo]  Status:
  [odo]  Watching for changes in the current directory /tmp/2475559750
  [odo] Keyboard Commands:
  [odo] [Ctrl+c] - Exit and delete resources from the cluster
  [odo]      [p] - Manually apply local changes to the application on the cluster
  [odo] I1030 09:29:18.801115   22876 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: cyvuch-app, rv: 98851854, generation: 1, pods: 1
  [odo] I1030 09:29:18.905042   22876 watch.go:348] filesystem watch event: CREATE        "/tmp/2475559750/.odo/odo-file-index.json"
  [odo] I1030 09:29:18.908073   22876 watch.go:348] filesystem watch event: WRITE         "/tmp/2475559750/.odo/odo-file-index.json"
  [FAILED] in [It] - /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:3820 @ 10/30/23 09:29:26.136
  [odo] read: read /dev/stdin: input/output error
  [odo] I1030 09:29:26.137806   22876 watch.go:333] Dev mode interrupted by user
  [odo] I1030 09:29:26.143651   22876 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/721369179/preference.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:29:26.144939   22876 segment.go:268] Checking telemetry enable status
  [odo] I1030 09:29:26.144961   22876 segment.go:286] Sending telemetry disabled by env variable
  [odo] Cleaning resources, please wait
  [odo] I1030 09:29:26.274854   22876 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 200 APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:29:26.275087   22876 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:29:27.344009   22876 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 1.069163316s
  [odo] I1030 09:29:27.344075   22876 all.go:76] query result: objects=609
  Running oc with args [oc get project cmd-dev-test3818ynt -o jsonpath={.metadata.name}] and odo env: []
  [oc] cmd-dev-test3818yntDeleting project: cmd-dev-test3818ynt
  Running oc with args [oc delete project cmd-dev-test3818ynt --wait=false] and odo env: []
  [oc] project.project.openshift.io "cmd-dev-test3818ynt" deleted
  Setting current dir to: /go/odo_1/tests/integration
  Deleting dir: /tmp/2475559750
  Deleting dir: /tmp/721369179
  << Timeline

  [FAILED] Expected
      <string>:   __
       /  \__     Developing using the "cyvuch" Devfile
       \__/  \    Namespace: cmd-dev-test3818ynt
       /  \__/    odo version: v3.15.0 (451e30740)
      ↪ Running on the cluster in Dev mode
       •  Waiting for Kubernetes resources  ...
      ⚠  Pod is Pending
       ✓  Pod is Running
       •  Syncing files into the container  ...
 ✓  Syncing files into the container [816ms]
       •  Building your application in container (command: install)  ...
       ✗  Building your application in container (command: install) [17s]
      Error occurred on Push - watch command was unable to push component: unable to exec command [/bin/sh -c cd ${PROJECT_SOURCE} && (npm install) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2]: error while streaming command: command terminated with exit code 1
      ↪ Dev mode
       Watching for changes in the current directory /tmp/2475559750
      Keyboard Commands:
      [Ctrl+c] - Exit and delete resources from the cluster
           [p] - Manually apply local changes to the application on the cluster
  to contain substring
      <string>: Executing the application (command: run)
  In [It] at: /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:3820 @ 10/30/23 09:29:26.136
• [120.218 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing a deploy command when running odo deploy with image build extra args when running and stopping odo dev should not delete the resources created with odo deploy

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [119.854 seconds]
odo describe component command tests checking for remote source code location when using devfile with sourceMapping and starting an odo dev session should show remote source code location in odo describe component output

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [4.694 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing a deploy command when an env.yaml file contains a non-current Project when running odo deploy should succeed

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [59.763 seconds]
odo dev command tests when setting git config and running odo dev should create vcs-uri annotation for the deployment when running odo dev

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [59.812 seconds]
odo dev command tests when devfile project field is present and running odo dev - with metadata.name should sync to the correct dir in container

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [26.294 seconds]
odo delete command tests when deleting a component containing preStop event that is deployed with DEV and --files=true should delete the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
  Progress Report for Ginkgo Process #14
  Automatically polling progress:
    odo dev debug command tests when a composite apply command is used as debug command should execute the composite apply commands successfully (Spec Runtime: 3m36.697s)
      In [It] (Node Runtime: 2m0s)
        At [By Step] cleaning up the resources on ending the session (Step Runtime: 26.983s)

        Begin Captured GinkgoWriter Output >>
          [odo] stderr: []
          [odo] I1030 09:30:09.788715   20072 execute_run.go:36] error while running background command: unable to exec command [/bin/sh -c echo $$ > /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_start-debug.pid && cd /projects &&  (npm run debug) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2; echo $? >> /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_start-debug.pid]: error while streaming command: context canceled
          [odo] I1030 09:30:09.795563   20072 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/641325397/preference.yaml
          [odo] Cleaning resources, please wait
          [odo] I1030 09:30:09.796292   20072 segment.go:268] Checking telemetry enable status
          [odo] I1030 09:30:09.796307   20072 segment.go:286] Sending telemetry disabled by env variable
          [odo] I1030 09:30:09.915289   20072 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 200 APIs
          [odo] I1030 09:30:09.922335   20072 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs
          [odo] I1030 09:30:11.160755   20072 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 1.244960243s
          [odo] I1030 09:30:11.161442   20072 all.go:76] query result: objects=652
        << End Captured GinkgoWriter Output

        Spec Goroutine
        goroutine 5469 [runnable]
          github.com/onsi/gomega/internal.(*AsyncAssertion).match(0xc000296070, {0x30feb48?, 0xc0012fe0d8}, 0x1, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0})
          github.com/onsi/gomega/internal.(*AsyncAssertion).Should(0xc000296070, {0x30feb48, 0xc0012fe0d8}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0})
          github.com/onsi/gomega/gexec.(*Session).Wait(0xc0003e02a0?, {0xc000622040?, 0x0?, 0x0?})
        > github.com/redhat-developer/odo/tests/integration.glob..func6.7.2.8()
              | By("cleaning up the resources on ending the session", func() {
              | 	devSession.Stop()
              > 	devSession.WaitEnd()
              | 	out := commonVar.CliRunner.Run("get", "deployments").Out.Contents()
              | 	helper.DontMatchAllInOutput(string(out), deploymentNames)
          github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal.(*Suite).By(0xc0001a8000, {0x2d5356e, 0x2f}, {0xc000ab5e70, 0x1, 0x2cf3f14?})
          github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2.By({0x2d5356e?, 0x2d36ce9?}, {0xc000ab5e70?, 0x2cf0c0f?, 0x6?})
        > github.com/redhat-developer/odo/tests/integration.glob..func6.7.2()
              | })
              > By("cleaning up the resources on ending the session", func() {
              | 	devSession.Stop()
              | 	devSession.WaitEnd()
          github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal.extractBodyFunction.func3({0x269b4f3, 0xc000ebb2c0})
• [58.125 seconds]
odo describe component command tests when creating a component when running odo dev (podman=false,debug=false) Default output when describing the component in dev mode should describe the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [229.177 seconds]
odo dev debug command tests when a composite apply command is used as debug command should execute the composite apply commands successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [58.676 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Devfile contains metadata.language invalid as a label value when running odo dev should set the correct value in labels of resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
S [3.259 seconds]
odo devfile init command tests when DevfileRegistriesList CRD is installed on cluster [BeforeEach] when CR for devfileregistrieslists is installed in namespace should be able to download devfile from the in-cluster registry
  [BeforeEach] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_init_test.go:586
  [It] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_init_test.go:613

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

  [SKIPPED] skipped on non Kubernetes clusters
  In [BeforeEach] at: /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_init_test.go:588 @ 10/30/23 09:30:51.59
S [4.858 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Starting a PostgreSQL service [BeforeEach] when creating local files and dir and running odo dev - with metadata.name should correctly propagate changes to the container
  [BeforeEach] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1815
  [It] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1865

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

  [SKIPPED] Skipping service binding tests as SKIP_SERVICE_BINDING_TESTS is true
  In [BeforeEach] at: /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1818 @ 10/30/23 09:30:53.761
• [76.734 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has multiple endpoints when running odo dev should expose all endpoints on localhost regardless of exposure(podman=false, manual=true, customPortForwarding=false, customAddress=true)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [117.134 seconds]
odo dev command tests when node-js application is created and deployed with devfile schema 2.2.0 should check memory Request and Limit

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
S [3.687 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests deploying devfile with exec [It] should not set securitycontext for podsecurity admission on job's pod template

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

  [SKIPPED] This is a Kubernetes specific scenario, skipping
  In [It] at: /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_deploy_test.go:603 @ 10/30/23 09:30:59.144
• [FAILED] [47.337 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has single endpoint when running odo dev [It] should expose the endpoint on localhost (podman=false, manual=true, customPortForwarding=false, customAddress=true)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

