cp ododevapispec.yaml pkg/apiserver-impl/swagger-ui/swagger.yaml
go install -mod=vendor -ldflags="-X github.com/redhat-developer/odo/pkg/version.GITCOMMIT=6558b71a8" ./cmd/odo/
go run -mod=vendor github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/ginkgo  --randomize-all --poll-progress-after=120s --poll-progress-interval=120s -timeout 14400s --no-color -nodes=16 --junit-report="test-integration.xml" --label-filter="!unauth && !nocluster && !podman" tests/integration
Running Suite: Integration Suite - /go/odo_1/tests/integration
Random Seed: 1701431131 - will randomize all specs

Will run 504 of 962 specs
Running in parallel across 16 processes
• [20.565 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing an Image component with a build context should build image via Docker if build context references PROJECT_SOURCE env var

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [21.013 seconds]
odo create/delete/list/set namespace/project tests when namespace is created with -w should list the new namespace when listing namespace

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [22.240 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when a component is bootstrapped when using a default namespace should display warning when running the deploy command

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [21.684 seconds]
odo create/delete/list/set namespace/project tests create namespace should successfully create the namespace

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.876 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev and prestart events are defined should not correctly execute PreStart commands

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [9.620 seconds]
odo delete command tests when running odo deploy for an exec command bound to fail should print the job in the list of resources to be deleted with named delete command

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [34.922 seconds]
odo dev interactive command tests when a component is bootstrapped should sync files when p is pressed

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo dev --random-ports --no-watch' from /tmp/3256859394
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [7.289 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [30.683 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped when the component is deleted using its name (and namespace) from another directory (running-in="dev") when odo delete command is run again with nothing deployed on the cluster should output that there are no resources to be deleted

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [61.278 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when build command takes really long to start should cancel build command and return if odo dev is stopped

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [65.738 seconds]
odo dev command with api server tests when the component is bootstrapped when odo dev is run with --api-server flag when /instance endpoint is DELETEd should terminate the dev session

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  <<< Session terminated >>>
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [71.121 seconds]
odo dev command tests 1. devfile contains composite apply command the devfile contains an image component that uses a remote Dockerfile when [PODMAN_CMD=echo] remote server returns a valid file when odo dev is run should build and push image when odo dev is run

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [78.474 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev and composite command is marked as parallel:true - without metadata.name should execute all commands in composite command

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [58.587 seconds]
odo dev command with api server tests when the component is bootstrapped when odo dev is run with --api-server flag (custom api server port=false) should describe the API Server port (JSON)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [81.858 seconds]
odo dev command tests when devfile has sourcemappings and running odo dev - with metadata.name should sync files to the correct location

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
S [3.790 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when deploying a ServiceBinding k8s resource [BeforeEach] when odo deploy is run should successfully deploy the ServiceBinding resource
  [BeforeEach] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_deploy_test.go:387
  [It] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_deploy_test.go:412

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

  [SKIPPED] Skipping service binding tests as SKIP_SERVICE_BINDING_TESTS is true
  In [BeforeEach] at: /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_deploy_test.go:390 @ 12/01/23 11:48:09.301
• [70.028 seconds]
odo dev debug command tests when running build and debug commands as composite in different containers and a shared volume - with metadata.name should run successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [94.616 seconds]
odo dev interactive command tests directory is not empty when there is a match from Alizer should run alizer to download devfile

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo dev --random-ports' from /tmp/3584517730
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
S [5.130 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Starting a PostgreSQL service [BeforeEach] when creating local files and dir and running odo dev - without metadata.name when deleting local files and dir and waiting for sync should not list deleted dir and file in container
  [BeforeEach] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1815
  [It] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1882

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

  [SKIPPED] Skipping service binding tests as SKIP_SERVICE_BINDING_TESTS is true
  In [BeforeEach] at: /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1818 @ 12/01/23 11:48:20.518
• [5.487 seconds]
odo generic executing odo version command should only print client info when using --client flag

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [100.077 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has multiple endpoints when running odo dev should expose all endpoints on localhost regardless of exposure(podman=false, manual=false, customPortForwarding=false, customAddress=false)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [70.462 seconds]
odo dev debug command tests when running build and debug commands as composite in different containers and a shared volume - without metadata.name should run successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [9.330 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [70.291 seconds]
odo dev debug command tests when a composite command is used as debug command - with metadata.name should run successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [59.642 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when odo is executed with --no-watch flag and without --no-commands when a file in component directory is modified should not trigger a push

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [24.234 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev with alternative commands - without metadata.name when running odo dev with a build command should error out on an invalid command

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [57.509 seconds]
odo describe component command tests when creating a component when running odo dev (podman=false,debug=false) Default output when switching to another directory when describing the component from another directory should describe the named component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [130.902 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev with devfile contain volume - with metadata.name check the volume name and mount paths for the containers

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [130.652 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev and single env var is set - with metadata.name should be able to exec command

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
  Progress Report for Ginkgo Process #8
  Automatically polling progress:
    odo dev command tests when running odo dev and single env var is set - without metadata.name should be able to exec command (Spec Runtime: 2m12.914s)
      In [It] (Node Runtime: 2m0s)

      Begin Captured GinkgoWriter Output >>
        [odo] I1201 11:48:28.571171   12904 watch.go:333] Dev mode interrupted by user
        [odo] read: read /dev/stdin: input/output error
        [odo] I1201 11:48:28.582478   12904 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/3749778175/preference.yaml
        [odo] I1201 11:48:28.583773   12904 segment.go:268] Checking telemetry enable status
        [odo] I1201 11:48:28.583795   12904 segment.go:286] Sending telemetry disabled by env variable
        [odo] Cleaning resources, please wait
        [odo] I1201 11:48:28.705573   12904 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 201 APIs
        [odo] I1201 11:48:28.705717   12904 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs
        [odo] I1201 11:48:29.592869   12904 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 887.293501ms
        [odo] I1201 11:48:29.592956   12904 all.go:76] query result: objects=627
      << End Captured GinkgoWriter Output

      Spec Goroutine
      goroutine 69 [select]
        github.com/onsi/gomega/internal.(*AsyncAssertion).match(0xc00002a1c0, {0x3158298?, 0xc000150de0}, 0x1, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0})
        github.com/onsi/gomega/internal.(*AsyncAssertion).Should(0xc00002a1c0, {0x3158298, 0xc000150de0}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0})
        github.com/onsi/gomega/gexec.(*Session).Wait(0xc0009a3d70?, {0xc000e10430?, 0xc0009a3c38?, 0x2?})
        github.com/redhat-developer/odo/tests/helper.RunDevMode({{0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...}, ...)
      > github.com/redhat-developer/odo/tests/integration.glob..func7.11.2()
            | It("should be able to exec command", func() {
            > 	err := helper.RunDevMode(helper.DevSessionOpts{
            | 		RunOnPodman: podman,
            | 	}, func(session *gexec.Session, out, err string, ports map[string]string) {
        github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal.extractBodyFunction.func3({0x26cad73, 0xc000792840})
• [134.205 seconds]
odo dev debug command tests when creating nodejs component, doing odo dev and run command has dev.odo.push.path attribute should sync only the mentioned files at the appropriate remote destination

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [138.917 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev and single env var is set - without metadata.name should be able to exec command

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [67.119 seconds]
odo dev command tests when adding local files to gitignore and running odo dev when modifying /testdir/foobar.txt file should not synchronize it

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [27.576 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml when the component is deleted with --files should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [50.982 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests deploying devfile with exec when the deploy command terminates abruptly; component name of at max(63) characters length when odo deploy command is run again should run successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [59.287 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is running in both DEV and DEPLOY mode and dev mode is killed when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should delete the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [49.798 seconds]
odo dev command tests when using a Devfile with no commands should start the Dev Session with --no-commands=false

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [7.077 seconds]
odo describe component command tests should fail, with default cluster mode

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [84.061 seconds]
odo dev command tests when starting with Devfile with autoBuild or deployByDefault components when running odo dev with some components not referenced in the Devfile should create the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [61.306 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev with alternative commands - without metadata.name should execute the custom non-default build and run commands successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [121.104 seconds]
odo dev command tests when doing odo dev and there is a env variable with spaces - without metadata.name should be able to exec command

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [9.499 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [8.557 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when a resource is changed in the devfile and the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml with --files=true --running-in=dev should delete the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [58.853 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev with alternative commands - without metadata.name when running odo dev with a build command should execute the default build command successfully if specified explicitly

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [60.357 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml when the component is deleted with --files should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.649 seconds]
odo create/delete/list/set namespace/project tests delete namespace should not succeed to delete a non-existent namespace

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [120.114 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev with devfile contain volume - without metadata.name should create pvc and reuse if it shares the same devfile volume name

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [59.497 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev with alternative commands - with metadata.name when running odo dev with a build command should execute the default build command successfully if specified explicitly

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [58.933 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Devfile 2.1.0 is used - with metadata.name when doing odo dev with --var-file flag and setting value in env should check if the env variable has a correct value

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [60.315 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has single endpoint when running odo dev should expose the endpoint on localhost (podman=false, manual=true, customPortForwarding=false, customAddress=true)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [117.186 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev and run command throws an error should error out with some log

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [10.064 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.308 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running applications listening on the container loopback interface should error out if using --forward-localhost on any platform other than Podman

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [9.261 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [30.987 seconds]
odo logs command tests when component is created and odo logs is executed when running in Deploy mode when --follow flag is specified should successfully follow logs of running component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.603 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped should fail when using --no-commands and --build-command and/or --run-command together

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [8.706 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when a resource is changed in the devfile and the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml with --files=true --running-in= should delete the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [59.122 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when odo dev is executed and Ephemeral is set to false should have created resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [36.224 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped should start on cluster even if Podman client takes long to initialize