  Timeline >>
  Created dir: /tmp/3553446424
  Created dir: /tmp/1933565929
  Setting KUBECONFIG=/tmp/1933565929/config
  Running oc with args [oc get project cmd-dev-test1338ksx -o jsonpath={.metadata.name}] and odo env: []
  [oc] Error from server (NotFound): namespaces "cmd-dev-test1338ksx" not found
  Creating a new project: cmd-dev-test1338ksx
  Running oc with args [oc new-project cmd-dev-test1338ksx] and odo env: []
  [oc] Now using project "cmd-dev-test1338ksx" on server "https://c100-e.eu-de.containers.cloud.ibm.com:31952".
  [oc] You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try:
  [oc]     oc new-app rails-postgresql-example
  [oc] to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application:
  [oc]     kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=k8s.gcr.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.33 -- /agnhost serve-hostname
  Running oc with args [oc get project] and odo env: []
  [oc] NAME                                               DISPLAY NAME   STATUS
  [oc] apgr-namespace                                                    Active
  [oc] calico-system                                                     Active
  [oc] cmd-delete-test473kag                                             Terminating
  [oc] cmd-delete-test517twy                                             Active
  [oc] cmd-describe-component-test348vnw                                 Active
  [oc] cmd-describe-component-test642gkh                                 Terminating
  [oc] cmd-dev-debug-test288hqf                                          Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test1338ksx                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test1379jto                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test1463jpf                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test2097mbp                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test2674mps                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test2772gdv                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test2966lqt                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test3375vkk                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test3538afi                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test4089zku                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test458fwz                                                Active
  [oc] cmd-devfile-deploy-test161fip                                     Active
  [oc] cmd-devfile-deploy-test176smk                                     Terminating
  [oc] cmd-devfile-deploy-test201krk                                     Terminating
  [oc] cmd-logs-test320mzv                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-namespace-test115tkr                                          Active
  [oc] default                                                           Active
  [oc] generic-test100lvl                                                Active
  [oc] ibm-cert-store                                                    Active
  [oc] ibm-odf-validation-webhook                                        Active
  [oc] ibm-system                                                        Active
  [oc] kube-node-lease                                                   Active
  [oc] kube-public                                                       Active
  [oc] kube-system                                                       Active
  [oc] laxu-namespace                                                    Active
  [oc] openshift                                                         Active
  [oc] openshift-apiserver                                               Active
  [oc] openshift-apiserver-operator                                      Active
  [oc] openshift-authentication                                          Active
  [oc] openshift-authentication-operator                                 Active
  [oc] openshift-cloud-credential-operator                               Active
  [oc] openshift-cloud-network-config-controller                         Active
  [oc] openshift-cluster-csi-drivers                                     Active
  [oc] openshift-cluster-machine-approver                                Active
  [oc] openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator                            Active
  [oc] openshift-cluster-samples-operator                                Active
  [oc] openshift-cluster-storage-operator                                Active
  [oc] openshift-cluster-version                                         Active
  [oc] openshift-config                                                  Active
  [oc] openshift-config-managed                                          Active
  [oc] openshift-config-operator                                         Active
  [oc] openshift-console                                                 Active
  [oc] openshift-console-operator                                        Active
  [oc] openshift-console-user-settings                                   Active
  [oc] openshift-controller-manager                                      Active
  [oc] openshift-controller-manager-operator                             Active
  [oc] openshift-dns                                                     Active
  [oc] openshift-dns-operator                                            Active
  [oc] openshift-etcd                                                    Active
  [oc] openshift-etcd-operator                                           Active
  [oc] openshift-image-registry                                          Active
  [oc] openshift-infra                                                   Active
  [oc] openshift-ingress                                                 Active
  [oc] openshift-ingress-canary                                          Active
  [oc] openshift-ingress-operator                                        Active
  [oc] openshift-insights                                                Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-apiserver                                          Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-apiserver-operator                                 Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-controller-manager                                 Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-controller-manager-operator                        Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-proxy                                              Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-scheduler                                          Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-scheduler-operator                                 Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-storage-version-migrator                           Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-storage-version-migrator-operator                  Active
  [oc] openshift-machine-api                                             Active
  [oc] openshift-machine-config-operator                                 Active
  [oc] openshift-marketplace                                             Active
  [oc] openshift-monitoring                                              Active
  [oc] openshift-multus                                                  Active
  [oc] openshift-network-diagnostics                                     Active
  [oc] openshift-network-operator                                        Active
  [oc] openshift-node                                                    Active
  [oc] openshift-operator-lifecycle-manager                              Active
  [oc] openshift-operators                                               Active
  [oc] openshift-roks-metrics                                            Active
  [oc] openshift-route-controller-manager                                Active
  [oc] openshift-service-ca                                              Active
  [oc] openshift-service-ca-operator                                     Active
  [oc] openshift-user-workload-monitoring                                Active
  [oc] phmartin                                                          Active
  [oc] tigera-operator                                                   Active
  [oc] ubkm-project                                                      Active
  Running oc with args [oc create configmap config-map-for-cleanup --from-literal type=testing --from-literal team=odo -n cmd-dev-test1338ksx] and odo env: []
  [oc] configmap/config-map-for-cleanup created
  Current working dir: /go/odo_1/tests/integration
  Setting current dir to: /tmp/3553446424
  Running odo with args [odo preference remove registry DefaultDevfileRegistry -f] and odo env: []
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.161231   24763 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/1933565929/preference.yaml
  [odo] Successfully removed registry
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.163553   24763 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/1933565929/preference.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.164022   24763 segment.go:268] Checking telemetry enable status
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.164051   24763 segment.go:286] Sending telemetry disabled by env variable
  Running odo with args [odo preference add registry DefaultDevfileRegistry https://registry.stage.devfile.io] and odo env: []
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.347632   24772 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/1933565929/preference.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.349340   24772 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/1933565929/preference.yaml
  [odo] New registry successfully added
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.349836   24772 segment.go:268] Checking telemetry enable status
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.349846   24772 segment.go:286] Sending telemetry disabled by env variable
  Setting current dir to: /tmp/3553446424
  Running odo with args [odo init --name lncdzt --devfile-path /go/odo_1/tests/examples/source/devfiles/nodejs/devfile.yaml] and odo env: []
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.540693   24780 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/1933565929/preference.yaml
  [odo]   __
  [odo]  /  \__     Initializing a new component
  [odo]  \__/  \    
  [odo]  /  \__/    odo version: v3.15.0 (451e30740)
  [odo]  \__/
  [odo]  •  Copying devfile from "/go/odo_1/tests/examples/source/devfiles/nodejs/devfile.yaml"  ...
  [odo] ↵
 ✓  Copying devfile from "/go/odo_1/tests/examples/source/devfiles/nodejs/devfile.yaml" [1ms]
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.545739   24780 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/3553446424/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.545780   24780 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/3553446424/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.546618   24780 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.546727   24780 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.0.0'
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.547017   24780 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.0.0' is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.553914   24780 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.562010   24780 writer.go:55] devfile yaml created at: 'devfile.yaml'
  [odo] Your new component 'lncdzt' is ready in the current directory.
  [odo] To start editing your component, use 'odo dev' and open this folder in your favorite IDE.
  [odo] Changes will be directly reflected on the cluster.
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.564598   24780 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/1933565929/preference.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.564990   24780 segment.go:268] Checking telemetry enable status
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.565003   24780 segment.go:286] Sending telemetry disabled by env variable
  Running odo with args [odo dev --random-ports --address --api-server=false --no-watch] and odo env: [ODO_LOG_LEVEL=4 ODO_TRACKING_CONSENT=no]
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.769859   24793 version.go:37] executing [podman version --format json]
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.770460   24793 clientset.go:243] no Podman client initialized: exec: "podman": executable file not found in $PATH
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.770640   24793 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/1933565929/preference.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.771997   24793 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/3553446424/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.772180   24793 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/3553446424/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.772958   24793 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.773203   24793 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.0.0'
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.773384   24793 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.0.0' is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.785441   24793 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.789181   24793 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.789217   24793 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.789412   24793 component.go:87] name of component is "lncdzt", and sanitized name is "lncdzt"
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.789596   24793 kclient.go:237] Checking if "projects" resource is supported
  [odo]   __
  [odo]  /  \__     Developing using the "lncdzt" Devfile
  [odo]  \__/  \    Namespace: cmd-dev-test1338ksx
  [odo]  /  \__/    odo version: v3.15.0 (451e30740)
  [odo]  \__/
  [odo] ↪ Running on the cluster in Dev mode
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.922503   24793 kubedev.go:79] Creating new adapter
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.922519   24793 kubedev.go:87] Creating inner-loop resources for the component
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.922531   24793 watch.go:105] starting WatchAndPush, path: /tmp/3553446424, component: lncdzt, ignores [.git .odo .odo/odo-file-index.json]
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.934731   24793 watch.go:423] Copying files [] to pod
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.934945   24793 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/3553446424/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.934958   24793 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/3553446424/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.935618   24793 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.935759   24793 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.0.0'
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.935773   24793 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.0.0' is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.940187   24793 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.940400   24793 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.940422   24793 components.go:69] component state: ""
  [odo]  •  Waiting for Kubernetes resources  ...
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.963672   24793 components.go:260] We are deploying these annotations: map[alpha.image.policy.openshift.io/resolve-names:* odo.dev/project-type:nodejs]
  [odo] I1030 09:30:15.979551   24793 utils.go:149] No entrypoint defined for the component, setting container runtime entrypoint to 'tail -f /dev/null'. You can set a 'command' and/or 'args' for the component to override this default entrypoint.
  [odo] I1030 09:30:16.092159   24793 utils.go:77] Updating container runtime with mandatory volume mounts
  [odo] I1030 09:30:16.154151   24793 components.go:346] Creating deployment lncdzt-app
  [odo] I1030 09:30:16.154180   24793 components.go:347] The component name is lncdzt
  [odo] I1030 09:30:16.157361   24793 kclient.go:286] Kubernetes version is "v1.25.12+ba5cc25"
  [odo] I1030 09:30:16.157427   24793 kclient.go:298] Cluster has support for SSA: true
  [odo] Warning: would violate PodSecurity "restricted:v1.24": allowPrivilegeEscalation != false (container "runtime" must set securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation=false), unrestricted capabilities (container "runtime" must set securityContext.capabilities.drop=["ALL"]), runAsNonRoot != true (pod or container "runtime" must set securityContext.runAsNonRoot=true), seccompProfile (pod or container "runtime" must set securityContext.seccompProfile.type to "RuntimeDefault" or "Localhost")
  [odo] I1030 09:30:16.375596   24793 components.go:378] Successfully created component lncdzt
  [odo] I1030 09:30:16.481531   24793 components.go:390] Successfully created Service for component lncdzt
  [odo] I1030 09:30:16.508770   24793 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 200 APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:30:16.509153   24793 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:30:16.563186   24793 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 54.400966ms
  [odo] I1030 09:30:16.563211   24793 all.go:76] query result: objects=5
  [odo] I1030 09:30:16.563308   24793 kclient.go:237] Checking if "servicebindings" resource is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:30:16.568113   24793 kclient.go:237] Checking if "clusterserviceversions" resource is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:30:16.572023   24793 service.go:75] Getting list of services
  [odo] I1030 09:30:16.572053   24793 operators.go:30] Fetching list of operators installed in cluster
  [odo] I1030 09:30:16.627558   24793 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: cloud-native-postgresql.v1.18.7
  [odo] I1030 09:30:16.627622   24793 service.go:124] Getting instances of: backups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:30:16.638208   24793 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusters.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:30:16.656923   24793 service.go:124] Getting instances of: poolers.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:30:16.669013   24793 service.go:124] Getting instances of: scheduledbackups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:30:16.719826   24793 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: service-binding-operator.v1.3.3
  [odo] I1030 09:30:16.719852   24793 service.go:124] Getting instances of: bindablekinds.binding.operators.coreos.com
  [odo] I1030 09:30:16.724958   24793 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:30:16.728097   24793 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:30:16.731863   24793 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.binding.operators.coreos.com
  [odo] I1030 09:30:16.739336   24793 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:30:16.751664   24793 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:30:16.814247   24793 components.go:134] Deployment has been updated to generation 1. Waiting new event...
  [odo] I1030 09:30:16.814265   24793 status.go:34] setting inner loop State "WaitDeployment"
  [odo] I1030 09:30:16.817731   24793 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: ADDED, name: lncdzt-app, rv: 98854831, generation: 1, pods: 0
  [odo] ===================
  [odo] ⚠  Pod is Pending
  [odo] ===================
  [odo] I1030 09:30:16.819007   24793 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: lncdzt-app, rv: 98854837, generation: 1, pods: 0
  [odo] I1030 09:30:16.820364   24793 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: lncdzt-app, rv: 98854853, generation: 1, pods: 0
  [odo] I1030 09:30:16.821782   24793 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: lncdzt-app, rv: 98854865, generation: 1, pods: 0
  [odo] I1030 09:30:17.118315   24793 watch.go:423] Copying files [] to pod
  [odo] I1030 09:30:17.118869   24793 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/3553446424/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:30:17.118886   24793 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/3553446424/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:30:17.119541   24793 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON
  [odo] I1030 09:30:17.119615   24793 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.0.0'
  [odo] I1030 09:30:17.119629   24793 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.0.0' is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:30:17.124764   24793 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema
  [odo] I1030 09:30:17.124989   24793 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections
  [odo] I1030 09:30:17.125025   24793 components.go:69] component state: "WaitDeployment"
  [odo] I1030 09:30:17.167614   24793 components.go:260] We are deploying these annotations: map[alpha.image.policy.openshift.io/resolve-names:* odo.dev/project-type:nodejs]
  [odo] I1030 09:30:17.178543   24793 utils.go:149] No entrypoint defined for the component, setting container runtime entrypoint to 'tail -f /dev/null'. You can set a 'command' and/or 'args' for the component to override this default entrypoint.
  [odo] I1030 09:30:17.221145   24793 utils.go:77] Updating container runtime with mandatory volume mounts
  [odo] I1030 09:30:17.264555   24793 components.go:346] Creating deployment lncdzt-app
  [odo] I1030 09:30:17.264572   24793 components.go:347] The component name is lncdzt
  [odo] I1030 09:30:17.264580   24793 components.go:350] The component already exists, attempting to update it
  [odo] I1030 09:30:17.264588   24793 components.go:352] Applying deployment
  [odo] I1030 09:30:17.306638   24793 components.go:361] Successfully updated component lncdzt
  [odo] I1030 09:30:17.340644   24793 components.go:748] Successfully update Service for component lncdzt
  [odo] I1030 09:30:17.367225   24793 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 200 APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:30:17.367406   24793 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:30:17.440547   24793 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 73.325021ms
  [odo] I1030 09:30:17.440569   24793 all.go:76] query result: objects=6
  [odo] I1030 09:30:17.440610   24793 kclient.go:237] Checking if "servicebindings" resource is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:30:17.440627   24793 kclient.go:237] Checking if "clusterserviceversions" resource is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:30:17.440634   24793 service.go:75] Getting list of services
  [odo] I1030 09:30:17.440638   24793 operators.go:30] Fetching list of operators installed in cluster
  [odo] I1030 09:30:17.479109   24793 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: cloud-native-postgresql.v1.18.7
  [odo] I1030 09:30:17.479128   24793 service.go:124] Getting instances of: backups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:30:17.485800   24793 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusters.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:30:17.492254   24793 service.go:124] Getting instances of: poolers.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:30:17.502025   24793 service.go:124] Getting instances of: scheduledbackups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:30:17.515501   24793 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: service-binding-operator.v1.3.3
  [odo] I1030 09:30:17.515609   24793 service.go:124] Getting instances of: bindablekinds.binding.operators.coreos.com
  [odo] I1030 09:30:17.520474   24793 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:30:17.524154   24793 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:30:17.527161   24793 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.binding.operators.coreos.com
  [odo] I1030 09:30:17.536003   24793 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:30:17.548369   24793 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:30:17.573006   24793 components.go:141] Deployment has 0 ready replicas. Waiting new event...
  [odo] I1030 09:30:17.573099   24793 status.go:34] setting inner loop State "WaitDeployment"
  [odo] I1030 09:30:17.573196   24793 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: lncdzt-app, rv: 98854906, generation: 1, pods: 0
  [odo]  ✓  Pod is Running
  [odo] I1030 09:30:19.472508   24793 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: lncdzt-app, rv: 98855020, generation: 1, pods: 1
  [odo] I1030 09:30:19.773365   24793 watch.go:423] Copying files [] to pod
  [odo] I1030 09:30:19.773796   24793 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/3553446424/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:30:19.773815   24793 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/3553446424/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:30:19.774993   24793 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON
  [odo] I1030 09:30:19.775114   24793 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.0.0'
  [odo] I1030 09:30:19.775129   24793 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.0.0' is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:30:19.793946   24793 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema
  [odo] I1030 09:30:19.794200   24793 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections
  [odo] I1030 09:30:19.794227   24793 components.go:69] component state: "WaitDeployment"
  [odo] I1030 09:30:19.808185   24793 components.go:260] We are deploying these annotations: map[alpha.image.policy.openshift.io/resolve-names:* odo.dev/project-type:nodejs]
  [odo] I1030 09:30:19.833772   24793 utils.go:149] No entrypoint defined for the component, setting container runtime entrypoint to 'tail -f /dev/null'. You can set a 'command' and/or 'args' for the component to override this default entrypoint.
  [odo] I1030 09:30:19.874076   24793 utils.go:77] Updating container runtime with mandatory volume mounts
  [odo] I1030 09:30:19.909967   24793 components.go:346] Creating deployment lncdzt-app
  [odo] I1030 09:30:19.910002   24793 components.go:347] The component name is lncdzt
  [odo] I1030 09:30:19.910047   24793 components.go:350] The component already exists, attempting to update it
  [odo] I1030 09:30:19.910069   24793 components.go:352] Applying deployment
  [odo] I1030 09:30:19.955155   24793 components.go:361] Successfully updated component lncdzt
  [odo] I1030 09:30:19.990676   24793 components.go:748] Successfully update Service for component lncdzt
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.016868   24793 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 200 APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.017102   24793 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.088649   24793 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 71.779884ms
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.088687   24793 all.go:76] query result: objects=6
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.088735   24793 kclient.go:237] Checking if "servicebindings" resource is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.088761   24793 kclient.go:237] Checking if "clusterserviceversions" resource is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.088774   24793 service.go:75] Getting list of services
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.088782   24793 operators.go:30] Fetching list of operators installed in cluster
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.123489   24793 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: cloud-native-postgresql.v1.18.7
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.123576   24793 service.go:124] Getting instances of: backups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.145167   24793 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusters.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.154198   24793 service.go:124] Getting instances of: poolers.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.164206   24793 service.go:124] Getting instances of: scheduledbackups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.177243   24793 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: service-binding-operator.v1.3.3
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.177348   24793 service.go:124] Getting instances of: bindablekinds.binding.operators.coreos.com
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.181302   24793 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.184454   24793 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.187906   24793 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.binding.operators.coreos.com
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.196664   24793 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.210170   24793 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io
  [odo]  •  Syncing files into the container  ...
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.319369   24793 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 3553446424, destBase: ., destFile: .
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.319485   24793 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: .
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.320590   24793 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 3553446424/.gitignore, destBase: ., destFile: .gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.320613   24793 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: .gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.320948   24793 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/3553446424/.gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.320982   24793 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 3553446424/.odo, destBase: ., destFile: .odo
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.320999   24793 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: .odo
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.321310   24793 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 3553446424/devfile.yaml, destBase: ., destFile: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.321327   24793 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.321685   24793 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/3553446424/devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.321718   24793 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 3553446424/package.json, destBase: ., destFile: package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.321733   24793 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.322032   24793 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/3553446424/package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.322059   24793 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 3553446424/server.js, destBase: ., destFile: server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.322068   24793 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.322358   24793 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/3553446424/server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.322383   24793 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 3553446424/test, destBase: ., destFile: test
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.322392   24793 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: test
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.323040   24793 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/3553446424/test
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.323594   24793 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 3553446424/test/test.js, destBase: ., destFile: test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.323652   24793 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.324103   24793 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/3553446424/test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.324485   24793 sync.go:138] List of files to be deleted: +[]
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.324540   24793 sync.go:140] List of files changed: +[/tmp/3553446424/test /tmp/3553446424/test/test.js /tmp/3553446424/.gitignore /tmp/3553446424/devfile.yaml /tmp/3553446424/package.json /tmp/3553446424/server.js]
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.324575   24793 sync.go:193] Push: componentName: lncdzt, path: /tmp/3553446424, files: [/tmp/3553446424/test /tmp/3553446424/test/test.js /tmp/3553446424/.gitignore /tmp/3553446424/devfile.yaml /tmp/3553446424/package.json /tmp/3553446424/server.js], delFiles: [*], isForcePush: true
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.325031   24793 sync.go:310] remote files marked for deletion are [/projects/*]
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.325115   24793 exec.go:37] Executing command [rm -rf /projects/*] for pod: lncdzt-app-8f6fdbb74-kgs45 in container: runtime
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.661473   24793 sync.go:233] Copying files /tmp/3553446424/test /tmp/3553446424/test/test.js /tmp/3553446424/.gitignore /tmp/3553446424/devfile.yaml /tmp/3553446424/package.json /tmp/3553446424/server.js to pod
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.661543   24793 copy.go:36] CopyFile arguments: localPath /tmp/3553446424, dest /projects/3553446424, targetPath /projects, copyFiles [/tmp/3553446424/test /tmp/3553446424/test/test.js /tmp/3553446424/.gitignore /tmp/3553446424/devfile.yaml /tmp/3553446424/package.json /tmp/3553446424/server.js], globalExps [.git .odo .odo/odo-file-index.json]
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.661583   24793 copy.go:63] Executing command tar xf - -C /projects --no-same-owner
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.662531   24793 copy.go:96] makeTar arguments: srcPath: /tmp/3553446424, destPath: /projects/3553446424, files: [/tmp/3553446424/test /tmp/3553446424/test/test.js /tmp/3553446424/.gitignore /tmp/3553446424/devfile.yaml /tmp/3553446424/package.json /tmp/3553446424/server.js]
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.663039   24793 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/3553446424/test
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.663068   24793 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/3553446424 relative to /tmp/3553446424/test
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.663091   24793 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 3553446424/test
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.663099   24793 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: test
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.663112   24793 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 3553446424/test, destBase: /projects, destFile: test
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.663125   24793 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: test
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.664230   24793 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/3553446424/test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.664258   24793 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/3553446424 relative to /tmp/3553446424/test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.664304   24793 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 3553446424/test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.664319   24793 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.664333   24793 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 3553446424/test/test.js, destBase: /projects, destFile: test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.664368   24793 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.795158   24793 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/3553446424/.gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.795181   24793 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/3553446424 relative to /tmp/3553446424/.gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.795190   24793 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 3553446424/.gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.795195   24793 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: .gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.795200   24793 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 3553446424/.gitignore, destBase: /projects, destFile: .gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.795205   24793 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: .gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.795665   24793 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/3553446424/devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.795681   24793 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/3553446424 relative to /tmp/3553446424/devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.795688   24793 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 3553446424/devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.795693   24793 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.795698   24793 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 3553446424/devfile.yaml, destBase: /projects, destFile: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.795702   24793 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.796224   24793 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/3553446424/package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.796268   24793 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/3553446424 relative to /tmp/3553446424/package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.796290   24793 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 3553446424/package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.796306   24793 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.796321   24793 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 3553446424/package.json, destBase: /projects, destFile: package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.796361   24793 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.796906   24793 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/3553446424/server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.796966   24793 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/3553446424 relative to /tmp/3553446424/server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.796986   24793 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 3553446424/server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.797001   24793 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.797016   24793 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 3553446424/server.js, destBase: /projects, destFile: server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.797042   24793 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: server.js
  [odo] ↵
 ✓  Syncing files into the container [631ms]
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.950904   24793 kubeexec.go:40] GetProcessInfoForCommand for "devrun"
  [odo] I1030 09:30:20.950928   24793 exec.go:37] Executing command [/bin/sh -c cat /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_devrun.pid || true] for pod: lncdzt-app-8f6fdbb74-kgs45 in container: runtime
  [odo] I1030 09:30:21.271728   24793 exec.go:96] cat: /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_devrun.pid: No such file or directory
  [odo] I1030 09:30:21.272779   24793 innerloop.go:131] running=false, execRequired=true
  [odo]  •  Building your application in container (command: devbuild)  ...
  [odo] I1030 09:30:21.273576   24793 exec.go:37] Executing command [/bin/sh -c cd ${PROJECTS_ROOT} && (npm install) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2] for pod: lncdzt-app-8f6fdbb74-kgs45 in container: runtime
  [odo]  ✗  Building your application in container (command: devbuild) [2s]
  [odo] I1030 09:30:23.329656   24793 exec.go:54] ExecuteCommand returned an an err: error while streaming command: command terminated with exit code 1. for command '[/bin/sh -c cd ${PROJECTS_ROOT} && (npm install) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2]'
  [odo] stdout: []
  [odo] stderr: []
  [odo] npm ERR! Unexpected end of JSON input while parsing near '...uQnJNb/hdHXCmquusdV9a'
  [odo] npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
  [odo] npm ERR!     /opt/app-root/src/.npm/_logs/2023-10-30T09_30_23_307Z-debug.log
  [odo] I1030 09:30:23.381890   24793 status.go:34] setting inner loop State "Ready"
  [odo] I1030 09:30:23.381955   24793 watch.go:437] Error from Push: watch command was unable to push component: unable to exec command [/bin/sh -c cd ${PROJECTS_ROOT} && (npm install) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2]: error while streaming command: command terminated with exit code 1
  [odo] I1030 09:30:23.382001   24793 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: lncdzt-app, rv: 98855036, generation: 1, pods: 1
  [odo] Error occurred on Push - watch command was unable to push component: unable to exec command [/bin/sh -c cd ${PROJECTS_ROOT} && (npm install) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2]: error while streaming command: command terminated with exit code 1
  [odo] ↪ Dev mode
  [odo] Keyboard Commands:
  [odo] [Ctrl+c] - Exit and delete resources from the cluster
  [odo]      [p] - Manually apply local changes to the application on the cluster
  [FAILED] in [It] - /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1344 @ 10/30/23 09:30:25.588
  [odo] read: read /dev/stdin: input/output error
  [odo] I1030 09:30:25.589076   24793 watch.go:333] Dev mode interrupted by user
  [odo] I1030 09:30:25.589221   24793 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/1933565929/preference.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:30:25.590482   24793 segment.go:268] Checking telemetry enable status
  [odo] I1030 09:30:25.590516   24793 segment.go:286] Sending telemetry disabled by env variable
  [odo] Cleaning resources, please wait
  [odo] I1030 09:30:25.720462   24793 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 200 APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:30:25.720648   24793 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:30:26.502026   24793 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 781.565522ms
  [odo] I1030 09:30:26.502092   24793 all.go:76] query result: objects=609
  Running oc with args [oc get project cmd-dev-test1338ksx -o jsonpath={.metadata.name}] and odo env: []
  [oc] cmd-dev-test1338ksxDeleting project: cmd-dev-test1338ksx
  Running oc with args [oc delete project cmd-dev-test1338ksx --wait=false] and odo env: []
  [oc] project.project.openshift.io "cmd-dev-test1338ksx" deleted
  Setting current dir to: /go/odo_1/tests/integration
  Deleting dir: /tmp/3553446424
  Deleting dir: /tmp/1933565929
  << Timeline

  [FAILED] Unexpected error:
      <*url.Error | 0xc00147ade0>: 
      Get "http:": http: no Host in request URL
          Op: "Get",
          URL: "http:",
          Err: <*errors.errorString | 0xc00077b900>{
              s: "http: no Host in request URL",
  In [It] at: /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1344 @ 10/30/23 09:30:25.588
• [108.089 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has single endpoint when running odo dev when modifying name for container in Devfile should react on the Devfile modification (podman=false, manual=true, customPortForwarding=false, customAddress=true)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [147.843 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running build and run commands as composite in different containers and a shared volume - with metadata.name should run successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [68.987 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when recording telemetry data should record the telemetry data correctly

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.697 seconds]
odo devfile build-images command tests when using a Devfile with variable image names should build images with --var (push=false)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [69.362 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a container component defines a Command or Args - without metadata.name should run odo dev successfully (#5620)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [69.509 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev and composite command are nested - with metadata.name should execute all commands in composite commmand

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [98.901 seconds]
odo logs command tests when component is created and odo logs is executed when running in both Dev and Deploy mode should successfully show logs of the running component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [85.526 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing a deploy command when running odo deploy should run odo dev successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [36.404 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped when the component is deleted using its name (and namespace) from another directory (running-in="") when odo delete command is run again with nothing deployed on the cluster should output that there are no resources to be deleted

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [80.130 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when odo is executed with --no-watch flag and without --no-commands when a file in component directory is modified when p is pressed should trigger a push

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.415 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [36.185 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml when the component is deleted with --files should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [4.383 seconds]
odo create/delete/list/set namespace/project tests create namespace should fail to create namespace

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.572 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests using a Devfile with an image component using a remote Dockerfile when remote server returns an error should not build images

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [67.874 seconds]
odo dev command tests when adding local files to gitignore and running odo dev when modifying /foobar.txt file should not synchronize it

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [87.587 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component with endpoints is bootstrapped and pushed should not create Ingress or Route resources in the cluster

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [84.523 seconds]
odo dev debug command tests when starting with Devfile with autoBuild or deployByDefault components when running odo dev with some components not referenced in the Devfile should create the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [61.000 seconds]
odo dev command tests when project and clonePath is present in devfile and running odo dev - with metadata.name should sync to the correct dir in container

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [68.310 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is running in both DEV and DEPLOY mode and dev mode is killed when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should delete the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [58.632 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev and composite command is marked as parallel:true - without metadata.name should execute all commands in composite command

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [59.642 seconds]
odo dev command with api server tests when the component is bootstrapped when odo dev is run with --api-server flag should serve endpoints