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [68.884 seconds]
odo dev command tests when adding local files to gitignore and running odo dev when modifying /foobar.txt file should not synchronize it

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [8.115 seconds]
odo create/delete/list/set namespace/project tests create project should successfully create the project

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [60.587 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is running in both DEV and DEPLOY mode and dev mode is killed when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should delete the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [61.361 seconds]
odo dev command tests when devfile has sourcemappings and running odo dev - without metadata.name should sync files to the correct location

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [61.761 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is running in both DEV and DEPLOY mode and dev mode is killed when the component is deleted using its name and namespace from another directory should delete the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [61.757 seconds]
odo dev command tests when creating nodejs component, doing odo dev and run command has dev.odo.push.path attribute should sync only the mentioned files at the appropriate remote destination

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [9.750 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when a resource is changed in the devfile and the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml with --files=true --running-in= should delete the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [7.848 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when a resource is changed in the devfile and the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml with --files=false --running-in= should delete the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.817 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing an outer-loop Kubernetes component referenced via an URI when running odo deploy with image build extra args should succeed

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [78.829 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has multiple endpoints when running odo dev should expose all endpoints on localhost regardless of exposure(podman=false, manual=false, customPortForwarding=false, customAddress=true)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [128.064 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev and composite command is used as a run command - with metadata.name should run successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [80.103 seconds]
odo dev command tests when creating local files and dir and running odo dev - without metadata.name when deleting local files and dir and waiting for sync should not list deleted dir and file in container

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [111.424 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has single endpoint when running odo dev when modifying name for container in Devfile should react on the Devfile modification (podman=false, manual=true, customPortForwarding=false, customAddress=true)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [7.608 seconds]
odo devfile build-images command tests when using a Devfile with variable image names should build images with --var (push=true)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [10.646 seconds]
odo describe component command tests when creating a component when running odo deploy to create ingress/routes should show the ingress with defaultBackend in odo describe component output

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [60.353 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev and devfile with composite command - with metadata.name should execute all commands in composite command

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [7.639 seconds]
odo devfile build-images command tests when starting with Devfile with autoBuild or deployByDefault components when building and pushing images should build and push all Image components regardless of autoBuild

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [10.914 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when the component is deleted using its name and namespace from another directory should output that there are no resources to be deleted

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [87.968 seconds]
odo dev command tests 1. devfile contains composite apply command when odo dev is running with both image build and container run extra args should execute the composite apply commands successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [60.963 seconds]
odo dev command tests when devfile project field is present and running odo dev - with metadata.name should sync to the correct dir in container

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.274 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests Devfile with autoBuild or deployByDefault components when starting with Devfile with Deploy commands when running odo deploy with some components not referenced in the Devfile should create the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.832 seconds]
odo devfile build-images command tests when using a Devfile with variable image names should build images with default variable values (push=false)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [81.140 seconds]
odo dev command tests when adding local files to gitignore and running odo dev when modifying /testdir/baz.txt file should synchronize it only

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [57.562 seconds]
odo dev command with api server tests when the component is bootstrapped when odo dev is run with --api-server flag (custom api server port=true) should start the Dev server when --api-server flag is passed

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [8.122 seconds]
odo list with devfile listing non-odo managed components when a non-odo managed component is deployed should list the component in JSON

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [125.898 seconds]
odo list with devfile when a component created in 'app' application when dev is running on cluster should display platform

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [8.620 seconds]
odo create/delete/list/set namespace/project tests set namespace should not succeed to set the namespace

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.796 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing an outer-loop Kubernetes component referenced via an URI when running odo deploy should succeed

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [88.987 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component with endpoints is bootstrapped and pushed should not create Ingress or Route resources in the cluster

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [8.222 seconds]
odo devfile build-images command tests when using a Devfile with variable image names should build images with default variable values (push=true)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [89.199 seconds]
odo dev command tests 1. devfile contains composite apply command when odo dev is running with image build extra args should execute the composite apply commands successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [30.772 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped when the component is deleted using its name (and namespace) from another directory (running-in="dev") when odo delete command is run again with nothing deployed on the cluster should output that there are no resources to be deleted

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.134 seconds]
odo devfile build-images command tests when using a Devfile with variable image names should build images with --var-file (push=false)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [114.739 seconds]
odo logs command tests when component is created and odo logs is executed when running in Dev mode when --follow flag is specified should successfully follow logs of running component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [68.676 seconds]
odo dev command tests when adding local files to gitignore and running odo dev when modifying /foobar.txt file should not synchronize it

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [8.249 seconds]
odo deploy interactive command tests directory is not empty when there is a match from Alizer should run alizer to download devfile

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo deploy' from /tmp/3104189464
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [59.878 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has single endpoint when running odo dev should expose the endpoint on localhost (podman=false, manual=true, customPortForwarding=true, customAddress=false)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [32.158 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is running in both DEV and DEPLOY mode and dev mode is killed when the component is deleted using its name and namespace from another directory should delete the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [16.844 seconds]
odo create/delete/list/set namespace/project tests delete namespace when force-deleting a valid namespace should successfully delete the namespace asynchronously

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [10.627 seconds]
odo generic When deleting two project one after the other should be able to delete sequentially

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [61.352 seconds]
odo dev command with api server tests when the component is bootstrapped when odo dev is run with --api-server flag should serve endpoints

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [119.529 seconds]
odo logs command tests when component is created and odo logs is executed when running in both Dev and Deploy mode when --follow flag is specified should successfully follow logs of running component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [61.691 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev with alternative commands - without metadata.name when running odo dev with a build command should execute the custom non-default build command successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [30.676 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped when the component is deleted using its name (and namespace) from another directory (running-in="") when odo delete command is run again with nothing deployed on the cluster should output that there are no resources to be deleted

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [60.327 seconds]
odo describe component command tests when creating a component when running odo dev (podman=false,debug=true) Default output when switching to another directory when describing the component from another directory should describe the named component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [81.314 seconds]
odo dev interactive command tests directory is not empty when there is a match from Alizer should display welcoming messages first

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo dev --random-ports' from /tmp/1470697142
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [61.684 seconds]
odo dev command tests when project and clonePath is present in devfile and running odo dev - with metadata.name should sync to the correct dir in container

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.476 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when directory is empty should error

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.124 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped should fail when using --no-commands and --build-command and/or --run-command together

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [59.949 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Devfile contains neither metadata.language nor metadata.projectType when running odo dev should set the correct value in labels of resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [63.007 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is running in both DEV and DEPLOY mode and dev mode is killed when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should delete the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [28.316 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped when the component is deleted using its name (and namespace) from another directory (running-in="") should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [28.122 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml when the component is deleted with --files should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [59.790 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped should add annotation to use ImageStreams

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [27.709 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml when the component is deleted with --files should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [4.610 seconds]
odo create/delete/list/set namespace/project tests list namespace should successfully list all the namespaces in JSON format

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [59.397 seconds]
odo describe component command tests when creating a component when running odo dev (podman=false,debug=false) JSON output when describing the component in dev mode should describe the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [63.300 seconds]
odo dev command tests when multiple projects are present - without metadata.name should sync to the correct dir in container

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [78.547 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has multiple endpoints when running odo dev should expose all endpoints on localhost regardless of exposure(podman=false, manual=true, customPortForwarding=false, customAddress=false)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [7.542 seconds]
odo create/delete/list/set namespace/project tests create namespace should fail to create namespace

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [89.483 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when odo dev is executed and Ephemeral is set to false when killing odo dev and another process replaces it should restart a new session successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [111.740 seconds]
odo dev command tests multiple dev sessions with different project are running on same platform (podman=false), same port when odo dev session is run for nodejs component when odo dev session is run for go project on the same port but different address should be able to run both the sessions

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [120.604 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev with devfile contain volume - with metadata.name should create pvc and reuse if it shares the same devfile volume name

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [80.956 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when odo is executed with --no-watch flag and with --no-commands=false when a file in component directory is modified when p is pressed should trigger a push

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.461 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when deploying a Devfile OpenShift component with multiple K8s resources defined should have created all the resources defined in the Devfile OpenShift component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [57.276 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Devfile 2.1.0 is used - with metadata.name when doing odo dev with --var-file flag should check if the env variable has a correct value

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [110.182 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has single endpoint when running odo dev when modifying name for container in Devfile should react on the Devfile modification (podman=false, manual=false, customPortForwarding=false, customAddress=false)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.533 seconds]
odo create/delete/list/set namespace/project tests list project should successfully list all the projects

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [35.552 seconds]
odo delete command tests when deleting a component containing preStop event that is deployed with DEV and --files=true should delete the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [48.365 seconds]
odo dev command tests 1. devfile contains composite apply command the devfile contains an image component that uses a remote Dockerfile when [PODMAN_CMD=a-command-not-found-for-podman-should-make-odo-fallback-to-docker DOCKER_CMD=echo] remote server returns an error when odo dev is run should not build images when odo dev is run

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [60.197 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Devfile contains metadata.language when running odo dev should set the correct value in labels of resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [126.879 seconds]
odo list with devfile when a component created in 'app' application when dev is running on cluster show an odo deploy or dev in the list

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [59.902 seconds]
odo dev command tests when odo dev is executed to run a devfile containing a k8s resource should have created the necessary k8s resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [71.607 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests deploying devfile with exec when using devfile with a long running command in exec should print the tip to run odo logs after 1 minute of execution

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [60.613 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Devfile 2.1.0 is used - with metadata.name when doing odo dev 3. should check if the env variable has a correct value

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [119.494 seconds]
odo dev command tests when node-js application is created and deployed with devfile schema 2.2.0 should check memory Request and Limit