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [60.345 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has no endpoint when running odo dev should have no endpoint forwarded (podman=false, manual=false)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [77.712 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has multiple endpoints when running odo dev should expose all endpoints on localhost regardless of exposure(podman=false, manual=false, customPortForwarding=false, customAddress=true)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [61.141 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml when the component is deleted with --files should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.452 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing an outer-loop Kubernetes component referenced via an URI when running odo deploy with image build extra args should succeed

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [30.475 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is running in both DEV and DEPLOY mode and dev mode is killed when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should delete the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [57.522 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has single endpoint when running odo dev should expose the endpoint on localhost (podman=false, manual=false, customPortForwarding=false, customAddress=true)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [70.232 seconds]
odo dev debug command tests when running build and debug commands as composite in different containers and a shared volume - without metadata.name should run successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [94.907 seconds]
odo dev command tests 1. devfile contains composite apply command when odo dev is running with container backend global extra args should execute the composite apply commands successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [58.710 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Devfile 2.1.0 is used - without metadata.name when doing odo dev 3. should check if the env variable has a correct value

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [59.891 seconds]
odo dev command tests when creating nodejs component, doing odo dev and run command has dev.odo.push.path attribute should sync only the mentioned files at the appropriate remote destination

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [125.732 seconds]
odo list with devfile when a component created in 'app' application when dev is running on cluster show an odo deploy or dev in the list

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [57.774 seconds]
odo dev command tests when no project is present - without metadata.name should sync to the correct dir in container

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [68.893 seconds]
odo dev debug command tests when a composite command is used as debug command - without metadata.name should run successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.917 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when a resource is changed in the devfile and the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml with --files=true --running-in= should delete the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.025 seconds]
odo create/delete/list/set namespace/project tests set project when running inside a component directory should set the project

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [68.638 seconds]
odo dev debug command tests when a composite command is used as debug command - with metadata.name should run successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [80.687 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is running in both DEV and DEPLOY mode and dev mode is killed when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should delete the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [4.194 seconds]
odo devfile build-images command tests when starting with Devfile with autoBuild or deployByDefault components when building and pushing images should build and push all Image components regardless of autoBuild

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [27.265 seconds]
odo dev interactive command tests when a component is bootstrapped should sync files when p is pressed

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo dev --random-ports --no-watch' from /tmp/3137862261
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [61.051 seconds]
odo run command tests when a component is bootstrapped when odo dev is executed with --no-commands=false and ready should execute commands

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
S [3.741 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when pod security is enforced as restricted [It] should set securitycontext for podsecurity admission

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

  [SKIPPED] This is a Kubernetes specific scenario, skipping
  In [It] at: /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:416 @ 10/30/23 09:33:38.94
• [78.123 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev with alternative commands - with metadata.name when running odo dev with a build command should execute the custom non-default build command successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [120.450 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing an outer-loop Kubernetes component referenced via an URI when running odo deploy with image build extra args when running and stopping odo dev should not delete the resources created with odo deploy

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [83.861 seconds]
odo dev command tests when starting with Devfile with autoBuild or deployByDefault components when running odo dev with some components not referenced in the Devfile should create the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [118.717 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev and run command throws an error should error out with some log

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [121.840 seconds]
odo list with devfile when a component created in 'app' application when dev is running on cluster verifying the managedBy Version in the odo list output should show managedBy Version

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [109.834 seconds]
odo dev command tests multiple dev sessions with different project are running on same platform (podman=false), same port when odo dev session is run for nodejs component when odo dev session is run for go project on the same port but different address should be able to run both the sessions

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [8.670 seconds]
odo list with devfile listing non-odo managed components when an operator managed deployment(without instance and managed-by label) is deployed should not be listed in the odo list output

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [119.558 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing a deploy command when running odo deploy when running and stopping odo dev should not delete the resources created with odo deploy

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.253 seconds]
odo devfile build-images command tests when using a Devfile with variable image names should build images with default variable values (push=true)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [60.306 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev and composite command is marked as parallel:true - with metadata.name should execute all commands in composite command

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [59.169 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Devfile 2.1.0 is used - with metadata.name when doing odo dev with --var-file flag and setting value in env should check if the env variable has a correct value

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [29.298 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is running in both DEV and DEPLOY mode and dev mode is killed when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should delete the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [7.105 seconds]
odo create/delete/list/set namespace/project tests create namespace should successfully create the namespace

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [118.997 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev with devfile contain volume - without metadata.name check the volume name and mount paths for the containers

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.174 seconds]
odo list with devfile listing non-odo managed components when a non-odo managed component is deployed should list the component with odo list

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
S [3.517 seconds]
odo init interactive command tests when DevfileRegistriesList CRD is installed on cluster [BeforeEach] when CR for devfileregistrieslists is installed in namespace should download correct devfile from the first in-cluster registry
  [BeforeEach] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_init_test.go:708
  [It] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_init_test.go:737

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

  [SKIPPED] skipped on non Kubernetes clusters
  In [BeforeEach] at: /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_init_test.go:710 @ 10/30/23 09:34:30.595
• [103.206 seconds]
odo dev debug command tests when starting with Devfile with autoBuild or deployByDefault components when running odo dev with some components referenced in the Devfile should create the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [60.474 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped when the component is deleted using its name (and namespace) from another directory (running-in="deploy") when odo delete command is run again with nothing deployed on the cluster should output that there are no resources to be deleted

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [57.110 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is running in both DEV and DEPLOY mode and dev mode is killed when the component is deleted using its name and namespace from another directory should delete the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [9.641 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when the component is deleted using its name and namespace from another directory should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [86.994 seconds]
odo dev command tests 1. devfile contains composite apply command when odo dev is running with container run extra args should execute the composite apply commands successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [90.268 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped when the component is deleted using its name (and namespace) from another directory (running-in="deploy") should output that there are no resources to be deleted

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [59.189 seconds]
odo dev command tests when devfile project field is present and running odo dev - without metadata.name should sync to the correct dir in container

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [56.744 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Devfile 2.1.0 is used - with metadata.name when doing odo dev 3. should check if the env variable has a correct value

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [4.972 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when recording telemetry data should record the telemetry data correctly

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [66.699 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when odo dev is executed and Ephemeral is set to false should have created resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [60.181 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has single endpoint when running odo dev should expose the endpoint on localhost (podman=false, manual=true, customPortForwarding=true, customAddress=true)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.757 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing an Image component with no build context should build image via Podman by defaulting build context to devfile path

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [119.918 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev with devfile contain volume - with metadata.name should create pvc and reuse if it shares the same devfile volume name

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [27.073 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml when the component is deleted with --files should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [67.372 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when using a default namespace should print warning about default namespace when running odo dev

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.926 seconds]
odo deploy interactive command tests directory is not empty when there is a match from Alizer should display welcoming messages first

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo deploy' from /tmp/1102528236
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [9.050 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests deploying devfile with exec when using devfile that works; with component name of at max(63) characters length should complete the command execution successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [58.462 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when odo is executed with --no-watch flag and without --no-commands when a file in component directory is modified should not trigger a push

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.335 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Devfile contains neither metadata.language nor metadata.projectType when odo deploy is executed should set the correct value in labels of deployed resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [58.451 seconds]
odo dev command with api server tests when the component is bootstrapped when odo dev is run with --api-server flag (custom api server port=false) should describe the API Server port (JSON)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.335 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when a resource is changed in the devfile and the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml with --files=false --running-in= should delete the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [121.603 seconds]
odo list with devfile when a component created in 'app' application when dev is running on cluster should display platform

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [62.182 seconds]
odo dev command tests 1. devfile contains composite apply command the devfile contains an image component that uses a remote Dockerfile when [PODMAN_CMD=a-command-not-found-for-podman-should-make-odo-fallback-to-docker DOCKER_CMD=echo] remote server returns a valid file when odo dev is run should build and push image when odo dev is run

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [FAILED] [127.812 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has single endpoint when running odo dev when modifying name for container in Devfile [It] should react on the Devfile modification (podman=false, manual=false, customPortForwarding=true, customAddress=false)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

  Timeline >>
  Created dir: /tmp/2249407205
  Created dir: /tmp/1140716637
  Setting KUBECONFIG=/tmp/1140716637/config
  Running oc with args [oc get project cmd-dev-test1379rie -o jsonpath={.metadata.name}] and odo env: []
  [oc] Error from server (NotFound): namespaces "cmd-dev-test1379rie" not found
  Creating a new project: cmd-dev-test1379rie
  Running oc with args [oc new-project cmd-dev-test1379rie] and odo env: []
  [oc] Now using project "cmd-dev-test1379rie" on server "https://c100-e.eu-de.containers.cloud.ibm.com:31952".
  [oc] You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try:
  [oc]     oc new-app rails-postgresql-example
  [oc] to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application:
  [oc]     kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=k8s.gcr.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.33 -- /agnhost serve-hostname
  Running oc with args [oc get project] and odo env: []
  [oc] NAME                                               DISPLAY NAME   STATUS
  [oc] apgr-namespace                                                    Active
  [oc] calico-system                                                     Active
  [oc] cmd-delete-test124auq                                             Active
  [oc] cmd-delete-test151hmf                                             Active
  [oc] cmd-delete-test428cvj                                             Terminating
  [oc] cmd-delete-test473gam                                             Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-debug-test631htj                                          Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test1213ess                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test1379rie                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test1668niu                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test2197rvc                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test2230nzw                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test2388ohk                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test2642jny                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test2858yzb                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-dev-test3112pkt                                               Terminating
  [oc] cmd-dev-test414huv                                                Terminating
  [oc] cmd-dev-test4466mgy                                               Active
  [oc] cmd-devfile-deploy-test176wpx                                     Active
  [oc] cmd-devfile-deploy-test176xzx                                     Active
  [oc] cmd-devfile-list-test181swu                                       Active
  [oc] cmd-namespace-test115tkr                                          Active
  [oc] default                                                           Active
  [oc] generic-test100lvl                                                Active
  [oc] ibm-cert-store                                                    Active
  [oc] ibm-odf-validation-webhook                                        Active
  [oc] ibm-system                                                        Active
  [oc] interactive-dev-test211oik                                        Terminating
  [oc] kube-node-lease                                                   Active
  [oc] kube-public                                                       Active
  [oc] kube-system                                                       Active
  [oc] laxu-namespace                                                    Active
  [oc] openshift                                                         Active
  [oc] openshift-apiserver                                               Active
  [oc] openshift-apiserver-operator                                      Active
  [oc] openshift-authentication                                          Active
  [oc] openshift-authentication-operator                                 Active
  [oc] openshift-cloud-credential-operator                               Active
  [oc] openshift-cloud-network-config-controller                         Active
  [oc] openshift-cluster-csi-drivers                                     Active
  [oc] openshift-cluster-machine-approver                                Active
  [oc] openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator                            Active
  [oc] openshift-cluster-samples-operator                                Active
  [oc] openshift-cluster-storage-operator                                Active
  [oc] openshift-cluster-version                                         Active
  [oc] openshift-config                                                  Active
  [oc] openshift-config-managed                                          Active
  [oc] openshift-config-operator                                         Active
  [oc] openshift-console                                                 Active
  [oc] openshift-console-operator                                        Active
  [oc] openshift-console-user-settings                                   Active
  [oc] openshift-controller-manager                                      Active
  [oc] openshift-controller-manager-operator                             Active
  [oc] openshift-dns                                                     Active
  [oc] openshift-dns-operator                                            Active
  [oc] openshift-etcd                                                    Active
  [oc] openshift-etcd-operator                                           Active
  [oc] openshift-image-registry                                          Active
  [oc] openshift-infra                                                   Active
  [oc] openshift-ingress                                                 Active
  [oc] openshift-ingress-canary                                          Active
  [oc] openshift-ingress-operator                                        Active
  [oc] openshift-insights                                                Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-apiserver                                          Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-apiserver-operator                                 Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-controller-manager                                 Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-controller-manager-operator                        Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-proxy                                              Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-scheduler                                          Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-scheduler-operator                                 Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-storage-version-migrator                           Active
  [oc] openshift-kube-storage-version-migrator-operator                  Active
  [oc] openshift-machine-api                                             Active
  [oc] openshift-machine-config-operator                                 Active
  [oc] openshift-marketplace                                             Active
  [oc] openshift-monitoring                                              Active
  [oc] openshift-multus                                                  Active
  [oc] openshift-network-diagnostics                                     Active
  [oc] openshift-network-operator                                        Active
  [oc] openshift-node                                                    Active
  [oc] openshift-operator-lifecycle-manager                              Active
  [oc] openshift-operators                                               Active
  [oc] openshift-roks-metrics                                            Active
  [oc] openshift-route-controller-manager                                Active
  [oc] openshift-service-ca                                              Active
  [oc] openshift-service-ca-operator                                     Active
  [oc] openshift-user-workload-monitoring                                Active
  [oc] phmartin                                                          Active
  [oc] tigera-operator                                                   Active
  [oc] ubkm-project                                                      Active
  Running oc with args [oc create configmap config-map-for-cleanup --from-literal type=testing --from-literal team=odo -n cmd-dev-test1379rie] and odo env: []
  [oc] configmap/config-map-for-cleanup created
  Current working dir: /go/odo_1/tests/integration
  Setting current dir to: /tmp/2249407205
  Running odo with args [odo preference remove registry DefaultDevfileRegistry -f] and odo env: []
  [odo] I1030 09:33:46.956576   30047 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/1140716637/preference.yaml
  [odo] Successfully removed registry
  [odo] I1030 09:33:46.959113   30047 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/1140716637/preference.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:33:46.959588   30047 segment.go:268] Checking telemetry enable status
  [odo] I1030 09:33:46.960039   30047 segment.go:286] Sending telemetry disabled by env variable
  Running odo with args [odo preference add registry DefaultDevfileRegistry https://registry.stage.devfile.io] and odo env: []
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.156645   30060 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/1140716637/preference.yaml
  [odo] New registry successfully added
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.159043   30060 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/1140716637/preference.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.159917   30060 segment.go:268] Checking telemetry enable status
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.159974   30060 segment.go:286] Sending telemetry disabled by env variable
  Setting current dir to: /tmp/2249407205
  Running odo with args [odo init --name zmuqzr --devfile-path /go/odo_1/tests/examples/source/devfiles/nodejs/devfile.yaml] and odo env: []
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.323952   30068 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/1140716637/preference.yaml
  [odo]   __
  [odo]  /  \__     Initializing a new component
  [odo]  \__/  \    
  [odo]  /  \__/    odo version: v3.15.0 (451e30740)
  [odo]  \__/
  [odo]  •  Copying devfile from "/go/odo_1/tests/examples/source/devfiles/nodejs/devfile.yaml"  ...
  [odo] ↵
 ✓  Copying devfile from "/go/odo_1/tests/examples/source/devfiles/nodejs/devfile.yaml" [1ms]
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.327673   30068 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2249407205/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.327816   30068 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2249407205/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.328586   30068 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.328646   30068 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.0.0'
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.328815   30068 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.0.0' is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.339568   30068 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.345665   30068 writer.go:55] devfile yaml created at: 'devfile.yaml'
  [odo] Your new component 'zmuqzr' is ready in the current directory.
  [odo] To start editing your component, use 'odo dev' and open this folder in your favorite IDE.
  [odo] Changes will be directly reflected on the cluster.
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.347097   30068 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/1140716637/preference.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.347527   30068 segment.go:268] Checking telemetry enable status
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.347550   30068 segment.go:286] Sending telemetry disabled by env variable
  Running odo with args [odo dev --api-server=false --port-forward=30400:3000] and odo env: [ODO_LOG_LEVEL=4 ODO_TRACKING_CONSENT=no]
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.567133   30075 version.go:37] executing [podman version --format json]
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.567861   30075 clientset.go:243] no Podman client initialized: exec: "podman": executable file not found in $PATH
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.567897   30075 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/1140716637/preference.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.569497   30075 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2249407205/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.569537   30075 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2249407205/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.570228   30075 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.570413   30075 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.0.0'
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.570583   30075 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.0.0' is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.576844   30075 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.582261   30075 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.582320   30075 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.582597   30075 component.go:87] name of component is "zmuqzr", and sanitized name is "zmuqzr"
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.582656   30075 kclient.go:237] Checking if "projects" resource is supported
  [odo]   __
  [odo]  /  \__     Developing using the "zmuqzr" Devfile
  [odo]  \__/  \    Namespace: cmd-dev-test1379rie
  [odo]  /  \__/    odo version: v3.15.0 (451e30740)
  [odo]  \__/
  [odo] ↪ Running on the cluster in Dev mode
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.800653   30075 kubedev.go:79] Creating new adapter
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.800691   30075 kubedev.go:87] Creating inner-loop resources for the component
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.800732   30075 watch.go:105] starting WatchAndPush, path: /tmp/2249407205, component: zmuqzr, ignores [.git .odo .odo/odo-file-index.json]
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.802154   30075 file_watcher.go:130] adding watch on path /tmp/2249407205
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.802210   30075 file_watcher.go:130] adding watch on path /tmp/2249407205/.odo
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.802229   30075 file_watcher.go:130] adding watch on path /tmp/2249407205/test
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.839840   30075 watch.go:423] Copying files [] to pod
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.840299   30075 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2249407205/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.840358   30075 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2249407205/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.841131   30075 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.841227   30075 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.0.0'
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.841261   30075 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.0.0' is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.847725   30075 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.848249   30075 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.848376   30075 components.go:69] component state: ""
  [odo]  •  Waiting for Kubernetes resources  ...
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.861391   30075 components.go:260] We are deploying these annotations: map[alpha.image.policy.openshift.io/resolve-names:* odo.dev/project-type:nodejs]
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.870751   30075 utils.go:149] No entrypoint defined for the component, setting container runtime entrypoint to 'tail -f /dev/null'. You can set a 'command' and/or 'args' for the component to override this default entrypoint.
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.903412   30075 utils.go:77] Updating container runtime with mandatory volume mounts
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.946494   30075 components.go:346] Creating deployment zmuqzr-app
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.946509   30075 components.go:347] The component name is zmuqzr
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.980038   30075 kclient.go:286] Kubernetes version is "v1.25.12+ba5cc25"
  [odo] I1030 09:33:47.980057   30075 kclient.go:298] Cluster has support for SSA: true
  [odo] Warning: would violate PodSecurity "restricted:v1.24": allowPrivilegeEscalation != false (container "runtime" must set securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation=false), unrestricted capabilities (container "runtime" must set securityContext.capabilities.drop=["ALL"]), runAsNonRoot != true (pod or container "runtime" must set securityContext.runAsNonRoot=true), seccompProfile (pod or container "runtime" must set securityContext.seccompProfile.type to "RuntimeDefault" or "Localhost")
  [odo] I1030 09:33:48.087948   30075 components.go:378] Successfully created component zmuqzr
  [odo] I1030 09:33:48.147006   30075 components.go:390] Successfully created Service for component zmuqzr
  [odo] I1030 09:33:48.177116   30075 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 200 APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:33:48.197171   30075 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:33:48.258905   30075 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 81.770609ms
  [odo] I1030 09:33:48.258932   30075 all.go:76] query result: objects=6
  [odo] I1030 09:33:48.258976   30075 kclient.go:237] Checking if "servicebindings" resource is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:33:48.262854   30075 kclient.go:237] Checking if "clusterserviceversions" resource is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:33:48.266876   30075 service.go:75] Getting list of services
  [odo] I1030 09:33:48.266895   30075 operators.go:30] Fetching list of operators installed in cluster
  [odo] I1030 09:33:48.347472   30075 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: cloud-native-postgresql.v1.18.7
  [odo] I1030 09:33:48.347502   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: backups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:33:48.354602   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusters.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:33:48.447983   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: poolers.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:33:48.464085   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: scheduledbackups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:33:48.493568   30075 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: service-binding-operator.v1.3.3
  [odo] I1030 09:33:48.493595   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: bindablekinds.binding.operators.coreos.com
  [odo] I1030 09:33:48.504910   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:33:48.542244   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:33:48.546786   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.binding.operators.coreos.com
  [odo] I1030 09:33:48.563576   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:33:48.576627   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:33:48.630575   30075 components.go:134] Deployment has been updated to generation 1. Waiting new event...
  [odo] I1030 09:33:48.630632   30075 status.go:34] setting inner loop State "WaitDeployment"
  [odo] I1030 09:33:48.633980   30075 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: ADDED, name: zmuqzr-app, rv: 98864498, generation: 1, pods: 0
  [odo] ===================
  [odo] ⚠  Pod is Pending
  [odo] ===================
  [odo] I1030 09:33:48.634984   30075 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: zmuqzr-app, rv: 98864502, generation: 1, pods: 0
  [odo] I1030 09:33:48.635662   30075 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: zmuqzr-app, rv: 98864506, generation: 1, pods: 0
  [odo] I1030 09:33:48.635676   30075 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: zmuqzr-app, rv: 98864515, generation: 1, pods: 0
  [odo] I1030 09:33:48.934536   30075 watch.go:423] Copying files [] to pod
  [odo] I1030 09:33:48.935154   30075 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2249407205/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:33:48.935175   30075 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2249407205/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:33:48.936143   30075 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON
  [odo] I1030 09:33:48.936248   30075 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.0.0'
  [odo] I1030 09:33:48.936266   30075 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.0.0' is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:33:48.947966   30075 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema
  [odo] I1030 09:33:48.948430   30075 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections
  [odo] I1030 09:33:48.948469   30075 components.go:69] component state: "WaitDeployment"
  [odo] I1030 09:33:48.958807   30075 components.go:260] We are deploying these annotations: map[alpha.image.policy.openshift.io/resolve-names:* odo.dev/project-type:nodejs]
  [odo] I1030 09:33:48.975971   30075 utils.go:149] No entrypoint defined for the component, setting container runtime entrypoint to 'tail -f /dev/null'. You can set a 'command' and/or 'args' for the component to override this default entrypoint.
  [odo] I1030 09:33:49.032698   30075 utils.go:77] Updating container runtime with mandatory volume mounts
  [odo] I1030 09:33:49.128787   30075 components.go:346] Creating deployment zmuqzr-app
  [odo] I1030 09:33:49.128816   30075 components.go:347] The component name is zmuqzr
  [odo] I1030 09:33:49.128827   30075 components.go:350] The component already exists, attempting to update it
  [odo] I1030 09:33:49.128839   30075 components.go:352] Applying deployment
  [odo] I1030 09:33:49.189376   30075 components.go:361] Successfully updated component zmuqzr
  [odo] I1030 09:33:49.227556   30075 components.go:748] Successfully update Service for component zmuqzr
  [odo] I1030 09:33:49.267267   30075 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 200 APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:33:49.267410   30075 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:33:49.311616   30075 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 44.348226ms
  [odo] I1030 09:33:49.311686   30075 all.go:76] query result: objects=6
  [odo] I1030 09:33:49.311736   30075 kclient.go:237] Checking if "servicebindings" resource is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:33:49.311776   30075 kclient.go:237] Checking if "clusterserviceversions" resource is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:33:49.311791   30075 service.go:75] Getting list of services
  [odo] I1030 09:33:49.311803   30075 operators.go:30] Fetching list of operators installed in cluster
  [odo] I1030 09:33:49.344414   30075 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: cloud-native-postgresql.v1.18.7
  [odo] I1030 09:33:49.344493   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: backups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:33:49.356884   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusters.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:33:49.375293   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: poolers.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:33:49.384655   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: scheduledbackups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:33:49.393537   30075 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: service-binding-operator.v1.3.3
  [odo] I1030 09:33:49.393550   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: bindablekinds.binding.operators.coreos.com
  [odo] I1030 09:33:49.397501   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:33:49.400995   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:33:49.403758   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.binding.operators.coreos.com
  [odo] I1030 09:33:49.412432   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:33:49.422041   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:33:49.481578   30075 components.go:141] Deployment has 0 ready replicas. Waiting new event...
  [odo] I1030 09:33:49.481617   30075 status.go:34] setting inner loop State "WaitDeployment"
  [odo] I1030 09:33:49.481668   30075 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: zmuqzr-app, rv: 98864541, generation: 1, pods: 0
  [odo]  ✓  Pod is Running
  [odo] I1030 09:33:51.332309   30075 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: zmuqzr-app, rv: 98864665, generation: 1, pods: 1
  [odo] I1030 09:33:51.636699   30075 watch.go:423] Copying files [] to pod
  [odo] I1030 09:33:51.643653   30075 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2249407205/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:33:51.643967   30075 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2249407205/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:33:51.648173   30075 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON
  [odo] I1030 09:33:51.648865   30075 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.0.0'
  [odo] I1030 09:33:51.650023   30075 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.0.0' is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:33:51.674218   30075 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema
  [odo] I1030 09:33:51.676471   30075 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections
  [odo] I1030 09:33:51.676573   30075 components.go:69] component state: "WaitDeployment"
  [odo] I1030 09:33:51.712263   30075 components.go:260] We are deploying these annotations: map[alpha.image.policy.openshift.io/resolve-names:* odo.dev/project-type:nodejs]
  [odo] I1030 09:33:51.724039   30075 utils.go:149] No entrypoint defined for the component, setting container runtime entrypoint to 'tail -f /dev/null'. You can set a 'command' and/or 'args' for the component to override this default entrypoint.
  [odo] I1030 09:33:51.770047   30075 utils.go:77] Updating container runtime with mandatory volume mounts
  [odo] I1030 09:33:51.807491   30075 components.go:346] Creating deployment zmuqzr-app
  [odo] I1030 09:33:51.807508   30075 components.go:347] The component name is zmuqzr
  [odo] I1030 09:33:51.807514   30075 components.go:350] The component already exists, attempting to update it
  [odo] I1030 09:33:51.807520   30075 components.go:352] Applying deployment
  [odo] I1030 09:33:51.846976   30075 components.go:361] Successfully updated component zmuqzr
  [odo] I1030 09:33:51.871202   30075 components.go:748] Successfully update Service for component zmuqzr
  [odo] I1030 09:33:51.886404   30075 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 200 APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:33:51.886576   30075 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:33:51.941231   30075 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 54.835063ms
  [odo] I1030 09:33:51.941608   30075 all.go:76] query result: objects=6
  [odo] I1030 09:33:51.941670   30075 kclient.go:237] Checking if "servicebindings" resource is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:33:51.941807   30075 kclient.go:237] Checking if "clusterserviceversions" resource is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:33:51.942065   30075 service.go:75] Getting list of services
  [odo] I1030 09:33:51.942225   30075 operators.go:30] Fetching list of operators installed in cluster
  [odo] I1030 09:33:51.977662   30075 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: cloud-native-postgresql.v1.18.7
  [odo] I1030 09:33:51.977750   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: backups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:33:51.985201   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusters.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:33:51.998035   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: poolers.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.006237   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: scheduledbackups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.017167   30075 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: service-binding-operator.v1.3.3
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.017185   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: bindablekinds.binding.operators.coreos.com
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.020329   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.023170   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.028046   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.binding.operators.coreos.com
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.035762   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.043033   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io
  [odo]  •  Syncing files into the container  ...
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.144100   30075 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2249407205, destBase: ., destFile: .
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.144203   30075 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: .
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.145503   30075 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2249407205/.gitignore, destBase: ., destFile: .gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.145597   30075 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: .gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.146133   30075 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2249407205/.gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.146216   30075 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2249407205/.odo, destBase: ., destFile: .odo
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.146278   30075 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: .odo
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.147004   30075 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2249407205/devfile.yaml, destBase: ., destFile: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.147069   30075 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.147532   30075 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2249407205/devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.147599   30075 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2249407205/package.json, destBase: ., destFile: package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.147628   30075 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.147998   30075 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2249407205/package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.148088   30075 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2249407205/server.js, destBase: ., destFile: server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.148158   30075 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.148715   30075 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2249407205/server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.148788   30075 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2249407205/test, destBase: ., destFile: test
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.148818   30075 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: test
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.149203   30075 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2249407205/test
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.149926   30075 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2249407205/test/test.js, destBase: ., destFile: test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.149982   30075 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.150367   30075 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2249407205/test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.150735   30075 sync.go:138] List of files to be deleted: +[]
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.150786   30075 sync.go:140] List of files changed: +[/tmp/2249407205/.gitignore /tmp/2249407205/devfile.yaml /tmp/2249407205/package.json /tmp/2249407205/server.js /tmp/2249407205/test /tmp/2249407205/test/test.js]
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.150820   30075 sync.go:193] Push: componentName: zmuqzr, path: /tmp/2249407205, files: [/tmp/2249407205/.gitignore /tmp/2249407205/devfile.yaml /tmp/2249407205/package.json /tmp/2249407205/server.js /tmp/2249407205/test /tmp/2249407205/test/test.js], delFiles: [*], isForcePush: true
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.151402   30075 sync.go:310] remote files marked for deletion are [/projects/*]
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.151518   30075 exec.go:37] Executing command [rm -rf /projects/*] for pod: zmuqzr-app-8fbdbc659-cfqh8 in container: runtime
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.444795   30075 sync.go:233] Copying files /tmp/2249407205/.gitignore /tmp/2249407205/devfile.yaml /tmp/2249407205/package.json /tmp/2249407205/server.js /tmp/2249407205/test /tmp/2249407205/test/test.js to pod
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.444831   30075 copy.go:36] CopyFile arguments: localPath /tmp/2249407205, dest /projects/2249407205, targetPath /projects, copyFiles [/tmp/2249407205/.gitignore /tmp/2249407205/devfile.yaml /tmp/2249407205/package.json /tmp/2249407205/server.js /tmp/2249407205/test /tmp/2249407205/test/test.js], globalExps [.git .odo .odo/odo-file-index.json]
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.444873   30075 copy.go:63] Executing command tar xf - -C /projects --no-same-owner
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.445677   30075 copy.go:96] makeTar arguments: srcPath: /tmp/2249407205, destPath: /projects/2249407205, files: [/tmp/2249407205/.gitignore /tmp/2249407205/devfile.yaml /tmp/2249407205/package.json /tmp/2249407205/server.js /tmp/2249407205/test /tmp/2249407205/test/test.js]