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.212 seconds]
odo devfile build-images command tests when using a Devfile with variable image names should build images with --var-file (push=true)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [9.168 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when a resource is changed in the devfile and the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml with --files=false --running-in= should delete the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [87.636 seconds]
odo dev command tests 1. devfile contains composite apply command when odo dev is running should execute the composite apply commands successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [58.017 seconds]
odo describe component command tests when creating a component when running odo dev (podman=false,debug=true) JSON output when describing the component in dev mode should describe the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.436 seconds]
odo logs command tests when odo logs is executed for a component that's not running in any modes should print that no containers are running

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [17.760 seconds]
odo create/delete/list/set namespace/project tests delete project when force-deleting a valid project should successfully delete the project synchronously with --wait

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [4.865 seconds]
odo describe component command tests when creating a component should not describe the component from another directory, with cluster

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.603 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing an outer-loop Kubernetes component referenced via an URI when an env.yaml file contains a non-current Project when running odo deploy should succeed

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [57.431 seconds]
odo dev command with api server tests when the component is bootstrapped when odo dev is run with --api-server flag (custom api server port=false) should describe the API Server port

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [140.011 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev with devfile containing volume-component - with metadata.name should successfully use the volume components in container components

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.749 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing two deploy commands should run odo deploy

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [96.373 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when a delay is necessary for the component to start and running odo dev should first fail then succeed querying endpoint

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [49.406 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev --no-watch and build command throws an error should error out with some log

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [60.407 seconds]
odo dev debug command tests when a component is bootstrapped when running odo dev with debug flag should connect to relevant ports forwarded

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [79.198 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has multiple endpoints when running odo dev should expose all endpoints on localhost regardless of exposure(podman=false, manual=false, customPortForwarding=true, customAddress=false)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.253 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when a resource is changed in the devfile and the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml with --files=false --running-in=deploy should delete the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [60.755 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when odo dev is executed when odo dev is stopped should delete the component from the platform

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [68.838 seconds]
odo dev command tests when adding local files to gitignore and running odo dev when modifying /testdir/foobar.txt file should not synchronize it

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [62.374 seconds]
odo dev command tests when adding local files to gitignore and running odo dev should not sync ignored files to the container

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.333 seconds]
odo devfile init command tests setting application ports when running odo init --run-port with a Devfile with no commands should ignore the run ports

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [90.477 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when odo dev is executed and Ephemeral is set to false when killing odo dev and running odo delete component --wait should have deleted all resources before returning

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [9.725 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [86.705 seconds]
odo dev command tests when starting with Devfile with autoBuild or deployByDefault components when running odo dev with some components referenced in the Devfile should create the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [10.703 seconds]
odo generic executing odo version command when executing the complete command with server info should show the version of odo major components including server login URL

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
S [8.044 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests deploying devfile with exec [It] should not set securitycontext for podsecurity admission on job's pod template

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

  [SKIPPED] This is a Kubernetes specific scenario, skipping
  In [It] at: /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_deploy_test.go:603 @ 12/01/23 11:55:46.132
• [56.687 seconds]
odo run command tests when a component is bootstrapped when odo dev is executed with --no-commands=true and ready should execute commands

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [118.717 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a devfile with a local parent is used for odo dev and the parent is not synced when updating the parent should update the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [62.057 seconds]
odo dev command tests when no project is present - with metadata.name should sync to the correct dir in container

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
S [8.906 seconds]
odo devfile registry command tests when DevfileRegistriesList CRD is installed on cluster [BeforeEach] when CR for devfileregistrieslists is installed in namespace should list detailed information regarding nodejs when using an in-cluster registry
  [BeforeEach] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_registry_test.go:212
  [It] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_registry_test.go:240

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

  [SKIPPED] skipped on non Kubernetes clusters
  In [BeforeEach] at: /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_registry_test.go:214 @ 12/01/23 11:55:50.596
• [58.841 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Devfile contains metadata.projectType when running odo dev should set the correct value in labels of resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [63.917 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev with alternative commands - with metadata.name should execute the custom non-default build and run commands successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [9.918 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing a deploy command when an env.yaml file contains a non-current Project when running odo deploy when the env.yaml file still contains a non-current Project should delete the component in the current namespace

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [141.150 seconds]
odo dev command tests when java-springboot application is created and running odo dev when Update the devfile.yaml when compare the local and remote files localFiles and remoteFiles should match

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.736 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running applications listening on the container loopback interface should error out if using --forward-localhost on any platform other than Podman

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [8.607 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when the component is deleted using its name and namespace from another directory should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [59.743 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is running in both DEV and DEPLOY mode and dev mode is killed when the component is deleted using its name and namespace from another directory should delete the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [71.545 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is running in both DEV and DEPLOY mode and dev mode is killed when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should delete the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.719 seconds]
odo create/delete/list/set namespace/project tests set namespace should successfully set the namespace

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [28.521 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests deploying devfile with exec when using devfile that works; with component name of a normal character length should complete the command execution successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.252 seconds]
odo deploy interactive command tests directory is not empty when Alizer cannot determine a Devfile based on the current source code should not fail but fallback to the interactive mode

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo deploy' from /tmp/793304980
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [82.465 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped when the component is deleted using its name (and namespace) from another directory (running-in="deploy") when odo delete command is run again with nothing deployed on the cluster should output that there are no resources to be deleted

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.917 seconds]
odo dev command with api server tests when the component is bootstrapped should fail if --api-server is false but --api-server-port is true

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [9.566 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [122.810 seconds]
odo dev command tests when doing odo dev and there is a env variable with spaces - with metadata.name should be able to exec command

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [7.193 seconds]
odo create/delete/list/set namespace/project tests set namespace when running inside a component directory should set the namespace

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
S [5.994 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Starting a PostgreSQL service [BeforeEach] when creating local files and dir and running odo dev - with metadata.name should correctly propagate changes to the container
  [BeforeEach] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1815
  [It] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1865

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

  [SKIPPED] Skipping service binding tests as SKIP_SERVICE_BINDING_TESTS is true
  In [BeforeEach] at: /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1818 @ 12/01/23 11:56:41.824
• [65.153 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is running in both DEV and DEPLOY mode and dev mode is killed when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should delete the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [26.272 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev with alternative commands - with metadata.name when running odo dev with a run command should error out on an invalid command

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [99.520 seconds]
odo dev command tests when project and clonePath is present in devfile and running odo dev - without metadata.name should sync to the correct dir in container

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [94.103 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is running in both DEV and DEPLOY mode and dev mode is killed when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should delete the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.513 seconds]
odo logs command tests when directory is empty should error

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [78.291 seconds]
odo dev command with api server tests when the component is bootstrapped when odo dev is run with --api-server flag (custom api server port=true) should describe the API Server port

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [92.173 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is running in both DEV and DEPLOY mode and dev mode is killed when the component is deleted using its name and namespace from another directory should delete the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [102.744 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped should not sync .git directory

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.755 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Devfile contains metadata.language when odo deploy is executed should set the correct value in labels of deployed resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [7.471 seconds]
odo list with devfile listing non-odo managed components when a non-odo managed component is deployed should list the component with odo list

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.481 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when a state file is not writable should fail running odo dev

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [103.284 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component with multiple endpoints is run should fail running a second session on the same platform

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [99.719 seconds]
odo run command tests when a component is bootstrapped when odo dev is executed with --no-commands=false and ready should execute commands

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [47.640 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev and build command throws an error should error out with some log

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [129.033 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Devfile 2.1.0 is used - without metadata.name when doing odo dev 3. should check if the env variable has a correct value

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [9.925 seconds]
odo dev interactive command tests directory is not empty when Alizer cannot determine a Devfile based on the current source code should not fail but fallback to the interactive mode

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo dev --random-ports' from /tmp/16579771
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [70.501 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped when the component is deleted using its name (and namespace) from another directory (running-in="deploy") should output that there are no resources to be deleted

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [58.668 seconds]
odo dev command tests when setting git config and running odo dev should create vcs-uri annotation for the deployment when running odo dev

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [7.658 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [60.106 seconds]
odo dev debug command tests when a component is bootstrapped when running odo dev with debug flag and custom port mapping for port forwarding should connect to relevant custom ports forwarded

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [118.620 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing an outer-loop Kubernetes component referenced via an URI when running odo deploy when running and stopping odo dev should not delete the resources created with odo deploy

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [143.419 seconds]
odo logs command tests when component is created and odo logs is executed when running in Dev mode with --logs 1. should successfully show logs of the running component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [57.081 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests deploying devfile with long-running exec when Automount volumes are present in the namespace should mount the volumes

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [25.267 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when an env.yaml file contains a non-current Project when odo dev is executed should not have modified env.yaml, and use current namespace

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
  Progress Report for Ginkgo Process #14
  Automatically polling progress:
    odo dev command tests when running odo dev and multiple env variables are set - without metadata.name should be able to exec command (Spec Runtime: 2m5.215s)
      In [It] (Node Runtime: 2m0.001s)

      Begin Captured GinkgoWriter Output >>
        [odo] read: read /dev/stdin: input/output error
        [odo] I1201 11:58:11.257641   32486 watch.go:333] Dev mode interrupted by user
        [odo] I1201 11:58:11.258132   32486 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/2317015021/preference.yaml
        [odo] I1201 11:58:11.259427   32486 segment.go:268] Checking telemetry enable status
        [odo] I1201 11:58:11.259458   32486 segment.go:286] Sending telemetry disabled by env variable
        [odo] Cleaning resources, please wait
        [odo] I1201 11:58:11.399652   32486 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 201 APIs
        [odo] I1201 11:58:11.400513   32486 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs
        [odo] I1201 11:58:12.105462   32486 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 705.81888ms
        [odo] I1201 11:58:12.105525   32486 all.go:76] query result: objects=627
      << End Captured GinkgoWriter Output

      Spec Goroutine
      goroutine 759 [select]
        github.com/onsi/gomega/internal.(*AsyncAssertion).match(0xc0001a2a10, {0x3158298?, 0xc000b32228}, 0x1, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0})
        github.com/onsi/gomega/internal.(*AsyncAssertion).Should(0xc0001a2a10, {0x3158298, 0xc000b32228}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0})
        github.com/onsi/gomega/gexec.(*Session).Wait(0xc00069dd70?, {0xc0014ee420?, 0x2d42af2?, 0x3?})
        github.com/redhat-developer/odo/tests/helper.RunDevMode({{0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...}, ...)
      > github.com/redhat-developer/odo/tests/integration.glob..func7.12.2()
            | It("should be able to exec command", func() {
            > 	err := helper.RunDevMode(helper.DevSessionOpts{
            | 		RunOnPodman: podman,
            | 	}, func(session *gexec.Session, out, err string, ports map[string]string) {
        github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal.extractBodyFunction.func3({0x10a8ebe, 0xc00160a3c0})
• [60.295 seconds]
odo describe component command tests when creating a component when running odo dev (podman=false,debug=true) Default output when describing the component in dev mode should describe the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [60.264 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has no endpoint when running odo dev should have no endpoint forwarded (podman=false, manual=true)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [61.411 seconds]
odo dev command tests when creating local files and dir and running odo dev - with metadata.name should correctly propagate changes to the container

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [9.626 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when a resource is changed in the devfile and the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml with --files=true --running-in=deploy should delete the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.213 seconds]
odo devfile build-images command tests when using a Devfile with variable image names should build images with --var (push=false)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [9.205 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when a resource is changed in the devfile and the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml with --files=false --running-in=dev should delete the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [131.492 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a hotReload capable Run command is used with odo dev should execute the build and run commands

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [86.115 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing a deploy command when running odo deploy should run odo dev successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [119.949 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has single endpoint when running odo dev when modifying name for container in Devfile should react on the Devfile modification (podman=false, manual=true, customPortForwarding=true, customAddress=true)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [58.599 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has single endpoint when running odo dev should expose the endpoint on localhost (podman=false, manual=true, customPortForwarding=true, customAddress=true)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [142.137 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev and multiple env variables are set - without metadata.name should be able to exec command

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [10.067 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests deploying devfile with exec when using a devfile name with length more than 63 should fail with invalid component name error

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [12.860 seconds]
odo create/delete/list/set namespace/project tests create project should fail to create project

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [15.839 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when a resource is changed in the devfile and the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml with --files=false --running-in=dev should delete the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [37.724 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is running in both DEV and DEPLOY mode and dev mode is killed when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should delete the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [13.840 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing a deploy command when running odo deploy with image build extra args should succeed

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [38.643 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is running in both DEV and DEPLOY mode and dev mode is killed when the component is deleted using its name and namespace from another directory should delete the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [22.758 seconds]
odo create/delete/list/set namespace/project tests delete project when force-deleting a valid project should successfully delete the project asynchronously

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
S [5.267 seconds]
odo preference and config command tests when DevfileRegistriesList CRD is installed on cluster [BeforeEach] when CR for devfileregistrieslists is installed in namespace registry list should return registry listed in CR
  [BeforeEach] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_pref_config_test.go:377
  [It] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_pref_config_test.go:414

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

  [SKIPPED] skipped on non Kubernetes clusters
  In [BeforeEach] at: /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_pref_config_test.go:379 @ 12/01/23 11:59:13.949
• [84.803 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing a deploy command when running odo deploy with image build extra args should run odo dev successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.857 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Devfile contains neither metadata.language nor metadata.projectType when odo deploy is executed should set the correct value in labels of deployed resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [63.970 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Devfile contains metadata.projectType invalid as a label value when running odo dev should set the correct value in labels of resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [92.019 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has multiple endpoints when running odo dev should expose all endpoints on localhost regardless of exposure(podman=false, manual=true, customPortForwarding=true, customAddress=false)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
S [5.288 seconds]
odo preference and config command tests when DevfileRegistriesList CRD is installed on cluster [BeforeEach] when CR for devfileregistrieslists is installed in namespace should fail to delete the in-cluster registry
  [BeforeEach] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_pref_config_test.go:377
  [It] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_pref_config_test.go:444

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

  [SKIPPED] skipped on non Kubernetes clusters
  In [BeforeEach] at: /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_pref_config_test.go:379 @ 12/01/23 11:59:24.608
S [4.701 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped [It] should not set securitycontext for podsecurity admission

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

  [SKIPPED] This is a Kubernetes specific scenario, skipping
  In [It] at: /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:394 @ 12/01/23 11:59:29.773
• [122.976 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing an outer-loop Kubernetes component referenced via an URI when running odo deploy with image build extra args when running and stopping odo dev should not delete the resources created with odo deploy

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [60.461 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when running with --no-commands (debug=true) should start the dev session

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [68.739 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped when the component is deleted using its name (and namespace) from another directory (running-in="deploy") should output that there are no resources to be deleted

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [54.963 seconds]
odo dev command tests 1. devfile contains composite apply command the devfile contains an image component that uses a remote Dockerfile when [PODMAN_CMD=echo] remote server returns an error when odo dev is run should not build images when odo dev is run

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [8.178 seconds]
odo deploy interactive command tests directory is not empty when there is a match from Alizer should run alizer to download devfile successfully even with -v flag

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo deploy -v 4' from /tmp/3002717645
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [40.306 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped when the component is deleted using its name (and namespace) from another directory (running-in="dev") should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [62.647 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has no endpoint when running odo dev should have no endpoint forwarded (podman=false, manual=false)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [77.410 seconds]
odo list with devfile devfile has missing metadata when projectType and language is missing when the component is pushed should show 'nodejs' for 'Type' in odo list

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [30.076 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped when the component is deleted using its name (and namespace) from another directory (running-in="") should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [35.166 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is running in both DEV and DEPLOY mode and dev mode is killed when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should delete the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [32.696 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped when the component is deleted using its name (and namespace) from another directory (running-in="") when odo delete command is run again with nothing deployed on the cluster should output that there are no resources to be deleted

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [13.393 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when the component is deleted using its name and namespace from another directory should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [98.100 seconds]
odo logs command tests when component is created and odo logs is executed when logs --follow is started when running in Dev mode should successfully follow logs of running component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.487 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped should fail when using --random-ports and --port-forward together

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [4.872 seconds]
odo dev command with api server tests when the component is bootstrapped should fail if --random-ports and --api-server-port are used together

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [98.437 seconds]
odo logs command tests when component is created and odo logs is executed when running in Dev mode should successfully show logs of the running component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [7.227 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests Devfile with autoBuild or deployByDefault components when starting with Devfile with Deploy commands when running odo deploy with some components referenced in the Devfile should create the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.286 seconds]
odo list with devfile listing non-odo managed components when a non-odo managed component without the managed-by label is deployed should list the component with odo list

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [16.927 seconds]
odo create/delete/list/set namespace/project tests delete namespace when force-deleting a valid namespace should successfully delete the namespace synchronously with --wait

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [63.824 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is running in both DEV and DEPLOY mode and dev mode is killed when the component is deleted using its name and namespace from another directory should delete the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [68.643 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped when the component is deleted using its name (and namespace) from another directory (running-in="deploy") when odo delete command is run again with nothing deployed on the cluster should output that there are no resources to be deleted

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [60.288 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Devfile 2.1.0 is used - without metadata.name when doing odo dev with --var flag should check if the env variable has a correct value

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
S [4.502 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when pod security is enforced as restricted [It] should set securitycontext for podsecurity admission

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

  [SKIPPED] This is a Kubernetes specific scenario, skipping
  In [It] at: /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:416 @ 12/01/23 12:00:46.441
• [6.692 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when recording telemetry data should record the telemetry data correctly

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [86.477 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing an outer-loop Kubernetes component referenced via an URI when running odo deploy with image build extra args should run odo dev successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [8.052 seconds]
odo create/delete/list/set namespace/project tests delete project should not succeed to delete a non-existent project

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [112.874 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has single endpoint when running odo dev when modifying name for container in Devfile should react on the Devfile modification (podman=false, manual=false, customPortForwarding=false, customAddress=true)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [7.158 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests using a Devfile with an image component using a remote Dockerfile when remote server returns an error should not build images

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [9.607 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [61.012 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when run command takes really long to start should cancel run command and return if odo dev is stopped

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [121.494 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing a deploy command when running odo deploy when running and stopping odo dev should not delete the resources created with odo deploy

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [61.461 seconds]
odo dev command with api server tests when the component is bootstrapped when odo dev is run with --api-server flag (custom api server port=true) should describe the API Server port (JSON)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [134.568 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running build and run commands as composite in different containers and a shared volume - without metadata.name should run successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.639 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing a deploy command when running odo deploy should succeed

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [59.091 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a container component defines a Command or Args - with metadata.name should run odo dev successfully (#5620)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
S [4.338 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests deploying devfile with exec [It] should not set securitycontext for podsecurity admission on job's pod template

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

  [SKIPPED] This is a Kubernetes specific scenario, skipping
  In [It] at: /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_deploy_test.go:603 @ 12/01/23 12:01:13.642
• [58.155 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev with alternative commands - with metadata.name when running odo dev with a run command should execute the default run command successfully if specified explicitly

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [51.371 seconds]
odo dev command tests when using a Devfile with no commands should start the Dev Session with --no-commands=true

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [131.962 seconds]
odo dev command tests when java-springboot application is created and running odo dev when Update the devfile.yaml Should build the application successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [16.387 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests deploying devfile with exec when using devfile where the exec command is bound to fail should print the last 100 lines of the log to the output