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.446133   30075 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2249407205/.gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.446154   30075 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2249407205 relative to /tmp/2249407205/.gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.446169   30075 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2249407205/.gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.446179   30075 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: .gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.446195   30075 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2249407205/.gitignore, destBase: /projects, destFile: .gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.446242   30075 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: .gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.584555   30075 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2249407205/devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.584652   30075 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2249407205 relative to /tmp/2249407205/devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.584694   30075 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2249407205/devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.584744   30075 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.584784   30075 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2249407205/devfile.yaml, destBase: /projects, destFile: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.584813   30075 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.585557   30075 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2249407205/package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.585646   30075 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2249407205 relative to /tmp/2249407205/package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.585678   30075 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2249407205/package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.585696   30075 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.585705   30075 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2249407205/package.json, destBase: /projects, destFile: package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.585713   30075 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.586481   30075 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2249407205/server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.586502   30075 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2249407205 relative to /tmp/2249407205/server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.586528   30075 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2249407205/server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.586544   30075 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.586553   30075 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2249407205/server.js, destBase: /projects, destFile: server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.586561   30075 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.587138   30075 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2249407205/test
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.587156   30075 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2249407205 relative to /tmp/2249407205/test
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.587181   30075 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2249407205/test
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.587190   30075 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: test
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.587198   30075 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2249407205/test, destBase: /projects, destFile: test
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.587206   30075 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: test
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.587698   30075 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2249407205/test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.587731   30075 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2249407205 relative to /tmp/2249407205/test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.587743   30075 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2249407205/test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.587751   30075 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.587759   30075 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2249407205/test/test.js, destBase: /projects, destFile: test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.587766   30075 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: test/test.js
  [odo] ↵
 ✓  Syncing files into the container [636ms]
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.782168   30075 kubeexec.go:40] GetProcessInfoForCommand for "devrun"
  [odo] I1030 09:33:52.782203   30075 exec.go:37] Executing command [/bin/sh -c cat /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_devrun.pid || true] for pod: zmuqzr-app-8fbdbc659-cfqh8 in container: runtime
  [odo] I1030 09:33:53.005569   30075 exec.go:96] cat: /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_devrun.pid: No such file or directory
  [odo]  •  Building your application in container (command: devbuild)  ...
  [odo] I1030 09:33:53.019172   30075 innerloop.go:131] running=false, execRequired=true
  [odo] I1030 09:33:53.019301   30075 exec.go:37] Executing command [/bin/sh -c cd ${PROJECTS_ROOT} && (npm install) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2] for pod: zmuqzr-app-8fbdbc659-cfqh8 in container: runtime
  [odo] ↵
 ✓  Building your application in container (command: devbuild) [4s]
  [odo]  •  Executing the application (command: devrun)  ...
  [odo] I1030 09:33:57.504125   30075 kubeexec.go:54] StartProcessForCommand for "devrun"
  [odo] I1030 09:33:57.504250   30075 retry.go:48] waiting for 5 second(s) before trying task "process for command \"devrun\""
  [odo] I1030 09:33:57.504292   30075 exec.go:37] Executing command [/bin/sh -c echo $$ > /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_devrun.pid && cd ${PROJECTS_ROOT} &&  (npm start) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2; echo $? >> /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_devrun.pid] for pod: zmuqzr-app-8fbdbc659-cfqh8 in container: runtime
  [odo] I1030 09:34:02.504679   30075 execute_run.go:90] checking if process for command "devrun" is running
  [odo] I1030 09:34:02.504767   30075 kubeexec.go:40] GetProcessInfoForCommand for "devrun"
  [odo] I1030 09:34:02.504830   30075 exec.go:37] Executing command [/bin/sh -c cat /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_devrun.pid || true] for pod: zmuqzr-app-8fbdbc659-cfqh8 in container: runtime
  [odo] I1030 09:34:02.717540   30075 exec.go:96] 42
  [odo] I1030 09:34:02.720561   30075 exec.go:37] Executing command [/bin/sh -c kill -0 42; echo $?] for pod: zmuqzr-app-8fbdbc659-cfqh8 in container: runtime
  [odo] I1030 09:34:02.969408   30075 exec.go:96] 0
  [odo] I1030 09:34:02.975344   30075 kubeexec.go:40] GetProcessInfoForCommand for "devrun"
  [odo] I1030 09:34:02.975479   30075 exec.go:37] Executing command [/bin/sh -c cat /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_devrun.pid || true] for pod: zmuqzr-app-8fbdbc659-cfqh8 in container: runtime
  [odo] I1030 09:34:03.179244   30075 exec.go:96] 42
  [odo] I1030 09:34:03.180011   30075 exec.go:37] Executing command [/bin/sh -c kill -0 42; echo $?] for pod: zmuqzr-app-8fbdbc659-cfqh8 in container: runtime
  [odo] I1030 09:34:03.443534   30075 exec.go:96] 0
  [odo]  •  Waiting for the application to be ready  ...
  [odo] I1030 09:34:04.444586   30075 exec.go:37] Executing command [/bin/sh -c cat /proc/net/tcp /proc/net/udp /proc/net/tcp6 /proc/net/udp6 || true] for pod: zmuqzr-app-8fbdbc659-cfqh8 in container: runtime
  [odo] I1030 09:34:04.610696   30075 exec.go:96]   sl  local_address rem_address   st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt   uid  timeout inode                                                     
  [odo] I1030 09:34:04.610732   30075 exec.go:96]    0: 031111AC:9FF2 23021068:01BB 06 00000000:00000000 03:000014A7 00000000     0        0 0 3 0000000000000000                                      
  [odo] I1030 09:34:04.610736   30075 exec.go:96]    1: 031111AC:9FB8 23021068:01BB 06 00000000:00000000 03:000014A7 00000000     0        0 0 3 0000000000000000                                      
  [odo] I1030 09:34:04.610740   30075 exec.go:96]    2: 031111AC:9FE4 23021068:01BB 06 00000000:00000000 03:000014A7 00000000     0        0 0 3 0000000000000000                                      
  [odo] I1030 09:34:04.610742   30075 exec.go:96]    3: 031111AC:9FA8 23021068:01BB 06 00000000:00000000 03:000014A7 00000000     0        0 0 3 0000000000000000                                      
  [odo] I1030 09:34:04.610746   30075 exec.go:96]    4: 031111AC:9FD8 23021068:01BB 06 00000000:00000000 03:000014A7 00000000     0        0 0 3 0000000000000000                                      
  [odo] I1030 09:34:04.610748   30075 exec.go:96]    5: 031111AC:9FD4 23021068:01BB 06 00000000:00000000 03:000014A8 00000000     0        0 0 3 0000000000000000                                      
  [odo] I1030 09:34:04.610751   30075 exec.go:96]    6: 031111AC:9FC8 23021068:01BB 06 00000000:00000000 03:000014A8 00000000     0        0 0 3 0000000000000000                                      
  [odo] I1030 09:34:04.610754   30075 exec.go:96]    7: 031111AC:9F8E 23021068:01BB 06 00000000:00000000 03:000014A7 00000000     0        0 0 3 0000000000000000                                      
  [odo] I1030 09:34:04.610757   30075 exec.go:96]    8: 031111AC:9F9A 23021068:01BB 06 00000000:00000000 03:000014A8 00000000     0        0 0 3 0000000000000000                                      
  [odo] I1030 09:34:04.610759   30075 exec.go:96]    9: 031111AC:9F80 23021068:01BB 06 00000000:00000000 03:000014A7 00000000     0        0 0 3 0000000000000000                                      
  [odo] I1030 09:34:04.610781   30075 exec.go:96]   sl  local_address rem_address   st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt   uid  timeout inode ref pointer drops             
  [odo] I1030 09:34:04.610956   30075 exec.go:96]   sl  local_address                         remote_address                        st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt   uid  timeout inode
  [odo] I1030 09:34:04.610962   30075 exec.go:96]    0: 00000000000000000000000000000000:0BB8 00000000000000000000000000000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000 1008830000        0 64392603 1 0000000000000000 100 0 0 10 0
  [odo] I1030 09:34:04.613474   30075 exec.go:96]   sl  local_address                         remote_address                        st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt   uid  timeout inode ref pointer drops
  [odo] I1030 09:34:04.614960   30075 port.go:346] ports not listening: map[]
  [odo] ↵
 ✓  Waiting for the application to be ready [1s]
  [odo]  -  Forwarding from -> 3000
  [odo] I1030 09:34:04.725479   30075 status.go:34] setting inner loop State "Ready"
  [odo] ↪ Dev mode
  [odo]  Status:
  [odo]  Watching for changes in the current directory /tmp/2249407205
  [odo] Keyboard Commands:
  [odo] [Ctrl+c] - Exit and delete resources from the cluster
  [odo]      [p] - Manually apply local changes to the application on the cluster
  [odo] I1030 09:34:04.725919   30075 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: zmuqzr-app, rv: 98864722, generation: 1, pods: 1
  [odo] I1030 09:34:04.826564   30075 watch.go:348] filesystem watch event: CREATE        "/tmp/2249407205/.odo/odo-file-index.json"
  [odo] I1030 09:34:04.826835   30075 watch.go:348] filesystem watch event: WRITE         "/tmp/2249407205/.odo/odo-file-index.json"
  [odo] I1030 09:34:04.826978   30075 watch.go:348] filesystem watch event: WRITE         "/tmp/2249407205/.odo/devstate.json"
  [odo] I1030 09:34:04.827555   30075 watch.go:348] filesystem watch event: WRITE         "/tmp/2249407205/.odo/devstate.30075.json"
  Replacing "runtime" with "other" in devfile.yaml
  [odo] Updating Component...
  [odo] I1030 09:34:07.480698   30075 watch.go:423] Copying files [] to pod
  [odo] I1030 09:34:07.481036   30075 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2249407205/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:34:07.481055   30075 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2249407205/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:34:07.482004   30075 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON
  [odo] I1030 09:34:07.482081   30075 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.0.0'
  [odo] I1030 09:34:07.482108   30075 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.0.0' is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:34:07.486821   30075 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema
  [odo] I1030 09:34:07.487746   30075 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections
  [odo] I1030 09:34:07.487841   30075 components.go:69] component state: "Ready"
  [odo] I1030 09:34:07.505657   30075 components.go:260] We are deploying these annotations: map[alpha.image.policy.openshift.io/resolve-names:* odo.dev/project-type:nodejs]
  [odo] I1030 09:34:07.515472   30075 utils.go:149] No entrypoint defined for the component, setting container other entrypoint to 'tail -f /dev/null'. You can set a 'command' and/or 'args' for the component to override this default entrypoint.
  [odo] I1030 09:34:07.554551   30075 utils.go:77] Updating container other with mandatory volume mounts
  [odo] I1030 09:34:07.593142   30075 components.go:346] Creating deployment zmuqzr-app
  [odo] I1030 09:34:07.593156   30075 components.go:347] The component name is zmuqzr
  [odo] I1030 09:34:07.593162   30075 components.go:350] The component already exists, attempting to update it
  [odo] I1030 09:34:07.593169   30075 components.go:352] Applying deployment
  [odo] Warning: would violate PodSecurity "restricted:v1.24": allowPrivilegeEscalation != false (container "other" must set securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation=false), unrestricted capabilities (container "other" must set securityContext.capabilities.drop=["ALL"]), runAsNonRoot != true (pod or container "other" must set securityContext.runAsNonRoot=true), seccompProfile (pod or container "other" must set securityContext.seccompProfile.type to "RuntimeDefault" or "Localhost")
  [odo] I1030 09:34:07.692640   30075 components.go:361] Successfully updated component zmuqzr
  [odo] I1030 09:34:07.738931   30075 components.go:748] Successfully update Service for component zmuqzr
  [odo] I1030 09:34:07.768542   30075 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 200 APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:34:07.773444   30075 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:34:07.859530   30075 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 91.001587ms
  [odo] I1030 09:34:07.859553   30075 all.go:76] query result: objects=6
  [odo] I1030 09:34:07.859595   30075 kclient.go:237] Checking if "servicebindings" resource is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:34:07.859621   30075 kclient.go:237] Checking if "clusterserviceversions" resource is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:34:07.859635   30075 service.go:75] Getting list of services
  [odo] I1030 09:34:07.859640   30075 operators.go:30] Fetching list of operators installed in cluster
  [odo] I1030 09:34:07.906599   30075 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: cloud-native-postgresql.v1.18.7
  [odo] I1030 09:34:07.906732   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: backups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:34:07.915538   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusters.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:34:07.928181   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: poolers.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:34:07.936376   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: scheduledbackups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:34:07.947986   30075 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: service-binding-operator.v1.3.3
  [odo] I1030 09:34:07.947999   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: bindablekinds.binding.operators.coreos.com
  [odo] I1030 09:34:07.951306   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:34:07.955786   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:34:07.960077   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.binding.operators.coreos.com
  [odo] I1030 09:34:07.976088   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:34:07.997011   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.061212   30075 components.go:134] Deployment has been updated to generation 2. Waiting new event...
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.061231   30075 status.go:34] setting inner loop State "WaitDeployment"
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.061253   30075 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: zmuqzr-app, rv: 98865463, generation: 2, pods: 1
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.061265   30075 watch.go:229] State of component is "WaitDeployment", don't sync sources
  [odo] =======================
  [odo] ⚠  Pod is Terminating
  [odo] =======================
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.062208   30075 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: zmuqzr-app, rv: 98865468, generation: 2, pods: 1
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.062221   30075 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: zmuqzr-app, rv: 98865477, generation: 2, pods: 0
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.362801   30075 watch.go:423] Copying files [] to pod
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.363098   30075 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2249407205/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.363110   30075 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2249407205/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.363697   30075 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.363747   30075 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.0.0'
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.363754   30075 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.0.0' is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.369992   30075 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.370267   30075 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.370305   30075 components.go:69] component state: "WaitDeployment"
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.384689   30075 components.go:260] We are deploying these annotations: map[alpha.image.policy.openshift.io/resolve-names:* odo.dev/project-type:nodejs]
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.395454   30075 utils.go:149] No entrypoint defined for the component, setting container other entrypoint to 'tail -f /dev/null'. You can set a 'command' and/or 'args' for the component to override this default entrypoint.
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.437501   30075 utils.go:77] Updating container other with mandatory volume mounts
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.469550   30075 components.go:346] Creating deployment zmuqzr-app
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.469563   30075 components.go:347] The component name is zmuqzr
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.469571   30075 components.go:350] The component already exists, attempting to update it
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.469580   30075 components.go:352] Applying deployment
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.507712   30075 components.go:361] Successfully updated component zmuqzr
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.540400   30075 components.go:748] Successfully update Service for component zmuqzr
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.568021   30075 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 200 APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.568180   30075 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.631310   30075 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 63.287069ms
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.631339   30075 all.go:76] query result: objects=6
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.631386   30075 kclient.go:237] Checking if "servicebindings" resource is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.631404   30075 kclient.go:237] Checking if "clusterserviceversions" resource is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.631411   30075 service.go:75] Getting list of services
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.631415   30075 operators.go:30] Fetching list of operators installed in cluster
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.677626   30075 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: cloud-native-postgresql.v1.18.7
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.677736   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: backups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.685808   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusters.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.696112   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: poolers.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.707012   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: scheduledbackups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.719805   30075 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: service-binding-operator.v1.3.3
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.719831   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: bindablekinds.binding.operators.coreos.com
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.723831   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.732042   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.738440   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.binding.operators.coreos.com
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.747395   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.755262   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.776566   30075 components.go:141] Deployment has 0 ready replicas. Waiting new event...
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.776596   30075 status.go:34] setting inner loop State "WaitDeployment"
  [odo] I1030 09:34:08.776619   30075 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: zmuqzr-app, rv: 98865518, generation: 2, pods: 0
  [odo] I1030 09:34:37.844199   30075 exec.go:54] ExecuteCommand returned an an err: error while streaming command: command terminated with exit code 137. for command '[/bin/sh -c echo $$ > /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_devrun.pid && cd ${PROJECTS_ROOT} &&  (npm start) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2; echo $? >> /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_devrun.pid]'
  [odo] stdout: []
  [odo] stderr: []
  [odo] I1030 09:34:37.844653   30075 kubeexec.go:118] error while running background command: unable to exec command [/bin/sh -c echo $$ > /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_devrun.pid && cd ${PROJECTS_ROOT} &&  (npm start) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2; echo $? >> /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_devrun.pid]: error while streaming command: command terminated with exit code 137
  [odo] I1030 09:34:37.844802   30075 kubeexec.go:40] GetProcessInfoForCommand for "devrun"
  [odo] I1030 09:34:37.844843   30075 exec.go:37] Executing command [/bin/sh -c cat /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_devrun.pid || true] for pod: zmuqzr-app-8fbdbc659-cfqh8 in container: runtime
  [odo] I1030 09:34:38.050016   30075 exec.go:54] ExecuteCommand returned an an err: error while streaming command: unable to upgrade connection: container not found ("runtime"). for command '[/bin/sh -c cat /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_devrun.pid || true]'
  [odo] stdout: []
  [odo] stderr: []
  [odo]  ✗  Finished executing the application (command: devrun) [41s]
  [odo] I1030 09:34:38.050470   30075 execute_run.go:36] error while running background command: unable to exec command [/bin/sh -c echo $$ > /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_devrun.pid && cd ${PROJECTS_ROOT} &&  (npm start) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2; echo $? >> /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_devrun.pid]: error while streaming command: command terminated with exit code 137
  [odo] ==================
  [odo] ⚠  No pod exists
  [odo] ==================
  [odo] I1030 09:34:39.980553   30075 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: zmuqzr-app, rv: 98867454, generation: 2, pods: 0
  [odo] I1030 09:34:40.177779   30075 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: zmuqzr-app, rv: 98867464, generation: 2, pods: 0
  [odo] ===================
  [odo] ⚠  Pod is Pending
  [odo] ===================
  [odo] I1030 09:34:40.509832   30075 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: zmuqzr-app, rv: 98867492, generation: 2, pods: 0
  [odo]  ✓  Pod is Running
  [odo] I1030 09:34:42.906035   30075 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: zmuqzr-app, rv: 98867712, generation: 2, pods: 1
  [odo] I1030 09:34:43.206770   30075 watch.go:423] Copying files [] to pod
  [odo] I1030 09:34:43.207324   30075 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2249407205/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:34:43.207368   30075 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2249407205/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:34:43.208609   30075 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON
  [odo] I1030 09:34:43.208764   30075 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.0.0'
  [odo] I1030 09:34:43.208827   30075 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.0.0' is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:34:43.226730   30075 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema
  [odo] I1030 09:34:43.227095   30075 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections
  [odo] I1030 09:34:43.227194   30075 components.go:69] component state: "WaitDeployment"
  [odo] I1030 09:34:43.237432   30075 components.go:260] We are deploying these annotations: map[alpha.image.policy.openshift.io/resolve-names:* odo.dev/project-type:nodejs]
  [odo] I1030 09:34:43.248822   30075 utils.go:149] No entrypoint defined for the component, setting container other entrypoint to 'tail -f /dev/null'. You can set a 'command' and/or 'args' for the component to override this default entrypoint.
  [odo] I1030 09:34:43.331865   30075 utils.go:77] Updating container other with mandatory volume mounts
  [odo] I1030 09:34:43.432537   30075 components.go:346] Creating deployment zmuqzr-app
  [odo] I1030 09:34:43.432577   30075 components.go:347] The component name is zmuqzr
  [odo] I1030 09:34:43.432592   30075 components.go:350] The component already exists, attempting to update it
  [odo] I1030 09:34:43.432608   30075 components.go:352] Applying deployment
  [odo] I1030 09:34:43.476638   30075 components.go:361] Successfully updated component zmuqzr
  [odo] I1030 09:34:43.544006   30075 components.go:748] Successfully update Service for component zmuqzr
  [odo] I1030 09:34:43.558799   30075 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 200 APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:34:43.558929   30075 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:34:43.661238   30075 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 102.446999ms
  [odo] I1030 09:34:43.661262   30075 all.go:76] query result: objects=7
  [odo] I1030 09:34:43.661304   30075 kclient.go:237] Checking if "servicebindings" resource is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:34:43.661331   30075 kclient.go:237] Checking if "clusterserviceversions" resource is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:34:43.661349   30075 service.go:75] Getting list of services
  [odo] I1030 09:34:43.661356   30075 operators.go:30] Fetching list of operators installed in cluster
  [odo] I1030 09:34:43.706982   30075 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: cloud-native-postgresql.v1.18.7
  [odo] I1030 09:34:43.707096   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: backups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:34:43.723388   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusters.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:34:43.818899   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: poolers.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:34:43.840484   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: scheduledbackups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:34:43.886991   30075 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: service-binding-operator.v1.3.3
  [odo] I1030 09:34:43.887019   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: bindablekinds.binding.operators.coreos.com
  [odo] I1030 09:34:43.892004   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:34:43.897055   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:34:43.901602   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.binding.operators.coreos.com
  [odo] I1030 09:34:43.919315   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:34:43.942065   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io
  [odo]  •  Syncing files into the container  ...
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.068494   30075 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2249407205, destBase: ., destFile: .
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.068509   30075 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: .
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.069187   30075 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2249407205/.gitignore, destBase: ., destFile: .gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.069196   30075 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: .gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.069347   30075 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2249407205/.gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.069361   30075 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2249407205/.odo, destBase: ., destFile: .odo
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.069367   30075 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: .odo
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.069494   30075 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2249407205/devfile.yaml, destBase: ., destFile: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.069500   30075 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.069652   30075 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2249407205/devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.069664   30075 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2249407205/package.json, destBase: ., destFile: package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.069670   30075 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.069791   30075 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2249407205/package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.069802   30075 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2249407205/server.js, destBase: ., destFile: server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.069805   30075 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.069968   30075 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2249407205/server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.069986   30075 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2249407205/test, destBase: ., destFile: test
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.069989   30075 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: test
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.070121   30075 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2249407205/test
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.071268   30075 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2249407205/test/test.js, destBase: ., destFile: test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.071279   30075 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.071726   30075 file_indexer.go:453] file added: /tmp/2249407205/test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.072127   30075 sync.go:138] List of files to be deleted: +[]
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.072204   30075 sync.go:140] List of files changed: +[/tmp/2249407205/test /tmp/2249407205/test/test.js /tmp/2249407205/.gitignore /tmp/2249407205/devfile.yaml /tmp/2249407205/package.json /tmp/2249407205/server.js]
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.072216   30075 sync.go:193] Push: componentName: zmuqzr, path: /tmp/2249407205, files: [/tmp/2249407205/test /tmp/2249407205/test/test.js /tmp/2249407205/.gitignore /tmp/2249407205/devfile.yaml /tmp/2249407205/package.json /tmp/2249407205/server.js], delFiles: [*], isForcePush: true
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.072606   30075 sync.go:310] remote files marked for deletion are [/projects/*]
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.072708   30075 exec.go:37] Executing command [rm -rf /projects/*] for pod: zmuqzr-app-c999bdb49-8px6s in container: other
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.361543   30075 sync.go:233] Copying files /tmp/2249407205/test /tmp/2249407205/test/test.js /tmp/2249407205/.gitignore /tmp/2249407205/devfile.yaml /tmp/2249407205/package.json /tmp/2249407205/server.js to pod
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.361584   30075 copy.go:36] CopyFile arguments: localPath /tmp/2249407205, dest /projects/2249407205, targetPath /projects, copyFiles [/tmp/2249407205/test /tmp/2249407205/test/test.js /tmp/2249407205/.gitignore /tmp/2249407205/devfile.yaml /tmp/2249407205/package.json /tmp/2249407205/server.js], globalExps [.git .odo .odo/odo-file-index.json]
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.361608   30075 copy.go:63] Executing command tar xf - -C /projects --no-same-owner
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.361968   30075 copy.go:96] makeTar arguments: srcPath: /tmp/2249407205, destPath: /projects/2249407205, files: [/tmp/2249407205/test /tmp/2249407205/test/test.js /tmp/2249407205/.gitignore /tmp/2249407205/devfile.yaml /tmp/2249407205/package.json /tmp/2249407205/server.js]
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.362409   30075 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2249407205/test
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.362420   30075 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2249407205 relative to /tmp/2249407205/test
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.362426   30075 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2249407205/test
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.362429   30075 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: test
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.362434   30075 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2249407205/test, destBase: /projects, destFile: test
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.362437   30075 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: test