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [60.808 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped should use the index information from previous push operation

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.312 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests using a Devfile with an image component using a remote Dockerfile when remote server returns a valid file should run odo deploy

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [52.237 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when odo is executed with --no-watch flag and with --no-commands when a file in component directory is modified should not trigger a push

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [8.030 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Devfile contains metadata.language invalid as a label value when odo deploy is executed should set the correct value in labels of deployed resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [90.207 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has multiple endpoints when running odo dev should expose all endpoints on localhost regardless of exposure(podman=false, manual=true, customPortForwarding=true, customAddress=true)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.254 seconds]
odo describe component command tests should fail, with cluster

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.568 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running applications listening on the container loopback interface should error out if using --ignore-localhost on any platform other than Podman

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [49.978 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when using a default namespace should print warning about default namespace when running odo dev

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [60.861 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is running in both DEV and DEPLOY mode and dev mode is killed when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should delete the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [154.831 seconds]
odo dev command tests multiple dev sessions with different project are running on same platform (podman=false), same port when odo dev session is run for nodejs component when odo dev session is run for go project on the same port but different address when go and nodejs files are modified should be possible to access both the projects on same address and port

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.867 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when deploying a Devfile K8s component with multiple K8s resources defined should have created all the resources defined in the Devfile K8s component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [60.164 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a container component defines a Command or Args - without metadata.name should run odo dev successfully (#5620)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [70.164 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev and composite command are nested - with metadata.name should execute all commands in composite commmand

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [79.077 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has multiple endpoints when running odo dev should expose all endpoints on localhost regardless of exposure(podman=false, manual=true, customPortForwarding=false, customAddress=true)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [90.970 seconds]
odo dev command tests 1. devfile contains composite apply command when odo dev is running with container backend global extra args should execute the composite apply commands successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [58.365 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev and composite command are nested - without metadata.name should execute all commands in composite commmand

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [8.675 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.013 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing a deploy command when an env.yaml file contains a non-current Project when running odo deploy should succeed

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [80.264 seconds]
odo dev command tests when creating local files and dir and running odo dev - with metadata.name when deleting local files and dir and waiting for sync should not list deleted dir and file in container

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [60.006 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml when the component is deleted with --files should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [61.438 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is running in both DEV and DEPLOY mode and dev mode is killed when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should delete the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
S [5.693 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Starting a PostgreSQL service [BeforeEach] when creating local files and dir and running odo dev - without metadata.name should correctly propagate changes to the container
  [BeforeEach] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1815
  [It] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1865

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

  [SKIPPED] Skipping service binding tests as SKIP_SERVICE_BINDING_TESTS is true
  In [BeforeEach] at: /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1818 @ 12/01/23 12:02:44.239
• [59.256 seconds]
odo dev debug command tests when a component is bootstrapped when running odo dev with debug flag should not add a DEBUG_PORT variable to the container

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [59.280 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when odo is executed with --no-watch flag and with --no-commands=false when a file in component directory is modified should not trigger a push

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.473 seconds]
odo dev command tests when directory is empty should error

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [120.908 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev and multiple env variables are set - with metadata.name should be able to exec command

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [58.715 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component with multiple endpoints is run should create state files containing information, including forwarded ports

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  PID: 44086
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [92.278 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when odo dev is executed and Ephemeral is set to false when stopping odo dev normally should have deleted all resources before returning

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [79.759 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has multiple endpoints when running odo dev should expose all endpoints on localhost regardless of exposure(podman=false, manual=false, customPortForwarding=true, customAddress=true)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [129.725 seconds]
odo describe component command tests checking for remote source code location when using devfile with containers that has mountSource set to false and starting an odo dev session should show remote source code location in odo describe component output

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [119.046 seconds]
odo describe component command tests checking for remote source code location when using devfile with no sourceMapping, defaults to /projects and starting an odo dev session should show remote source code location in odo describe component output

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [69.717 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Create and dev java-springboot component should execute default build and run commands correctly

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.369 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Devfile contains metadata.projectType invalid as a label value when odo deploy is executed should set the correct value in labels of deployed resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [78.815 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when odo is executed with --no-watch flag and without --no-commands when a file in component directory is modified when p is pressed should trigger a push

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [120.797 seconds]
odo describe component command tests checking for remote source code location when using devfile with sourceMapping and starting an odo dev session should show remote source code location in odo describe component output

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [118.613 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has single endpoint when running odo dev when modifying name for container in Devfile should react on the Devfile modification (podman=false, manual=true, customPortForwarding=false, customAddress=false)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [64.429 seconds]
odo dev command tests 1. devfile contains composite apply command the devfile contains an image component that uses a remote Dockerfile when [PODMAN_CMD=a-command-not-found-for-podman-should-make-odo-fallback-to-docker DOCKER_CMD=echo] remote server returns a valid file when odo dev is run should build and push image when odo dev is run

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [81.620 seconds]
odo dev interactive command tests directory is not empty when there is a match from Alizer should run alizer to download devfile successfully even with -v flag

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo dev --random-ports -v 4' from /tmp/703725054
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [109.713 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has single endpoint when running odo dev when modifying name for container in Devfile should react on the Devfile modification (podman=false, manual=true, customPortForwarding=true, customAddress=false)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.560 seconds]
odo devfile build-images command tests when starting with Devfile with autoBuild or deployByDefault components when building images should build all Image components regardless of autoBuild

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [29.246 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped when the component is deleted using its name (and namespace) from another directory (running-in="dev") should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [58.307 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has single endpoint when running odo dev should expose the endpoint on localhost (podman=false, manual=true, customPortForwarding=false, customAddress=false)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [8.407 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [60.288 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Devfile contains metadata.language invalid as a label value when running odo dev should set the correct value in labels of resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.679 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing an Image component with a build context should build image via Podman if build context references PROJECT_SOURCE env var

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [58.935 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev and devfile with composite command - without metadata.name should execute all commands in composite command

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [8.819 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when the component is deleted using its name and namespace from another directory should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [8.655 seconds]
odo create/delete/list/set namespace/project tests set project should successfully set the project

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [117.739 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev with devfile contain volume - without metadata.name check the volume name and mount paths for the containers

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [111.459 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has single endpoint when running odo dev when modifying name for container in Devfile should react on the Devfile modification (podman=false, manual=false, customPortForwarding=true, customAddress=false)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.896 seconds]
odo run command tests when a component is bootstrapped should fail if odo dev is not running

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [29.637 seconds]
odo delete command tests when deleting a component containing preStop event that is deployed with DEV and --files=false should delete the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [7.791 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped should fail when using --no-commands and --build-command and/or --run-command together

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [97.931 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped ensure that index information is updated

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [59.548 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev with alternative commands - without metadata.name when running odo dev with a run command should execute the default run command successfully if specified explicitly

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [150.423 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev with devfile containing volume-component - without metadata.name should successfully use the volume components in container components

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.793 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests using a Devfile with an image component using a remote Dockerfile when remote server returns an error should not build images

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.606 seconds]
odo describe component command tests when creating a component should not describe the component from another directory, with default cluster mode

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [61.800 seconds]
odo dev command tests when creating local files and dir and running odo dev - without metadata.name should correctly propagate changes to the container

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
S [5.615 seconds]
odo devfile init command tests when DevfileRegistriesList CRD is installed on cluster [BeforeEach] when CR for devfileregistrieslists is installed in namespace should be able to download devfile from the in-cluster registry
  [BeforeEach] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_init_test.go:580
  [It] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_init_test.go:607

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

  [SKIPPED] skipped on non Kubernetes clusters
  In [BeforeEach] at: /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_init_test.go:582 @ 12/01/23 12:05:03.958
• [60.139 seconds]
odo describe component command tests when creating a component when running odo dev (podman=false,debug=false) Default output when describing the component in dev mode should describe the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [121.887 seconds]
odo dev command tests Devfile with no metadata.name when running odo dev against a component with no source code should use the directory as component name

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.309 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing an Image component with no build context should build image via Docker by defaulting build context to devfile path

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [76.766 seconds]
odo dev command tests cleanup of resources is not successful when using a Devfile with a Pod failing to delete before the cleanup timeout when odo dev is executed when odo dev is stopped should report that the component could not be deleted

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [59.742 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has single endpoint when running odo dev should expose the endpoint on localhost (podman=false, manual=false, customPortForwarding=true, customAddress=true)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [10.333 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when a resource is changed in the devfile and the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml with --files=true --running-in=deploy should delete the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.617 seconds]
odo list with devfile listing non-odo managed components when a non-odo managed component without the managed-by label is deployed should list the component in JSON

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [70.934 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped should show validation errors if the devfile is incorrect

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [59.908 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Devfile 2.1.0 is used - without metadata.name when doing odo dev with --var-file flag should check if the env variable has a correct value

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [62.793 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Devfile 2.1.0 is used - without metadata.name when doing odo dev with --var-file flag and setting value in env should check if the env variable has a correct value

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [61.738 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has single endpoint when running odo dev should expose the endpoint on localhost (podman=false, manual=false, customPortForwarding=true, customAddress=false)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [112.314 seconds]
odo dev command tests when hotReload capable Build and Run commands are used with odo dev when a source file is modified should not re-execute the run command

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [60.561 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev with alternative commands - with metadata.name when running odo dev with a build command should execute the custom non-default build command successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [84.971 seconds]
odo dev debug command tests when starting with Devfile with autoBuild or deployByDefault components when running odo dev with some components not referenced in the Devfile should create the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [52.275 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests deploying devfile with exec when the deploy command terminates abruptly; component name of a normal character length when odo deploy command is run again should run successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [25.971 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev with alternative commands - with metadata.name when running odo dev with a build command should error out on an invalid command