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.362747   30075 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2249407205/test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.362756   30075 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2249407205 relative to /tmp/2249407205/test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.362761   30075 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2249407205/test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.362764   30075 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.362767   30075 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2249407205/test/test.js, destBase: /projects, destFile: test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.362770   30075 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.571655   30075 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2249407205/.gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.571677   30075 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2249407205 relative to /tmp/2249407205/.gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.571690   30075 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2249407205/.gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.571699   30075 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: .gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.571707   30075 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2249407205/.gitignore, destBase: /projects, destFile: .gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.571715   30075 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: .gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.572571   30075 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2249407205/devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.572602   30075 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2249407205 relative to /tmp/2249407205/devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.572615   30075 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2249407205/devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.572623   30075 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.572630   30075 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2249407205/devfile.yaml, destBase: /projects, destFile: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.572637   30075 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.573269   30075 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2249407205/package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.573296   30075 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2249407205 relative to /tmp/2249407205/package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.573305   30075 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2249407205/package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.573311   30075 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.573316   30075 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2249407205/package.json, destBase: /projects, destFile: package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.573321   30075 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.574813   30075 copy.go:127] Got abs path: /tmp/2249407205/server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.574827   30075 copy.go:128] Making /tmp/2249407205 relative to /tmp/2249407205/server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.574837   30075 copy.go:144] makeTar srcFile: 2249407205/server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.574844   30075 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.574850   30075 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2249407205/server.js, destBase: /projects, destFile: server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.574855   30075 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /projects file: server.js
  [odo] ↵
 ✓  Syncing files into the container [605ms]
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.674502   30075 kubeexec.go:40] GetProcessInfoForCommand for "devrun"
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.674531   30075 exec.go:37] Executing command [/bin/sh -c cat /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_devrun.pid || true] for pod: zmuqzr-app-c999bdb49-8px6s in container: other
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.942720   30075 exec.go:96] cat: /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_devrun.pid: No such file or directory
  [odo]  •  Building your application in container (command: devbuild)  ...
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.957596   30075 innerloop.go:131] running=false, execRequired=true
  [odo] I1030 09:34:44.957664   30075 exec.go:37] Executing command [/bin/sh -c cd ${PROJECTS_ROOT} && (npm install) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2] for pod: zmuqzr-app-c999bdb49-8px6s in container: other
  [odo]  ✗  Building your application in container (command: devbuild) [3s]
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.063949   30075 exec.go:54] ExecuteCommand returned an an err: error while streaming command: command terminated with exit code 1. for command '[/bin/sh -c cd ${PROJECTS_ROOT} && (npm install) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2]'
  [odo] stdout: []
  [odo] stderr: []
  [odo] npm ERR! Unexpected end of JSON input while parsing near '...E57gj9cz1kzA","sig":"'
  [odo] npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
  [odo] npm ERR!     /opt/app-root/src/.npm/_logs/2023-10-30T09_34_48_031Z-debug.log
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.113930   30075 status.go:34] setting inner loop State "Ready"
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.113961   30075 watch.go:437] Error from Push: watch command was unable to push component: unable to exec command [/bin/sh -c cd ${PROJECTS_ROOT} && (npm install) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2]: error while streaming command: command terminated with exit code 1
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.114005   30075 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: zmuqzr-app, rv: 98867768, generation: 2, pods: 1
  [odo] Error occurred on Push - watch command was unable to push component: unable to exec command [/bin/sh -c cd ${PROJECTS_ROOT} && (npm install) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2]: error while streaming command: command terminated with exit code 1
  [odo] ↪ Dev mode
  [odo]  Status:
  [odo]  Watching for changes in the current directory /tmp/2249407205
  [odo] Keyboard Commands:
  [odo] [Ctrl+c] - Exit and delete resources from the cluster
  [odo]      [p] - Manually apply local changes to the application on the cluster
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.214585   30075 watch.go:348] filesystem watch event: CREATE        "/tmp/2249407205/.odo/odo-file-index.json"
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.215305   30075 watch.go:348] filesystem watch event: WRITE         "/tmp/2249407205/.odo/odo-file-index.json"
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.215485   30075 watch.go:348] filesystem watch event: WRITE         "/tmp/2249407205/.odo/devstate.json"
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.215772   30075 watch.go:348] filesystem watch event: WRITE         "/tmp/2249407205/.odo/devstate.30075.json"
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.216122   30075 watch.go:348] filesystem watch event: WRITE         "/tmp/2249407205/devfile.yaml"
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.216399   30075 file_watcher.go:64] adding watch on path /tmp/2249407205/devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.216452   30075 watch.go:348] filesystem watch event: WRITE         "/tmp/2249407205/devfile.yaml"
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.216582   30075 file_watcher.go:64] adding watch on path /tmp/2249407205/devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.216593   30075 watch.go:348] filesystem watch event: REMOVE        "/tmp/2249407205/.odo/odo-file-index.json"
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.216610   30075 watch.go:383] error removing watch for /tmp/2249407205/.odo/odo-file-index.json: can't remove non-existent watcher: /tmp/2249407205/.odo/odo-file-index.json
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.216616   30075 watch.go:348] filesystem watch event: CREATE        "/tmp/2249407205/.odo/odo-file-index.json"
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.216749   30075 watch.go:348] filesystem watch event: WRITE         "/tmp/2249407205/.odo/odo-file-index.json"
  [odo] Pushing files...
  [odo] File /tmp/2249407205/devfile.yaml changed
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.216874   30075 status.go:34] setting inner loop State "SyncOutdated"
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.216897   30075 watch.go:423] Copying files [/tmp/2249407205/devfile.yaml] to pod
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.217678   30075 context.go:172] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2249407205/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.217694   30075 context.go:113] absolute devfile path: '/tmp/2249407205/devfile.yaml'
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.218393   30075 content.go:48] converted devfile YAML to JSON
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.218531   30075 apiVersion.go:60] devfile schemaVersion: '2.0.0'
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.218604   30075 helper.go:56] devfile apiVersion '2.0.0' is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.223628   30075 schema.go:61] validated devfile schema
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.224249   30075 validate.go:45] Successfully validated devfile sections
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.224315   30075 components.go:69] component state: "SyncOutdated"
  [odo]  •  Waiting for Kubernetes resources  ...
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.233736   30075 components.go:260] We are deploying these annotations: map[alpha.image.policy.openshift.io/resolve-names:* odo.dev/project-type:nodejs]
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.246123   30075 utils.go:149] No entrypoint defined for the component, setting container other entrypoint to 'tail -f /dev/null'. You can set a 'command' and/or 'args' for the component to override this default entrypoint.
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.280767   30075 utils.go:77] Updating container other with mandatory volume mounts
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.344109   30075 components.go:346] Creating deployment zmuqzr-app
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.344125   30075 components.go:347] The component name is zmuqzr
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.344130   30075 components.go:350] The component already exists, attempting to update it
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.344137   30075 components.go:352] Applying deployment
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.384366   30075 components.go:361] Successfully updated component zmuqzr
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.436075   30075 components.go:748] Successfully update Service for component zmuqzr
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.465610   30075 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 200 APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.469897   30075 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.521100   30075 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 55.489154ms
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.521125   30075 all.go:76] query result: objects=7
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.521172   30075 kclient.go:237] Checking if "servicebindings" resource is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.521200   30075 kclient.go:237] Checking if "clusterserviceversions" resource is supported
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.521220   30075 service.go:75] Getting list of services
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.521228   30075 operators.go:30] Fetching list of operators installed in cluster
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.560276   30075 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: cloud-native-postgresql.v1.18.7
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.560299   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: backups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.570767   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusters.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.587180   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: poolers.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.596439   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: scheduledbackups.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.609308   30075 service.go:93] Getting services started from operator: service-binding-operator.v1.3.3
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.609323   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: bindablekinds.binding.operators.coreos.com
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.613367   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.616366   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: clusterworkloadresourcemappings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.619880   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.binding.operators.coreos.com
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.629593   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.638971   30075 service.go:124] Getting instances of: servicebindings.servicebinding.io
  [odo]  •  Syncing files into the container  ...
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.724925   30075 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2249407205, destBase: ., destFile: .
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.724961   30075 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: .
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.725994   30075 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2249407205/.gitignore, destBase: ., destFile: .gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.726038   30075 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: .gitignore
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.726292   30075 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2249407205/.odo, destBase: ., destFile: .odo
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.726341   30075 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: .odo
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.726617   30075 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2249407205/devfile.yaml, destBase: ., destFile: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.726656   30075 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: devfile.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.726987   30075 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2249407205/package.json, destBase: ., destFile: package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.727022   30075 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: package.json
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.727248   30075 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2249407205/server.js, destBase: ., destFile: server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.727270   30075 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: server.js
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.727514   30075 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2249407205/test, destBase: ., destFile: test
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.727548   30075 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: test
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.729303   30075 file_indexer.go:400] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 2249407205/test/test.js, destBase: ., destFile: test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.729346   30075 file_indexer.go:406] Corrected destinations: base: . file: test/test.js
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.729809   30075 sync.go:138] List of files to be deleted: +[]
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.729842   30075 sync.go:140] List of files changed: +[]
  [odo] ↵
 ✓  Syncing files into the container [5ms]
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.731769   30075 kubeexec.go:40] GetProcessInfoForCommand for "devrun"
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.731813   30075 exec.go:37] Executing command [/bin/sh -c cat /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_devrun.pid || true] for pod: zmuqzr-app-c999bdb49-8px6s in container: other
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.907528   30075 exec.go:96] cat: /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_devrun.pid: No such file or directory
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.912052   30075 innerloop.go:131] running=false, execRequired=false
  [odo]  •  Building your application in container (command: devbuild)  ...
  [odo] I1030 09:34:48.912195   30075 exec.go:37] Executing command [/bin/sh -c cd ${PROJECTS_ROOT} && (npm install) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2] for pod: zmuqzr-app-c999bdb49-8px6s in container: other
  [odo] I1030 09:34:50.208257   30075 exec.go:54] ExecuteCommand returned an an err: error while streaming command: command terminated with exit code 1. for command '[/bin/sh -c cd ${PROJECTS_ROOT} && (npm install) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2]'
  [odo] stdout: []
  [odo] stderr: []
  [odo]  ✗  Building your application in container (command: devbuild) [1s]
  [odo] npm ERR! Unexpected end of JSON input while parsing near '...E57gj9cz1kzA","sig":"'
  [odo] npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
  [odo] npm ERR!     /opt/app-root/src/.npm/_logs/2023-10-30T09_34_48_031Z-debug.log
  [odo] npm ERR! Unexpected end of JSON input while parsing near '...E57gj9cz1kzA","sig":"'
  [odo] npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
  [odo] npm ERR!     /opt/app-root/src/.npm/_logs/2023-10-30T09_34_50_180Z-debug.log
  [odo] I1030 09:34:50.245000   30075 status.go:34] setting inner loop State "Ready"
  [odo] I1030 09:34:50.245035   30075 watch.go:437] Error from Push: watch command was unable to push component: unable to exec command [/bin/sh -c cd ${PROJECTS_ROOT} && (npm install) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2]: error while streaming command: command terminated with exit code 1
  [odo] Error occurred on Push - watch command was unable to push component: unable to exec command [/bin/sh -c cd ${PROJECTS_ROOT} && (npm install) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2]: error while streaming command: command terminated with exit code 1
  [odo] ↪ Dev mode
  [odo]  Status:
  [odo]  Watching for changes in the current directory /tmp/2249407205
  [odo] Keyboard Commands:
  [odo] [Ctrl+c] - Exit and delete resources from the cluster
  [odo]      [p] - Manually apply local changes to the application on the cluster
  [odo] I1030 09:34:50.245080   30075 watch.go:271] deployment watcher Event: Type: MODIFIED, name: zmuqzr-app, rv: 98868013, generation: 2, pods: 1
  STEP: not warning users that odo dev needs to be restarted @ 10/30/23 09:34:57.38
  STEP: updating the pod @ 10/30/23 09:34:57.38
  Running oc with args [oc get pods --namespace cmd-dev-test1379rie --selector=component=zmuqzr -o jsonpath={.items[*].metadata.name}] and odo env: []
  [oc] zmuqzr-app-c999bdb49-8px6sRunning oc with args [oc get pods zmuqzr-app-c999bdb49-8px6s -o json] and odo env: []
  [oc] {
  [oc]     "apiVersion": "v1",
  [oc]     "kind": "Pod",
  [oc]     "metadata": {
  [oc]         "annotations": {
  [oc]             "alpha.image.policy.openshift.io/resolve-names": "*",
  [oc]             "cni.projectcalico.org/containerID": "aad2f0f6c96e348ec130c720fe31ae918cba3987d70c704bf637530964b54f4d",
  [oc]             "cni.projectcalico.org/podIP": "",
  [oc]             "cni.projectcalico.org/podIPs": "",
  [oc]             "k8s.v1.cni.cncf.io/network-status": "[{\n    \"name\": \"k8s-pod-network\",\n    \"ips\": [\n        \"\"\n    ],\n    \"default\": true,\n    \"dns\": {}\n}]",
  [oc]             "k8s.v1.cni.cncf.io/networks-status": "[{\n    \"name\": \"k8s-pod-network\",\n    \"ips\": [\n        \"\"\n    ],\n    \"default\": true,\n    \"dns\": {}\n}]",
  [oc]             "odo.dev/project-type": "nodejs",
  [oc]             "openshift.io/scc": "restricted-v2",
  [oc]             "seccomp.security.alpha.kubernetes.io/pod": "runtime/default"
  [oc]         },
  [oc]         "creationTimestamp": "2023-10-30T09:34:40Z",
  [oc]         "generateName": "zmuqzr-app-c999bdb49-",
  [oc]         "labels": {
  [oc]             "app": "app",
  [oc]             "app.kubernetes.io/instance": "zmuqzr",
  [oc]             "app.kubernetes.io/managed-by": "odo",
  [oc]             "app.kubernetes.io/managed-by-version": "v3.15.0",
  [oc]             "app.kubernetes.io/part-of": "app",
  [oc]             "app.openshift.io/runtime": "nodejs",
  [oc]             "component": "zmuqzr",
  [oc]             "odo.dev/mode": "Dev",
  [oc]             "pod-template-hash": "c999bdb49"
  [oc]         },
  [oc]         "name": "zmuqzr-app-c999bdb49-8px6s",
  [oc]         "namespace": "cmd-dev-test1379rie",
  [oc]         "ownerReferences": [
  [oc]             {
  [oc]                 "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
  [oc]                 "blockOwnerDeletion": true,
  [oc]                 "controller": true,
  [oc]                 "kind": "ReplicaSet",
  [oc]                 "name": "zmuqzr-app-c999bdb49",
  [oc]                 "uid": "54dcd4fa-c87d-4025-8f41-3af0116ad73f"
  [oc]             }
  [oc]         ],
  [oc]         "resourceVersion": "98867698",
  [oc]         "uid": "636ed9c6-b35d-4379-b258-c19d6c6eaea7"
  [oc]     },
  [oc]     "spec": {
  [oc]         "containers": [
  [oc]             {
  [oc]                 "args": [
  [oc]                     "-f",
  [oc]                     "/dev/null"
  [oc]                 ],
  [oc]                 "command": [
  [oc]                     "tail"
  [oc]                 ],
  [oc]                 "env": [
  [oc]                     {
  [oc]                         "name": "PROJECTS_ROOT",
  [oc]                         "value": "/projects"
  [oc]                     },
  [oc]                     {
  [oc]                         "name": "PROJECT_SOURCE",
  [oc]                         "value": "/projects"
  [oc]                     }
  [oc]                 ],
  [oc]                 "image": "registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/nodejs-12:1-36",
  [oc]                 "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
  [oc]                 "name": "other",
  [oc]                 "ports": [
  [oc]                     {
  [oc]                         "containerPort": 3000,
  [oc]                         "name": "3000-tcp",
  [oc]                         "protocol": "TCP"
  [oc]                     }
  [oc]                 ],
  [oc]                 "resources": {
  [oc]                     "limits": {
  [oc]                         "memory": "1Gi"
  [oc]                     },
  [oc]                     "requests": {
  [oc]                         "memory": "1Gi"
  [oc]                     }
  [oc]                 },
  [oc]                 "securityContext": {
  [oc]                     "allowPrivilegeEscalation": false,
  [oc]                     "capabilities": {
  [oc]                         "drop": [
  [oc]                             "ALL"
  [oc]                         ]
  [oc]                     },
  [oc]                     "runAsNonRoot": true,
  [oc]                     "runAsUser": 1008830000
  [oc]                 },
  [oc]                 "terminationMessagePath": "/dev/termination-log",
  [oc]                 "terminationMessagePolicy": "File",
  [oc]                 "volumeMounts": [
  [oc]                     {
  [oc]                         "mountPath": "/projects",
  [oc]                         "name": "odo-projects"
  [oc]                     },
  [oc]                     {
  [oc]                         "mountPath": "/opt/odo/",
  [oc]                         "name": "odo-shared-data"
  [oc]                     },
  [oc]                     {
  [oc]                         "mountPath": "/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount",
  [oc]                         "name": "kube-api-access-sz7jx",
  [oc]                         "readOnly": true
  [oc]                     }
  [oc]                 ]
  [oc]             }
  [oc]         ],
  [oc]         "dnsPolicy": "ClusterFirst",
  [oc]         "enableServiceLinks": true,
  [oc]         "imagePullSecrets": [
  [oc]             {
  [oc]                 "name": "default-dockercfg-f878n"
  [oc]             }
  [oc]         ],
  [oc]         "nodeName": "",
  [oc]         "preemptionPolicy": "PreemptLowerPriority",
  [oc]         "priority": 0,
  [oc]         "restartPolicy": "Always",
  [oc]         "schedulerName": "default-scheduler",
  [oc]         "securityContext": {
  [oc]             "fsGroup": 1008830000,
  [oc]             "seLinuxOptions": {
  [oc]                 "level": "s0:c94,c44"
  [oc]             },
  [oc]             "seccompProfile": {
  [oc]                 "type": "RuntimeDefault"
  [oc]             }
  [oc]         },
  [oc]         "serviceAccount": "default",
  [oc]         "serviceAccountName": "default",
  [oc]         "terminationGracePeriodSeconds": 30,
  [oc]         "tolerations": [
  [oc]             {
  [oc]                 "effect": "NoExecute",
  [oc]                 "key": "node.kubernetes.io/not-ready",
  [oc]                 "operator": "Exists",
  [oc]                 "tolerationSeconds": 300
  [oc]             },
  [oc]             {
  [oc]                 "effect": "NoExecute",
  [oc]                 "key": "node.kubernetes.io/unreachable",
  [oc]                 "operator": "Exists",
  [oc]                 "tolerationSeconds": 300
  [oc]             },
  [oc]             {
  [oc]                 "effect": "NoSchedule",
  [oc]                 "key": "node.kubernetes.io/memory-pressure",
  [oc]                 "operator": "Exists"
  [oc]             }
  [oc]         ],
  [oc]         "volumes": [
  [oc]             {
  [oc]                 "emptyDir": {},
  [oc]                 "name": "odo-projects"
  [oc]             },
  [oc]             {
  [oc]                 "emptyDir": {},
  [oc]                 "name": "odo-shared-data"
  [oc]             },
  [oc]             {
  [oc]                 "name": "kube-api-access-sz7jx",
  [oc]                 "projected": {
  [oc]                     "defaultMode": 420,
  [oc]                     "sources": [
  [oc]                         {
  [oc]                             "serviceAccountToken": {
  [oc]                                 "expirationSeconds": 3607,
  [oc]                                 "path": "token"
  [oc]                             }
  [oc]                         },
  [oc]                         {
  [oc]                             "configMap": {
  [oc]                                 "items": [
  [oc]                                     {
  [oc]                                         "key": "ca.crt",
  [oc]                                         "path": "ca.crt"
  [oc]                                     }
  [oc]                                 ],
  [oc]                                 "name": "kube-root-ca.crt"
  [oc]                             }
  [oc]                         },
  [oc]                         {
  [oc]                             "downwardAPI": {
  [oc]                                 "items": [
  [oc]                                     {
  [oc]                                         "fieldRef": {
  [oc]                                             "apiVersion": "v1",
  [oc]                                             "fieldPath": "metadata.namespace"
  [oc]                                         },
  [oc]                                         "path": "namespace"
  [oc]                                     }
  [oc]                                 ]
  [oc]                             }
  [oc]                         },
  [oc]                         {
  [oc]                             "configMap": {
  [oc]                                 "items": [
  [oc]                                     {
  [oc]                                         "key": "service-ca.crt",
  [oc]                                         "path": "service-ca.crt"
  [oc]                                     }
  [oc]                                 ],
  [oc]                                 "name": "openshift-service-ca.crt"
  [oc]                             }
  [oc]                         }
  [oc]                     ]
  [oc]                 }
  [oc]             }
  [oc]         ]
  [oc]     },
  [oc]     "status": {
  [oc]         "conditions": [
  [oc]             {
  [oc]                 "lastProbeTime": null,
  [oc]                 "lastTransitionTime": "2023-10-30T09:34:40Z",
  [oc]                 "status": "True",
  [oc]                 "type": "Initialized"
  [oc]             },
  [oc]             {
  [oc]                 "lastProbeTime": null,
  [oc]                 "lastTransitionTime": "2023-10-30T09:34:42Z",
  [oc]                 "status": "True",
  [oc]                 "type": "Ready"
  [oc]             },
  [oc]             {
  [oc]                 "lastProbeTime": null,
  [oc]                 "lastTransitionTime": "2023-10-30T09:34:42Z",
  [oc]                 "status": "True",
  [oc]                 "type": "ContainersReady"
  [oc]             },
  [oc]             {
  [oc]                 "lastProbeTime": null,
  [oc]                 "lastTransitionTime": "2023-10-30T09:34:40Z",
  [oc]                 "status": "True",
  [oc]                 "type": "PodScheduled"
  [oc]             }
  [oc]         ],
  [oc]         "containerStatuses": [
  [oc]             {
  [oc]                 "containerID": "cri-o://553e0bade37690c01e4785a8afc7d28c3cec99632c77cf84aa74618395d83809",
  [oc]                 "image": "registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/nodejs-12:1-36",
  [oc]                 "imageID": "registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/nodejs-12@sha256:c691d5de6ddefe45bec53a35f6bc54a0fe420960196ddb12656c6f9331a39c03",
  [oc]                 "lastState": {},
  [oc]                 "name": "other",
  [oc]                 "ready": true,
  [oc]                 "restartCount": 0,
  [oc]                 "started": true,
  [oc]                 "state": {
  [oc]                     "running": {
  [oc]                         "startedAt": "2023-10-30T09:34:42Z"
  [oc]                     }
  [oc]                 }
  [oc]             }
  [oc]         ],
  [oc]         "hostIP": "",
  [oc]         "phase": "Running",
  [oc]         "podIP": "",
  [oc]         "podIPs": [
  [oc]             {
  [oc]                 "ip": ""
  [oc]             }
  [oc]         ],
  [oc]         "qosClass": "Burstable",
  [oc]         "startTime": "2023-10-30T09:34:40Z"
  [oc]     }
  [oc] }
  STEP: exposing the endpoint @ 10/30/23 09:34:58.232
  [odo] E1030 09:34:58.262079   30075 portforward.go:407] an error occurred forwarding 30400 -> 3000: error forwarding port 3000 to pod 9ee3b8277945cedd12f278ce1f28765ddbaecab6d35788f9ee73b82a169c4c28, uid : sandbox 9ee3b8277945cedd12f278ce1f28765ddbaecab6d35788f9ee73b82a169c4c28 is not running
  [odo] E1030 09:34:58.262319   30075 portforward.go:233] lost connection to pod
  [odo] Failed to setup port-forwarding: error upgrading connection: pods "zmuqzr-app-8fbdbc659-cfqh8" not found
  [odo] I1030 09:34:58.304088   30075 backo.go:23] wait for 100ms
  [odo] Failed to setup port-forwarding: error upgrading connection: pods "zmuqzr-app-8fbdbc659-cfqh8" not found
  [odo] I1030 09:34:58.431531   30075 backo.go:23] wait for 200ms
  [odo] Failed to setup port-forwarding: error upgrading connection: pods "zmuqzr-app-8fbdbc659-cfqh8" not found
  [odo] I1030 09:34:58.703151   30075 backo.go:23] wait for 400ms
  [odo] Failed to setup port-forwarding: error upgrading connection: pods "zmuqzr-app-8fbdbc659-cfqh8" not found
  [odo] I1030 09:34:59.129327   30075 backo.go:23] wait for 800ms
  [odo] Failed to setup port-forwarding: error upgrading connection: pods "zmuqzr-app-8fbdbc659-cfqh8" not found
  [odo] I1030 09:34:59.944161   30075 backo.go:23] wait for 1.6s
  [odo] Failed to setup port-forwarding: error upgrading connection: pods "zmuqzr-app-8fbdbc659-cfqh8" not found
  [odo] I1030 09:35:01.561255   30075 backo.go:23] wait for 3.2s
  [odo] Failed to setup port-forwarding: error upgrading connection: pods "zmuqzr-app-8fbdbc659-cfqh8" not found
  [odo] I1030 09:35:04.785842   30075 backo.go:23] wait for 6.4s
  [odo] Failed to setup port-forwarding: error upgrading connection: pods "zmuqzr-app-8fbdbc659-cfqh8" not found
  [odo] I1030 09:35:11.223810   30075 backo.go:23] wait for 10s
  [FAILED] in [It] - /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1410 @ 10/30/23 09:35:18.234
  [odo] read: read /dev/stdin: input/output error
  [odo] I1030 09:35:18.238002   30075 watch.go:333] Dev mode interrupted by user
  [odo] I1030 09:35:18.239865   30075 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/1140716637/preference.yaml
  [odo] I1030 09:35:18.242368   30075 segment.go:268] Checking telemetry enable status
  [odo] I1030 09:35:18.242426   30075 segment.go:286] Sending telemetry disabled by env variable
  [odo] Cleaning resources, please wait
  [odo] I1030 09:35:18.351541   30075 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 200 APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:35:18.351676   30075 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs
  [odo] I1030 09:35:19.294499   30075 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 942.959594ms
  [odo] I1030 09:35:19.294584   30075 all.go:76] query result: objects=632
  [odo] Failed to setup port-forwarding: error upgrading connection: pods "zmuqzr-app-8fbdbc659-cfqh8" not found
  [odo] I1030 09:35:21.279520   30075 backo.go:23] wait for 10s
  [odo] Failed to setup port-forwarding: error upgrading connection: pods "zmuqzr-app-8fbdbc659-cfqh8" not found
  [odo] I1030 09:35:31.313839   30075 backo.go:23] wait for 10s
  [odo] Failed to setup port-forwarding: error upgrading connection: pods "zmuqzr-app-8fbdbc659-cfqh8" not found
  [odo] I1030 09:35:41.336574   30075 backo.go:23] wait for 10s
  [odo] Failed to setup port-forwarding: error upgrading connection: pods "zmuqzr-app-8fbdbc659-cfqh8" not found
  [odo] I1030 09:35:51.367074   30075 backo.go:23] wait for 10s
  Running oc with args [oc get project cmd-dev-test1379rie -o jsonpath={.metadata.name}] and odo env: []
  [oc] cmd-dev-test1379rieDeleting project: cmd-dev-test1379rie
  Running oc with args [oc delete project cmd-dev-test1379rie --wait=false] and odo env: []
  [oc] project.project.openshift.io "cmd-dev-test1379rie" deleted
  Setting current dir to: /go/odo_1/tests/integration
  Deleting dir: /tmp/2249407205
  Deleting dir: /tmp/1140716637
  << Timeline

  [FAILED] Timed out after 20.001s.
  The function passed to Eventually failed at /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1402 with:
  Unexpected error:
      <*url.Error | 0xc001137560>: 
      Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
          Op: "Get",
          URL: "",
          Err: <*net.OpError | 0xc000e70910>{
              Op: "dial",
              Net: "tcp",
              Source: nil,
              Addr: <*net.TCPAddr | 0xc0009f58f0>{
                  IP: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 255, 127, 0, 0, 1],
                  Port: 30400,
                  Zone: "",
              Err: <*os.SyscallError | 0xc001261ea0>{
                  Syscall: "connect",
                  Err: <syscall.Errno>0x6f,
  In [It] at: /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1410 @ 10/30/23 09:35:18.234
• [58.121 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running applications listening on the container loopback interface when running on default cluster platform should port-forward successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [59.360 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when odo is executed with --no-watch flag and with --no-commands when a file in component directory is modified when p is pressed should trigger a push

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [58.885 seconds]
odo dev command tests when adding local files to gitignore and running odo dev should not sync ignored files to the container

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [48.507 seconds]
odo dev command tests when creating local files and dir and running odo dev - without metadata.name should correctly propagate changes to the container

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.172 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running applications listening on the container loopback interface should error out if using --ignore-localhost on any platform other than Podman

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [108.247 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has single endpoint when running odo dev when modifying name for container in Devfile should react on the Devfile modification (podman=false, manual=true, customPortForwarding=true, customAddress=false)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
  Progress Report for Ginkgo Process #3
  Automatically polling progress:
    odo dev command tests checking if odo dev matches local Devfile K8s resources and remote resources when odo dev is executed to run a devfile containing a k8s resource with apply command should have deleted the old resource and created the new resource (Spec Runtime: 2m2.704s)
      In [BeforeEach] (Node Runtime: 2m0.001s)

      Begin Captured GinkgoWriter Output >>
        [odo] I1030 09:36:13.625842   31290 exec.go:96]   sl  local_address                         remote_address                        st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt   uid  timeout inode ref pointer drops
        [odo] I1030 09:36:13.625903   31290 port.go:319] port 8080 not listening in container "runtime"
        [odo] I1030 09:36:21.281278   31290 exec.go:37] Executing command [/bin/sh -c cat /proc/net/tcp /proc/net/udp /proc/net/tcp6 /proc/net/udp6 || true] for pod: dmnfqi-app-6c79c6d757-2brvs in container: runtime
        [odo] I1030 09:36:21.533469   31290 exec.go:96]   sl  local_address rem_address   st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt   uid  timeout inode                                                     
        [odo] I1030 09:36:21.533494   31290 exec.go:96]    0: BA2B11AC:E8FA 221E1068:01BB 06 00000000:00000000 03:00000B92 00000000     0        0 0 3 0000000000000000                                      
        [odo] I1030 09:36:21.533498   31290 exec.go:96]   sl  local_address rem_address   st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt   uid  timeout inode ref pointer drops             
        [odo] I1030 09:36:21.533503   31290 exec.go:96]   sl  local_address                         remote_address                        st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt   uid  timeout inode
        [odo] I1030 09:36:21.533506   31290 exec.go:96]    0: 00000000000000000000000000000000:0BB8 00000000000000000000000000000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000 1008980000        0 1070550912 1 0000000000000000 100 0 0 10 0
        [odo] I1030 09:36:21.533510   31290 exec.go:96]   sl  local_address                         remote_address                        st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt   uid  timeout inode ref pointer drops
        [odo] I1030 09:36:21.540069   31290 port.go:319] port 8080 not listening in container "runtime"
      << End Captured GinkgoWriter Output

      Spec Goroutine
      goroutine 616 [select, 2 minutes]
        github.com/onsi/gomega/internal.(*AsyncAssertion).match(0xc0004f4310, {0x30fed88?, 0xc000a8cc60}, 0x1, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0})
        github.com/onsi/gomega/internal.(*AsyncAssertion).Should(0xc0004f4310, {0x30fed88, 0xc000a8cc60}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0})
        github.com/redhat-developer/odo/tests/helper.WaitForOutputToContain({0x2cf3414, 0x8}, 0xc000142380?, 0xc000142360?, 0xc0009e2780)
      > github.com/redhat-developer/odo/tests/integration.glob..func7.5.1.1()
            | 	helper.ReplaceStrings(filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "devfile.yaml"), devfile.deploymentName, devfile.newDeploymentName)
            > 	err := devSession.WaitSync()
            | 	Expect(err).To(BeNil())
            | })
        github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal.extractBodyFunction.func3({0x269b4f3, 0xc0009d1b60})
• [78.372 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has multiple endpoints when running odo dev should expose all endpoints on localhost regardless of exposure(podman=false, manual=true, customPortForwarding=true, customAddress=true)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [59.166 seconds]
odo dev command tests when multiple projects are present - without metadata.name should sync to the correct dir in container

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [60.143 seconds]
odo dev debug command tests when a component is bootstrapped when running odo dev with debug flag should not add a DEBUG_PORT variable to the container

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [140.278 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running build and run commands as composite in different containers and a shared volume - without metadata.name should run successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [29.555 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is running in both DEV and DEPLOY mode and dev mode is killed when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should delete the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.435 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when a state file is not writable should fail running odo dev

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [69.435 seconds]
odo describe component command tests when creating a component when running odo dev (podman=false,debug=false) JSON output when describing the component in dev mode should describe the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [36.696 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped when the component is deleted using its name (and namespace) from another directory (running-in="") should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.048 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running applications listening on the container loopback interface should error out if using --ignore-localhost on any platform other than Podman

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [129.415 seconds]
odo dev command tests when java-springboot application is created and running odo dev when Update the devfile.yaml when compare the local and remote files localFiles and remoteFiles should match

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [68.711 seconds]
odo dev command tests when no project is present - with metadata.name should sync to the correct dir in container

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.388 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when a resource is changed in the devfile and the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml with --files=true --running-in=dev should delete the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [58.786 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is running in both DEV and DEPLOY mode and dev mode is killed when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should delete the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [52.895 seconds]
odo run command tests when a component is bootstrapped when odo dev is executed with --no-commands=true and ready should execute commands

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [30.520 seconds]
odo logs command tests when component is created and odo logs is executed when running in Deploy mode when --follow flag is specified should successfully follow logs of running component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [48.762 seconds]
odo dev debug command tests when a component without debug command is bootstrapped should log error about missing debug command when running odo dev --debug

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.428 seconds]
odo create/delete/list/set namespace/project tests delete namespace should not succeed to delete a non-existent namespace

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [9.694 seconds]
odo describe component command tests when creating a component when running odo deploy to create ingress/routes should show the ingress/routes in odo describe component output

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [59.640 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev and composite command are nested - without metadata.name should execute all commands in composite commmand

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [60.377 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Devfile contains neither metadata.language nor metadata.projectType when running odo dev should set the correct value in labels of resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [8.366 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when a resource is changed in the devfile and the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml with --files=false --running-in= should delete the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [130.342 seconds]
odo logs command tests when component is created and odo logs is executed when running in both Dev and Deploy mode when --follow flag is specified should successfully follow logs of running component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
S [4.528 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Starting a PostgreSQL service [BeforeEach] when creating local files and dir and running odo dev - with metadata.name when deleting local files and dir and waiting for sync should not list deleted dir and file in container
  [BeforeEach] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1815
  [It] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1882

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

  [SKIPPED] Skipping service binding tests as SKIP_SERVICE_BINDING_TESTS is true
  In [BeforeEach] at: /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1818 @ 10/30/23 09:37:40.152
• [90.345 seconds]
odo logs command tests when component is created and odo logs is executed when logs --follow is started when running in Dev mode should successfully follow logs of running component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [207.885 seconds]
odo dev command tests checking if odo dev matches local Devfile K8s resources and remote resources when odo dev is executed to run a devfile containing a k8s resource with apply command should have deleted the old resource and created the new resource

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [120.063 seconds]
odo dev command tests when doing odo dev and there is a env variable with spaces - without metadata.name should be able to exec command

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [56.852 seconds]
odo dev command with api server tests when the component is bootstrapped when odo dev is run with --api-server flag (custom api server port=false) should start the Dev server when --api-server flag is passed

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [60.531 seconds]
odo describe component command tests when creating a component when running odo dev (podman=false,debug=true) Default output when switching to another directory when describing the component from another directory should describe the named component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.762 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing a deploy command when running odo deploy with image build extra args should succeed

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [62.044 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped should add annotation to use ImageStreams

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [8.382 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when a resource is changed in the devfile and the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml with --files=true --running-in=deploy should delete the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [118.428 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a devfile with a local parent is used for odo dev and the parent is not synced when updating the parent should update the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [130.199 seconds]
odo dev command tests 1. devfile contains composite apply command when odo dev is running with both image build and container run extra args should execute the composite apply commands successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.451 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing an outer-loop Kubernetes component referenced via an URI when an env.yaml file contains a non-current Project when running odo deploy when the env.yaml file still contains a non-current Project should delete the component in the current namespace

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [60.555 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml when the component is deleted with --files should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
S [4.839 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Starting a PostgreSQL service [BeforeEach] when creating local files and dir and running odo dev - without metadata.name when deleting local files and dir and waiting for sync should not list deleted dir and file in container
  [BeforeEach] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1815
  [It] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1882

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

  [SKIPPED] Skipping service binding tests as SKIP_SERVICE_BINDING_TESTS is true
  In [BeforeEach] at: /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1818 @ 10/30/23 09:38:06.591
• [4.225 seconds]
odo devfile build-images command tests when using a Devfile with variable image names should build images with default variable values (push=false)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [59.148 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped should use the index information from previous push operation

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [59.846 seconds]
odo dev command with api server tests when the component is bootstrapped when odo dev is run with --api-server flag (custom api server port=true) should describe the API Server port (JSON)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.367 seconds]
odo deploy interactive command tests directory is not empty when there is a match from Alizer should run alizer to download devfile

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo deploy' from /tmp/1818182028
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.139 seconds]
odo devfile build-images command tests when starting with Devfile with autoBuild or deployByDefault components when building images should build all Image components regardless of autoBuild

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
S [3.230 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Starting a PostgreSQL service [BeforeEach] when creating local files and dir and running odo dev - without metadata.name should correctly propagate changes to the container
  [BeforeEach] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1815
  [It] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1865

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

  [SKIPPED] Skipping service binding tests as SKIP_SERVICE_BINDING_TESTS is true
  In [BeforeEach] at: /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1818 @ 10/30/23 09:38:31.907
S [3.476 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when deploying a ServiceBinding k8s resource [BeforeEach] when odo deploy is run should successfully deploy the ServiceBinding resource
  [BeforeEach] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_deploy_test.go:387
  [It] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_deploy_test.go:412

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

  [SKIPPED] Skipping service binding tests as SKIP_SERVICE_BINDING_TESTS is true
  In [BeforeEach] at: /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_deploy_test.go:390 @ 10/30/23 09:38:34.954
• [56.887 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has no endpoint when running odo dev should have no endpoint forwarded (podman=false, manual=true)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [28.367 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped when the component is deleted using its name (and namespace) from another directory (running-in="dev") should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [67.876 seconds]
odo dev command tests when adding local files to gitignore and running odo dev when modifying /foobar.txt file should not synchronize it

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [59.051 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component with multiple endpoints is run should create state files containing information, including forwarded ports

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  PID: 4663
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [8.149 seconds]
odo dev command with api server tests when the component is bootstrapped should fail if --api-server is false but --api-server-port is true

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [11.686 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when a resource is changed in the devfile and the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml with --files=false --running-in=deploy should delete the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [58.505 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has single endpoint when running odo dev should expose the endpoint on localhost (podman=false, manual=false, customPortForwarding=true, customAddress=false)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [58.550 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Devfile 2.1.0 is used - without metadata.name when doing odo dev with --var-file flag and setting value in env should check if the env variable has a correct value

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [31.058 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped when the component is deleted using its name (and namespace) from another directory (running-in="dev") when odo delete command is run again with nothing deployed on the cluster should output that there are no resources to be deleted

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [52.793 seconds]
odo dev command tests when using a Devfile with no commands should start the Dev Session with --no-commands=true

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [15.142 seconds]
odo describe component command tests when creating a component when running odo deploy to create ingress/routes should show the ingress with defaultBackend in odo describe component output

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [52.883 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when running with --no-commands (debug=false) should start the dev session

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [16.700 seconds]
odo dev interactive command tests directory is not empty when Alizer cannot determine a Devfile based on the current source code should not fail but fallback to the interactive mode

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo dev --random-ports' from /tmp/4191924087
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [29.117 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml when the component is deleted with --files should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [95.600 seconds]
odo logs command tests when component is created and odo logs is executed when running in Dev mode should successfully show logs of the running component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [63.085 seconds]
odo dev command tests 1. devfile contains composite apply command the devfile contains an image component that uses a remote Dockerfile when [PODMAN_CMD=echo] remote server returns a valid file when odo dev is run should build and push image when odo dev is run

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [9.495 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when a resource is changed in the devfile and the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml with --files=true --running-in=deploy should delete the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [27.826 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev with alternative commands - without metadata.name when running odo dev with a build command should error out on an invalid command

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [37.618 seconds]
odo dev command tests image names as selectors when starting with a Devfile with relative and absolute image names and Kubernetes resources when adding a local registry for images when running odo dev should treat relative image names as selectors

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [82.465 seconds]
odo dev command tests when creating local files and dir and running odo dev - without metadata.name when deleting local files and dir and waiting for sync should not list deleted dir and file in container

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.041 seconds]
odo devfile build-images command tests when using a Devfile with variable image names should build images with --var-file (push=true)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [12.934 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when the component is deleted using its name and namespace from another directory should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.193 seconds]
odo create/delete/list/set namespace/project tests delete project should not succeed to delete a non-existent project

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [4.422 seconds]
odo devfile build-images command tests when using a Devfile with variable image names should build images with --var (push=true)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [7.553 seconds]
odo create/delete/list/set namespace/project tests set project should not succeed to set the project

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [15.292 seconds]
odo create/delete/list/set namespace/project tests delete namespace when force-deleting a valid namespace should successfully delete the namespace asynchronously

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [49.298 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev --no-watch and build command throws an error should error out with some log

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [15.218 seconds]
odo create/delete/list/set namespace/project tests delete project when force-deleting a valid project should successfully delete the project synchronously with --wait

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [110.783 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has single endpoint when running odo dev when modifying name for container in Devfile should react on the Devfile modification (podman=false, manual=false, customPortForwarding=true, customAddress=true)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [25.372 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev with alternative commands - with metadata.name when running odo dev with a run command should error out on an invalid command

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.777 seconds]
odo describe component command tests when creating a component should not describe the component from another directory, with default cluster mode