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [58.848 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has single endpoint when running odo dev should expose the endpoint on localhost (podman=false, manual=false, customPortForwarding=false, customAddress=true)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [7.209 seconds]
odo deploy interactive command tests directory is not empty when there is a match from Alizer should display welcoming messages first

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo deploy' from /tmp/1622383361
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
S [6.106 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Starting a PostgreSQL service [BeforeEach] when creating local files and dir and running odo dev - with metadata.name when deleting local files and dir and waiting for sync should not list deleted dir and file in container
  [BeforeEach] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1815
  [It] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1882

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

  [SKIPPED] Skipping service binding tests as SKIP_SERVICE_BINDING_TESTS is true
  In [BeforeEach] at: /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_dev_test.go:1818 @ 12/01/23 12:06:16.999
• [53.532 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when running with --no-commands (debug=false) should start the dev session

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.765 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Devfile contains metadata.projectType when odo deploy is executed should set the correct value in labels of deployed resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [10.802 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when a resource is changed in the devfile and the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml with --files=false --running-in=deploy should delete the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.970 seconds]
odo create/delete/list/set namespace/project tests list project should successfully list all the projects in JSON format

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [62.826 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is running in both DEV and DEPLOY mode and dev mode is killed when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should delete the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [61.751 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when recording telemetry data should record the telemetry data correctly

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [36.192 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is running in both DEV and DEPLOY mode and dev mode is killed when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should delete the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [33.852 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEV mode and dev mode stopped the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml when the component is deleted with --files should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [8.122 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing an Image component with no build context should build image via Podman by defaulting build context to devfile path

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [10.386 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [131.966 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev and composite command is used as a run command - without metadata.name should run successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [10.648 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when a resource is changed in the devfile and the component is deleted while having access to the devfile.yaml with --files=true --running-in=dev should delete the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [234.494 seconds]
odo dev command tests when node-js application is created and deployed with devfile schema 2.2.0 when Update the devfile.yaml, and waiting synchronization should check cpuLimit, cpuRequests, memoryRequests after restart

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [64.387 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped should sync .git directory and subfiles with --sync-git-dir

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [119.451 seconds]
odo logs command tests when component is created and odo logs is executed when running in both Dev and Deploy mode should successfully show logs of the running component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
  Progress Report for Ginkgo Process #8
  Automatically polling progress:
    odo dev command tests Devfile contains pod-overrides and container-overrides attributes should override the content in the pod it creates for the component on the cluster (Spec Runtime: 2m5.147s)
      In [It] (Node Runtime: 2m0.001s)

      Begin Captured GinkgoWriter Output >>
        [odo] stderr: []
        [odo] I1201 12:06:40.795965   48980 execute_run.go:36] error while running background command: unable to exec command [/bin/sh -c echo $$ > /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_run.pid && cd ${PROJECT_SOURCE} &&  (npm start) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2; echo $? >> /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_run.pid]: error while streaming command: context canceled
        [odo] I1201 12:06:40.810474   48980 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/3080689108/preference.yaml
        [odo] I1201 12:06:40.811506   48980 segment.go:268] Checking telemetry enable status
        [odo] I1201 12:06:40.811522   48980 segment.go:286] Sending telemetry disabled by env variable
        [odo] Cleaning resources, please wait
        [odo] I1201 12:06:40.887993   48980 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 201 APIs
        [odo] I1201 12:06:40.890281   48980 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs
        [odo] I1201 12:06:41.776685   48980 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 888.694598ms
        [odo] I1201 12:06:41.776759   48980 all.go:76] query result: objects=632
      << End Captured GinkgoWriter Output

      Spec Goroutine
      goroutine 844 [select]
        github.com/onsi/gomega/internal.(*AsyncAssertion).match(0xc0004521c0, {0x3158298?, 0xc000d04528}, 0x1, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0})
        github.com/onsi/gomega/internal.(*AsyncAssertion).Should(0xc0004521c0, {0x3158298, 0xc000d04528}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0})
        github.com/onsi/gomega/gexec.(*Session).Wait(0xc000a7fd50?, {0xc00071c680?, 0x2d4b19f?, 0x9?})
        github.com/redhat-developer/odo/tests/helper.RunDevMode({{0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...}, ...)
      > github.com/redhat-developer/odo/tests/integration.glob..func7.64.2()
            | })
            | It("should override the content in the pod it creates for the component on the cluster", func() {
            > 	err := helper.RunDevMode(helper.DevSessionOpts{
            | 		RunOnPodman: ctx.podman,
            | 	}, func(session *gexec.Session, outContents, _ string, _ map[string]string) {
        github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal.extractBodyFunction.func3({0x10a8ebe, 0xc0003cfd40})
• [12.673 seconds]
odo generic When deleting two project one after the other should be able to delete them in any order

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [130.626 seconds]
odo dev command tests Devfile contains pod-overrides and container-overrides attributes should override the content in the pod it creates for the component on the cluster

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [73.415 seconds]
odo list with devfile devfile has missing metadata when projectType is missing when the component is pushed in dev mode should show the language for 'Type' in odo list

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [9.174 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when the component is deleted using its name and namespace from another directory should output that there are no resources to be deleted

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [132.437 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running build and run commands as composite in different containers and a shared volume - with metadata.name should run successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [172.226 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when Automount volumes are present in the namespace when odo dev is executed should mount the volumes

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
S [5.051 seconds]
odo init interactive command tests when DevfileRegistriesList CRD is installed on cluster [BeforeEach] when CR for devfileregistrieslists is installed in namespace should download correct devfile from the first in-cluster registry
  [BeforeEach] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_init_test.go:708
  [It] /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_init_test.go:737

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

  [SKIPPED] skipped on non Kubernetes clusters
  In [BeforeEach] at: /go/odo_1/tests/integration/interactive_init_test.go:710 @ 12/01/23 12:07:30.75
  Progress Report for Ginkgo Process #15
  Automatically polling progress:
    odo dev command tests checking if odo dev matches local Devfile K8s resources and remote resources when odo dev is executed to run a devfile containing a k8s resource with apply command should have deleted the old resource and created the new resource (Spec Runtime: 2m4.6s)
      In [BeforeEach] (Node Runtime: 2m0.001s)

      Begin Captured GinkgoWriter Output >>
        [odo] I1201 12:07:25.068133   49835 exec.go:96]   sl  local_address                         remote_address                        st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt   uid  timeout inode ref pointer drops
        [odo] I1201 12:07:25.069902   49835 port.go:319] port 8080 not listening in container "runtime"
        [odo] I1201 12:07:32.673665   49835 exec.go:37] Executing command [/bin/sh -c cat /proc/net/tcp /proc/net/udp /proc/net/tcp6 /proc/net/udp6 || true] for pod: fdjwfs-app-7897455948-pm79p in container: runtime
        [odo] I1201 12:07:32.902827   49835 exec.go:96]   sl  local_address rem_address   st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt   uid  timeout inode                                                     
        [odo] I1201 12:07:32.902884   49835 exec.go:96]    0: 692E11AC:A9AC 23011068:01BB 06 00000000:00000000 03:00000BC2 00000000     0        0 0 3 0000000000000000                                      
        [odo] I1201 12:07:32.903556   49835 exec.go:96]   sl  local_address rem_address   st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt   uid  timeout inode ref pointer drops             
        [odo] I1201 12:07:32.904523   49835 exec.go:96]   sl  local_address                         remote_address                        st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt   uid  timeout inode
        [odo] I1201 12:07:32.904530   49835 exec.go:96]    0: 00000000000000000000000000000000:0BB8 00000000000000000000000000000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000 1046430000        0 291207218 1 0000000000000000 100 0 0 10 0
        [odo] I1201 12:07:32.905037   49835 exec.go:96]   sl  local_address                         remote_address                        st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt   uid  timeout inode ref pointer drops
        [odo] I1201 12:07:32.909654   49835 port.go:319] port 8080 not listening in container "runtime"
      << End Captured GinkgoWriter Output

      Spec Goroutine
      goroutine 1434 [select]
        github.com/onsi/gomega/internal.(*AsyncAssertion).match(0xc00037c000, {0x31584d8?, 0xc000b60000}, 0x1, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0})
        github.com/onsi/gomega/internal.(*AsyncAssertion).Should(0xc00037c000, {0x31584d8, 0xc000b60000}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0})
        github.com/redhat-developer/odo/tests/helper.WaitForOutputToContain({0x2d493b2, 0x8}, 0xc000460f40?, 0xc000460f20?, 0xc000b61dd0)
      > github.com/redhat-developer/odo/tests/integration.glob..func7.5.1.1()
            | 	helper.ReplaceStrings(filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "devfile.yaml"), devfile.deploymentName, devfile.newDeploymentName)
            > 	err := devSession.WaitSync()
            | 	Expect(err).To(BeNil())
            | })
        github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal.extractBodyFunction.func3({0x10a8ebe, 0xc00006d380})
• [6.038 seconds]
odo create/delete/list/set namespace/project tests set project when running inside a component directory should set the project

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [14.517 seconds]
odo logs command tests when component is created and odo logs is executed when running in Deploy mode should successfully show logs of the running component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [62.098 seconds]
odo dev command tests when multiple projects are present - with metadata.name should sync to the correct dir in container

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [92.969 seconds]
odo dev command with api server tests when the component is bootstrapped when odo is executed with --no-watch and --api-server flags when a file in component directory is modified when /component/command endpoint is POSTed should trigger a push

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.644 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing an outer-loop Kubernetes component referenced via an URI when an env.yaml file contains a non-current Project when running odo deploy when the env.yaml file still contains a non-current Project should delete the component in the current namespace

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [61.709 seconds]
odo dev command tests when adding local files to gitignore and running odo dev should not sync ignored files to the container

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [60.509 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev with alternative commands - without metadata.name when running odo dev with a run command should execute the custom non-default run command successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [7.388 seconds]
odo list with devfile listing non-odo managed components when an operator managed deployment(without instance and managed-by label) is deployed should not be listed in the odo list output

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [4.141 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running applications listening on the container loopback interface should error out if using --ignore-localhost on any platform other than Podman

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [59.841 seconds]
odo dev command tests when odo dev is executed to run a devfile containing multiple k8s resource defined under a single Devfile component should have created the necessary k8s resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [81.875 seconds]
odo dev command tests when no project is present - without metadata.name should sync to the correct dir in container

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [71.114 seconds]
odo dev debug command tests when a component without debug command is bootstrapped should log error about missing debug command when running odo dev --debug

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.383 seconds]
odo devfile init command tests setting application ports when running odo init --run-port with a Devfile with no commands should overwrite the ports into the container component referenced by the default run command

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [90.385 seconds]
odo dev command tests 1. devfile contains composite apply command when odo dev is running with container run extra args should execute the composite apply commands successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [149.913 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has single endpoint when running odo dev when modifying name for container in Devfile should react on the Devfile modification (podman=false, manual=false, customPortForwarding=true, customAddress=true)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [89.752 seconds]
odo dev command tests port-forwarding for the component when devfile has single endpoint when running odo dev should expose the endpoint on localhost (podman=false, manual=false, customPortForwarding=false, customAddress=false)

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [10.637 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests deploying devfile with exec when using devfile that works; with component name of at max(63) characters length should complete the command execution successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [60.383 seconds]
odo dev command tests when Devfile 2.1.0 is used - with metadata.name when doing odo dev with --var flag should check if the env variable has a correct value

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
  Progress Report for Ginkgo Process #1
  Automatically polling progress:
    odo dev debug command tests when starting with Devfile with autoBuild or deployByDefault components when running odo dev with some components referenced in the Devfile should create the appropriate resources (Spec Runtime: 2m3.132s)
      In [BeforeEach] (Node Runtime: 2m0.001s)

      Begin Captured GinkgoWriter Output >>
        [odo] I1201 12:08:31.619112   52279 exec.go:96]    6: B22B11AC:B9E2 221F1068:01BB 06 00000000:00000000 03:000002D9 00000000     0        0 0 3 0000000000000000                                      
        [odo] I1201 12:08:31.619115   52279 exec.go:96]    7: B22B11AC:B9A0 221F1068:01BB 06 00000000:00000000 03:000002D9 00000000     0        0 0 3 0000000000000000                                      
        [odo] I1201 12:08:31.619118   52279 exec.go:96]    8: B22B11AC:B9C2 221F1068:01BB 06 00000000:00000000 03:000002D9 00000000     0        0 0 3 0000000000000000                                      
        [odo] I1201 12:08:31.619120   52279 exec.go:96]    9: B22B11AC:B992 221F1068:01BB 06 00000000:00000000 03:000002D9 00000000     0        0 0 3 0000000000000000                                      
        [odo] I1201 12:08:31.619123   52279 exec.go:96]   10: B22B11AC:B984 221F1068:01BB 06 00000000:00000000 03:000002D9 00000000     0        0 0 3 0000000000000000                                      
        [odo] I1201 12:08:31.619129   52279 exec.go:96]   sl  local_address rem_address   st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt   uid  timeout inode ref pointer drops             
        [odo] I1201 12:08:31.619141   52279 exec.go:96]   sl  local_address                         remote_address                        st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt   uid  timeout inode
        [odo] I1201 12:08:31.619144   52279 exec.go:96]    0: 00000000000000000000000000000000:1F90 00000000000000000000000000000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000 1046720000        0 211506796 1 0000000000000000 100 0 0 10 0
        [odo] I1201 12:08:31.619149   52279 exec.go:96]   sl  local_address                         remote_address                        st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt   uid  timeout inode ref pointer drops
        [odo] I1201 12:08:31.632023   52279 port.go:319] port 3000 not listening in container "runtime"
      << End Captured GinkgoWriter Output

      Spec Goroutine
      goroutine 1104 [select]
        github.com/onsi/gomega/internal.(*AsyncAssertion).match(0xc0017dc310, {0x31584d8?, 0xc001809860}, 0x1, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0})
        github.com/onsi/gomega/internal.(*AsyncAssertion).Should(0xc0017dc310, {0x31584d8, 0xc001809860}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0})
        github.com/redhat-developer/odo/tests/helper.WaitForOutputToContain({0x2d580a0, 0xf}, 0x1?, 0x4?, 0xc001809800)
        github.com/redhat-developer/odo/tests/helper.StartDevMode({{0xc0018b3920, 0x1, 0x1}, {0xc0018b3930, 0x1, 0x1}, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...})
      > github.com/redhat-developer/odo/tests/integration.glob..func6.11.3.1()
            | 	args = append(args, "--forward-localhost")
            | }
            > devSession, err = helper.StartDevMode(helper.DevSessionOpts{
            | 	CmdlineArgs: args,
            | 	EnvVars:     envvars,
        github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal.extractBodyFunction.func3({0x10a8ebe, 0xc000ad7800})
• [7.938 seconds]
odo create/delete/list/set namespace/project tests list namespace should successfully list all the namespaces

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [12.264 seconds]
odo describe component command tests when creating a component when running odo deploy to create ingress/routes should show the ingress/routes in odo describe component output

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [85.979 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing an outer-loop Kubernetes component referenced via an URI when running odo deploy should run odo dev successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [134.771 seconds]
odo dev debug command tests when starting with Devfile with autoBuild or deployByDefault components when running odo dev with some components referenced in the Devfile should create the appropriate resources

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.366 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests using a Devfile with an image component using a remote Dockerfile when remote server returns a valid file should run odo deploy

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [119.859 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests when using a devfile.yaml containing a deploy command when running odo deploy with image build extra args when running and stopping odo dev should not delete the resources created with odo deploy

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [212.064 seconds]
odo dev command tests checking if odo dev matches local Devfile K8s resources and remote resources when odo dev is executed to run a devfile containing a k8s resource with apply command should have deleted the old resource and created the new resource

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [61.197 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component is bootstrapped when odo is executed with --no-watch flag and with --no-commands when a file in component directory is modified when p is pressed should trigger a push

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [10.404 seconds]
odo delete command tests when a component is bootstrapped using a devfile.yaml with URI-referenced Kubernetes components when the component is deployed in DEPLOY mode when the component is deleted using its name and namespace from another directory should have deleted the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [5.078 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests Devfile with autoBuild or deployByDefault components when starting with Devfile with no Deploy command should fail to run odo deploy

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [61.755 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev with alternative commands - with metadata.name when running odo dev with a run command should execute the custom non-default run command successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
S [4.327 seconds]
odo devfile deploy command tests deploying devfile with long-running exec when pod security is enforced as restricted [It] should set securitycontext for podsecurity admission on job's pod template

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

  [SKIPPED] This is a Kubernetes specific scenario, skipping
  In [It] at: /go/odo_1/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_deploy_test.go:678 @ 12/01/23 12:09:11.757
• [9.501 seconds]
odo describe component command tests when a non-odo application is present on the cluster should describe the component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [81.212 seconds]
odo dev command tests when adding local files to gitignore and running odo dev when modifying /testdir/baz.txt file should synchronize it only

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [70.575 seconds]
odo dev debug command tests when a composite command is used as debug command - without metadata.name should run successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [6.346 seconds]
odo create/delete/list/set namespace/project tests set project should not succeed to set the project

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [59.602 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev and composite command is marked as parallel:true - with metadata.name should execute all commands in composite command

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [60.502 seconds]
odo dev command tests when devfile project field is present and running odo dev - without metadata.name should sync to the correct dir in container

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [34.008 seconds]
odo dev command tests image names as selectors when starting with a Devfile with relative and absolute image names and Kubernetes resources when adding a local registry for images when running odo dev should treat relative image names as selectors

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [58.996 seconds]
odo describe component command tests when creating a component when running odo dev (podman=false,debug=false) JSON output when switching to another directory when describing the component from another directory should describe the named component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [59.137 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a component with multiple endpoints is run when odo dev is stopped should remove forwarded ports from state file

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [25.149 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running odo dev with alternative commands - without metadata.name when running odo dev with a run command should error out on an invalid command

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [60.122 seconds]
odo describe component command tests when creating a component when running odo dev (podman=false,debug=true) JSON output when switching to another directory when describing the component from another directory should describe the named component

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [127.570 seconds]
odo dev command tests when a hotReload capable Run command is used with odo dev when a source file is modified should not re-execute the run command

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [59.877 seconds]
odo dev command with api server tests when the component is bootstrapped when odo dev is run with --api-server flag (custom api server port=false) should start the Dev server when --api-server flag is passed

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [57.061 seconds]
odo dev command tests when running applications listening on the container loopback interface when running on default cluster platform should port-forward successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [88.726 seconds]
odo dev command tests checking if odo dev matches local Devfile K8s resources and remote resources when odo dev is executed to run a devfile containing a k8s resource without apply command should have deleted the old resource and created the new resource

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [66.865 seconds]
odo dev command with api server tests when the component is bootstrapped when odo dev is run with --api-server flag when /component/command endpoint is POSTed should trigger a push

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [89.205 seconds]
odo dev command tests when hotReload capable Build and Run commands are used with odo dev should execute the build and run commands

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [120.287 seconds]
odo list with devfile when a component created in 'app' application when dev is running on cluster verifying the managedBy Version in the odo list output should show managedBy Version