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.268 seconds]
odo list with devfile listing non-odo managed components when a non-odo managed component without the managed-by label is deployed should list the component in JSON

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [7.117 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when deploying a Devfile OpenShift component with multiple K8s resources defined should have created all the resources defined in the Devfile OpenShift component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.761 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests Devfile with autoBuild or deployByDefault components when starting with Devfile with Deploy commands when running odo deploy with some components not referenced in the Devfile should create the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
  Progress Report for Ginkgo Process #6
  Automatically polling progress:
    odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing an outer-loop Kubernetes component referenced via an URI when running odo deploy when running and stopping odo dev should not delete the resources created with odo deploy (Spec Runtime: 2m4.518s)
      In [BeforeEach] (Node Runtime: 2m0s)

      Begin Captured GinkgoWriter Output >>
        [odo]  ✗  Finished executing the application (command: run) [1m]
        [odo] I1030 09:39:42.887638    5333 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/1199183722/preference.yaml
        [odo] I1030 09:39:42.888636    5333 segment.go:268] Checking telemetry enable status
        [odo] I1030 09:39:42.888666    5333 segment.go:286] Sending telemetry disabled by env variable
        [odo] Cleaning resources, please wait
        [odo] I1030 09:39:43.027093    5333 delete.go:174] Ignoring resource: deployments/my-component; its mode(Deploy) does not match with the given mode(Dev)
        [odo] I1030 09:39:43.077587    5333 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 200 APIs
        [odo] I1030 09:39:43.079193    5333 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs
        [odo] I1030 09:39:43.967462    5333 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 889.869444ms
        [odo] I1030 09:39:43.967506    5333 all.go:76] query result: objects=631
      << End Captured GinkgoWriter Output

      Spec Goroutine
      goroutine 916 [select]
        github.com/onsi/gomega/internal.(*AsyncAssertion).match(0xc0000f2a80, {0x30feb48?, 0xc001434ac8}, 0x1, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0})
        github.com/onsi/gomega/internal.(*AsyncAssertion).Should(0xc0000f2a80, {0x30feb48, 0xc001434ac8}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0})
        github.com/onsi/gomega/gexec.(*Session).Wait(0xc000afdea8?, {0xc0007ca160?, 0x43924c8?, 0x0?})
      > github.com/redhat-developer/odo/tests/integration.glob..func9.
            | 	Expect(err).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred())
            | 	devSession.Stop()
            > 	devSession.WaitEnd()
            | })
        github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal.extractBodyFunction.func3({0x1088f3e, 0x0})
• [156.964 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when Automount volumes are present in the namespace when odo dev is executed should mount the volumes

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [70.342 seconds]
odo dev debug command tests when a component is bootstrapped when running odo dev with debug flag and custom port mapping for port forwarding should connect to relevant custom ports forwarded

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [68.853 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when run command takes really long to start should cancel run command and return if odo dev is stopped

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [4.587 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing an outer-loop Kubernetes component referenced via an URI when an env.yaml file contains a non-current Project when running odo deploy should succeed

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [82.501 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Create and dev java-springboot component should execute default build and run commands correctly

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [60.129 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped should sync .git directory and subfiles with --sync-git-dir

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [78.174 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has multiple endpoints when running odo dev should expose all endpoints on localhost regardless of exposure(podman=false, manual=false, customPortForwarding=true, customAddress=true)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
S [6.401 seconds]
odo devfile registry command tests when DevfileRegistriesList CRD is installed on cluster [BeforeEach] when CR for devfileregistrieslists is installed in namespace should list detailed information regarding nodejs when using an in-cluster registry
  [BeforeEach] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_registry_test.go:216
  [It] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_registry_test.go:244

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

  [SKIPPED] skipped on non Kubernetes clusters
  In [BeforeEach] at: /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_registry_test.go:218 @ 10/30/23 09:40:12.451
• [140.686 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing an outer-loop Kubernetes component referenced via an URI when running odo deploy when running and stopping odo dev should not delete the resources created with odo deploy

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [10.032 seconds]
odo generic executing odo version command when executing the complete command with server info should show the version of odo major components including server login URL

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [10.220 seconds]
odo create/delete/list/set namespace/project tests set project should successfully set the project

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [10.197 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when a resource is changed in the devfile and the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml with --files=true --running-in= should delete the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [30.832 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped when the component is deleted using its name (and namespace) from another directory (running-in="") should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [9.197 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests Devfile with autoBuild or deployByDefault components when starting with Devfile with Deploy commands when running odo deploy with some components referenced in the Devfile should create the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [73.689 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests deploying devfile with exec when using devfile with a long running command in exec should print the tip to run odo logs after 1 minute of execution

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [14.420 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when the component is deleted using its name and namespace from another directory should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.784 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing an outer-loop Kubernetes component referenced via an URI when running odo deploy should succeed

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [25.673 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev with alternative commands - with metadata.name when running odo dev with a build command should error out on an invalid command

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [97.371 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when a delay is necessary for the component to start and running odo dev should first fail then succeed querying endpoint

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [83.370 seconds]
odo dev interactive command tests directory is not empty when there is a match from Alizer should run alizer to download devfile successfully even with -v flag

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo dev --random-ports -v 4' from /tmp/1327787318
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [83.567 seconds]
odo dev command tests when starting with Devfile with autoBuild or deployByDefault components when running odo dev with some components referenced in the Devfile should create the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [70.051 seconds]
odo describe component command tests when creating a component when running odo dev (podman=false,debug=false) Default output when switching to another directory when describing the component from another directory should describe the named component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [131.865 seconds]
odo describe component command tests checking for remote source code location when using devfile with containers that has mountSource set to false and starting an odo dev session should show remote source code location in odo describe component output

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [58.676 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Devfile 2.1.0 is used - without metadata.name when doing odo dev with --var flag should check if the env variable has a correct value

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.080 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests deploying devfile with exec when using a devfile name with length more than 63 should fail with invalid component name error

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [99.891 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has single endpoint when running odo dev when modifying name for container in Devfile should react on the Devfile modification (podman=false, manual=true, customPortForwarding=false, customAddress=false)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
S [4.313 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests deploying devfile with long-running exec when pod security is enforced as restricted [It] should set securitycontext for podsecurity admission on job's pod template

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

  [SKIPPED] This is a Kubernetes specific scenario, skipping
  In [It] at: /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_deploy_test.go:678 @ 10/30/23 09:41:10.547
• [77.579 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component with multiple endpoints is run should fail running a second session on the same platform

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [61.060 seconds]
odo dev command with api server tests when the component is bootstrapped when odo dev is run with --api-server flag (custom api server port=false) should describe the API Server port

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.693 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [62.193 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped should not sync .git directory

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [4.058 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests using a Devfile with an image component using a remote Dockerfile when remote server returns a valid file should run odo deploy

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [77.036 seconds]
odo dev command tests cleanup of resources is not successful when using a Devfile with a Pod failing to delete before the cleanup timeout when odo dev is executed when odo dev is stopped should report that the component could not be deleted

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [81.624 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when odo is executed with --no-watch flag and with --no-commands=false when a file in component directory is modified when p is pressed should trigger a push

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [8.380 seconds]
odo list with devfile listing non-odo managed components when a non-odo managed component without the managed-by label is deployed should list the component with odo list

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [57.969 seconds]
odo dev command with api server tests when the component is bootstrapped when odo dev is run with --api-server flag (custom api server port=true) should start the Dev server when --api-server flag is passed

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [40.851 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is running in both DEV and DEPLOY mode and dev mode is killed when the component is deleted using its name and namespace from another directory should delete the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [72.136 seconds]
odo dev debug command tests when running build and debug commands as composite in different containers and a shared volume - with metadata.name should run successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.029 seconds]
odo generic executing odo version command should only print client info when using --client flag

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [57.296 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev with alternative commands - with metadata.name when running odo dev with a run command should execute the default run command successfully if specified explicitly

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [7.406 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Devfile contains metadata.projectType invalid as a label value when odo deploy is executed should set the correct value in labels of deployed resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [92.192 seconds]
odo dev command tests checking if odo dev matches local Devfile K8s resources and remote resources when odo dev is executed to run a devfile containing a k8s resource without apply command should have deleted the old resource and created the new resource

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.558 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing a deploy command when an env.yaml file contains a non-current Project when running odo deploy when the env.yaml file still contains a non-current Project should delete the component in the current namespace

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [28.962 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is running in both DEV and DEPLOY mode and dev mode is killed when the component is deleted using its name and namespace from another directory should delete the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.185 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests Devfile with autoBuild or deployByDefault components when starting with Devfile with no Deploy command should fail to run odo deploy

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
S [5.468 seconds]
odo preference and config command tests when DevfileRegistriesList CRD is installed on cluster [BeforeEach] when CR for devfileregistrieslists is installed in namespace registry list should return registry listed in CR
  [BeforeEach] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_pref_config_test.go:377
  [It] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_pref_config_test.go:414

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

  [SKIPPED] skipped on non Kubernetes clusters
  In [BeforeEach] at: /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_pref_config_test.go:379 @ 10/30/23 09:41:58.423
• [48.965 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev and devfile with composite command - without metadata.name should execute all commands in composite command

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.008 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev and prestart events are defined should not correctly execute PreStart commands

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [8.819 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when a component is bootstrapped when using a default namespace should display warning when running the deploy command

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [48.465 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Devfile contains metadata.projectType when running odo dev should set the correct value in labels of resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [4.163 seconds]
odo create/delete/list/set namespace/project tests list project should successfully list all the projects in JSON format

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.804 seconds]
odo create/delete/list/set namespace/project tests list namespace should successfully list all the namespaces in JSON format

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [115.214 seconds]
odo logs command tests when component is created and odo logs is executed when running in Dev mode when --follow flag is specified should successfully follow logs of running component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [8.508 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [7.422 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [58.324 seconds]
odo dev command tests when odo dev is executed to run a devfile containing multiple k8s resource defined under a single Devfile component should have created the necessary k8s resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [25.725 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when an env.yaml file contains a non-current Project when odo dev is executed should not have modified env.yaml, and use current namespace

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [97.608 seconds]
odo dev command tests 1. devfile contains composite apply command when odo dev is running should execute the composite apply commands successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [7.306 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [28.976 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped when the component is deleted using its name (and namespace) from another directory (running-in="dev") when odo delete command is run again with nothing deployed on the cluster should output that there are no resources to be deleted

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [49.898 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests deploying devfile with exec when the deploy command terminates abruptly; component name of a normal character length when odo deploy command is run again should run successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [47.623 seconds]
odo dev command tests 1. devfile contains composite apply command the devfile contains an image component that uses a remote Dockerfile when [PODMAN_CMD=a-command-not-found-for-podman-should-make-odo-fallback-to-docker DOCKER_CMD=echo] remote server returns an error when odo dev is run should not build images when odo dev is run

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [116.568 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a hotReload capable Run command is used with odo dev when a source file is modified should not re-execute the run command

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [59.933 seconds]
odo dev command tests when devfile has sourcemappings and running odo dev - with metadata.name should sync files to the correct location

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [3.562 seconds]
odo devfile init command tests setting application ports when running odo init --run-port with a Devfile with no commands should overwrite the ports into the container component referenced by the default run command

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [15.974 seconds]
odo create/delete/list/set namespace/project tests delete namespace when force-deleting a valid namespace should successfully delete the namespace synchronously with --wait

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.998 seconds]
odo logs command tests when odo logs is executed for a component that's not running in any modes should print that no containers are running

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [68.574 seconds]
odo dev command tests when adding local files to gitignore and running odo dev when modifying /testdir/foobar.txt file should not synchronize it

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [46.216 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when build command takes really long to start should cancel build command and return if odo dev is stopped

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [26.498 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests deploying devfile with exec when using devfile where the exec command is bound to fail should print the last 100 lines of the log to the output

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [68.495 seconds]
odo dev command with api server tests when the component is bootstrapped when odo is executed with --no-watch and --api-server flags when a file in component directory is modified when /component/command endpoint is POSTed should trigger a push

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [13.111 seconds]
odo create/delete/list/set namespace/project tests delete project when force-deleting a valid project should successfully delete the project asynchronously

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [7.852 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when the component is deleted using its name and namespace from another directory should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [119.219 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev and multiple env variables are set - with metadata.name should be able to exec command

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [149.556 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev with devfile containing volume-component - without metadata.name should successfully use the volume components in container components

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [9.622 seconds]
odo describe component command tests when a non-odo application is present on the cluster should describe the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.556 seconds]
odo create/delete/list/set namespace/project tests set namespace should not succeed to set the namespace

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [60.086 seconds]
odo describe component command tests when creating a component when running odo dev (podman=false,debug=true) JSON output when describing the component in dev mode should describe the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [10.104 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests deploying devfile with exec when using devfile that works; with component name of a normal character length should complete the command execution successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [47.903 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when odo is executed with --no-watch flag and with --no-commands when a file in component directory is modified should not trigger a push

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [8.175 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when a resource is changed in the devfile and the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml with --files=false --running-in=dev should delete the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [129.033 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev and composite command is used as a run command - with metadata.name should run successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [11.435 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [9.676 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [130.844 seconds]
odo dev command tests when java-springboot application is created and running odo dev when Update the devfile.yaml Should build the application successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [79.492 seconds]
odo dev command tests when creating local files and dir and running odo dev - with metadata.name when deleting local files and dir and waiting for sync should not list deleted dir and file in container

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [47.064 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev and build command throws an error should error out with some log

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
S [7.271 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests deploying devfile with exec [It] should not set securitycontext for podsecurity admission on job's pod template

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

  [SKIPPED] This is a Kubernetes specific scenario, skipping
  In [It] at: /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_deploy_test.go:603 @ 10/30/23 09:44:01.8
• [66.848 seconds]
odo dev command tests when adding local files to gitignore and running odo dev when modifying /testdir/foobar.txt file should not synchronize it

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.099 seconds]
odo create/delete/list/set namespace/project tests create project should fail to create project

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.192 seconds]
odo devfile build-images command tests when using a Devfile with variable image names should build images with --var-file (push=false)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [153.040 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev with devfile containing volume-component - with metadata.name should successfully use the volume components in container components

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [27.434 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped when the component is deleted using its name (and namespace) from another directory (running-in="dev") should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [4.371 seconds]
odo deploy interactive command tests directory is not empty when Alizer cannot determine a Devfile based on the current source code should not fail but fallback to the interactive mode

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo deploy' from /tmp/849706150
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [4.191 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing two deploy commands should run odo deploy

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [3.756 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped should fail when using --no-commands and --build-command and/or --run-command together

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [112.302 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has single endpoint when running odo dev when modifying name for container in Devfile should react on the Devfile modification (podman=false, manual=true, customPortForwarding=true, customAddress=true)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.357 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Devfile contains metadata.language when odo deploy is executed should set the correct value in labels of deployed resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [119.946 seconds]
odo dev command tests Devfile with no metadata.name when running odo dev against a component with no source code should use the directory as component name

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [48.870 seconds]
odo dev command tests 1. devfile contains composite apply command the devfile contains an image component that uses a remote Dockerfile when [PODMAN_CMD=echo] remote server returns an error when odo dev is run should not build images when odo dev is run

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
S [3.757 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped [It] should not set securitycontext for podsecurity admission

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

  [SKIPPED] This is a Kubernetes specific scenario, skipping
  In [It] at: /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:394 @ 10/30/23 09:44:47.366
• [243.853 seconds]
odo dev command tests when node-js application is created and deployed with devfile schema 2.2.0 when Update the devfile.yaml, and waiting synchronization should check cpuLimit, cpuRequests, memoryRequests after restart

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.548 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [7.277 seconds]
odo generic When deleting two project one after the other should be able to delete sequentially

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [79.106 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has multiple endpoints when running odo dev should expose all endpoints on localhost regardless of exposure(podman=false, manual=true, customPortForwarding=true, customAddress=false)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [60.448 seconds]
odo describe component command tests when creating a component when running odo dev (podman=false,debug=false) JSON output when switching to another directory when describing the component from another directory should describe the named component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [7.122 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when a resource is changed in the devfile and the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml with --files=false --running-in=dev should delete the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [63.116 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped when the component is deleted using its name (and namespace) from another directory (running-in="deploy") should output that there are no resources to be deleted

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [69.533 seconds]
odo dev command with api server tests when the component is bootstrapped when odo dev is run with --api-server flag when /component/command endpoint is POSTed should trigger a push

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [57.907 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when odo dev is executed when odo dev is stopped should delete the component from the platform

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [3.955 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running applications listening on the container loopback interface should error out if using --forward-localhost on any platform other than Podman

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [57.077 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Devfile contains metadata.projectType invalid as a label value when running odo dev should set the correct value in labels of resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [78.533 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has single endpoint when running odo dev should expose the endpoint on localhost (podman=false, manual=true, customPortForwarding=false, customAddress=false)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [7.240 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when deploying a Devfile K8s component with multiple K8s resources defined should have created all the resources defined in the Devfile K8s component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [86.452 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing an outer-loop Kubernetes component referenced via an URI when running odo deploy should run odo dev successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [57.821 seconds]
odo describe component command tests when creating a component when running odo dev (podman=false,debug=true) Default output when describing the component in dev mode should describe the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [92.571 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when odo dev is executed and Ephemeral is set to false when stopping odo dev normally should have deleted all resources before returning

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [50.542 seconds]
odo dev debug command tests when creating nodejs component, doing odo dev and run command has dev.odo.push.path attribute should sync only the mentioned files at the appropriate remote destination

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [81.691 seconds]
odo dev interactive command tests directory is not empty when there is a match from Alizer should run alizer to download devfile

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo dev --random-ports' from /tmp/591668120
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [56.956 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev with alternative commands - without metadata.name when running odo dev with a run command should execute the default run command successfully if specified explicitly

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [67.083 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped should show validation errors if the devfile is incorrect

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [152.148 seconds]
odo dev command tests multiple dev sessions with different project are running on same platform (podman=false), same port when odo dev session is run for nodejs component when odo dev session is run for go project on the same port but different address when go and nodejs files are modified should be possible to access both the projects on same address and port

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [89.113 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when odo dev is executed and Ephemeral is set to false when killing odo dev and running odo delete component --wait should have deleted all resources before returning

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [99.080 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when odo dev is executed and Ephemeral is set to false when killing odo dev and another process replaces it should restart a new session successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

Summarizing 5 Failures:
  [FAIL] odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has single endpoint when running odo dev [It] should expose the endpoint on localhost (podman=false, manual=true, customPortForwarding=false, customAddress=true)
  [FAIL] odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has single endpoint when running odo dev when modifying name for container in Devfile [It] should react on the Devfile modification (podman=false, manual=false, customPortForwarding=true, customAddress=false)
  [FAIL] odo dev command tests when hotReload capable Build and Run commands are used with odo dev [It] should execute the build and run commands
  [FAIL] odo dev command tests when doing odo dev and there is a env variable with spaces - with metadata.name [It] should be able to exec command
  [FAIL] odo dev command tests when running odo dev with alternative commands - with metadata.name when running odo dev with a run command [It] should execute the custom non-default run command successfully

Ran 406 of 956 Specs in 1405.612 seconds
FAIL! -- 401 Passed | 5 Failed | 0 Pending | 550 Skipped

Ginkgo ran 1 suite in 24m32.303938167s

Test Suite Failed
exit status 1
make: *** [Makefile:214: test-integration-cluster] Error 1