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
  Progress Report for Ginkgo Process #7
  Automatically polling progress:
    odo dev debug command tests when a composite apply command is used as debug command should execute the composite apply commands successfully (Spec Runtime: 3m34.4s)
      In [It] (Node Runtime: 2m0.001s)
        At [By Step] cleaning up the resources on ending the session (Step Runtime: 26.855s)

        Begin Captured GinkgoWriter Output >>
          [odo] I1201 12:11:43.881842   56305 execute_run.go:36] error while running background command: unable to exec command [/bin/sh -c echo $$ > /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_start-debug.pid && cd /projects &&  (npm run debug) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2; echo $? >> /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_start-debug.pid]: error while streaming command: context canceled
          [odo]  ✗  Finished executing the application (command: start-debug) [1m]
          [odo] I1201 12:11:43.894507   56305 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/3177283744/preference.yaml
          [odo] I1201 12:11:43.896075   56305 segment.go:268] Checking telemetry enable status
          [odo] I1201 12:11:43.896148   56305 segment.go:286] Sending telemetry disabled by env variable
          [odo] Cleaning resources, please wait
          [odo] I1201 12:11:43.980947   56305 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 201 APIs
          [odo] I1201 12:11:43.981091   56305 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs
          [odo] I1201 12:11:44.661972   56305 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 681.028673ms
          [odo] I1201 12:11:44.662065   56305 all.go:76] query result: objects=669
        << End Captured GinkgoWriter Output

        Spec Goroutine
        goroutine 41567 [select]
          github.com/onsi/gomega/internal.(*AsyncAssertion).match(0xc000252bd0, {0x3158298?, 0xc000d38e70}, 0x1, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0})
          github.com/onsi/gomega/internal.(*AsyncAssertion).Should(0xc000252bd0, {0x3158298, 0xc000d38e70}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0})
          github.com/onsi/gomega/gexec.(*Session).Wait(0xc000338840?, {0xc0014fa540?, 0x0?, 0x0?})
        > github.com/redhat-developer/odo/tests/integration.glob..func6.7.2.8()
              | By("cleaning up the resources on ending the session", func() {
              | 	devSession.Stop()
              > 	devSession.WaitEnd()
              | 	out := commonVar.CliRunner.Run("get", "deployments").Out.Contents()
              | 	helper.DontMatchAllInOutput(string(out), deploymentNames)
          github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal.(*Suite).By(0xc0001b0000, {0x2da9b5c, 0x2f}, {0xc000c1de70, 0x1, 0xc001214e20?})
          github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2.By({0x2da9b5c?, 0xc001214e68?}, {0xc000c1de70?, 0xc00064d000?, 0xf62b16?})
        > github.com/redhat-developer/odo/tests/integration.glob..func6.7.2()
              | })
              > By("cleaning up the resources on ending the session", func() {
              | 	devSession.Stop()
              | 	devSession.WaitEnd()
          github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal.extractBodyFunction.func3({0xc000ebfbc0, 0xc000ebfb60})
• [225.371 seconds]
odo dev debug command tests when a composite apply command is used as debug command should execute the composite apply commands successfully

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

Ran 406 of 962 Specs in 1537.975 seconds
SUCCESS! -- 406 Passed | 0 Failed | 0 Pending | 556 Skipped

Ginkgo ran 1 suite in 26m53.21124665s
Test Suite Passed
go run -mod=vendor github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/ginkgo  --randomize-all --poll-progress-after=120s --poll-progress-interval=120s -timeout 14400s --no-color -nodes=16 --junit-report="test-e2e.xml"  tests/e2escenarios
Running Suite: odo e2e scenarios - /go/odo_1/tests/e2escenarios
Random Seed: 1701432755 - will randomize all specs

Will run 4 of 4 specs
Running in parallel across 16 processes
• [109.495 seconds]
E2E Test starting with non-empty Directory test debugging should verify developer workflow from non-empty Directory

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo init' from /tmp/1329294834
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [120.143 seconds]
E2E Test starting with non-empty Directory add Binding should verify developer workflow of using binding as env in innerloop

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo init' from /tmp/542854456
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
  Progress Report for Ginkgo Process #2
  Automatically polling progress:
    E2E Test starting with empty Directory should verify developer workflow from empty Directory (Spec Runtime: 2m3.698s)
      In [It] (Node Runtime: 2m0.001s)

      Begin Captured GinkgoWriter Output >>
        [odo] I1201 12:14:57.043396   59573 copy.go:145] makeTar destFile: server.js
        [odo] I1201 12:14:57.043421   59573 copy.go:165] recursiveTar arguments: srcBase: /tmp, srcFile: 3612856400/server.js, destBase: /project, destFile: server.js
        [odo] I1201 12:14:57.043455   59573 copy.go:171] Corrected destinations: base: /project file: server.js
        [odo] ↵
 ✓  Syncing files into the container [667ms]
        [odo] I1201 12:14:57.131055   59573 kubeexec.go:40] GetProcessInfoForCommand for "run"
        [odo] I1201 12:14:57.131096   59573 exec.go:37] Executing command [/bin/sh -c cat /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_run.pid || true] for pod: jtbcap-app-55489ff5f9-wj6bg in container: runtime
        [odo] I1201 12:14:57.331497   59573 exec.go:96] cat: /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_run.pid: No such file or directory
        [odo] I1201 12:14:57.333759   59573 innerloop.go:131] running=false, execRequired=true
        [odo]  •  Building your application in container (command: install)  ...
        [odo] I1201 12:14:57.334225   59573 exec.go:37] Executing command [/bin/sh -c cd /project && (npm install) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2] for pod: jtbcap-app-55489ff5f9-wj6bg in container: runtime
      << End Captured GinkgoWriter Output

      Spec Goroutine
      goroutine 70 [select]
        github.com/onsi/gomega/internal.(*AsyncAssertion).match(0xc000245f80, {0x2f9acc0?, 0xc000e4c9f0}, 0x1, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0})
        github.com/onsi/gomega/internal.(*AsyncAssertion).Should(0xc000245f80, {0x2f9acc0, 0xc000e4c9f0}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0})
        github.com/redhat-developer/odo/tests/helper.WaitForOutputToContain({0x2bc7649, 0xf}, 0x0?, 0x3?, 0xc000e4c990)
        github.com/redhat-developer/odo/tests/helper.StartDevMode({{0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...})
      > github.com/redhat-developer/odo/tests/e2escenarios.glob..func1.5.1()
            | // start dev mode again
            > devSession, err = helper.StartDevMode(helper.DevSessionOpts{})
            | Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
        github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal.extractBodyFunction.func3({0x0, 0x0})
  Progress Report for Ginkgo Process #8
  Automatically polling progress:
    E2E Test starting with non-empty Directory should verify developer workflow from non-empty Directory (Spec Runtime: 2m3.781s)
      In [It] (Node Runtime: 2m0s)

      Begin Captured GinkgoWriter Output >>
        [odo] stderr: []
        [odo] I1201 12:14:44.564690   58890 execute_run.go:36] error while running background command: unable to exec command [/bin/sh -c echo $$ > /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_run.pid && cd ${PROJECT_SOURCE} &&  (mvn -Dmaven.repo.local=/home/user/.m2/repository spring-boot:run) 1>>/proc/1/fd/1 2>>/proc/1/fd/2; echo $? >> /opt/odo/.odo_cmd_run.pid]: error while streaming command: context canceled
        [odo] I1201 12:14:44.578726   58890 implem.go:114] The path for preference file is /tmp/4124518923/preference.yaml
        [odo] I1201 12:14:44.579689   58890 segment.go:268] Checking telemetry enable status
        [odo] I1201 12:14:44.579720   58890 segment.go:286] Sending telemetry disabled by env variable
        [odo] Cleaning resources, please wait
        [odo] I1201 12:14:44.670035   58890 all.go:46] starting to concurrently query 201 APIs
        [odo] I1201 12:14:44.673126   58890 all.go:62] fired up all goroutines to query APIs
        [odo] I1201 12:14:45.380558   58890 all.go:67] all goroutines have returned in 710.526557ms
        [odo] I1201 12:14:45.380632   58890 all.go:76] query result: objects=640
      << End Captured GinkgoWriter Output

      Spec Goroutine
      goroutine 64 [select]
        github.com/onsi/gomega/internal.(*AsyncAssertion).match(0xc0004ef8f0, {0x2f9aba0?, 0xc0005d61b0}, 0x1, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0})
        github.com/onsi/gomega/internal.(*AsyncAssertion).Should(0xc0004ef8f0, {0x2f9aba0, 0xc0005d61b0}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0})
        github.com/onsi/gomega/gexec.(*Session).Wait(0xc000855d28?, {0xc000a46d70?, 0xc000855c18?, 0x3?})
      > github.com/redhat-developer/odo/tests/e2escenarios.glob..func1.6.2()
            | // "exit dev mode and run odo deploy"
            | devSession.Stop()
            > devSession.WaitEnd()
            | // all resources should be deleted from the namespace
        github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal.extractBodyFunction.func3({0x2661773, 0xc0005b00c0})
• [163.163 seconds]
E2E Test starting with empty Directory should verify developer workflow from empty Directory

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo init' from /tmp/3612856400
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo delete component' from /tmp/3612856400
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output
• [242.059 seconds]
E2E Test starting with non-empty Directory should verify developer workflow from non-empty Directory

  Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>
  Using Devfile Registry URL at: ""
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo init' from /tmp/1599788310
  Spawning '/go/bin/odo delete component' from /tmp/1599788310
  << Captured StdOut/StdErr Output

Ran 4 of 4 Specs in 242.069 seconds
SUCCESS! -- 4 Passed | 0 Failed | 0 Pending | 0 Skipped

Ginkgo ran 1 suite in 4m21.774580486s
Test Suite Passed